The development of network has grown by much, indeed. Today, we can’t deny that the existence of network has become an important part of our life. It is more than just the means for communication only. After all, people have been able to make good use of this global communication. Thus, any kind of users can benefit from the use of network. As beneficial as it might have been, you can’t ignore the fact that there is one big issue we face today, namely data exploitation. Datum is said to be there to solve the problem. So, let’s find out how this new decentralized network could do the job below.
What Is the Datum Database and Marketplace?
We can’t find out about what Datum really is without looking back into the cause of its existence. Yes, the very cause we are talking about here is none other than the exploitation of personal data. Did you know? We make data every time we access the network. By doing as simple activity as browsing alone, you might never realize yourself that we actually add more data in huge data silos of the network. Unfortunately, you must know that these silos here don’t belong to the network users. Then, who are the ones that own those silos?
They actually belong to the large private organizations. So, you should have been able to conclude that we don’t own the data we make by that point. Despite being the maker of the data, we lose its ownership as soon as we enter network services, like Google, Facebook, and the kind. Once it is stored in the silos, the data will be prone to all sorts of exploitation, like selling, tampering, and extraction without us even knowing it, let alone giving consent to it. We rarely get paid even though we are the ones producing the data for others.
Datum database and marketplace believes that our data is first and foremost owned by ourselves. They believe that only the owner has the rights to choose whether they want to share, monetize, or even destroy the data. That is why there is a need for us to take back the control over our own data. To do so, we need new network with new kind of database and marketplace for personal data, accommodating safe trade and exchange of it. With it, you will be able to prevent others from exploiting data and make money for themselves.
Introducing Datum – Video
The Work of Datum App for Involved Individuals
Yes, this network is web-based kind, but they offer you handier means to make good use of their service. For that purpose, Datum app is there for use. Speaking about this app, there are all sorts of things that it can do for every individual involved. Of course, everything they do is by the consent of the users. After all, they are the real owners of the data. Datum network does not take away what belongs to their originators. It is what makes this network different than any others. Here, let us tell you what the app can do for all of the individuals.
Extract Digital Receipts for Researchers
There are lots of things that the app can do if we have to tell you into detail. Without doubt, Datum acts as the safe database for users to store their data in. Datum is also the safe marketplace where only the buyers can obtain the data. Since the data is encrypted, there will be no one that can steal it from the users. However, it is not the only thing that the network or the app could do. First things first, we would like to tell you the app has the ability to extract the digital receipts. The app could do so from even the popular hosted email accounts.
The data obtained from this would be beneficial for manufacturers, advertisers, financial analysts, hedge funds, and other researchers. From analyzing confirmation emails of Apple Store pre-order for example, we can make prediction about the true demand for the next iPhone released then. As simple capability as this, Datum can benefit more individuals than you think. It is not just about benefitting the users and buyers, but researchers as well. Of course, since it involves the existence of users in the ecosystem, their consent is needed.
By acting without their permission, Datum will be like committing the exploitation themselves and it would make them nothing different than the existing network that is too centralized. Also, it is not your rights to take control over what’s not yours, to begin with. If users give the permission to Datum to carry out this first contribution of the app though, we are sure that the researchers will benefit much from it. You can prepare ahead by analyzing the available data and make predictions for the future. We expect no less of Datum app.
Obtain the Financial Data for Advertisers
The next thing that the app can do is to obtain financial data. That financial data includes check card and credit card transaction. If it is allowed, Datum has the capability to extract such data from multi-national banks and credit unions. Who do you think will benefit from this? They would be none other than advertisers and even research providers. Through this financial data, they would be able to offer even higher quality data. To be exact, it is the data on consumer purchasing habits against self-supported surveys. Will it be possible then?
Of course, it would. After all, you can get the detailed information you need if you ask. Asking about the amount of one’s groceries spending last month will be answered with the actual number, payment method, preferred chain of grocery, and the most recent visit. As you can see, there is much answer to get from one question only. However, you need to know that Datum has respect to the owners of the data. Unless they give their permission, you can’t expect this app to provide you financial data. You need to respect the owners.
