Oct 24 2019
Factors and Reasons Must Use Quube As A Crowdfunding Medium
Digital media is the top priority at this time, all types of activities ranging from shopping and the economy are already using sophisticated networks and computing systems. Quube is one of the best crowdfunding provider platforms that use high-computing methods.
Economics and banking are some of the fields that are strictly related to everyday human life. The need for money and its distribution requires an invasion of technology and influences the progress of other infrastructure. Each country has its currency that is valid against the law that is valid there.
There are now many business service provider platforms available using the principle of digital currency with extraordinary computing systems and mechanisms. One of the platforms is Quube; Quube is a universal provider platform to hold a fundraiser or better known as an exchange.
There are now many business service provider platforms available using the principle of digital currency with extraordinary computing systems and mechanisms. One of the platforms is Quube; Quube is a universal provider platform to hold a fundraiser or better known as an exchange.
The emergence of technology and the internet make a relationship. And a network more likely to occur between several parties even though a considerable distance. Advances in technology make the velocity of money and information faster, relations and delegations from various countries can easily communicate and do business.
Trading is a moderately trending business, and many people do lately by utilizing integrated technology and infrastructure systems. Digital currency is one of the unifying factors of several countries that have disputes or conflicts with one another. Cooperation and affiliation began to established between countries and companies.
Since the cryptocurrency mechanism is known and all kinds of its development, this kind of work began to be done by many people. Many well-known companies implement these systems and structures in their performance systems.
This system is called Blockchain, and Blockchain is a system built from the presence of networks created by computing and coding systems complicated by the distribution of cryptocurrency. By using this blockchain system, the value of security and the level of validation of a currency will increase every year automatically.
At present, we have many types of digital currencies available in their respective mediums. Quube is one of the mediums that provides a variety of cryptocurrency as well as managing its crowdfunding. Each of these currencies has its criteria and conditions to be used as a transaction tool.
With all kinds of increasingly complex market needs, demanding developers and companies must provide high technology. Especially with all types of fields of activity currently carried out using digital media, therefore the role of cryptocurrency is now one of the primary needs.
The role of real money is now beginning to be abandoned, especially for daily needs in places where users of high-tech infrastructure such as in big cities — starting from the fields of transportation, health, clothing, and food needs, all forms of transactions in it using digital currency.
Then with the complexity and background of such problems, a company today will not mean anything if it stands alone. Now that it has entered into an era of regular collaboration and delegation, various regulations and affiliate systems have been built by the community to produce the best selling products with optimal systems and performance.
Especially with the emergence of the phenomenon of birth and childbirth start-upstart-up companies whose numbers have reached hundreds. Some of these companies and start-upstart-up platforms apply a blockchain system built from cryptocurrency mediums to create a smooth business and produce quality networks.
The quality network here means the blockchain network that allows meetings between investors and event providers or fundraisers. The crowdfunding system provided on a platform will help a company find targets to continue its vision and mission, especially in the financial field.
Because platforms like Quube provide space for crowdfunding where companies and investors will meet randomly then make a negotiation. Then the affiliation that built will be based on mutual interests while implementing the best system for the development of both parties.
The platform like this is more identical to the term exchange platform. Therefore Quube is also better known as a Quube exchange. The variety and features available on this platform are also quite varied to provide enough space for many people to determine their options.
Through their official website, they present a chart that more or less gives an idea of the variety of cryptocurrency they have. Among them are Ethereum, Stellar, EOS, and Bitgo. Several types and prototypes of digital currencies have their characteristics and characteristics. And of course, this variety of digital currencies has different functions so that they still have their respective markets.
Quube exchange can be said as the first platform and maybe one of the many platforms that apply quantum computing systems with high-level technology. With all the infrastructure and support from a variety of capable techniques, the transfer of data and information collected will be faster and optimal.
Reasons for using Quube as an exchange platform
Among the many platforms available on the internet, as a trader or investor who is observant and careful. They also must pay attention to where to manage their money and assets properly. Quube here becomes a platform that offers transaction convenience as well as full security access to maintain participant privacy.
- This platform registered as a legal and official exchange platform with more than 15,000 registered traders who are legally registered and have accounts on the trading market on Quube. With a large number of participants who are members of this platform will increase the number of trust values and credible testimony.
