Jul 29 2019
The Exploration of IOWN Blockchain System
The IOWN is the blockchain platform that exists as the marketplace for the user to pick the best investment. Find out about the IOWN blockchain system in this article information.
In the typical case, the business owners usually have the intention to expand the companies, but the problem is they’re always facing strict procedures, financial implication, etc. In the term to get a loan to fund their project. That IOWN platform exists as the medium to matched the people who want to invest their capital into a profitable and trustworthy project. But their lack of knowledge and experience to the project that has potential and good value. IOWN platform is using the digital market to help this process and increase their chances of securing the fund also make the smart investment choice. Here are in this article we will provide more information about IOWN blockchain system.
The Review of IOWN Blockchain System
IOWN blockchain platform focused on solving the investment problem in our current financial system, especially related to the shortages and drawback. The fact is that many business owners need loans to fund prospective projects. They failed to executed because of strict procedures and financial abundance to get a loan. IOWN platform builds the digital market ecosystem that use to increase the chances of the investor to get potential also trustworthy project to invest. The innovator can make their project running by getting the fund from a reputable source.
The IOWN platform bring the business world into the revolutionize era by bridging the gap between the business and investor. The IOWN platform is involving the two aspect which is digital blockchain system and comprehensive ecosystem of investment. Explore more about the IOWN blockchain platform in the information down below.
The Introduction of IOWN Blockchain System
- IOWN Platform and Ecosystem
The IOWN platform legally registered as an excluded company. Then has a base in the Cayman Islands and has an Information Technology office located in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. IOWN platform is providing the core system and central place that can use for the business campaign, fundraising, or the governance donor. The platform will use as the global funding campaign that will give the service such as the smart investment and funding option and mechanism either for business owner or investor.
IOWN platform have the ecosystem which is include the user experience to access the platform for their investment or funding need. The ecosystem allow the user interaction transformed it with digitally and physically excecute the transaction of the user of investor or business owner through the token and smart aggrement. Naturally the IOWN token have the passive, nontransferable and unlimited supply token state that does not have the tradable API keys.
- Roadmap IOWN Blockchain
There are several plans of IOWN blockchain in term of to make progress of the IOWN vision on this platform through agile development and specific target. The IOWN defined the 4 phase as the progress of the platform that consists of the platform development, foundation base, financing, and execution of the program. This phase is running with the following principle support to make strategic direction and functionalities that include the decentralization, transparency, inclusion, growth, sustainability, and solve the disruption.
The first phase happens in 2018, which include the activities of IOWN project research and validation. That focused on detailed study and analysis of tokenization, blockchain, crowdfunding, traditional investment system, and planned services offering. Phase 2 is all about the IOWN concept and team development, phase 4 is starting the IOWN community and foundation, and the last phase of 2018 is about the IOWN platform setup. Entering 2019 in phase one is started with the IOWN private sales activities. That includes the sales campaign, platform development, smart contract development, partnership with 3rd party technology provider, and start holding licenses. Phase 2 is about the IOWN platform development, phase 3 started the IOWN business acceleration, and phase 4 started the IOWN expansion.
- IOWN Token Function State and Distribution
The IOWN token designed as the utility token that allows its investor to participate in the IOWN platform. This services for you to remember purchase the IOWN token does not entitle its investor to ownership right of the IOWN company. IOWN token listed on the several significant cryptocurrencies exchange such as Ethereum and Bitcoin. The IOWN token has the distribution scheme that consists of 12% bounty program, 2 % advisor, 6% founders and team, 67% public, and company reserve 13%.
- IOWN Business Model
IOWN blockchain system is running the business strategy that purposed to make the service ecosystem that creating modem distributed platform that featured with the integrated operational mechanism. The IOWN itself moves further progress by building business plan validated and executable to address several points such as the use of IOWN token after the official release, price support, and trusted solution of technology process and people user. IOWN get the revenue from the fees of service offered by the IOWN platform, market trading, and management fee and transaction for the business. The income itself is collecting from the IOWN platform user from an actual transaction, trading, and contractual fees.
IOWN blockchain system brings the concept of modernizing way and simplify investment chance through. The medium of the decentralized marketplace that can be accessible to all kind of user from beginner to expert in trading term also the business owner in the entire world. The IOWN platform, with its high advance technology, is offering the extraordinary investment chance to the platform investor. To get the best way for aspiring smart, investment move and visionary business potential that will give significant influence to our modernizing world. For you who interested with this blockchain platform, you can get the full detailed information about the IOWN blockchain in this link below.
- IOWN Security Measures
IOWN also have the better security scheme to make sure its platform safe to access and running by the platform user. The IOWN implement several security measures to secure its blockchain system, including securing the keys system through the encryption, Multsig wallets, and multi-factor authentication like password and hardware token. Next, to ensure the platform by routinely do the internal and external testing and vulnerability assessment.
Securing the coding process is the securing process that implements the code security assessment tool like the Oyente and Manticore to uncover the vulnerabilities during the coding process. The last is code auditing that using the smart contract to ensure the level of security and trust access.