Normally though, research team does not find it easy to find such detailed answer. However, since Datum app can make it possible under the users’ consent, it makes good opportunity for the team to get the financial data they need. Visit the network’s official website at and you should be able to learn much about this network and its app. If you can benefit from it, don’t you think it is worth trying? After all, it is the world’s first distributed database and marketplace for personal data we are talking about right here.
Construct Device Graph for Household
This is the next thing that Datum can do. After all, its application features household device graphing to offer. As the name suggest, with this app, we can get household device graph that is constructed accurately. That very device includes shared devices and devices for work related against personal activities. In Datum’s official website, you will see that this feature is one among what’s highlighted about the use of Datum app. The one who will benefit from such work of the app is the advertisers. How do you think this can benefit them then?
Actually, with the help of this household device graph, they should have been able to get better understanding about who uses which device in particular household. It is not only that. The device graphing can tell you the way to send messages across the devices as well as the day-parts. Just like the previous works of the app though, it wouldn’t be possible unless the users give permission to Datum network. Datum itself won’t act against their will since this network values the ownership of data created by network users. Don’t forget it.
Regardless of this strict rule set by Datum network, the benefits you get might be even greater than you ever think. Besides being able to use users’ data openly without being accused of thievery, these features we are talking about here about the app are some benefits of the network worth to take into account. Household device graphing is only one of them. You can find more about this network in If you are interested in it, there is nothing wrong about joining this network’s ecosystem.
Offer Decentralized Document Storage
We have sensitive data among all of the data we own. That very sensitive data includes government documents, like passports and driver licenses. You must have known that they are the kind of data that we don’t want to be exploited by others. After all, they contain private information. If you read through Datum’s whitepaper, you will know more in greater detail about the current issue of data exploitation in the network. That becomes the very reason of Datum existence after all. So, what’s the solution it has to offer to solve the problem?
It is about creating decentralized storage for those private documents. It is the most appropriate method there is to secure sensitive data, indeed. Other than protecting the data itself, it ensures that there is nothing or no one that can take control over the users/owners. You can rest assured for entrusting your data to Datum network and letting their app to get the job done. Because of this decentralized storage, users will find it safe to import their identity documents. There is nothing dangerous for doing such kind of thing anymore.
You will be fine even if you import the data across more than one KYC provider. Datum can promise that your data won’t be exposed in data breach. This is quite a thing to promise, isn’t it? However, it is neither an empty promise nor a lie at all. Datum actually strives to make it happen. The existence of the network and the release of the data prove enough that there is solution to the current network’s issue of data exploitation. It won’t hurt to give it a try yourself and see if you can really benefit from it. It is worth paying attention too.
Tokenize the Data of All the Consumers
In the network, there are the makers or owners of data. However, you should know that there are enterprises who handle the data as well. For them though, large amounts of data are often views as a waste. We know that every single user has it, but unfortunately they don’t know what to do with it. Well, this is because many people don’t think that data holds no value. Ironically, the ones who exploit the data for the development of their business are the only individuals who see that users’ data is big asset in today’s knowledge economy.
So, Datum realizes that there is a need to value the data so that every single individual don’t take it lightly at all. That is why this network proposes data monetization for the users and data tokenization for the enterprises. As the name suggests, the enterprises would have the means to get profit in the form of DAT tokens from handling large amounts of data. This is how we can appreciate their work while making sure that users’ data is not treated like a waste. Datum app will help the enterprises to tokenize users’ data for them all.
Of course, Datum will still give protection to users’ data from all sorts of exploitation while still taking care of monetization and tokenization. Now, what do you have to say about the app? Without doubt, these features are what this single app can do for the safety and value of the data and you. You see that everyone involved could benefit from it compared to still letting the data being exploited and taken lightly by others. Even the users themselves could then realize that the data they make have value that can’t be ignored. So, trust your data to Datum and you will earn benefits.