- There are more than 2000 business angels available on this platform. With so many options available and diverse crowdfunding activities, it will increase the number of networks and further increase the level of security and network blockchain that is built.
- There are more than 400 crypto funds and investors officially incorporated in this platform to enable businesses run by the crowdfunding system in Quube to run smoothly and well.
- Using quantum computing systems and involving experts and professionals in their fields. So that the performance of this platform will be better and minimize all forms of fraud and human error. By involving people who experienced in this field increasingly makes the company’s image and credibility level up.
From the list of reasons above can be seen as a factor that is quite relate and makes sense to include themselves or business entities and companies in the circulation of trading and exchange.
Most companies or start-up platforms that develop today are the results of the processing and development of high-level computing systems. One of the effects of quantum computing or senior computer systems is Quube exchange.
By using a quantum computing system that maximizes the performance of data transfers and transactions to be faster and optimal. Therefore this platform is highly recommended for start-up companies that are just starting to grow, and some investors who are looking for a reasonably safe way to invest their assets.
Because sometimes, an exchange platform like this offers things that are felt to increase profit scale to the maximum but do not guarantee the privacy and security system of its participants. Therefore platforms that do not ensure security will be abandoned and shifted to platforms that have stronger and more competent networks regarding coding and computing systems.
Presentation: https://quube.exchange/static/assets/docs/Presentation-QUUBE.pdf
Website: https://quube.exchange/
White Paper: https://quube.exchange/static/assets/docs/Whitepaper-QUUBE.pdf
Social Media:
Posted by kurniawan05
Dec 1 2019
The Latest Movement From Instant Asset Tokens
Having a business partner with a harmonized mind will significantly facilitate your business path. Meetings between investors and companies or start-up platforms that want to develop can be done using a blockchain system. One of the crowdfunding platform providers is Instant Asset Tokens.
The development of asset ownership is now a significant challenge for some people who have token or broker assets. Because the system is increasingly complex, forcing every individual engaged in this field to rotate the brain to be mutually beneficial. Instant Asset Tokens become one of the containers that can use as a solution in terms of token secure.
The property investment business is now becoming a loud echo in the economic field. Starting from local to an international scale, applying the actual system is almost the same. This housing business development embodies the aspirations of many people about asset ownership, but how can they manage and even develop their assets progressively and adequately.
One thing that needs to be understood is “Token,” many people are still mistaken about the definition and function of the term token. Tokens, which are supposed to represent assets in various forms, ranging from rights, goods, up to an absolute value, are sometimes equated with cryptocurrency problems.
More than that, not many people understand the benefits of industry 4.0 technology, even 5.0, which is currently being fast-propagated. Platforms and the internet medium now have a role as the spearhead of running its business well. Instant Asset Token has become a significant exchange service provider platform.
This utilization has been apparent since the emergence and development of digital currencies. Bitcoin, as a pioneer of digital currency, turned out to change the perspective of many people about digital marketing and even other types of business that usually can only be done through verbal or non-medium channels.
It is starting in the range of 2006 developing until now it turns out that the working pattern of the system on digital currency can apply to various fields of business and business. Blockchain is a mechanism and system that is very applicable and relevant to the needs of today’s social networks.
Through the development of this applicable blockchain system, several platforms have begun to modify the way they work and their mindset. It turns out that currently, building a good business requires an extensive network but also quality. Therefore blockchain is one of the main methods to get answers to these problems.
At present, there are already very many crowdfunding service provider platforms or those familiar with the term exchange platform. The purpose of the platform is to build an extensive network for the sake of meeting several parties to establish a partnership for businesses and businesses that are more profitable.
From the development of the system, the asset and token medium also developed as one of the mainstay weapons for several parties to establish cooperation in the legal business sector. The agreement that takes place through the common exchange platform will significantly facilitate the mobility of several parties as well as the manager of the exchange platform.
This platform does not merely provide space to meet investors and asset owners or start-up company testers. More than that, the things and content that exist in such a platform are very complex; they will also provide assets and tokens, even digital currencies that can be used for negotiating purposes and all kinds of other exchange interests.
