Real estate is one of the investment fields that has a high-profit value. The experience of doing business in real estate makes every investor realize that the risk level of this business is lower compared to other companies. Investment in real estate still occupies the highest position with a good level of interest for investors. until now the mechanism that is run in the real estate business still uses an ancient system where the use of transactions has not been carried out transparently.
The application of technology can make the concept of a real estate business be run transparently. That will give the maximized benefits for everyone. The potential of the real estate market is still wide open so that it can become a global ecosystem. The application of blockchain technology can realize the use of technology to achieve transparency. The system offered can provide convenience transactions with a high level of effectiveness.
The old real estate market still leaves a variety of problems that can be overcome and avoided to form a better ecosystem. The use of blockchain technology is the best solution where the system offers effectiveness. The platform will handle each transaction using blockchain technology where data from each transaction that occurs will be stored in the block. The use of blockchain technology also supports the implementation of a transparency system so that it can erase the role of third parties who can add financing when making transactions.
The use of blockchain technology is also inseparable from the use of digital currencies. It is also a factor to increase transaction speed. When viewed regarding security, blockchain technology already has a reliable system. Parties who have no interest cannot access every data stored in the block. Updates from this technology also continue to be improved to improve convenience in transactions.
The application of blockchain technology to the real estate market is a new development for the global scale market. Global network utilization can make the platform accessible to anyone around the world. It certainly will make it easier for anyone to interact with the ecosystem without any servitude. Another solution that is planned is the application of multi-language so that it will make the interaction ease to do. The application of this concept will undoubtedly face some challenges in the future.
These challenges will not be separated from the level of security and trust. The use of a digital platform means showing a shift in the use of assets. Ownership of digital assets is undoubtedly one of the new challenges in improving system security. To keep every user having trust in ecosystems, it is necessary to adopt the latest technology that can provide the best solutions related to security, safety, and transparency. You can learn the concept of ecosystem development on the website, Ann thread, and whitepaper.
Ann Thread:
White Paper:
Ease of Real Estate Services with Dominium Platform
When you are used to participating in the real estate investment network, you will certainly understand more about the various problems that occur. One of the things that are often complained about is the existence of intermediaries so that the transaction chain becomes longer. Systems with blockchain technology will remove the role of intermediaries so that transactions can be more quickly resolved.
Besides, you can also feel transparent transactions. The purpose of being transparent is that you know well the funds you provide and develop them. Funding will also be carried out based on the rules contained in the smart contract. You don’t need to worry about data security. Every transaction you make will be recorded in a safe block. Access to the neighborhood is also only owned by the authorized party thus reducing the risk of data being damaged, lost or changed. Every data will be stored and locked safely.
The use of blockchain technology to run digital transactions is one of the ideal things. You can have the best experience in transacting for real estate services under the Dominium platform. Professional development teams who have experience in the real estate market certainly understand your needs. Every detail that helps you get the best experience will be realized using a decentralized system. The globally owned access also helps everyone to interact with the ecosystem without knowing the boundaries.
The ecosystem is also equipped with multi-language features so that it will avoid miss communication. Language becomes an essential interface for interaction to be established. Transaction security guarantees on blockchain technology have been proven by the application of smart contracts and cryptocurrency. The use of tokens as an exchange makes each transaction easily and quickly resolved without obstacles.
This is the Advantage of Using Dominium for Real Estate Ecosystem

You might still ask why you should use a condo? You also still feel the ancient transaction system can always be relied on to transact. However, you need to know that several things threaten the security of your data. Old transactions that you go through also have a lot of shortcomings where costs are charged too much. The use of a decentralized system will help you to have transparency in every transaction you make. By using the Dominium platform, you can take advantage of some of the features provided, among others.
- The platform uses the concept of a neutralized system
- Every transaction will be regulated properly
- An adequate security system
- Operations are carried out transparently
- Multi-lingual to facilitate interaction
- Multi-currency for a secure exchange system
- Property funding for user convenience
- Project finance services to provide comfort in platform utilization
- Safe property sales are fast and easy
- Property rentals are carried out with the right interactions
- Good property management to ensure the best experience to users
- Self-sufficient so that you can use the platform to meet your needs
Every feature provided is made to make it easier for you to use a digital platform to fulfill your transactions. The experience of developers in the real estate world will help you have the best trade through the ecosystem. The journey of ecosystem development to meet customer needs will be seen through the roadmap. Every service and feature developed is a form of making the best solution for ancient transactions. Exposure to the latest technology is expected to eliminate various types of fraud and deals that are not transparent to conventional systems. The use of dominium with Blockchain technology is also a positive thing where everyone will have the opportunity to get the best offer for blockchain technology real estate services.
