The world of macroeconomics is always been a mess, as the transaction, brokerage, banking institution, to even the global monetary situation is always been shifting from one polar to another. The disruption in the world technology has brought a massive impact to the whole monetary transaction, and thus creating so many windows of possibilities that are very beneficial to the world today. The world has witnessed so many changes in the form of monetary transaction, be it the traditional and conventional methods of exchange, to the moneyless and paperless form of currency that has been ravaging the world of the economy today. Even there are so many forms of newer currencies, which are called the cryptocurrency that has brought so many changes in the monetary and economic realm. Those changes have been proved to be double-edged swords, which if are left unattended, they will bring chaos and disorder to the world.
The cryptocurrency that has been brought by the platform has proved to have changed the way of life significantly. The blockchain platform which mostly comes in the form of the disruptive oriented business platform has emerged and offered a new way of business and transaction for the people of the world. The transparency and the decentralized platform that has become the very nature of the world of blockchain has proved to be very effective and time-wise as they can be conducted and operated everywhere across the globe. There are so many business forms that have been birth by the world of the blockchain, from the simplest health care system to the housing mortgage platform.
But nevertheless, the world of cryptocurrency is far from over, and thus need to be improved. There are several issues that can be found in the world of cryptocurrency, which are:
- Lack of trust
This is very normal since the world of cryptocurrencies, or the token is very new and therefore making it very hard to be trusted. The value of one particular token is also very definitive to the community, making it very fragile in the broader scope of the economy. The society is also having a hard time to put the trust in the world of cryptocurrency since they are very fragile, diverse and doesn’t have a single bank to maintain the value of those tokens that have been circulated in the world today. And due to this lack of trust, therefore the people will find it very hard for the cryptocurrency to be used in a real and serious economic transaction. This situation needs to be changed otherwise the token will never earn their places in the world economy today.
- Impractical
The worst enemy of the token is the impracticability of the token usage. The token usage mostly used as the main transaction that occurred within the platform itself. Several transactions that are occurred within the platform could become in the form of paying for access, upgrading account, paying for services and so forth. The usage of the token outside the platform is barely visible, though several parties have tried to solve the issue by adding the third party merchants, or the mechanism to use the token for daily usage. But still the token nowadays are mostly used for investment and therefore the practical usage of the token is lacking and people tend to sell the token to gain the fiat currencies.
- Lack of inter-platform connection
The platform of blockchain is almost limitless, as there will be always more and more platform emerges on the internet and start offering their own token. those phenomena are very good for the growth of the economy, but the lack of connection between the platform will make them more and more separated and thus could potentially bring chaos if left unattended. The platform needs to be integrated, although without sacrificing the brilliant idea of the decentralized mechanism. The integration, in this case, is the coordination to form a better solution for the transaction and the token usage so that the user, which are the people of the world will start to gain the practical benefit and making the cryptocurrency gain the trust of the people.
- Market barrier
This issue is actually related to the lack of trust that has been plagued the cryptocurrency world from the beginning of the blockchain spread on the internet. There are several countries which are open handedly accept the existence of the cryptocurrency, but there are also many countries which banned the usage of cryptocurrency and making them completely isolated from the usage of the token as a whole. This is because the country such as middle eastern countries, China, and the even USA are very difficult to trust the cryptocurrency, as they are bringing so many disruptions to the whole economy and making instability for the country. In order for the token to be widely spread across the world, the platform needs to gain the trust of those countries and this removing the market barriers.
Cryptocurrency is without a doubt a very new world with a very new mechanism and methods of transaction. Surely the people will need to learn and adapt for the further usage of the token. but the world of cryptocurrency is also needed to be improved for an extended usage for the people, and to make the world trust the token and the blockchain more.
For further information concerning the overview of the blockchain platform, you can visit the web pages below.
The Solution For The Current Crypto Market: Ingotcoin
As we have seen so many issues that have been ravaged the world of cryptocurrency, the system needs the solution to solve all the remaining issues in order for the cryptocurrency world to be accepted widely. As so happens, the solution comes in the form of another blockchain platform which attempts to make them a bridge between all kind of token that has been circulated currently, and also integrating the token with a legitimate banking institution so that the token can gain more value and sense of security. The token, which is the primary thing for the blockchain need to be protected from the value degradation otherwise the entire system will start to collapse one after another. The integration of this platform with the banking institution will further strengthen the token foothold in the world of the macroeconomic.
