Apr 30 2016
How to convert android to iphone operating system
Now before I’m going to begin,I would mark you to know that i will remain Android fan even you say its Iphone.As this post actually is to tell you the ways I would remain to my point and let you do it better with your Android by converting it into IOS as you think so may be some due to ITunes n all.
So let’s start.
- User Interface
This is one reason that gave first Android Lifehacker iOS bat. Although, in fact, I like the Android user interface (probably because I’m a bit geeky and as my operating system a little more advanced) is not at all. Although you can’t edit third-party applications to make them simpler, you can change the user interface of the phone with the installation of a launcher. The good thing about Android is that you can customize to your needs, the user interface is no exception. If you do not like the Android user interface below, install a launcher Android Market, as a pitcher seven or go right-handed.
- Crapware
Android-rootThe article mentions asked which is the additional software to manufacturers and installation companies. An example application is an application of Verizon VoIP, you can not uninstall. I agree, crapware is a problem. Among the pre-installed applications can be useful, but most of them is a pile of garbage. I have a solution, however, the root of your phone. Yes, the root of your phone and then install a new ROM. This way, you will much less an Android phone the crapware.
- ITunes and synchronization of attached
The article notes that IOS does not have iTunes, and therefore, a good solution for synchronization and Android related. The article mentions DoubleTwist, but basically says that it is not an official product of Android is not. Although it would be better if the official, anyone can download the program in minutes for free. In fact, move much, much faster than iTunes.
- Surveillance of mobile
Item lists are my iPhone, the iPhone app for free, followed by Apple as the best application of telephone follow around. That may be true, but it does not mean they are not good monitoring solutions available for Android. Many good applications out there such as McAfee Secure vague and where are my droid, but my favorite has to be viewpoint of security. ? This application is not only a mobile, it blocks, cleans and makes them scream. Also make backup copies of data and analysis of viruses and malware.
- Media Store
The LifeHacker article claims that the iTunes media store is the most integrated of the lot. Again, that may be true but the Amazon mp3 store is more than adequate. I have never not found the music I wanted on Amazon and I can purchase a song with a few taps.
The LifeHacker article had 10 ways that iOS outdoes Android and I only have 5. You can’t fix every con such as a a lack of a good support system or consistency problems. Each platform has its advantages and disadvantages but I hope that this article has not only clued you onto the disadvantages of Android but it has helped you make those disadvantages less important.
Sep 11 2016
2TB Internal Hard Drive Option for You
2TB Internal Hard Drive is actually something people take a look at and search lately. With the large capacity of the drive, people can store so man data in different kinds of data in various formats so they can save and enjoy them later. Related to this, the more2TB internal hard drive reviews about one of the drives having this large capacity will be given below.
2TB Internal Hard Drive Namely WD Caviar Green
Among many 2TB internal hard drive, the name of the WD Caviar Green can be such a nice option to consider. In this case, there are some specific features of the drive that you should know so that this drive can really be attractive in your own view so then later you can probably purchase it. This drive has 2 TB capacity overall, as mentioned earlier. Furthermore, there is also 32 MB Cache that people can make use, too. Then there is also SATA II Connectivity which can be beneficial, too. The lower consumption on power can also be a great consideration why this drive is nice to have with lower 2TB internal hard drive price.
More Information on This 2TB Internal Hard Drive
The WD Caviar Green is the 2TB internal hard drive that can actually give you the space which is needed to save a large amount of data in the forms like software, photos, tracks, and even videos. The drive can also make it possible to have such a high capacity in the cooler and quieter system as well. This drive can then deliver the balance of the system performance and energy saving at once. As mentioned previously, this drive can give 40% less power than that the traditional drives require. So, the drive here can be really good for environment.
Based on the data about the drive which has been given in this article, the WD Caviar Green is relatively worth having. It is because as mentioned earlier, this 2TB internal hard drive can serve much function well.
By admin • Hardware • Tags: 2TB internal hard drive, good, name, performance, software