BIZpaye is a unique trading platform which has a different system with a convenient way of trading. It’s been the first platform in modern trade history. The main goals of BIZpaye marketplace are to give you a flexible and convenient way to do a transaction. Not only for a big firm, but a BIZpaye system also helps the small and medium enterprises to liquidize the idle and generate more revenue.
Trade barter provider like BIZpaye, which will explain more detail next, is organizational commerce which provides a bookkeeping system for its clients and members. They do a transaction using an internal currency called trade dollars or trade credits. This is will be our point why you should use BIZpaye.
Barter systems today has been an effective way of saving your cash, increasing sales, moving inventory and maximizing your idle capacity. BIZpaye can be the best solution for your company to starting to go internationally without spending much money.
To be the members of BIZpaye, you have to join by initially completing some registration form. Once you done, you are officially the group member of BIZpaye. You can directly sell your goods or services or get it from other members. Every single transaction you do will give the benefit. You get the point in your personal account wallet and can be exchanged into rewards whenever. The information token crypto stored on your wallet is a public information, so all of memners can has the same ability to determine the transaction level.
Transaction System
Currently, the BIZpaye token currency as the part of BIZpaye international group companies has operated in 12 countries around the world using a franchise strategy. To be able to do this such kind of transactions, the members’ company using a credit token as their encrypted wallet.
The participants can exchange or do a barter transaction, which is a direct exchange of both goods or services for other goods or services as well without any medium such as money. All of the participants also can buy their token credits to other members as the main currency to exchange goods or services. That’s why this system also is known as a ‘trade’ or ‘barter’ industry.

By using the BIZpaye credit as the currency, BIZpaye’s participant could enjoy an efficient way to increase sales, cost saving and improving other financial performance. Before continuing our discussion bellow, there are two important terms you should know about BIZpaye credit:
- Utility token, is an application coins or users token. They have an access to enabling them to explore the provided goods or services by seller members.
- While Security token is kind of digital assets that gained its value from the external assets and available for traded.
Market overview
BIZpayeis a retail marketplace which has its unique name which generally known as “CRYPTO” which initiate that this is the instant name to recognize the coin as the main tool to doing a barter, trade, exchange goods and services, and other financial transaction.
Nowadays, more than 45.000 companies in the United States using BIZpaye crypto to doing a barter credit among partners. The un-joined company might be invited to using what is termed “being in credit” and it is possible to the partner company to doing a cash transaction and saving their money 50-70 percent per transaction.
BIZpaye also provides networking event such as Business Seminar, Top Trade events and many mores that generally aimed to help the company partners to promote their business to increase the profitability, improving the company images and profile among merchants members.
BIZpaye also provides networking event such as Business Seminar, Top Trade events and many mores that generally aimed to help the company partners to promote their business to increase the profitability, improving the company images and profile among members.
Actually, the base principal trading of BIZpaye credit is just the same with a conventional bank account. When bank account acquires you to pay the interest and has time to repay, the BIZpaye allows you to free from overdraft and paying the interest.
Why You Should Use Bizpaye?
After knowing some base definition about BIZpaye credit, now, we will give you information about the advantages of using BIZpaye. Here is some benefit when you are decided to using a cryptocurrency for your business transaction:
- Flexibility
As we know that BIZpaye credit using barter token and cryptocurrency as its main tool for doing transactions. This system allows the partners to expand their financial activities to cross the border without transaction limit and has no deadline.
BIZpaye also provides a free online business promotion to all of its members. Not only for a big company, a small and medium-sized enterprise also has the same opportunity to get the facility. Compared with n convenient ecommerce that requires the members to pay some advertisement fees, this system helps you to saving much money as your advertisement cost.
- Reducing Your Cash Expense
What is across in your mind for the first time when hearing about money exchange? It must be kind of wasting your currency to get a little bit dollar right? BIZpaye credit provides a fair exchange system using cryptocurrency, so it allows all the currency in the world to converted into a credit token. BIZpaye helps you to reduce your cash expense so you can increase your business cash flow.
BIZpaye also provides a free online business promotion to all of its members. Not only for a big company, a small and medium-sized enterprise also has the same opportunity to get the facility. Compared with n convenient e-commerce that requires the members to pay some advertisement fees, this system helps you to saving much money as your advertisement cost.