Transparent Market for Real Real Estate Services
Most transactions are made using services that only require participants to give part of the funds without telling the direction of their use. This requires a high level of trust from the user to the ecosystem. Besides, the actual system has not been able to provide answers to any questions regarding the use of funds. Transactions that translate provide convenience to users to find out the direction of each contribution made.
The importance of transaction transparency will undoubtedly be related to the ease of obtaining funds. The system will also be more accessible to gather user trust when compared to systems that are not transparent. A system that can know the direction of its operation will make it easier for users to provide control over the use of funds.
The concept of transparency systems offered by blockchain technology has been adopted previously for various digital platforms. The use of a transparent system can increase the volume of ecosystem usage with multiple features and transaction security levels. The data held by each user can also be safely stored in the network through a decentralized system of blockchain technology.
Everyone who joins the ecosystem has the right to use tokens in utilizing existing services. The agreed amount of exchange will be recorded on the smart contract and then stored in the block. Every stored data will be permanent so that it can improve data security and convenience. Every data stored in a neighborhood also has limited access so that not everyone can open it. Transparency of transactions has a critical purpose of reducing the risk of digital fraud by making slide a challenge to accountability for the parties concerned.
Dominium Immediately Completes Roadmap for Application of Decentralized Platform
The development of Dominiums for future platforms is significant when you begin to realize the opportunities of the real estate market. Until now the construction of the condo is still going on and is almost reaching the final stage. The development team has prepared a roadmap as a reference in project development. The roadmap also provides evidence that the project is being built and developed to provide convenience to every user.
The beginning of the establishment of the Dominium with blockchain technology already started in 2016. In 2016, multi-language usage has also been implemented for several countries such as English, and German. Starting from several states, until the end of its development, the platform will have the ease of interaction for broader multi-lingual reach. At WALA in 2017, growth continues to regulatory documentation for the Max property group Germany and United Kingdom.
In 2018 the development continued with designing the website and making several referral programs. Development of ecosystems indeed requires sufficient funding assistance. This also prompted round closed to pay for initial platform development private funding. Then the first holding company is changed to Dominium BV in 2018. Other development plans that will be completed in 2018 include completing the English version and launching the Chidchain and DOM lists on the Exchanges.
This year the first pre-ITO and ITO rounds will be held to provide an opportunity for users to contribute. Purchases for NL, DE and UK properties will also be made this year accompanied by migrating all MPG assets to the platform. The completion of beta testing for all functions to be carried out will also be carried out in 2018. Development will continue to be carried out until 2025 to standardize regulations and licenses for security listings. The existing features will also continue to be developed and reproduced so that the utilization of the ecosystem can be done more maximally.

Give Your Contribution Through ITO

The Initial Token Offering (ITO) is an event that cannot be missed in the development of a digital platform. The fact is usually held at the beginning of ecosystem development within a specific time frame. As a digital platform for a global scale, Dominiums will provide opportunities for anyone to be able to contribute to the ecosystem. Ecosystem development so that it can be run and utilized certainly requires financing. Your contribution to the ITO will give you ownership of the token where the token can be used to use some of the services contained in the ecosystem.
Every activity in the ecosystem can require the use of DOM Tokens such as the creation of assets, trading of assets, the creation of support tickets, voting for charities, listing a property for sale, containing a property for rent, registering a rental agreement, and registering a purchase agreement. Other features that are not mentioned can also require some tokens in exchange using a smart contract.
The number of tokens available for sale has a limited amount, so you need to make purchases according to the schedule set by the team. Soft stamps for the sale of tokens will amount to Euro 2,500,000, and the hard cap quantities to euro 92,500,000. The total supply of tokens for ITO is one billion DOM Tokens. Allocation from the sale of tokens will be done to complete the development of the ecosystem until it is ready for use. You can contribute by registering through the website page.
The condo also comes closer to you through social media. You can find out the update of ecosystem development through the social media of Dominium. The real estate gives you the opportunity to improve the quality of transactions related to real estate services based on Blockchain technology. New experiences that can increase profits will begin soon. You will have safe, comfortable and fast transitions. Immediately make your contribution to be able to take advantage of the Dominium in taking advantage of opportunities in digital real estate services.
