May 29 2018
Bolttcoin: A Healthy Life With A Handsome Reward!
Introducing Bitcoin: The Latest Platform To Promote Healthy Life
The growth in human civilization brings forth several risks and benefits. The benefits of technological advancement are without a doubt has made a tremendous change in human history. But it indeed brings forth an unprecedented risk that is haunting humanity, which is the growing of bad and lazy lifestyle which lead to an unhealthy lifestyle that threatens entire human civilization. This is as you can imagine occurred almost everywhere, from every corner of the world, from the rich to the poor countries. The technology and rapid growth in food and service sector are the most significant factor that deteriorates the life of one person.
What is precisely at stake here? The growth of human interaction leads to a more complex situation where humans are no longer be free to eat a healthy food and beverages, instead, they choose an unhealthy dine such as the fast food, the sweet liquor, high cholesterol pizza and chicken nugget, etc. those foods are delicious and tasteful, but too much consumption of those foods will lead to a disastrous condition. As you can see nearly all kind of fast food contains cholesterol, fat, and any other bad chemistry that is bad for the body, and even worse with excessive accumulation. Several diseases such diabetes and lung failure are soon to follow if you don’t change the diet immediately.
But the diet alone is not enough. Even you have reduced the consumption of fast food, and now trying to alter it to several alternatives such fish and vegetables, without proper exercise your body is still in trouble. The health is not only coming from the food that you eat but also the lifestyle that you lead. You need to do a proper exercise so that your bone structure will be stable, and your respiratory system will work at maximum output. Unfortunately, not many people are persuaded to do such thing.
And here is where the technology comes in. A newly emerges platform which will boost your motivation for doing any exercise is here, which is bolttcoin. Bolttcoin is a platform that will pay you for doing a simple walk or achieving the personal health achievement. How convenient can it be? You are paid to live a healthy life, and that is where the motivation kicks in. If you need any reward or compensation for a healthy life, then you need to use the service of boltcoin. A platform that has established cooperation with a wide variety of merchant and retailed, and you can get their reward to shop there as you please. It is a cryptocurrency, meaning that it is very secure and promising investment for the future. For further information, you can seek out these links below.
Benefits By Using The Service Of Bolttcoin
By using the service of bolttcoin, you will receive several benefits, which are:
- Getting reward in the form of token
As you can see, the main core of business within the bolttcoin is, you do several quests or the challenge that is provided by the platform, and then you are rewarded by the token. This is how you mine the token, not by graphics card of a computer, but by doing several steps, or exercising to make you move and therefore be healthy.
- Purchase the goods by using bolttcoin token
Bolttcoin has made a various strategic partnership with hundreds of vendor, and by acquiring those tokens, you can purchase their goods by that token. It means that this token is worth your time since it is strategic and has an economic value. The value of this token is promising as the supply is limited and the demand will be huge after the release of the private sale.
- Converting the token to other currencies
The core of the cryptocurrency, besides using it to purchase the goods, is to convert it to other reliable currencies such as dollars, or any other currencies. This is, however, is strictly limited to any other countries that have already accepted and legalized the cryptocurrency transaction. But still, you can deposit it as the form of investment in the future.
- Improving personal health
This is the main reason why you should employ the service of bolttcoin. Personal health is an upmost thing that needs to be concerned, and by employing bolttcoin, not only you are rewarded by improving your health, you will also have a team of expert that will be ready to give any advice related to your health. The consultation is free and simple, unlike any other consultation that will require money and time.
- Loyalty reward from various brands
There are various brands and merchandise that will reward you for your loyalty or extensive usage of bolttcoin services. The merchandise is unique including several goods, discount, and any other benefits exclusive only for the bolttcoin users.
Not only the customer or individual that can benefit for joining the bolttcoin business, but the enterprise or the business too can help for entering the sphere of bolttcoin, especially the fitness or any other related fields. By employing the service of bolttcoin, you can gain many new customers with several unique and entertaining project which is beneficial both for you and your customer. You can also gain loyalty from your new customer since they are rewarded by every of their purchase. This is indeed a prospective and cordial relation between the business and the customer.
Target Audience and Unique Features of Bolttcoin
Bolttcoin is a growing open market that will be available in few weeks ahead, and therefore we should know the target audience and the features that will be available once you have joined the membership of bolttcoin. Here are the target audiences of bolttcoin:
- End users
This is the most obvious target that will be directed by the bolttcoin. The end users consist of millions of people spanning all across the globe. This is by quota, the largest and seemingly infinite market for the bolttcoin.