The second issue that needs to be solved immediately is the scope of a transaction. As we have mentioned in the issues above, the usage of the token need to encompass a very large portion of the transaction to gain the status of practicability. The token need to be able to be used for any kind of transaction so that it can be used widely and by all kind of people. The token nowadays are very limited in scope and thus making the usage of the token very weak and impractical. This can be resolved by the increase of the scope of the token usage, and mass integration with the tradition and conventional market so that the token can be used for day to day transaction.
As so happens, the platform has created several solutions for the issues that have been mentioned above. Here are the solution offered with the ingotcoin platform for the world of cryptocurrency.
- Token wallet
The token wallet is the places for the platform to store their token for further usage or simply just for storing it. The token wallet is a great idea and a very secure place to store the token, but as it happens, the main issue of the wallet is their inability of the token wallet holder to store more than a type of token at once. Many platforms will exclusively use the token wallet for one particular type of token and thus make the wallet less efficient. The wallet must be able to store multiple token types so that the transaction for the whole token can be very easy, and the token exchange can also be conducted faster and better too.
- IC exchange
The coin exchange is very critical for the platform used as the token need to be exchanged in a proper manner and in the right places. Usually, the token holder will visit the third party platform to exchange the money to the token or vice versa, or from one token to another. That is time-consuming and less efficient, as they cannot do it instantaneously in their own wallet. Having the ingotcoin platform is just like having a walking money changer, as you can easily change your token in very simple steps, which can be very beneficial as the world of cryptocurrency heavily relies on the speed of transaction.
- Brokerage
This is what makes the platform interesting, as the platform shows the prices of several important goods, such as the foods, the material, and so forth all over the world. After you use the brokerage features, you can purchase those goods using the tokens and you can re-sell the goods for the better prices, as that how the brokerage goes. The brokerage features also will allow the investor to access the prices and the market demand easily and faster as the platform employs the real-time services in their platform. Using the brokerage features, you can easily access the goods that can be brokered and purchased using your token only.
- IC digital bank
Even though this won’t work s the central bank in the USA, this bank will provide the bride for the heavy token transaction such as the brokerage transaction and the goods purchases using the tokens. the digital bank will serve as the middle parties which will legitimize the purchase and ensure that the value has been met by both of the parties. the bank will also track the purchasing record so that the future can be settled peacefully as brokerage world is very prone to any form of conflicts. The remittance speed and the fees that will be involved in that bank is very cheap and efficient, meaning that the user will be able to use the bank as fast as they can, and with the lowest fees possible.
For further information regarding the features of the platform, you may refer to the web pages below.
The initial coin offering

The ICO, or usually referred to the token sale also happen in the ingotcoin as this platform is based on the cryptocurrency and blockchain platform. To acquire the token, one must follow the token sale of the ICO, as the token will only be distributed there. No more token will be created outside for the sale, and any token which is left unsold will be burned and destroyed.
There are only two types of sale that are being implemented in the platform, which are the pre-sale and the public sale. The pre-sale is already over since it has started around may and end in June and the bonuses for the pre-sale is around 35-25% which will decline 5% per week. As the public sale, the platform applies a huge variant of bonuses ranging from 25 to 0% of the bonus, and start on July the 1st to 15th August. The bonus, just like the pre-sale bonus wills gradually declining by 5% per week.
There is no the soft and hard cap per sale, as those caps apply generally to all kind of sales. it means that if the hard cap has been reached in the pre-sale, the wholesale will be automatically canceled for good. The soft cap of the sale will be 37million USD worth ingotcoin token and the hard cap will be around 90 million USD. As the token usage, you can use the token for any kind of transaction, from purchasing goods in the brokerage, certifier, or simply exchanging it in the IC exchange. The usage of the token is quite wide and various and therefore you can find the token usage very practical. As always, you can also vest the token for a number period of time, and then exchange it to obtain the fiat currencies.
For further information concerning the token usage and token sale, you may refer to the web pages below.
