Oct 9 2018
Let Use The Engineer.ai for The Transparent Transaction with Blockchain and Efficient Platform with AI to Create The Software
The vast ecosystem will come to make the easiness in having a software. You may know that today still difficult to find the best developer that know your software concept. To use the partner that build your software you may prepare the real software concept. The rules will allow you to explain all of the things about the software that you will develop. It may start for the goals of your project, who will use, the features, the interface, etc. Then you will find that describe it to the developer is not the simple thing.
What often happens is that you feel very detailed about your project, but software makers understand it differently. The description of an expert is indeed sometimes far away from someone who lacks a technical understanding of software. You will be in touch with designers to design the look and usefulness of the software. Not to mention when the programmer interprets your description differently. This may cause problems in the completion of the software.
Another thing that often happens between the buyer and the partner in making software is on funding. Sometimes the incorrect calculation of the quality of the software that will be used will lead to excessive financing. Other problems also need to be resolved such as the timeliness of making and the success rate of making software that suits your wishes. Many projects are given to various partners from diverse classes.
Even so, it is miserable that most plans that are charged with software creation services are very rare and successful. Work on the software also sometimes takes longer with additional costs in the amount that is not small. Risks can be faced by both parties, both the buyer and the software maker. Deal with that, Engineer.ai combines blockchain technology with AI to form a more reliable system and can help everyone order software with results that are in line with their wishes.
The Use of Blockchain to Building The Trust and Transparency Transaction
Adoption of blockchain technology is not the first to be done for digital systems. Every digital network is now built on a decentralized system. The success of Blockchain in realizing a transparent transaction makes developers consider its use in developing a new ecosystem. Blockchain technology can provide the best experience by implementing a decentralized system in handling each sale.
The technology also has a good review regarding security so that every digital transaction can be done in an orderly manner without worrying about possible crime. The speed of time in sales also needs to be considered so that the application of blockchain technology can provide benefits from various aspects. You can feel the security and convenience of transactions through the Engineer.ai Builder Platform that offers satisfaction.
You can feel the various conveniences in making transactions such as clear deliverables, transparent payment processes, tokenized creditors and asset tracking, and multi-stakeholder approval. Transparency of operations is essential so you can release your funds to make software without feeling harmed at all. Software handling will be carried out by professionals with the help of AI so you can find the best developer for your software.
Besides, you also don’t need to know the technical language even if you know it will still be better. You will experience the ease of transacting by utilizing an easy-to-understand user interface design. You will gain new experience through a transparent platform. You will know for sure the costs incurred for doing the project with an agreement built on the Smart Contract. Until now you don’t have to worry about the cost overruns or unfinished projects. Engineer.ai will provide significant changes regarding the success of ordering software through digital platforms.
Website: https://token.engineer.ai/
The Real Transparency Transaction with Escrowed Payments
Transparency transactions are needed to give full trust between the client and the delivery stakeholders. Trust is an essential factor in the implementation of digital systems to provide convenience in making software. To increase confidence, a transparent system is needed. This can be realized by creating a consultant-based model that demands clients to be responsible for the release of payment funds. Funds will be forwarded to stakeholders only when the project preparation conditions by the Smart Contract have been fulfilled.
Besides, there are several problems related to vendors who always blame other parties concerned about the weaknesses of the project being built or developed. This should not happen when a professional vendor can understand what the client is making. The payment mechanism for multi-stakeholders is also still a problem with the multi-payment system. Disputes related to shipping by the same stakeholders also become a recurring problem between the client and the delivery stakeholders.
A Smart Contract will be proof of the stake system developed in the Engineer to ensure that common problems do not recur. Everyone can own shares and use a reputation system to resolve disputes independently through scores. Quality control can be the best solution for conflicts that occur due to unfavorable relationships between the client and the stakeholders. Smart contracts with functions as security between applications can act as escrow.
The system will be run with weekly payments using the NAYA Token by the Smart Contract. The two related parties will sign the project milestones that have been described in the client dashboard. The system offered will form the power of the client to cancel the development at any time after the funds have been forwarded in the last few weeks as payment as stated in the Smart Contract. When the project is completed, QA will act to verify the delivery of the project. When the client has successfully delivered the remaining funds from the Smart Contract will be forwarded in its entirety.
Rated Stakeholder in Blockchain Ecosystem
The system will automatically assess each developer. Time scores can be made real with blockchain-based technology in storage. All feedback provided by customers and product managers will be calculated automatically and stored on the network. Scores from delivery stakeholders will be entirely stored on the blockchain. Besides, the time score obtained can also be added by one of the founding partners owned by Engineer.ai. Automatic assessment will significantly help users to get the best performance from the developer ranks.
