Oct 18 2018
Swiss Alps Mining and Energy as The Solutions for Unused Building Management
In this digital era, the development of financial aspect grows up rapidly. The electronic transactions become a trend in current time. The discovery in this field is a blockchain technology. This is one of the new technology which is active in digital platforms. The blockchain is an application that has so many advantages, especially on decentralized system implementation.
The blockchain technology method is managing the transaction and providing a decentralized system to make the operation more profitable. The blockchain users should have the knowledge and experience before joining on this platform. The blockchain will change the users’ assets becomes digital assets. Blockchain can called as a recording data system that spread by the network. It is so practiced and beneficial for businessman, bank, and for people around the world.
Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) is an incorporated company which is engaged in the mining sector and having the legal identity from Government Office in Switzerland. In Swiss Alps, there are lots of abandoned buildings because there’s no legal permission from the Law of Spatial Planning to be developed into the public residence. Based on that case, SAE offering the mining facilities that environmentally friendly for unused buildings.
SAE make use of energy to maintain the unused buildings without damaged an environment. The use of energy to fill up the human necessary always increase time by time, it’s indicated that the energy should be utilized wisely. Then, to make it secure transactions, SAE using a blockchain technology that has been launch in June 2018. Through the blockchain technology, the transparency of transactions will appear, and it will create the intensive interaction between the users and the SAE team.
Swiss Alps Energy AG established by the talented and professional team. The team consists of the professional cryptocurrency for miners, the developer of applications, and the specialist in blockchain technology. These part of teamwork in focused and intertwine a synergy to building a strong atmosphere in SAE Company. SAE also has the professional civil engineers to develop the platform. The civil engineers have the role to analyze the appropriate technology to maintain the buildings and checking the energy supply. The SAE teams usually face the problems and challenges, but the team has been a success to overcome both.
Now, the SAE group already presented several products, giving the solutions, and launched the blockchain technology application. It’s good news for the world, especially for the users. Because the SAE is the breakthrough with utilizing the digital platform. Now, SAE company still doing some trial to complete the application. Are you interest to know more about Swiss Alps? You can visit the links below.
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3799103.0
White Paper: https://swissalpsmining.io/pdf/whitepaper.pdf
Website: https://swissalpsmining.io/
ICO website: https://tokensale.swissalpsmining.io/
The Combination Of Technology And Environment
Swiss Alps Energy AG is utilizing the blockchain technology based on digital application. This is one of an easy system which is usually used on the digital platform. Nowadays, the revolution of blockchain technology influence in all of living aspect, include mining. As we know, since discovered a bitcoin, the digital transaction become more accessible than before. Then, bitcoin is such a new standard of cryptocurrency.
The ability of blockchain technology not only in cryptocurrency sector, but the blockchain technology also offers an easy and transparent transaction, safety and low of cost. It will make the business more effective. The SAE company use this technology and combines with environmental issues. The blockchain technology becomes the business model to knowing the availability of energy supply and deciding the price of it. The increasing of cryptocurrencies use becomes good news to combining the technology and environment. Cryptocurrency can decrease the risk that may occur in the future. This is one of the facilities from SAE as the actualization of company responsibility.
In several countries, the availability of resources, the condition of the environment is under the standard. The used of energies are too much with no control. This condition will give an impact on climate change, and in long-term it will be a danger to the mining process. The mining process should be done with climate-friendly for energy, such as the natural temperature. For example in Swiss Alps, there is a disintegration between the government rules with developer needs.
In there, the unused building isn’t managed correctly, in another hand it should take an action as soon as possible. So, it needed the right strategies, how to create policy without disturbing another building. Besides that, the energy consumption also can’t be separated from this issues. The consumption of global energy should be done wisely, productive, and under control. Through the right strategy, it will be reducing the energy up to 30%. That’s why Swiss Alps Energy AG company is creating a blockchain technology based on environmentally friendly.
The most significant energy usage in this world is IT infrastructure. It’s up to 416 TWh in one year, and 29 TWh is consumed for the bitcoin mining. Based on the Index of Bitcoin Energy Consumption, the increasing of bitcoin consumption has been reaching 30%. If this condition continues and keeps the increase significantly, bitcoin will grow and become the success of digital finance. Then, the bitcoin mining will increase too and have the chance to utilize maximally. This is such an excellent opportunity for SAE to develop the company and provide the best service for clients. However, these all can’t be reach without increasing the product quality and supported by the trust from clients.
Launch The Application “SAM”
The application is the basic to develop the company in this digital era. Through the application, the data record of transactions will be safe and valid. The application also makes the transaction more transparent. Since discovered smartphone technology, the application grows up rapidly. The number of smartphone users is potential to be a market target. Using an application becomes the habitual action in daily activity, so it’s a great chance to take a commercial application. Through the application, people can do their activities practically because smartphone not only design to communicate but also for another purpose, like economic activity. The economic platform application gives the positive impact for the businessman. What is the positive impact using an economic application?