Posted by kurniawan05;u=1187741
Aug 8 2018
Whole Macroeconomics Coverage With Ingotcoin
The world of macroeconomics is always been a mess, as the transaction, brokerage, banking institution, to even the global monetary situation is always been shifting from one polar to another. The disruption in the world technology has brought a massive impact to the whole monetary transaction, and thus creating so many windows of possibilities that are very beneficial to the world today. The world has witnessed so many changes in the form of monetary transaction, be it the traditional and conventional methods of exchange, to the moneyless and paperless form of currency that has been ravaging the world of the economy today. Even there are so many forms of newer currencies, which are called the cryptocurrency that has brought so many changes in the monetary and economic realm. Those changes have been proved to be double-edged swords, which if are left unattended, they will bring chaos and disorder to the world.
The cryptocurrency that has been brought by the platform has proved to have changed the way of life significantly. The blockchain platform which mostly comes in the form of the disruptive oriented business platform has emerged and offered a new way of business and transaction for the people of the world. The transparency and the decentralized platform that has become the very nature of the world of blockchain has proved to be very effective and time-wise as they can be conducted and operated everywhere across the globe. There are so many business forms that have been birth by the world of the blockchain, from the simplest health care system to the housing mortgage platform.
But nevertheless, the world of cryptocurrency is far from over, and thus need to be improved. There are several issues that can be found in the world of cryptocurrency, which are:
This is very normal since the world of cryptocurrencies, or the token is very new and therefore making it very hard to be trusted. The value of one particular token is also very definitive to the community, making it very fragile in the broader scope of the economy. The society is also having a hard time to put the trust in the world of cryptocurrency since they are very fragile, diverse and doesn’t have a single bank to maintain the value of those tokens that have been circulated in the world today. And due to this lack of trust, therefore the people will find it very hard for the cryptocurrency to be used in a real and serious economic transaction. This situation needs to be changed otherwise the token will never earn their places in the world economy today.
The worst enemy of the token is the impracticability of the token usage. The token usage mostly used as the main transaction that occurred within the platform itself. Several transactions that are occurred within the platform could become in the form of paying for access, upgrading account, paying for services and so forth. The usage of the token outside the platform is barely visible, though several parties have tried to solve the issue by adding the third party merchants, or the mechanism to use the token for daily usage. But still the token nowadays are mostly used for investment and therefore the practical usage of the token is lacking and people tend to sell the token to gain the fiat currencies.
The platform of blockchain is almost limitless, as there will be always more and more platform emerges on the internet and start offering their own token. those phenomena are very good for the growth of the economy, but the lack of connection between the platform will make them more and more separated and thus could potentially bring chaos if left unattended. The platform needs to be integrated, although without sacrificing the brilliant idea of the decentralized mechanism. The integration, in this case, is the coordination to form a better solution for the transaction and the token usage so that the user, which are the people of the world will start to gain the practical benefit and making the cryptocurrency gain the trust of the people.
This issue is actually related to the lack of trust that has been plagued the cryptocurrency world from the beginning of the blockchain spread on the internet. There are several countries which are open handedly accept the existence of the cryptocurrency, but there are also many countries which banned the usage of cryptocurrency and making them completely isolated from the usage of the token as a whole. This is because the country such as middle eastern countries, China, and the even USA are very difficult to trust the cryptocurrency, as they are bringing so many disruptions to the whole economy and making instability for the country. In order for the token to be widely spread across the world, the platform needs to gain the trust of those countries and this removing the market barriers.
Cryptocurrency is without a doubt a very new world with a very new mechanism and methods of transaction. Surely the people will need to learn and adapt for the further usage of the token. but the world of cryptocurrency is also needed to be improved for an extended usage for the people, and to make the world trust the token and the blockchain more.
For further information concerning the overview of the blockchain platform, you can visit the web pages below.
The Solution For The Current Crypto Market: Ingotcoin
As we have seen so many issues that have been ravaged the world of cryptocurrency, the system needs the solution to solve all the remaining issues in order for the cryptocurrency world to be accepted widely. As so happens, the solution comes in the form of another blockchain platform which attempts to make them a bridge between all kind of token that has been circulated currently, and also integrating the token with a legitimate banking institution so that the token can gain more value and sense of security. The token, which is the primary thing for the blockchain need to be protected from the value degradation otherwise the entire system will start to collapse one after another. The integration of this platform with the banking institution will further strengthen the token foothold in the world of the macroeconomic.
