I am Thinking about getting satellite internet for camper van that I take out on vacation every year. I was looking at how much it will cost and wondering if I will need to get a new satellite dish to get Internet. I have the sort of job that does not require that I be in a specific place at a specific time frame. I do not have to get up in the morning and be in an office from 9 to 5. I do have to have a good internet connection. The web page www.satelliteinternetbroadband.com is where I was looking, but I can not see exactly how it relates to my plans. It seems mostly to be relevant to people in rural areas, which is obviously where I shall be camping out and then some.
Jun 6 2013
Thinking About Getting Satellite Internet for Camper Van
By hpbacklinks • Uncategorized • Tags: good, internet connection, page www, satellite internet, time, web page