- Corporate
Especially the medical or fitness corporation. Since bolttcoin is the provider of the medical platform and gamify it to obtain the profit from doing any challenge, the corporation can mix and match the challenges and modify it to further the market or obtain any new customer. The corporation can use the platform of bolttcoin to expand the market or promote their product too.
- Retailers
Retails is the one who could benefit mainly by joining the membership of bolttcoin. This platform acknowledges the loyalty reward In the form of goods or any other merchandise provided by the partner of boltcoin. The retail partner can have several benefits from this partnership such market expansion and obtaining new customer.
- Insurance companies
The other strategic partnership that will obtain any new benefit from the bolttcoin partnership is insurance companies. Insurance companies can obtain the new member by utilizing the bolttcoin platform, as the user of the platform can have several discounts by utilizing the token of bolttcoin. This is the cordial relations that will benefit both sides.
- Hospitals
The hospitals, as the providers of medical service, are benefited mainly by the platform. The medical services can utilize the token as the form of payment which will be largely rewarded by boltcoin, and in return, the customer will have loyalty to any particular hospitals since they will reward more and benefited more in visiting the partner of bolttcoin.
- Celebrities
Or any public figure that wants to raise their fame and status. By utilizing this rising trend, then the celebrities and any other public figure will have their reputation skyrocketed. This is a good way to start your career as a celebrity, band, etc. this also could encourage a healthy lifestyle that is endorsed by you.
As the features that are available for you once you have joined the membership of bolttcoin are:
- Boltt gamification and engagement
Gamification is a new trend in the business platform, where a particular business can benefit more by applying the game’s environment or holding a game tournament. This business platform is very suitable for such event since we encourage the healthy lifestyle and promote any exercise, sports, etc. the bolttcoin also reward the user by quest-like features that are way funnier than any other type of business. This will make this business platform is far from rigidity, and it also will always evolve as the market grows and change.
- Decentralized marketplace
These features mean that the bolttcoin is widely recognized as one of the payment methods that is widely used by many retailers. As we speak, bolttcoin already have thousands of retails partners and companies that utilize this platform. Meaning that the token can be exchanged for any goods with almost unlimited possibilities. You can also transfer the token to any other reliable currency such dollars, euro, etc.
- Secured health and bolt ID
Once you have joined the ecosystem of boltt, you then will be rewarded by the ID for Boltt and health ID. That id can be used later to receive the token or to monitor your health condition. You can also consult the expert that is available inside our team to further enhance your health condition. All those features are included only In 2 id without any payment. It’s free, and it’s worth it for your healthy life.
- Crypto wallet
The platform also provides the wallet that can store any cryptocurrency that you own. You can also exchange those coins to any other type of cryptocurrency, such BTC to bolttcoin, or vice versa. This wallet also provides the services of transfer, bill payment, cash out options, and any other services related to the payment with cryptocurrency.
The Sales and the Availability of the Token
The rise of cryptocurrency all over the world meaning that the sale of cryptocurrency is massively occurred in all over the place. There is a lot token type that exists now. The deal of cryptocurrency usually divided by two-phase, the private sale and the public sale. The private sale is aimed at those people who want to invest their money to gain more money by obtaining the bonus. The bonus is usually varied to every platform. As the bolttcoin, the gift is 50% and increased by the growing of the demand.
As for the private sale, it is already on going and will be elapsed at 10th June 2018, or 12 days remaining. As for the pre-sale and public sale, unfortunately their date has not yet announced but it will likely occur after the private sale. There are a lot of currency from standard currency such dollars or euro, to any cryptocurrency such BTC, ETH, XMR, ZEC and any other currency that is available in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. As for the references, one BTC worth 70.000 tokens, and one ETH worth 4.000 tokens. As for the minimum cap of the transaction is 1 ETH per purchase, as for the pre-sale.
As for the availability for the token, there are estimated for 170 million tokens that will be distributed into several compartments. 16 million tokens for the founding team, 10 million for a bonus, 12 million for brands and strategic partnership, 8 million tokens are available for step mining, and 36 million for presales. As for the rest of the token are distributed to any other sector such as security, corporate issuance, and bounty program. More are ready for deployment but waiting for te result of the pre-sales.