One of the developing platforms is the Instant asset token; this platform develops with a blockchain system and mechanism as well as the use of ICO or initial coin offering as its crowdfunding method.
Although most of what develops from the web developer business are its causality with real estate and property assets, it is not uncommon for some individuals to use this system from other types of fields. Because basically, start-up companies that are just starting to develop must-have relationships with reliable networks.
These strong relationships and networks can be created from crowdfunding systems provided by platforms such as Instant Asset Tokens. Not only developer companies in the real estate field, more than that currently, but more than hundreds of start-up companies in various areas also plunge into it. They are ranging from the health sector, high-tech hardware suppliers, to companies delivering goods and services.
And until now, there are still many people who do not understand how the benefits of systems and programs like this work until they affect the community. Because basically, the system has applied, and the city indirectly experiences it every day.
It is starting from the non-cash payment system and stock transaction activities and business curves that follow the dollar exchange rate. Up to the savings and loan and credit platforms, currently, almost all platforms with a variety of uses use the blockchain system in its operating background.
Instant Asset Token Feature
Of the various features provided by dozens of platform providers and crowdfunding providers, several elements are a mainstay for Instant Asset Tokens. Although all the features provided by the multiple platforms are similar, the belief systems and procedures provided are usually different from each other.
1. Trusted merchant partner
One of the essential activities in building a network and solid relationships is finding a credible business partner. The credibility of business partners officially registered in this Instant Asset Token is those business entities or service agencies that have the best track record in their fields.
2. Guarantee the entry of agents and brokers
Usually, in asset war business activities in the area of verbal non-online and without a blockchain system like this, a significant problem will arise. One question that often occurs is dissatisfaction or the lack of guaranteed welfare of agents and brokers. He considers his role not so necessary even though it has a very crucial function.
3. Legality
Everyone certainly does not want a platform or business that is managed together, apparently not complete letters and documents that are legally applicable. Instant Asset Tokens have relations and cooperation with tax agencies that will regulate various legal matters and the legality of merchandise and all transactions that occur. Therefore there is no need to worry because the path provided is qualified enough to build a significant business.
This platform stands on the initiative and cooperation between professionals and experts in their fields. Among them is Raymond Lim, whose name is no doubt in the field of business consulting and business development. He has been in the economy and business for more than twenty years.
Besides, there is Brian Chiew as Director, who has more than ten years of experience in the world of business and platform development. With two leaders working together to build mutual capacity and credibility, inevitably, the output generated from the team’s performance is also very satisfying.
In a business world like this, a track record and work experience are needed. Especially in specific fields such as property and asset services, this often has many problems. People who have tremendous experience with this problem will be easy to face and find their problem-solving.
Although it was only established at the beginning of January 2019 and its first launch was in May, this platform has strengthened its performance after participating in various series of events related to the system blockchain. There will always be new platforms and innovations. Therefore Instant Asset Tokens have become one of the freshest lately.
Market development planning in the real estate sector generated by Instant Asset Tokens is scheduled until 2021, with very rapid progress in this year it is not impossible if this platform can compete with its predecessor or even occupy the top of the hierarchy pyramid which has long changed positions.
The Utilities and Benefits of Instant Assets Token
Regarding the use of NIAT that is very recommended in instant assets Tokens ecosystems, so these are the explanation as follows;
1. Rental Payment
By using NIAT as a payment tool, it will reduce the accommodation for rent and rates, especially in the real estate industry.
2. Partner Merchants
Instant assets tokens will bring some merchant partners into the ecosystem to increase the activity of users. By now, Instant assets token has already one merchant partner that is Beacon Cloth Care, Philippine laundry services.
3. Purchase Assets
NIAT can be used to purchase real estate assets within the instant assets tokens ecosystems.
4. Payment For Management Services
To encourage the use of NIAT, tokens holders can efficiently utilize NIAT to make payment for management services. The discounted price will also e gave.
5. Payment For Furnishing
If tokens holders want to furnish your asset. Again, you can utilize NIAT for the payment and of course, with discount prices.
6. Payment For Tax Advisory & Services
When token holders want to make payment for engaging services of tax advisory, you can also use NIAT and get the discount prices.