- The transaction will ensure safety and valid.
As we know, the application able to record the data transactions that the users do. In general, the businessman has the financial flow, such as income and outcome. By using the application, it will work such as a transaction reminder.
- Cheap
Using application is more effective and cheap because the people shouldn’t spend their money to transport. Just ensure there’s internet network around them. The transaction can do easily.
Considering all the conveniences that people will get, Swiss Alps launch the “SAM Application.” SAM app is a facility for everyone who wants to know more about SAE. Users can get the notification from SamaiX in real time. Through SAM App users also can doing a transaction. This app also completed with a security system which is important to secure your data. Users will get the unique ID that different from each other. It will be done by SAM KYC or AML that offering the solutions in implementing the SAM App. Using SAM App, users can be doing monitoring and get the information about mining itself, like prices, volume for supply and demand. It will become the useful application for people around the world. ‘click’ from your smartphone, you can transact everything.
SAM Cubes Unit
To support the work, the infrastructure becomes the vital part. The infrastructure has a main role to build a strong company. SAM Cubes is one of the SAE infrastructures with a specific design for users. SAM Cubes unit is a flexible mining cube that offering the automatic cutting edge. This cubes a low budget for maintenance. The mining process will recover the energy up to 50% because the cubes are completed with ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) system. ORC can reduce electrical power usage. It’s work like a saver than the same installation.
The SAM Cubes is recommended to use in high altitude, and it will need the temperature up to 30 degrees Celcius to the mining process. The ORC system that implements by SAE Company is the first technology which other companies haven’t yet applied. Swiss Alps Energy AG tries to offer solutions to solve global mining problems. It will become effective, profitable and secure to use.
The SAM Cubes consists of two types, there are the first model or usually called SAM Unit 1 has the size 4x2x2 meter. This model can be completed with GPU or ASIC miners, SAM Unit 1 able to accommodate 50 ASIC with a total amount up to 1650 TH/s. Total capacity for GPU rigs is up to 5000 MH/s. This type is offered at a price 22 bitcoin and 124 ETH for a year. Then, the second type is SAM Unit 2 with 8x2x2 meter size, and total capacity is up to 3300 TH/s. This type is wider than unit 1. The clients are free to choose type 1 or type 2. Both of them are available in a short time. To operating the SAM Cubes, it doesn’t need the conditioning air system because the temperature of Alpen mountain is below 15 degrees Celcius, so it will create the natural conditions itself to cooling the mining.
The SAM Token for Sale
Swiss Alps, Mining and Energy AG, use SAM token as the payment instrument. The specification of token that SAE use is Ethereum type ERC20. Ethereum is a blockchain network or usually called public peer to peer with Ether as digital currency. Ethereum designed to save various data transactions. The data can be access and used through computer programs which are run in blockchainEthereum.
These programs called decentralized applications (dapps). The developer in worldwide can build and run dapps on Ethereumblockchain. Ethereum usage aims to repair the financial industry and the personal information stored by utilizing the transparency of blockchain itself. Ethereum able to handle the accountability of transactions, and providing private data.
The transactional blockchain smart contract is needed for SAM token sale. This smart contract should have the ability to make sure that the interaction which people do can be compared and integrate with previous transactions consistently. Ethereum is only way that can adopt these function. Each user who doing transactions for buying or rent the SAE products will get a minted SAM token, then these SAM tokens can be stored in your compatible wallet for ERC20 that is SAM wallet.
SAM Wallet offers the convenience for users, and they can rent or buy the SAE products with SAM coin which is available on SAE platform. The interaction between users and the platform can be done via the website. The users also can use another wallet such as My Ether Wallet, Meta Mask, Parity and Mist.
Why Should Choose Swiss Alps Mining and Energy AG?
Swiss Alps, Mining and Energy AG, is the first company that able to combines the latest technology with environmental issues. It’s a discovery worldwide in this era. As we know, all people around the world can’t be separate from their gadget, especially in economic activity. SAE see the potential market in this field. The people are already rethinking to go back to nature and using environmentally friendly technology. The human awareness of the importance of protecting the environment begins to increase.
The SAE Company seize the opportunity to provide environmentally friendly products without disturbing their habit of using gadget. SAE Company has the high commitment and responsibility for clients and nation. For clients, SAE always takes an effort to offers easy access, good service, and high-quality products. Besides that, SAE is also keeping customer trust. In another hand, for nation SAE company help the government to reduce the environmental damage without breaking the rules. By joining Swiss Alps Mining and Energy member the people will get lots of advantages. Do you interesting to know more about SAM? Please visit our social media:
Dec 29 2018
Embracing Uplexa, a Breakthrough for Modern Lifestyle
Modern lifestyle demands you to be creative, dynamic and more innovative. Almost all aspects in people’s lives are developed, including financial industry. Therefore, we can see how there are plenty of banks, financial advisers and also payment alternatives than before. Thanks to the development in the financial industry, now you can enjoy the easiness in paying your bills. Of course, this unique payment method requires the use of technology-based devices. By considering them, you also need to know how you can improve your modern lifestyle.