Social Media:
Nov 20 2018
It’s Time to Use a Digital Platform for Real Estate Solution Blockchain Technology
Real estate is one of the investment fields that has a high-profit value. The experience of doing business in real estate makes every investor realize that the risk level of this business is lower compared to other companies. Investment in real estate still occupies the highest position with a good level of interest for investors. until now the mechanism that is run in the real estate business still uses an ancient system where the use of transactions has not been carried out transparently.
The application of technology can make the concept of a real estate business be run transparently. That will give the maximized benefits for everyone. The potential of the real estate market is still wide open so that it can become a global ecosystem. The application of blockchain technology can realize the use of technology to achieve transparency. The system offered can provide convenience transactions with a high level of effectiveness.
The old real estate market still leaves a variety of problems that can be overcome and avoided to form a better ecosystem. The use of blockchain technology is the best solution where the system offers effectiveness. The platform will handle each transaction using blockchain technology where data from each transaction that occurs will be stored in the block. The use of blockchain technology also supports the implementation of a transparency system so that it can erase the role of third parties who can add financing when making transactions.
The use of blockchain technology is also inseparable from the use of digital currencies. It is also a factor to increase transaction speed. When viewed regarding security, blockchain technology already has a reliable system. Parties who have no interest cannot access every data stored in the block. Updates from this technology also continue to be improved to improve convenience in transactions.
The application of blockchain technology to the real estate market is a new development for the global scale market. Global network utilization can make the platform accessible to anyone around the world. It certainly will make it easier for anyone to interact with the ecosystem without any servitude. Another solution that is planned is the application of multi-language so that it will make the interaction ease to do. The application of this concept will undoubtedly face some challenges in the future.
These challenges will not be separated from the level of security and trust. The use of a digital platform means showing a shift in the use of assets. Ownership of digital assets is undoubtedly one of the new challenges in improving system security. To keep every user having trust in ecosystems, it is necessary to adopt the latest technology that can provide the best solutions related to security, safety, and transparency. You can learn the concept of ecosystem development on the website, Ann thread, and whitepaper.
Ann Thread:
White Paper:
Ease of Real Estate Services with Dominium Platform
When you are used to participating in the real estate investment network, you will certainly understand more about the various problems that occur. One of the things that are often complained about is the existence of intermediaries so that the transaction chain becomes longer. Systems with blockchain technology will remove the role of intermediaries so that transactions can be more quickly resolved.
Besides, you can also feel transparent transactions. The purpose of being transparent is that you know well the funds you provide and develop them. Funding will also be carried out based on the rules contained in the smart contract. You don’t need to worry about data security. Every transaction you make will be recorded in a safe block. Access to the neighborhood is also only owned by the authorized party thus reducing the risk of data being damaged, lost or changed. Every data will be stored and locked safely.
The use of blockchain technology to run digital transactions is one of the ideal things. You can have the best experience in transacting for real estate services under the Dominium platform. Professional development teams who have experience in the real estate market certainly understand your needs. Every detail that helps you get the best experience will be realized using a decentralized system. The globally owned access also helps everyone to interact with the ecosystem without knowing the boundaries.
The ecosystem is also equipped with multi-language features so that it will avoid miss communication. Language becomes an essential interface for interaction to be established. Transaction security guarantees on blockchain technology have been proven by the application of smart contracts and cryptocurrency. The use of tokens as an exchange makes each transaction easily and quickly resolved without obstacles.
This is the Advantage of Using Dominium for Real Estate Ecosystem
You might still ask why you should use a condo? You also still feel the ancient transaction system can always be relied on to transact. However, you need to know that several things threaten the security of your data. Old transactions that you go through also have a lot of shortcomings where costs are charged too much. The use of a decentralized system will help you to have transparency in every transaction you make. By using the Dominium platform, you can take advantage of some of the features provided, among others.
Every feature provided is made to make it easier for you to use a digital platform to fulfill your transactions. The experience of developers in the real estate world will help you have the best trade through the ecosystem. The journey of ecosystem development to meet customer needs will be seen through the roadmap. Every service and feature developed is a form of making the best solution for ancient transactions. Exposure to the latest technology is expected to eliminate various types of fraud and deals that are not transparent to conventional systems. The use of dominium with Blockchain technology is also a positive thing where everyone will have the opportunity to get the best offer for blockchain technology real estate services.