Besides, the evaluation can also be used to anticipate various problems that might occur later. Blockchain can be the best solution for storing multiple data that is permanent and secure on the network. The ability of blockchain technology to meet the needs of digital systems is excellent to help improve the quality of the platform. You may follow the social media of Engineer.ai to have closure with the ecosystem.
Website: https://token.engineer.ai/
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AI Implementation in Engineer.ai Ecosystem for The Better Transaction
AI is an artificial intelligence that was adopted by the Engineer with a defensive machine to achieve transparency. The AI concept will help ecosystems complete projects on time and development systems that are more cost-effective. Communication between the system and the user will be more accurate and precise with the use of AI and optimized resources. Prices and shipping targets will be determined precisely and inevitably to form certain transactions and user satisfaction. Every quote about the description of the software that will be built will be more accurate.
The features that will be made on the ecosystem will also be more qualified with well-established communication. AI will provide the most cost-effective way to help the function be resolved appropriately so that it will help transport the delivery stakeholders that are most suitable for the project. Everybody will avoid repetitive tasks so that they will not run out of time and budget. Excessive payments can also be a risk that is avoided through applications caused by human error. Existing components will be reused as a better step than rebuilding.
The application of AI in a digital platform can maximize the concept of ecosystem development. At present technology needs to be optimized so that it can help improve transaction quality. We should not have to worry about the various problems that occur because the role of technology can overcome them. Engineer.ai is built by professionals who have the best experience in implementing blockchain with AI. The AI concept will make the system can do its development with the idea of machine learning.
Each transaction can be optimized with the role of AI which can classify software with the right developer team. The certainty of project delivery is also guaranteed with an AI-based system. The application of AI can reduce or even eliminate misunderstandings that have been a problem in ordering software. Starting from the description and understanding of the desires of consumers, Engineer.ai will realize the success of the software development ordered. Everyone will get the latest experience with AI to achieve software success from time and cost-effectiveness.
Some Feature That Be The Positive Impact of AI
The application of AI in a digital platform will have a positive impact on everyone who transacts. Data science, natural language processing, and machine learning are exciting combinations in the application of technology. The integration of each field of technology in the ecosystem development process will help several features as follows.
- Ingestion BOTs
Every user who wants to use an Engineer to develop software will describe the description of the system to be built. The Code and Story will be reused with Natural Language Processing (NLP). Identification of the description given by the user will automatically be converted into a template that is easily understood by the developer. AI will handle well to connect users with developers. The identification pattern will then be matched with the core framework of the features desired by the customer. Library pods will be built from the BOT Code that is run after the completion of the project.
The NLP BOT that has been created will then be carried out as material for managing communication with several parties related to software development. Some parties related to project development include clients, project managers, and developers. PM BOTs will help enter site updates, new features compared to software, and notification of delays when project management takes more time to develop. This concept will support the realization of good communication between the buyer and the development team. Every transaction that occurs can make everyone gain valuable experience from the Engineer.ai to develop software as desired.
- Pricing
Machine learning will determine prices by paying attention to the features contained in the ecosystem. This adjustment will be easily carried out by the machine so that the calculation will be more accurate. Specific classifications of ecosystems in an application will fully use machine learning to reduce the risk of errors in pricing. Maximizing the use of AI will form a system with good performance in carrying out every task given.
- S.I.M.B.An Assembly
Placement of shared pods will be done with the assembly of data science and machine learning which will be carried out with different classifications. The use of this system will form a complete mix of features based on the analysis carried out. The set story will be done intelligently to be conveyed to the contributors who have experience in completing something similar. The templates that are built are by the basis through machine automation made based on user stories and QA specifications. Template determination is not accessible without the help of machine learning. That certainly will help everyone to get their satisfaction with the ability of AI.
- Project Management
Machine learning is built with individual agile trackers with iterations so that skilled developers will be defined in the forecasting. Better story settings in project planning will be carried out more productively. Besides, operations research and developer allocation drivers will also be carried out more effectively to support better systems and more mature management projects.
Let’s Give your Contribution In NAYA Token Sale
NAYA Token is a utility token used in Engineer.ai that can provide the best experience. The use of tokens will be things that help you to make transactions in the ecosystem. You can visit the webpage to join an exclusive pre-sale. NAYA-based ERC20 tokens that can be contributed with ETH and BTC. Allocation of tokens will be carried out for all aspects related to software development to the end. Visit the Engineer.ai website and register for the NAYA Token pre-sale.