Sep 1 2018
Datum Database and Marketplace: Knowing How the Datum App Works for Everyone
The development of network has grown by much, indeed. Today, we can’t deny that the existence of network has become an important part of our life. It is more than just the means for communication only. After all, people have been able to make good use of this global communication. Thus, any kind of users can benefit from the use of network. As beneficial as it might have been, you can’t ignore the fact that there is one big issue we face today, namely data exploitation. Datum is said to be there to solve the problem. So, let’s find out how this new decentralized network could do the job below.
What Is the Datum Database and Marketplace?
We can’t find out about what Datum really is without looking back into the cause of its existence. Yes, the very cause we are talking about here is none other than the exploitation of personal data. Did you know? We make data every time we access the network. By doing as simple activity as browsing alone, you might never realize yourself that we actually add more data in huge data silos of the network. Unfortunately, you must know that these silos here don’t belong to the network users. Then, who are the ones that own those silos?
They actually belong to the large private organizations. So, you should have been able to conclude that we don’t own the data we make by that point. Despite being the maker of the data, we lose its ownership as soon as we enter network services, like Google, Facebook, and the kind. Once it is stored in the silos, the data will be prone to all sorts of exploitation, like selling, tampering, and extraction without us even knowing it, let alone giving consent to it. We rarely get paid even though we are the ones producing the data for others.
Datum database and marketplace believes that our data is first and foremost owned by ourselves. They believe that only the owner has the rights to choose whether they want to share, monetize, or even destroy the data. That is why there is a need for us to take back the control over our own data. To do so, we need new network with new kind of database and marketplace for personal data, accommodating safe trade and exchange of it. With it, you will be able to prevent others from exploiting data and make money for themselves.
Introducing Datum – Video
The Work of Datum App for Involved Individuals
Yes, this network is web-based kind, but they offer you handier means to make good use of their service. For that purpose, Datum app is there for use. Speaking about this app, there are all sorts of things that it can do for every individual involved. Of course, everything they do is by the consent of the users. After all, they are the real owners of the data. Datum network does not take away what belongs to their originators. It is what makes this network different than any others. Here, let us tell you what the app can do for all of the individuals.
There are lots of things that the app can do if we have to tell you into detail. Without doubt, Datum acts as the safe database for users to store their data in. Datum is also the safe marketplace where only the buyers can obtain the data. Since the data is encrypted, there will be no one that can steal it from the users. However, it is not the only thing that the network or the app could do. First things first, we would like to tell you the app has the ability to extract the digital receipts. The app could do so from even the popular hosted email accounts.
The data obtained from this would be beneficial for manufacturers, advertisers, financial analysts, hedge funds, and other researchers. From analyzing confirmation emails of Apple Store pre-order for example, we can make prediction about the true demand for the next iPhone released then. As simple capability as this, Datum can benefit more individuals than you think. It is not just about benefitting the users and buyers, but researchers as well. Of course, since it involves the existence of users in the ecosystem, their consent is needed.
By acting without their permission, Datum will be like committing the exploitation themselves and it would make them nothing different than the existing network that is too centralized. Also, it is not your rights to take control over what’s not yours, to begin with. If users give the permission to Datum to carry out this first contribution of the app though, we are sure that the researchers will benefit much from it. You can prepare ahead by analyzing the available data and make predictions for the future. We expect no less of Datum app.
The next thing that the app can do is to obtain financial data. That financial data includes check card and credit card transaction. If it is allowed, Datum has the capability to extract such data from multi-national banks and credit unions. Who do you think will benefit from this? They would be none other than advertisers and even research providers. Through this financial data, they would be able to offer even higher quality data. To be exact, it is the data on consumer purchasing habits against self-supported surveys. Will it be possible then?
Of course, it would. After all, you can get the detailed information you need if you ask. Asking about the amount of one’s groceries spending last month will be answered with the actual number, payment method, preferred chain of grocery, and the most recent visit. As you can see, there is much answer to get from one question only. However, you need to know that Datum has respect to the owners of the data. Unless they give their permission, you can’t expect this app to provide you financial data. You need to respect the owners.