Transparent Market for Real Real Estate Services
Most transactions are made using services that only require participants to give part of the funds without telling the direction of their use. This requires a high level of trust from the user to the ecosystem. Besides, the actual system has not been able to provide answers to any questions regarding the use of funds. Transactions that translate provide convenience to users to find out the direction of each contribution made.
The importance of transaction transparency will undoubtedly be related to the ease of obtaining funds. The system will also be more accessible to gather user trust when compared to systems that are not transparent. A system that can know the direction of its operation will make it easier for users to provide control over the use of funds.
The concept of transparency systems offered by blockchain technology has been adopted previously for various digital platforms. The use of a transparent system can increase the volume of ecosystem usage with multiple features and transaction security levels. The data held by each user can also be safely stored in the network through a decentralized system of blockchain technology.
Everyone who joins the ecosystem has the right to use tokens in utilizing existing services. The agreed amount of exchange will be recorded on the smart contract and then stored in the block. Every stored data will be permanent so that it can improve data security and convenience. Every data stored in a neighborhood also has limited access so that not everyone can open it. Transparency of transactions has a critical purpose of reducing the risk of digital fraud by making slide a challenge to accountability for the parties concerned.
Dominium Immediately Completes Roadmap for Application of Decentralized Platform
The development of Dominiums for future platforms is significant when you begin to realize the opportunities of the real estate market. Until now the construction of the condo is still going on and is almost reaching the final stage. The development team has prepared a roadmap as a reference in project development. The roadmap also provides evidence that the project is being built and developed to provide convenience to every user.
The beginning of the establishment of the Dominium with blockchain technology already started in 2016. In 2016, multi-language usage has also been implemented for several countries such as English, and German. Starting from several states, until the end of its development, the platform will have the ease of interaction for broader multi-lingual reach. At WALA in 2017, growth continues to regulatory documentation for the Max property group Germany and United Kingdom.
In 2018 the development continued with designing the website and making several referral programs. Development of ecosystems indeed requires sufficient funding assistance. This also prompted round closed to pay for initial platform development private funding. Then the first holding company is changed to Dominium BV in 2018. Other development plans that will be completed in 2018 include completing the English version and launching the Chidchain and DOM lists on the Exchanges.
This year the first pre-ITO and ITO rounds will be held to provide an opportunity for users to contribute. Purchases for NL, DE and UK properties will also be made this year accompanied by migrating all MPG assets to the platform. The completion of beta testing for all functions to be carried out will also be carried out in 2018. Development will continue to be carried out until 2025 to standardize regulations and licenses for security listings. The existing features will also continue to be developed and reproduced so that the utilization of the ecosystem can be done more maximally.
Give Your Contribution Through ITO
The Initial Token Offering (ITO) is an event that cannot be missed in the development of a digital platform. The fact is usually held at the beginning of ecosystem development within a specific time frame. As a digital platform for a global scale, Dominiums will provide opportunities for anyone to be able to contribute to the ecosystem. Ecosystem development so that it can be run and utilized certainly requires financing. Your contribution to the ITO will give you ownership of the token where the token can be used to use some of the services contained in the ecosystem.
Every activity in the ecosystem can require the use of DOM Tokens such as the creation of assets, trading of assets, the creation of support tickets, voting for charities, listing a property for sale, containing a property for rent, registering a rental agreement, and registering a purchase agreement. Other features that are not mentioned can also require some tokens in exchange using a smart contract.
The number of tokens available for sale has a limited amount, so you need to make purchases according to the schedule set by the team. Soft stamps for the sale of tokens will amount to Euro 2,500,000, and the hard cap quantities to euro 92,500,000. The total supply of tokens for ITO is one billion DOM Tokens. Allocation from the sale of tokens will be done to complete the development of the ecosystem until it is ready for use. You can contribute by registering through the website page.
The condo also comes closer to you through social media. You can find out the update of ecosystem development through the social media of Dominium. The real estate gives you the opportunity to improve the quality of transactions related to real estate services based on Blockchain technology. New experiences that can increase profits will begin soon. You will have safe, comfortable and fast transitions. Immediately make your contribution to be able to take advantage of the Dominium in taking advantage of opportunities in digital real estate services.
Social Media:
By admin • Blockchain Technology • Tags: Blockchain, convenience, exchange, fraud, interaction, ITO, market, real estate, smart, technology, token