Nov 15 2019
Beneficial Stuff Easy Feedback Token
Along with the development of technology, the results of the current digital currency system can develop in various fields. The progress was felt when a crowdfunding system emerged, which was held by several companies or platforms, one of which was an accessible feedback token.
The use of digital currency or cryptocurrency is now starting to dominate the trade and service markets. Almost all factors in every line of life are already equipped with payment systems using digital currencies. Behind it, there are hundreds of company names that serve as benchmarks for the operation of a cryptocurrency, one of which is the Easy Feedback Token.
Companies like Easy Feedback Token are engaged in the exchange. Although the medium they use is limited to an online platform, this company is sufficient to have more competence in their fields by offering tremendous benefits and employing experts and professionals in operating the system.
Some things we know are the existence and operating system of a cryptocurrency using a moderately complicated mechanism. Since its first publication in the past few years with the advent of bitcoin with its blockchain system, which is quite making significant changes in the area of business economy and banking.
After the emergence and distribution of bitcoin as a pioneer of cryptocurrencies, until now, there have been recorded more than hundreds of official digital currencies circulating legally on the money market. The need for this currency is very influential in the world of trading, as well as those who work using the stock as the main scale.
Then the development of the blockchain system was applied to various fields. So far, what we know is that this type of digital currency can only be used in economics, and banking is a big mistake. We have all become indirect users of this cryptocurrency.
Currently, start-up companies and platforms that are just being built and are pioneering are the results of the modified production system of the blockchain mechanism. Their way of building a new start-up or platform is to use crowdfunding mechanisms provided by several companies, one of which is secure feedback tokens.

By using a blockchain system as a crowdfunding activity medium, it produces a variety of benefits that can be utilized by several parties at once because this blockchain system utilizes a network that builds from the ability of coding and mining skills that is quite capable so that the interface that is produced is a quality network.
In add startup quality network, because the system used to build a blockchain network is quite complicated, it can be concluded that this crowdfunding system will have excellent competence because it is filled with experts and professionals as the main actors.
EFT or Easy Feedback Token provides several offers that can be followed by investors or business entities that are in the process of development or in the stage of startup publications that require extensive networking.
Then in the progression and procedural cooperation, this Easy Feedback Token uses the Initial Exchange Offering pattern as its main program. This program is a development of the previous plan that allows various parties to join to do an extensive network.
However, as the system develops, it does not work effectively because the more people who are not known to participate in activities, the higher the level of potential undesirable things such as crime and fraud cases.
The IEO system imposes rules for every participant who will join and join the crowdfunding program that is available must first register with some reasonably strict steps. With the implementation of the system, each participant and member will be more awake in privacy and security.
Besides, the implementation of the IEO system will further tighten security and minimize the occurrence of frauds that occur. Therefore, the Easy Feedback Token as an organizer has thought carefully about it so that everyone who participates in this crowdfunding activity gets its benefits.

Then by using the multi-language system used on the platform, it is possible for this Easy Feedback Token to be compatible for use in any part of the world without exception.
The Advantages of Using the Easy Feedback Token Platform
Crowdfunding provider platforms are already available in a variety of types that have been spread and have legal certification to operate. But not all of these crowdfunding service provider platforms offer various benefits and benefits that can be felt by startup companies or investors who will build a new network in terms of the blockchain.
1. A higher level of security
By applying the IEO or Initial Exchange Offering system in its crowdfunding mechanism, the blockchain network that builds will be stronger. With a stronger and more adequate security system, this platform is believed to have excellent performance and has tremendous benefits in the field of trading and business.
2. Feedback is a benefit
Some people still doubt the rewards and feedback that will be provided by companies on a small or massive scale. But this form of cooperation is still needed. Asset tokens that are well managed with an operating system that is done by pros and experts.
3. More secure prevention
Using the Initial Exchange Offering system in its crowdfunding program will also make the privacy of each account, member, and participant more secure. With confidentiality maintained but still has a good policy, transparency will build the trust entwined in the order more closely.
4. Legitimate and legal
The security guaranteed by Easy Feeback Token is the existence of a legal advice service that was launched in March 2019. Working closely with legal entities that have official authority will increasingly make this platform secure in jurisdiction and legality.

There is still much other beneficial stuff that can be found in the Easy Feedback Token, ranging from a stable curve to feedback that will increasingly develop. Therefore the target of the global digital market is the wider community and start-up companies that produce their work. With such a cryptocurrency market, it will further facilitate network development if appropriately managed.
So far, crowdfunding management systems are still a scary aspect for some developing companies. The reason is building relationships, and collaboration with presentation systems like this always causes a variety of fraud, ranging from benefits that are not obtained to fraud that can happen immediately.