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5006742
Website: https://token.engineer.ai/
White Paper: https://s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/engineer.ai-demo/Whitepaper+-+Engineer.ai+v4.01.pdf
Posted by kurniawan05
Nov 7 2018
Join Now to Get Around the ICO for the Advertising Decentralized Solution In The World
The solution offered by blockchain technology platforms requires the use of tokens as a medium for exchange. Digitalization has led to a decentralized system to facilitate various transactions. Every digital transaction requires fast and easy payments. Not all vendors that provide payment services have the ability to complete transactions quickly. To provide the right opportunity for transaction settlement, the digital platform provides its own payment instrument.
Solution to payment with tokens can facilitate transactions by increasing efficiency. Using tokens for payments can provide the best solution for digital platforms. Everyone can have the best benefits from using tokens by making purchases at the beginning of the establishment of a platform held to improve the quality of digital transactions. The best-neutralized solution will make everyone have a more optimal opportunity to take advantage of the digital platform.
Around platform is the best digital solution as a solution for advertising using digital media. Advertising is one way for promotions that can help increase sales volume significantly. Utilizing digital advertising is also the best choice because now everyone uses the internet for various purposes. Digitalization is one of the best advertising solutions by utilizing a global network to include more people.
The internet has become a global network that can cover everyone without the limitations of time and region. The use of digital advertising is the best solution where conventional advertising has begun to be abandoned. Platform Around has the best offer for advertising on a global scale. Increasing internet usage is the best reason to switch to using digital advertising. The Neighborhood Ecosystem offers the best features for advertising with various benefits. By utilizing the surround token you can take advantage of every service available on the platform.
Token Arround sales will be carried out at a certain time range. You can make purchases through registration on a web page. ICO is one of the events that can determine the sustainability of platform development. Every fund collected from the sale of tokens at the beginning will be used to finance the development of the platform. Until now, selling tokens is ongoing with the possibility of having a wide-open bonus for you. Purchasing tokens at the beginning of the period will give you a bigger bonus. The chance to get a bonus will be limited along with the number of tokens sold. ICO will be opened according to the specified time span. The number of available tokens has also been set. For now, presale has been completed. Each token sold at the Token and Pre-Sales Tickets will be made automatically and then will be automatically distributed. Even though the distribution provided will be adjusted to the registered funds. The number of tokens available will amount to 3,000,000,000 units as the maximum amount.
Buy The ARR For This Reason
You may have never felt the ease of transacting using digital currencies. Development has now reached ease of payment at a low cost and even free. Services on the blockchain technology platform will certainly require you to have tokens to be able to take advantage of existing services. You can buy ARR Tokens through ICO for the convenience of your transactions on the Arround Ecosystem. As a global-class advertising platform, Arroud will run with block technology to achieve a decentralized system. Here are some reasons that can encourage you to purchase ARR Tokens.
The partnership is one of the best solutions for running a business on a global scale. The success of a business can be seen from the partnership that is owned. Having a partnership with a global brand will make it easier for you to improve your existence.
Implementing a business model for digital platforms will provide opportunities to improve the quality of transactions. Businesses on a global scale need to have an adequate business model. The use of tokens is the best solution for digital business models with decentralized systems. The application of tokens as payment media can also increase the effectiveness and speed of transactions. The costs incurred are also relatively affordable.
Market growth is one of the factors that need to be considered for smooth business. The best achievement can be made on high market growth. Profits can also be easily obtained through potential markets. By looking at the existing market potential, you can make predictions for the results you want. Business success can be seen from how the market develops and increases its utilization.
The use of smartphones is one of the factors that can be easily implemented by a system. Ios and Android are the most widely used operating systems for smartphone users. With operating system integration, software implementation can be done more easily. Smartphones are one of the factors that help improve internet utilization, making it easier to implement digital platforms.
Offering more innovative solutions that can be implemented through the Arround ecosystem can provide new experiences in transactions. The platform provides products that are comprehensively able to provide higher opportunities for income.
Development of a new ecosystem is not an easy thing. Teams must be created by combining various fields of expertise so that they can be adapted to the conditions that occur. Adjustments can be made with the development of a system based on experience.
Arround platform is the best solution to facilitate advertising while earning income. Various solutions for your digital transactions can be done easily by utilizing a technology platform. Partnership with global brands is one of the features that you can use to shape the ease of achieving what you want. The ease of application implementation can also increase sales volume for the smooth running of your business. You can find out more information about developing ecosystems through the website, whitepaper, and Ann Thread.
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?Topic=3014006.0
Website: https://arround.io/
White Paper: https://arround.io/content/file/arround-whitepaper-en.pdf
How is the Arround Work?