- Increasing Profit
As we explained earlier in the top, BIZpayeroutinely doing a networking event to socialize your business among partners around the world. This opportunity will help you to attract a new business colleague and attract a new customer. You can build a new contract to repeating their transaction which can be locally or internationally. You can get this benefit in every single transaction you do. Instead of requiring you to pay the interest, BIZpaye will promote your business freely and deliver a new customer to do a transaction with you.
This is can be a solution to improving your business performance by increasing sales and gain a higher profit. Besides that, you can save you many dollars by using cryptocurrency for doing transaction among partners especially international colleagues.
BIZpaye credit also can be applied for Business to Business (B2B) marketplace, Business to Consumer, even Business to the government marketplace. So.This systems widely reach every single marketplace.
- No Universal Currency
Since we know that BIZpaye using the cryptocurrency which means that it can be used in every single country, this will make a transaction among country can be easily compared and can be dominated in the same unit. By using a swap crypto systems, international trade can be as simple as domestic trade. This also affected in tourism system. For you who want to go abroad, you don’t need to worry about your currency. You can just easily use your trade credit without changing your currency to dollars or your destination country.
By a single currency as well, all of goods or services can have a minimum charged price. This is means that the benefit of being no universal currency is to improve cost efficiency, higher price transparency, and etc.
- Price Transparency
As we know that Bank is the most responsible financial institution to control all of the money flow. This is not without reason. The first objective is to monitor how much is money outstanding in a country. So, the government could avoid inflation and all of problems from over outstanding money.But nowadays, since the internet is a crucial part of all aspect like politics, social, culture, and economics, transparency can be easily achieved and accessed by all parties and stakeholders.
BIZpaye provides this kind of facility. By using cryptocurrency, seller and buyer can directly know who is managing their money. Blockchain technology, the provider system used by BIZpaye can be a solution to a single transaction by decentralizing ledger. So, both parties can see who is actually happening with their financial condition and who is controlling their fund. At the same time, they also can enjoy transparency when doing a peer-to-peer transaction, especially among country which typically needs much cost.
This condition helps stakeholders to improve their trust among partners and can affect to continuing the contract. Such condition has an impact on the business profit which typically increases as long as client trust is increased.
BIZpaye Ecosystem

As explained earlier in the top, BIZpaye is a commercial organization which consists of a group of clients and members. Every each of them has a different part to support the sustainability of the company. Just like a convenient market, the member of BIZpaye system interacts each other as the buyer and seller. This unique marketplace can be applied as B2B, B2C, C2C, and C2B.
A buyer member is an institution or individual who wants to get some goods or services from other members within an effective, efficient, trusted ways, and high speed through the available transaction medium.
To be identified as the buyer, members typically doing such activities: Searching good and services provided by other members, ordering goods or services, pay for purchased goods, receiving bonuses such as crypto rewards, and receive the other promotions such as purchase discount, promotion, and so on.
Has a contrary defined term with a buyer, members as seller are parties which can be individual or company who provide the goods or services and willing to sell them.
Just the same with the buyer, they also have some specific action to distinguish them from the buyer.
The seller members usually promote their goods or services in the BIZpaye account and publish them, delivering the goods or services when there is order and they have a right to claim revenue after the transaction, giving some promotion to other members as its consumer, and also providing some feedbacks.
In e-commerce payment methods, we usually found some inconvenient in term of lack of trust among sellers and buyers. By using BIZpaye trade and BIZpaye crypto swap platform, both parties can directly control what should they do, and what are their partners do. Those two BIZpaye platforms can eliminate or at least reducing trustless information and financial activities from both parties.
Even this is more transparent rather than convenient e-commerce, there is a principal manner that should be done by the seller and buyer. Both of them should create a contract to determine the detailed action should be fulfilled by both parties. The buyer can directly determine when their purchased goods or services should be delivered and what kind of payment method is chosen to do. While the seller can determine when the payment is received, what kind of benefit they provide for its consumer.
That’s all some aspect and consideration why you should use BIZpaye. Before you are determined to use this system, please search as much as possible the information about this system. You can read this article as initial actions. Even this is globalization era where the internet holds an important part of our life especially in economics, you have to be well informed before doing anything.

Once you are certain to do, you can maximize your business transaction by expanding your commerce activities borderless among the country. You are possible to gain much profit by reducing your cash expenses and doing an efficient transaction. The Decentralized currency also will give your business impact to reduce the exchange fees either. Besides that, you can use the BIZpaye system for personal purpose. One dollar you spend from your token credit is a real saving dollars in your bank account.