Normally though, research team does not find it easy to find such detailed answer. However, since Datum app can make it possible under the users’ consent, it makes good opportunity for the team to get the financial data they need. Visit the network’s official website at and you should be able to learn much about this network and its app. If you can benefit from it, don’t you think it is worth trying? After all, it is the world’s first distributed database and marketplace for personal data we are talking about right here.
This is the next thing that Datum can do. After all, its application features household device graphing to offer. As the name suggest, with this app, we can get household device graph that is constructed accurately. That very device includes shared devices and devices for work related against personal activities. In Datum’s official website, you will see that this feature is one among what’s highlighted about the use of Datum app. The one who will benefit from such work of the app is the advertisers. How do you think this can benefit them then?
Actually, with the help of this household device graph, they should have been able to get better understanding about who uses which device in particular household. It is not only that. The device graphing can tell you the way to send messages across the devices as well as the day-parts. Just like the previous works of the app though, it wouldn’t be possible unless the users give permission to Datum network. Datum itself won’t act against their will since this network values the ownership of data created by network users. Don’t forget it.
Regardless of this strict rule set by Datum network, the benefits you get might be even greater than you ever think. Besides being able to use users’ data openly without being accused of thievery, these features we are talking about here about the app are some benefits of the network worth to take into account. Household device graphing is only one of them. You can find more about this network in If you are interested in it, there is nothing wrong about joining this network’s ecosystem.
We have sensitive data among all of the data we own. That very sensitive data includes government documents, like passports and driver licenses. You must have known that they are the kind of data that we don’t want to be exploited by others. After all, they contain private information. If you read through Datum’s whitepaper, you will know more in greater detail about the current issue of data exploitation in the network. That becomes the very reason of Datum existence after all. So, what’s the solution it has to offer to solve the problem?
It is about creating decentralized storage for those private documents. It is the most appropriate method there is to secure sensitive data, indeed. Other than protecting the data itself, it ensures that there is nothing or no one that can take control over the users/owners. You can rest assured for entrusting your data to Datum network and letting their app to get the job done. Because of this decentralized storage, users will find it safe to import their identity documents. There is nothing dangerous for doing such kind of thing anymore.
You will be fine even if you import the data across more than one KYC provider. Datum can promise that your data won’t be exposed in data breach. This is quite a thing to promise, isn’t it? However, it is neither an empty promise nor a lie at all. Datum actually strives to make it happen. The existence of the network and the release of the data prove enough that there is solution to the current network’s issue of data exploitation. It won’t hurt to give it a try yourself and see if you can really benefit from it. It is worth paying attention too.
In the network, there are the makers or owners of data. However, you should know that there are enterprises who handle the data as well. For them though, large amounts of data are often views as a waste. We know that every single user has it, but unfortunately they don’t know what to do with it. Well, this is because many people don’t think that data holds no value. Ironically, the ones who exploit the data for the development of their business are the only individuals who see that users’ data is big asset in today’s knowledge economy.
So, Datum realizes that there is a need to value the data so that every single individual don’t take it lightly at all. That is why this network proposes data monetization for the users and data tokenization for the enterprises. As the name suggests, the enterprises would have the means to get profit in the form of DAT tokens from handling large amounts of data. This is how we can appreciate their work while making sure that users’ data is not treated like a waste. Datum app will help the enterprises to tokenize users’ data for them all.
Of course, Datum will still give protection to users’ data from all sorts of exploitation while still taking care of monetization and tokenization. Now, what do you have to say about the app? Without doubt, these features are what this single app can do for the safety and value of the data and you. You see that everyone involved could benefit from it compared to still letting the data being exploited and taken lightly by others. Even the users themselves could then realize that the data they make have value that can’t be ignored. So, trust your data to Datum and you will earn benefits.
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Posted by kurniawan05
By admin • Blockchain Technology 516 • Tags: Apple Store, benefit, email, exchange, good, information, KYC, name, payment, research