Being a modern citizen with plenty of things to do means you need to get a flexible way to make the payment. Don’t hesitate in choosing the right payment channel to make sure your payment is fully covered. In this case, you can consider the most suitable payment method for your need. But, the payment method itself should be flexible for you to do, so you don’t get any difficulty in doing the transaction.
The Challenges in Modern Citizenship
If you’re in a late, digital payment, then you will need to know how you choose the channel. Although almost all banks have provided a digitalized payment method, selecting the right option might be difficult to do. Therefore, considering the payment channel means you need to be really selective. Especially when you choose the right choice for improving your need in paying your bills effectively. In this case, the growth of technology also makes the breakthrough seems more useful than before. But, it will also be a good option for everyone as there will be many alternatives.
The challenges occur when you have way too many IoT devices, but you cannot make the use of them optimally. When it comes to you to synchronize how you use the methods, you also need to understand how these devices work together. In case you consider the device usage, you can apply the most suitable usage of technology and the use of IoT for easiness.
Introducing Uplexa, a New Payment Innovation
The rise of blockchain and cryptocurrency gives impacts on many people to participate in this new world. A world of digitalized currency where you can invest and have lots of revenue making its existence as something important. No wonder, modern people tend to choose this new currency as their investment. But, there is also some unique payment method that has been developed by the IT geniuses.
Uplexa is a new, the simplest payment method for modern people. This platform is a breakthrough in how people make their payment. Especially for the ones who have been using cryptocurrency, choosing Uplexa will be a good solution for a new method of making payments. Uplexa adopts the similar concept like cryptocurrency, but it has some unique features that make this platform as a new, unique method in paying your bills.
There is some key information of Uplexa you need to know as follow:
Uplexa is indeed a new and innovative option for everyone who is longing for getting a flexible payment method. For you who are looking for more in-depth information about this unique platform, you can visit their official website at https://uplexa.com/. By visiting their site, you can get more insight into what their core value is and how they work.
How Uplexa Works to Facilitate Private Payment
Uplexa, in its White Paper, describes its features as an excellent solution for you who are looking for security in paying your bills. Using the default CryptoNight algorithm as its system, plenty of benefits you can get from this platform. You can get more information about its vision and how it works by downloading their White Paper at https://uplexa.com/content/uPlexa-Whitepaper-EN.pdf. In their White Paper, you will find plenty of information about this new platform.
You might also want to know how this platform works. As a unique platform for an anonymous payment, you will get lots of benefits by using it. When it comes to you to use the platform, it works as a good measurement for your IoT. As there are so many electronic appliances at homes such as desktop, smartphones, smart kitchen appliances, and others, you can synchronize the devices with Uplexa. The system will work effectively in the developing countries, especially for the ones whose electricity bill takes up to 20% of their monthly salary.
In this case, Uplexa uses the idle usage of each IoT at home to get the profit for the users. Of course, this concept will make sure that your electricity payment will be more accessible and more affordable. To make sure that it works well in every household, Uplexa makes sure that your program will be a good thing to give you profit for the work. There are some ways the platform will work for you:
The use of Uplexa is the first step for people in welcoming a good way of getting more profits and mining the Uplexa coin from the IoT. As you know, IoT has been distributed to so many people in the world, making the use of the device more profitable. With the widespread of IoT all over the world, you can get the most of it ideally. You can also access more information about Uplexa by visiting https://discord.gg/a7mAQwJ.
The Offered Features of Uplexa for the Users
With the innovative concept for the users, of course, you will find Uplexa as a new and innovative way to improve your work. To ensure their users get the most profits, Uplexa provides some features that will be beneficial for everyone, such as:
Understanding Uplexa Bounties and How to Get Them
Just like any other blockchain, Uplexa also provides the best way to make your investment easier. In this case, Uplexa gives bounty awards for their users, making this platform as an option for a practical choice for you. To get more insights about how Uplexa spreads the bounties for the users, you can access their ANN Thread at https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5058404. There, you will get some information that will be useful for understanding this unique platform.
Besides its uniqueness, you need to also know some of the most straightforward, most attractive features from Uplexa to spread its bounties. In this case, to make the most of their investment from this bounties. Here are some unique things you can get from Uplexa’s bounties:
So, those are some insights into how Uplexa distributes their bounties. You can also take parts of being their partner in acquisitions and others, making sure their products will give impact all around the world. Their detailed updates will be easy to access from their Twitter account at https://twitter.com/uplexacoin. There, you can also find plenty of information related to the development of this platform. Of course, you will never see this platform as an annoying thing to try. Besides giving the most of idle power used by your IoT devices, you can also get a smart investment!
By admin • Blockchain Technology 289 • Tags: benefit, breakthrough, cryptocurrency, good, information, mining, profits, smart, technology, White Paper