Jun 25 2019
Several Things Why You Should Use BIZpaye
BIZpaye is a unique trading platform which has a different system with a convenient way of trading. It’s been the first platform in modern trade history. The main goals of BIZpaye marketplace are to give you a flexible and convenient way to do a transaction. Not only for a big firm, but a BIZpaye system also helps the small and medium enterprises to liquidize the idle and generate more revenue.
Trade barter provider like BIZpaye, which will explain more detail next, is organizational commerce which provides a bookkeeping system for its clients and members. They do a transaction using an internal currency called trade dollars or trade credits. This is will be our point why you should use BIZpaye.
Barter systems today has been an effective way of saving your cash, increasing sales, moving inventory and maximizing your idle capacity. BIZpaye can be the best solution for your company to starting to go internationally without spending much money.
To be the members of BIZpaye, you have to join by initially completing some registration form. Once you done, you are officially the group member of BIZpaye. You can directly sell your goods or services or get it from other members. Every single transaction you do will give the benefit. You get the point in your personal account wallet and can be exchanged into rewards whenever. The information token crypto stored on your wallet is a public information, so all of memners can has the same ability to determine the transaction level.
Transaction System
Currently, the BIZpaye token currency as the part of BIZpaye international group companies has operated in 12 countries around the world using a franchise strategy. To be able to do this such kind of transactions, the members’ company using a credit token as their encrypted wallet.
The participants can exchange or do a barter transaction, which is a direct exchange of both goods or services for other goods or services as well without any medium such as money. All of the participants also can buy their token credits to other members as the main currency to exchange goods or services. That’s why this system also is known as a ‘trade’ or ‘barter’ industry.
By using the BIZpaye credit as the currency, BIZpaye’s participant could enjoy an efficient way to increase sales, cost saving and improving other financial performance. Before continuing our discussion bellow, there are two important terms you should know about BIZpaye credit:
Market overview
BIZpayeis a retail marketplace which has its unique name which generally known as “CRYPTO” which initiate that this is the instant name to recognize the coin as the main tool to doing a barter, trade, exchange goods and services, and other financial transaction.
Nowadays, more than 45.000 companies in the United States using BIZpaye crypto to doing a barter credit among partners. The un-joined company might be invited to using what is termed “being in credit” and it is possible to the partner company to doing a cash transaction and saving their money 50-70 percent per transaction.
BIZpaye also provides networking event such as Business Seminar, Top Trade events and many mores that generally aimed to help the company partners to promote their business to increase the profitability, improving the company images and profile among merchants members.
BIZpaye also provides networking event such as Business Seminar, Top Trade events and many mores that generally aimed to help the company partners to promote their business to increase the profitability, improving the company images and profile among members.
Actually, the base principal trading of BIZpaye credit is just the same with a conventional bank account. When bank account acquires you to pay the interest and has time to repay, the BIZpaye allows you to free from overdraft and paying the interest.
Why You Should Use Bizpaye?
After knowing some base definition about BIZpaye credit, now, we will give you information about the advantages of using BIZpaye. Here is some benefit when you are decided to using a cryptocurrency for your business transaction:
As we know that BIZpaye credit using barter token and cryptocurrency as its main tool for doing transactions. This system allows the partners to expand their financial activities to cross the border without transaction limit and has no deadline.
BIZpaye also provides a free online business promotion to all of its members. Not only for a big company, a small and medium-sized enterprise also has the same opportunity to get the facility. Compared with n convenient ecommerce that requires the members to pay some advertisement fees, this system helps you to saving much money as your advertisement cost.
What is across in your mind for the first time when hearing about money exchange? It must be kind of wasting your currency to get a little bit dollar right? BIZpaye credit provides a fair exchange system using cryptocurrency, so it allows all the currency in the world to converted into a credit token. BIZpaye helps you to reduce your cash expense so you can increase your business cash flow.
BIZpaye also provides a free online business promotion to all of its members. Not only for a big company, a small and medium-sized enterprise also has the same opportunity to get the facility. Compared with n convenient e-commerce that requires the members to pay some advertisement fees, this system helps you to saving much money as your advertisement cost.
As we explained earlier in the top, BIZpayeroutinely doing a networking event to socialize your business among partners around the world. This opportunity will help you to attract a new business colleague and attract a new customer. You can build a new contract to repeating their transaction which can be locally or internationally. You can get this benefit in every single transaction you do. Instead of requiring you to pay the interest, BIZpaye will promote your business freely and deliver a new customer to do a transaction with you.