The pre ICO are promising since the general awareness regarding the bolttcoin are generally known for the other companies and retails. And if you are the person who likes to do any investment, then it is best for you to join the presales of bolttcoin. The market is excellent and the price will eventually rise as the demand grows. As for the rest of information can be accessed in those sites.
Posted by: kurniawan05;u=1187741
Jun 5 2018
Fun Workout With Bolttcoin
Workout Will Never Be So Much Fun Without Bolttcoin
There are a lot of benefits by doing any workout, but the lack of motivation will always hinder you from doing it. This is a real issue that needs to be put in mind since out health is at significant stake if we ignore the importance of any workout. There are a lot of diseases that could linger and infect you if you ignore the importance of workout, such cancer. Osteoporosis, lung fail, diabetes, obesity, etc. combined with a bad meal, and then your body will be at the terrible condition with hundreds of diseases that are ready to infect you at any time. The greatest risk is death, therefore, to reduce the risk of dying or any kind of disease, one of the most primary prevention would be working out.
Work out is the simplest form of any sport. It could be just in the form of walking or jogging, or planking, etc. it doesn’t require any kind of specific tools unlike any other sport, and it doesn’t require a great deal of time, just several minutes per day, and you are good to go. It is so simple until many people neglect the importance of it and classify it as a mundane and unnecessary thing to do. This is where most people are wrong. Take diabetes, for instance; this disease is a result of over culmination of glucose that is supposed to be converted into energy. But due to lack of exercise then that glucose are just stayed there and begin to infect the body and threatening the immune system.
Having diabetes are nightmares for any living person since it invites countless of painful disease and even threatening your very life. Not to mention that the cost of diabetes relief is no small deal, and thus it is very burdening If you are a middle classman. The cheapest way to reduce the risk of diabetes is to exercise since your glucose will be converted into the energy that you need for any kind of exercise or workout. But the problem then again is the lack of motivation, but that ends now since the world has now recognized a new solution for this issue.
Introducing bolttcoin! A fun and rewarding way for doing a workout, as every attempt to workout nowadays will be rewarded by money through the bolttcoin ecosystem. The boltcoinn ecosystem will allow you to take any kind of challenge that is provided by the platform to optimize your health and body condition, and by completing them, you can gain a token that is convertible into money and any other kind of merchandise. This is an excellent solution for those who crave a practical reward for their workout. You get healthy, and you get money, how convenient is that? And that is achievable by joining our platform and ecosystem. For any further information, you can visit one of those links described below
What Is The Ecosystem Of Bolttcoin?
In this article we shall review the platform of boltcoin. This platform is newly introduced, as it developed two years before, and ready to enter the market of cryptocurrency in this month. This platform emphasis on engagement, gamification, and loyalty to their member. Those are the main features that will be followed by their main business, which is the gamification of healthy living and working out. As we have stated before, the platform is an excellent place for those who try to seek out any motivation for their exercise.
The main business of bolttcoin is pretty much simple. This platform will reward you with any kind of physical activity that is encouraged within the platform. The most common exercise will be steps, or you have to walk a certain number of steps to “mine” the token. Yes as you have read before, unlike any other cryptocurrency that use the graphics power or computing capability to mine the coin, which is not everyone can, this platform use the method of walking to mine the token. This is the simplest mining methods that have ever been found in the crypto world, which requires no specific skills. Combined with the need to live a healthy life, this is just a perfect reason why you should employ the service of boltcoinn.
The gamification in this platform is pretty much obvious. You will have a daily “quest” or a specific physical activity that need to be done to mine the token. Usually, you have to walk a certain number of steps to achieve this daily quest. Or else, you can do the challenge that is provided by the platform. The challenge comes from the bolttcoin itself, or any partner of bolttcoin that have entered the ecosystem of bolttcoin. Those are a unique physical activity or a medical treatment that need to be done. The gamification also covers the tournament or sports game that is held by the partner or bolttcoin. Winning that tournament obviously will reward you with a certain number of bolttcoin. Those are the mining methods in the bolttcoin, and that is the most the entertaining methods of mining in the crypto realm.
The engagement will come on two sides, the company side, and the user’s side. The company and the users here are engaged in a various activity such games and tournament, and that will make the barrier between the users and the company removed. That is, also good to attract the new customer and also gain their loyalty, as loyalty is the essential things in the business world. This engagement will also benefit both sides, as the users will be rewarded by the token that is convertible to any reliable sources of exchange, and it will also promote the product for the company and thus gaining the new customer.