7. Fee For Agent/Brokers Commission
When token holders have reached an agreement of buying an asset with the help of an agent or broker, so the holders need to give them the commission, do not worry, it can also use NIAT to pay the commission.
8. Receiving Rental or Sale Proceeds
In this section, is when the asset owner wants to receive a sale or rental proceeds in this form. The owner can provide information about the discount for the tenant or buyer as an incentive for using NIAT.
9. Receiving Commission From Agents or Brokers
In this case, the agents or broker can are expected by instant asset ecosystems to provide a discount to their clients, again as an incentive for using NIAT.
10. Listing of Asset For Sale or Rent
Every token holder from the owner of the assets until brokers or agents can use NIAT for paying the registration fees when they are want to list their assets into the web portal. The instant assets tokens will provide a discount for that.
Models of Income
In order to increase the rental income, instant assets tokens focus on projects and developments or purchase orientation from owners of the assets who want to sell theirs. There are five income model in this real estate industry;
1. Leasing of Company Owned Assets
The first model of income is from leasing activities of the assets that manage by the company, in this case, is Realty Beacon Philippines Inc.
2. Selling of Company Owned Assets
A small portion of assets under management will be review and resell by the company due to high profitability like joint development with landowners.
3. Management Services
The management will generate the add – on services such as the furnishing of the units as a service on this real estate platform industry.
4. Individual Owners
The company will be taking a 5 % commission from the successful transaction made by the owner of assets to maintain profitability and remain advantageous for owners to continuously using instant assets tokens as their platform to surf the real estate industry.
5. Agent or Broker Listing
The company will also gain income from agents or brokers listing work for their clients by using NIAT.
Instant Asset Token Problem Solving
Besides, to prevent problems that often occur, especially eliminating the traditional barriers that have been a problem in business. Because basically, all things that develop are those that are based on the dominant criticism and suggestions from the problems that occur around. Therefore Instant Asset Tokens provide several problems solving options.
1. Has high transparency and security
The level of security and clarity of a transaction will make the trust of clients and participants participating in this crowdfunding association even stronger. Transparent transactions and data transfers will minimize the possibility of committing crimes and fraud that have the potential to harm others.
2. Time efficiency and effectiveness
In addition to safe and comfortable transaction modes, through this platform, you will be significantly helped from time efficiency to cost-effectiveness. All costs and time allocated in business needs and services in this platform will be properly data. With a professional method of data collection and archiving, this will minimize the expenditure of things that are not needed.
3. Member management
Although using the ICO system that will make everyone can enter the system and make transactions freely on the capital market and the coin exchange. Still, through this platform, there are some rules and restrictions specifically for foreign investors in the sense that they do not have complete official letters and documents and individual steps that will be taken by the professional team on the platform.
4. Integrity
From several issues on other platforms, it is difficult to get the individual integrity and credibility that can be obtained as a selling point in itself. Usually, start-up companies and developing companies tend to look for business partners whose completeness is guaranteed. Through this platform, a variety of well-tested integrity can find.
In addition to competing to get business partners with functional integrity, this platform is also an excellent vehicle to build the integrity of companies or investors who want to join.
Therefore basically Instant Asset Token as a company and platform provider for crowdfunding services is not much different from the previous platform system. But some of the procedures and work systems used are innovations based on failures from previous similar platforms.
Portfolios and the needs needed to find out the footprints and activities that have been carried out by this platform can be directly checked on their website. They primarily provide news columns that are quite useful for weighing and knowing performance. With the use of qualified human resources, there will be a lot of people who can develop through this platform.
Instant Asset Token as a new platform is indeed doing a high focus on investment property and some of its other token assets. Although so, it is possible if the blockchain system that is applied in this platform can use in different fields of business and business.
Website: http://www.iatokens.com/
White Paper: https://www.iatokens.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/whitepaperv4.pdf
Social Media:
Posted by kurniawan05
ETH: 0x3946bc29197BF793CB796243109b39b019c3fC00
By admin • Blockchain Technology • Tags: business partners, credibility, efficiency, exchange, IATokens, ICO, Instant Asset Tokens, Management Services, NIAT, payment, performance, real estate, service, Social Media, time