Arround is one platform that utilizes block technology to increase utilization of the internet. Today’s digitalization leads to changes where the internet does not only have the role of providing information but can also be done to provide value. Arround is built using the concept of Augmented Reality where the concept will provide radical changes to the perspective of the digital world.
At present, Arround is leading a new race in the launch of the blockchain technology platform. Arround will provide a new world for digital products that are very interesting to explore. Millions of people can use their experience in using AR to be shared in the ecosystem. Direct consumer engagement in advertising will be one of the main concepts of using creative campaigns.
Advertisements obtained from consumers based on their experience will certainly increase opportunities. The use of augmented reality and retail outlets can be utilized as the power of large data and targeted campaigns for the first time in history. Arround has support from global partners so that it will help implement the solution for the mass market. The surround will be built using unique offers to increase customer convenience in transactions.
ARR Tokens will be available to you as one of the best payment methods for various services. You will join the global ecosystem to run transactions as revenue. Advertising can be done easily and reaches all people globally. That will certainly cost a lot of money when you use traditional advertising. ARR Tokens will be a payment solution for all revenue and service transactions that are found in the Arround ecosystem.
The Implementation of Blockchain Technology with Smart Contract
The surrounding ecosystem provides convenience by simplifying the process so that each transaction can be carried out effectively. Arround has successfully decompressed the final solution architecture into two subsystems. The system can delete the balance token from the beneficiary (public) system and the second system is the ability to store and process internal information. The platform is made with a universal concept to solve various problems in digital transactions.
Virtual payments will be carried out with the Ethereum base and using a personal platform that can be used as a solution for future transactions. Peer-to-peer system development from a single platform governed by the Ethereum market. The application of blockchain technology to digital transactions is the most appropriate solution to run transactions safely. Besides being able to implement a system for high levels of security, blockchain technology is also able to provide the best solution to accommodate many transactions.
The application of blockchain technology will reduce the use of smart contracts. The use of Smart Contracts will be the foundation for the payment system used on platforms that are able to protect funds. The use of digital currency will direct users to own assets stored in the wallet. Digital assets owned by each user need to be protected so that everyone has the convenience of making transactions. The trust of everyone in digital transactions is very dependent on the level of ecosystem security.
Content distribution will also be carried out safely considering the author’s intellectual rights to content are very important. Every content purchased and distributed on the platform has a high level of security. Rental of AR space in a long period of time will also provide a good opportunity for tenants to make money on each display of ads owned in the AR space. The application of blockchain technology is important to bring digitalization globally.
The Token Distribution After ICO
After ICO, ARR Tokens will be distributed for various purposes related to ecosystem development. Distribution of distribution has been determined and specified in the whitepaper. A total of 3,000,000,000 ARR tokens are available. A total of 48.3% of token sales were carried out on Pre-Sale and Sale Tokens. Then 8.2% will be the bonus token given to the Sale and Pre-Sale Tokens. The Community Development Fund including advisers and partners has a distribution share of 22% of the total token.
The network development fund to support master node holders (NDF) has a distribution of 10%. The development team is also entitled to get a token distribution of 10% and the remaining 1.5 will be distributed on the Bounty program. Each token sold at the sale of a Pre-Sale or token sale token of 0.77 will automatically be created and distributed under token funds.
The funds to be used after the token sale event will be used for several purposes such as development, staffing, marketing & sales, legal and patent fees, administrative and technical fees and other costs. Platform development has the largest percentage of funds usage because development is the most important part of the platform. Contributions made can be applied to all aspects related to ecosystem development.
Platform development will be the main focus of contributors to be able to provide control over the funds that have been given. The benefits of the platform can also be influenced by the success of ecosystem development. The success of the establishment of the platform is marked by the completion of the development process so that the platform can be immediately used to meet the needs. Token distribution will be determined based on the number of funds collected.
Let’s Join Now With Arround Ecosystem
The digital technology platform is now present in front of you by offering interesting features. every feature offered is able to provide maximum benefits with your participation.You can get information related to ecosystem development by joining the Arround social media account. This platform will provide the best solution for the use of blockchain digital technology systems to improve transaction quality. Immediately join by making your contribution to a system that offers transparency and decentralization. Smart contract implementation in blockchain technology will lead you to new transactions where costs can be minimized but profits can be maximized. Immediately join the token sales event to be able to contribute directly to the use of the ecosystem.
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By admin • Blockchain Technology 278 • Tags: Ann Thread, AR, arround, augmentedreality, Blockchain, business, convenience, ICO, information, payment, service, Smart Contracts, technology, token, token sale