The platform also has entered into deals with hundreds of retails or merchant all over the world. The purpose of such agreement is that the token can be used to purchase their goods or gain their services such insurance. Those merchants also will give the loyalty reward, or any kind of goods that is exclusive for the old member only, meaning that the customer existence and preference will be rewarded and thus make it clear to stay in their services rather than leaving. That is why the loyalty of the customer is the most important, and the bolttcoin platform has all that covered.
The Engines and Ecosystem Of Bolttcoin
To understand the ecosystem, of bolttcoin, we need to understand the ecosystem that supports this platform. Various features existed on the platform nowadays.
This is likely a feature that ensures the data protection and the token to be received by end users. Notice that the platform does not only employ an ordinary blockchain like any other platform, this platform deploy the dual blockchain, a complicated but yet secured way for every end user. This feature ensures that all kind of transaction within the platform, be it the transfer, payment, withdrawal, exchange and any transaction are recorded and securely protected by the system.
The smart contract Is a feature that all users will receive their contracts evenly, meaning that the often you use the platform, the more challenge you have completed, the bigger chance you can get the bigger reward by receiving a special challenge. This is common in the services start up that is existed nowadays, and the platform is using this too. It means that your loyalty will be evenly rewarded.
A wallet is a place for you to deposit your currency or the token that you received from completing any kind of physical activity that is endorsed by the platform. This wallet is also very flexible, meaning that you can do all sort of transaction within the system, or between all sort of cryptocurrencies such ETH, BTC, etc. you can convert them into currency what you want and then sells it If you desired. This wallet also supports the payment to a specific merchant to purchase their goods via the token, more like an online shop.
There are many ways to mine the token, one of them and the most rewarding method is by participating in the user or sponsors challenge. Those challenges usually depend on what the users or the sponsor’s concerns, but most likely it will be related to the medical health. In this article, we shall explain the methods to participate in any challenges.
There are two kinds of challenges source, one if from the users, or any individual that want to make a challenge, or any sponsors that creates that challenges. These challenges can be found in the apps so be sure to download the app in the play store or apple store.
This challenge will not be the out of the box professional only challenge. This challenge is usually an easy and simple thing to do, and all of that are related to any form of exercise. So you don’t have to worry about the gravity of the challenge since it is simple and everyone can do it. The challenges are usually have their time period, from a week to a month, and if that challenge is like a daily challenge, then you cannot miss it.
After the end of the challenge period, then the system will store all the data that has been accumulated in the challenges. The smart contracts feature now will calculate and determine the winner of the challenges.
After the finalization of winner of the challenges, the system then will distribute the token to the winner and the applicants of the challenges. If you fail in this challenge, then don’t worry since such challenge will come again in the future as almost everyone can make any challenge in this system.
The Upcoming Sales
After the explanation regarding the platform then it is time to explain the sales of these tokens. The tokens are the primary sources of the transaction within the bolttcoin platform, but you can purchase the token via other currencies that have been described before. The private sale is already ongoing and will elaps 6 days ahead at 10th june 2018, but now they have reached private sale cap 3000 ETH, the presale has completed. The pre-ICO will be followed by bonus up to 20% bonus purchase. Then if you do like to invest in the cryptocurrencies, then to follow the pre-ICO is a great way to go.
As the minimum of purchase is 1 ETH or about 600$. This is rated for 4000 tokens of bolttcoin, but the more you purchase it, the more you gain bonuses and thus making this as a strategic source of investment. One hundred million tokens are ready to be sold, which 38% of them are being sold via crowd sale. It means there are a huge amount of token that is available for purchase, with the rise of value for each token. This is sensible since the needs of the token are tremendous, but the supply is limited and will never be reproduced.
The allocations are like this:
By studying those facts, it means that the token circulation is not larges since it only consists of 12% marketing and 15% business development. The remaining token will be used as a reserve, legal, global expansion and research and technology. This means that the demands of the token will be high but with a limited circulation of the token in the market. The value of token will be rising towards the actual money such dollars, and the other.
And do not forget that the token can also be used to purchase the item, it means that you don’t have to worry about the sudden decline of the value since you still can purchase the goods provided by the partners of bolttcoin. For any further information, you can access those links below.
Posted by: kurniawan05;u=1187741
By admin • Blockchain Technology 84 • Tags: Blockchain, Bolttcoin, business, cryptocurrency, ETH, health, healthcoin, information, mining, money, technology, time, token, wallet