The second issue that needs to be solved immediately is the scope of a transaction. As we have mentioned in the issues above, the usage of the token need to encompass a very large portion of the transaction to gain the status of practicability. The token need to be able to be used for any kind of transaction so that it can be used widely and by all kind of people. The token nowadays are very limited in scope and thus making the usage of the token very weak and impractical. This can be resolved by the increase of the scope of the token usage, and mass integration with the tradition and conventional market so that the token can be used for day to day transaction.
As so happens, the platform has created several solutions for the issues that have been mentioned above. Here are the solution offered with the ingotcoin platform for the world of cryptocurrency.
The token wallet is the places for the platform to store their token for further usage or simply just for storing it. The token wallet is a great idea and a very secure place to store the token, but as it happens, the main issue of the wallet is their inability of the token wallet holder to store more than a type of token at once. Many platforms will exclusively use the token wallet for one particular type of token and thus make the wallet less efficient. The wallet must be able to store multiple token types so that the transaction for the whole token can be very easy, and the token exchange can also be conducted faster and better too.
The coin exchange is very critical for the platform used as the token need to be exchanged in a proper manner and in the right places. Usually, the token holder will visit the third party platform to exchange the money to the token or vice versa, or from one token to another. That is time-consuming and less efficient, as they cannot do it instantaneously in their own wallet. Having the ingotcoin platform is just like having a walking money changer, as you can easily change your token in very simple steps, which can be very beneficial as the world of cryptocurrency heavily relies on the speed of transaction.
This is what makes the platform interesting, as the platform shows the prices of several important goods, such as the foods, the material, and so forth all over the world. After you use the brokerage features, you can purchase those goods using the tokens and you can re-sell the goods for the better prices, as that how the brokerage goes. The brokerage features also will allow the investor to access the prices and the market demand easily and faster as the platform employs the real-time services in their platform. Using the brokerage features, you can easily access the goods that can be brokered and purchased using your token only.
Even though this won’t work s the central bank in the USA, this bank will provide the bride for the heavy token transaction such as the brokerage transaction and the goods purchases using the tokens. the digital bank will serve as the middle parties which will legitimize the purchase and ensure that the value has been met by both of the parties. the bank will also track the purchasing record so that the future can be settled peacefully as brokerage world is very prone to any form of conflicts. The remittance speed and the fees that will be involved in that bank is very cheap and efficient, meaning that the user will be able to use the bank as fast as they can, and with the lowest fees possible.
For further information regarding the features of the platform, you may refer to the web pages below.
The initial coin offering
The ICO, or usually referred to the token sale also happen in the ingotcoin as this platform is based on the cryptocurrency and blockchain platform. To acquire the token, one must follow the token sale of the ICO, as the token will only be distributed there. No more token will be created outside for the sale, and any token which is left unsold will be burned and destroyed.
There are only two types of sale that are being implemented in the platform, which are the pre-sale and the public sale. The pre-sale is already over since it has started around may and end in June and the bonuses for the pre-sale is around 35-25% which will decline 5% per week. As the public sale, the platform applies a huge variant of bonuses ranging from 25 to 0% of the bonus, and start on July the 1st to 15th August. The bonus, just like the pre-sale bonus wills gradually declining by 5% per week.
There is no the soft and hard cap per sale, as those caps apply generally to all kind of sales. it means that if the hard cap has been reached in the pre-sale, the wholesale will be automatically canceled for good. The soft cap of the sale will be 37million USD worth ingotcoin token and the hard cap will be around 90 million USD. As the token usage, you can use the token for any kind of transaction, from purchasing goods in the brokerage, certifier, or simply exchanging it in the IC exchange. The usage of the token is quite wide and various and therefore you can find the token usage very practical. As always, you can also vest the token for a number period of time, and then exchange it to obtain the fiat currencies.
For further information concerning the token usage and token sale, you may refer to the web pages below.
Posted by kurniawan05;u=1187741
By admin • Blockchain Technology 277 • Tags: Blockchain, business, Crypto, cryptocurrency, exchange, ICO, information, ingot, ingotcoin, market, scope, token sale, USA, wallet