Therefore, the selection of token assets and crowdfunding activities in the blockchain circle must be considered. Because out there, cybercrime and other crimes will develop along with the development of technology.
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Posted by kurniawan05;u=1187741
May 20 2020
Cowrium Update: The Ongoing Cowrie Coin Sale, System, And Roadmap
Building and developing a cryptocurrency platform is not an easy feat. There is a need for a long journey of developments, systems, and planned roadmap. One of the digital money platforms that gain quite an attention is Cowrium. The platform that uses Cowrie coin, its native digital money, has been going through journey and roadmap which is worth checking out. This will rather important consideration for you who are interested in joining the project.
A Brief Info About Cowrium
The multidimensional blockchain and smart contract innovation using Cowrie coin were initiated to solve SME’s (Small and Medium Enterprises). The traditional transaction tends to have lots of errors, thus Cowrium creates Cowrie coin (CWR) to make a new economic system on the blockchain technology. The objective is to provide digital and cross-border transaction or payments, which is performed in a quicker, secure, and affordable fashion.
The Native Cryptocurrency, Cowrie Coin
As the native digital money on the platform, the platform devises multiple ways for merchants or users to acquire and use the Cowrie coins. There is a smart contract, cowDex, errandBoy, and cowrie stability AI to ensure self-sustainability. Along with that, you will find that the coin is interchangeable and easy to use for your small SMEs or business. For you who are interested to join, there will be numerous benefits waiting for you in the future.
Some of the benefits are a great discount and easy access to your money. Referral reward programs can be obtained by asking others to join. At the same time, there is also a merchant loyalty program. You will also get easy to install and use smart coin wallets, along with the micro fast transaction ability across different platforms. And of course, there will be interesting freebies, bonuses, and discount offers on the Cowrie Coin Sales.
Join Cowrium Through Cowrie Coin Sales
One way to join the platform is by investing and buy cowrie coins. Whilst in the early stages of developments, the crowd sale of cowrie coins is being held and open for everyone. This particular stage is a part of the roadmap, which is aim to raise fund for the project. At the same time, the crowd sale is available to allow potential investors to become a part of the Cowrium system. Whether you are familiar with the crypto world or not, you can join this project.
The Main token sales of Cowrie coin will be held in 2020. Starting from January to the end of May 2020. During this time, you will be offered a special discounted price as a benefit for buying the coin in advance before it is listed on several crypto exchanges. Worth noting that the crowd sale will be raised via the pre-ICO and ICO sales. Later on, there will be Pre-IEO and IEO stages. After that, it will continue through the marketing program.
The Pre ICO Private Stages
In these stages, the fund raised will help the platform to process the initial stage of the development team and project dimension. All of that is mainly to ensure a faster and better development process. In this matter, during this time the number of cowrie coins that available to purchase is limited. Because of that, the Pre ICO system used by Cowrium is a “first come, first serve” basis which is later organized in our stages (1-3 private and 4 restricted)
The Pre ICO 5 Stages Public Crowd Funding
After finishing the private or restricted Pre ICO stages, Cowrium opens the public crowdfunding from January 2020 to May 2020. During this time, you or any other interested participant can gain some discounts and benefits by buying Ccowrie coins in certain phases. This particular Pre ICO has been kept in a quite wide period (5 months in 5 phases) to ensure everyone who wants or interested to join the project has adequate opportunities.
The IEO (Initial Exchange Offering)
When it comes to Pre – IEO or the IEO, the stages will be initiated to help to complete the overall project’s process. the IEO stages will be held after the ICO stages, thus allowing you or any other people who miss the opportunity to join through ICO. During this time, there will no discount or extra reward. If you are interested, the expected date will take place around June 2020.
You can expect a higher chance to join with high exchanges during these stages. The reason why there is a limited amount of coin offered in the previous stages was due to penciled down high profile exchanges in IEO. The IEO itself will run at 0,050 USD, which is considered higher compared to the previous stage. However, the coin exchange will later have expected to go into the market at 0,074 USD. This means it is a win-win situation.
The Latest Update Per Q1 2020
After reaching the year 2020, Cowrium has been actively promoting the ICO and PRE – IEO phases. At the same time, numerous Cowrium Bounty weeks offer people who participate to get a chance of winning rewards. Each reward is varying in every bounty week, however, the latest bounty program (Bounty week: 6, May 14 – May 20, 2020) offers an enormous reward worth up to 750K USD.
Until the time this article was written, the pre-ICO has reached phase V which is the last opportunity to join. Opened in May 2020 to the end of May 2020, the pre-ICO sale of Cowrium coin guarantee bonus up to 30%. There is no limit on minimum or maximum purchase, however, the bonus amount will depend on the coin / token quantity you buy. During this phase, the CWR price will be around 0,045 USD per token.
Those are information about the development and the roadmap of the Cowrium platform. The project that initiated in 2019 was started with the website and project development, keep on growing in 2020. The first main token sale is started in 2020 and followed with other apps that will be commenced (in Q4 2020). The roadmap will continue to 2021. If you are interested to join, don’t waste your time and join us as soon as possible before the sale closed.
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By admin • Blockchain Technology • Tags: Ann Thread, Cowrie Coin Sales, Cowrium Bounty, cwr, exchange, ICO, IEO, innovation, money, smart, time