This is can be a solution to improving your business performance by increasing sales and gain a higher profit. Besides that, you can save you many dollars by using cryptocurrency for doing transaction among partners especially international colleagues.
BIZpaye credit also can be applied for Business to Business (B2B) marketplace, Business to Consumer, even Business to the government marketplace. So.This systems widely reach every single marketplace.
Since we know that BIZpaye using the cryptocurrency which means that it can be used in every single country, this will make a transaction among country can be easily compared and can be dominated in the same unit. By using a swap crypto systems, international trade can be as simple as domestic trade. This also affected in tourism system. For you who want to go abroad, you don’t need to worry about your currency. You can just easily use your trade credit without changing your currency to dollars or your destination country.
By a single currency as well, all of goods or services can have a minimum charged price. This is means that the benefit of being no universal currency is to improve cost efficiency, higher price transparency, and etc.
As we know that Bank is the most responsible financial institution to control all of the money flow. This is not without reason. The first objective is to monitor how much is money outstanding in a country. So, the government could avoid inflation and all of problems from over outstanding money.But nowadays, since the internet is a crucial part of all aspect like politics, social, culture, and economics, transparency can be easily achieved and accessed by all parties and stakeholders.
BIZpaye provides this kind of facility. By using cryptocurrency, seller and buyer can directly know who is managing their money. Blockchain technology, the provider system used by BIZpaye can be a solution to a single transaction by decentralizing ledger. So, both parties can see who is actually happening with their financial condition and who is controlling their fund. At the same time, they also can enjoy transparency when doing a peer-to-peer transaction, especially among country which typically needs much cost.
This condition helps stakeholders to improve their trust among partners and can affect to continuing the contract. Such condition has an impact on the business profit which typically increases as long as client trust is increased.
BIZpaye Ecosystem
As explained earlier in the top, BIZpaye is a commercial organization which consists of a group of clients and members. Every each of them has a different part to support the sustainability of the company. Just like a convenient market, the member of BIZpaye system interacts each other as the buyer and seller. This unique marketplace can be applied as B2B, B2C, C2C, and C2B.
A buyer member is an institution or individual who wants to get some goods or services from other members within an effective, efficient, trusted ways, and high speed through the available transaction medium.
To be identified as the buyer, members typically doing such activities: Searching good and services provided by other members, ordering goods or services, pay for purchased goods, receiving bonuses such as crypto rewards, and receive the other promotions such as purchase discount, promotion, and so on.
Has a contrary defined term with a buyer, members as seller are parties which can be individual or company who provide the goods or services and willing to sell them.
Just the same with the buyer, they also have some specific action to distinguish them from the buyer.
The seller members usually promote their goods or services in the BIZpaye account and publish them, delivering the goods or services when there is order and they have a right to claim revenue after the transaction, giving some promotion to other members as its consumer, and also providing some feedbacks.
In e-commerce payment methods, we usually found some inconvenient in term of lack of trust among sellers and buyers. By using BIZpaye trade and BIZpaye crypto swap platform, both parties can directly control what should they do, and what are their partners do. Those two BIZpaye platforms can eliminate or at least reducing trustless information and financial activities from both parties.
Even this is more transparent rather than convenient e-commerce, there is a principal manner that should be done by the seller and buyer. Both of them should create a contract to determine the detailed action should be fulfilled by both parties. The buyer can directly determine when their purchased goods or services should be delivered and what kind of payment method is chosen to do. While the seller can determine when the payment is received, what kind of benefit they provide for its consumer.
That’s all some aspect and consideration why you should use BIZpaye. Before you are determined to use this system, please search as much as possible the information about this system. You can read this article as initial actions. Even this is globalization era where the internet holds an important part of our life especially in economics, you have to be well informed before doing anything.
Once you are certain to do, you can maximize your business transaction by expanding your commerce activities borderless among the country. You are possible to gain much profit by reducing your cash expenses and doing an efficient transaction. The Decentralized currency also will give your business impact to reduce the exchange fees either. Besides that, you can use the BIZpaye system for personal purpose. One dollar you spend from your token credit is a real saving dollars in your bank account.
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By admin • Blockchain Technology • Tags: Barter, Barter Credit, benefit, BIZpaye Marketplace, Business Seminar, Buy Crypto, Crypto For Online Shopping, Crypto Swap Platform, cryptocurrency, ecommerce, exchange, information, Marketplace, Merchants, much money, Online Crypto Marketplace, Retail, Retail Marketplace, Social Media, Swap Crypto, time, token, Token Swap, wallet