- Token Sales and Buying
The IOWN blockchain system has the cryptocurrency token with the symbol of iOWN with the technical specification of ERC20 token that has the max potential supply for around 450,000,000 IOWN. The token sales started on January 04, 2019 to September 30, 2019. The token itself has the price from the hard cap $3,000,000 and soft cap $1,200,000 or can measure with the price of USD 0,01. The platform served the program that designed to award the company investor for participating in this token sales even the investor can receive the award of the bonus token up to 25% of the purchase.
The program is designed to award Company supporters and project believers for participating in our success. A ‘Believer’ is anyone who trusts in our company’s ideas and contributes by buying iOWN. There is 5 phase of the token purchase that offers by the platform. The first phase is about the up to 25% on their own purchases and 5% on the purchase. The other believers that invite by using their agent code. The next phase is up to 20%. The third phase is up to 17%, the fourth phase is about 10% of the purchase, and the last phase is up to 7% of the purchase.
- Token Bounty Campaign
There is also the IOWN token bounty campaign that offers a total of 2M IOWN token as the bounty prize. The bounty allocation is consist of the translation 20%, twitter 15%, Facebook 15%, Linked In 10%, Telegram 15%, and multimedia content 25%. The bounty campaign will hold in the 06-week start from June 23, 2019, into August 03 2019
The bounty participant must join the telegram group and forbidden to have multi-account that can be used to spamming or any cheating action. The bounty participant must insert the comment of proof authentication on the bounty thread before joining. The bounty participant that inactive on the group will not accept.
In our digitalized world, blockchain technology and crowdfunding are the two aspects that change the landmark of our economy of the world that we know it. IOWN platform of blockchain system itself has enabled to create the decentralized financial medium. This is to provide more security, privacy, transparency, and efficiency than another traditional financial method. On the other side, the crowdfunding term IOWN platform is promoting the ideas to make the project and business plan to get the fund by existing as the connector between the investor and innovator. If you are interested. Please try IOWN blockchain system, you can learn more about it in the link down below.
Website: https://www.iowntoken.com/
White Paper: https://www.iowntoken.com/iOWN-whitepaper.pdf
Bounty Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5155819.0
Social Media:
Sep 2 2019
Vectorium Platform Comes for The Future Transmission System
Electricity becomes one of the resources that cannot separate from human life. This energy is the primary key to the use of various technologies. The development of multiple innovations in technology motivated by the role of power as its primary resource. Technological progress is also proportional to the growth of society globally. Energy consumption will also continue to increase. Funding needed is also rising in proportion to their needs.
As one of the keys to civilization, electrical energy must always be present for life to continue. Various innovative products tend to produce an increasing amount of waste. Waste management is a significant problem that needs to resolve so as not to threaten the ecosystem. Vectorium became the first platform developed by utilizing blockchain technology with artificial intelligence to manage waste. It will apply various novelty in its utilization.
Vectorium brings a new era in which future transmission can be carried out without wires. How does Vectorium do it? If you see, the cable is the key to the distribution of electrical energy so that it can reach various parts of the world. Can you imagine how many wires are needed so far for distribution? After that, you can see how much money can cut if the distribution can still be done without cables.
Besides, the platform can also run without intermediaries, without transmission lines, no sub-transmission channels. That will make distribution faster. Hidden costs in electricity distribution can also be eliminated, including hidden fees for sub-distribution. Vectorium becomes a platform dedicated to the use of technology for friendly and profitable renewable energy. The use of blockchain and AI technology in ecosystems is the right combination to provide energy solutions in the future.
The Development of Micro Networks on the Vectorium Platform
Vectorium is committed to giving users the best experience in the use of technology. The network is carried out when more than two producers (the Consortium) gather to form an informal prosumer group. That can be an exciting combination between consumers and producers who have an interest in working together in an ecosystem. User participation in the ecosystem will help maintain liquidity in the use of cryptocurrency.
Vectorium flash production will always occur through a process called mining. The number of fixed coins in circulation will be produced every day. You will have an important role in optimizing electricity production and sales by becoming part of the Vectorium Consortium. Your energy usage can also be your contribution. You can do this when collecting Vectorium Flash by using a new graphics card or FPGA device.
The Vectorium Consortium now be a place where collectivity can produce renewable energy. Besides, that place also let the user use the cryptocurrencies. Anyone with a small solar power plant can join the Vectorium Consortium. It is time for you to switch to using renewable technology as a form of concern for the global environment. The platform developed with blockchain technology that is guaranteed security for conducting transactions. You can get detailed information through the website, ann thread, and whitepaper.
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5149544
Website: https://www.vectorium.co/#
White Paper: https://www.vectorium.co/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Vectorium-Whitepaper.pdf
The collectivity can produce renewable energy that located on Vectorium Island. Then cryptocurrency also can be done on that Island. The place will provide the electricity that combines wind, sun, and waste through a functional ecosystem that is governed by AI and blockchain-based technology. All processes in the ecosystem will follow the Waste to Coin (WtC) process. Coin becomes a significant factor for you to be able to participate in the ecosystem. Coin ownership can obtain through the event of a specified sale.
When can you get Coins?
The first phase is of pre-sale, which will start on July 1 through July 21. Allocation of con VCTP provided will get you a discount of up to 30% for the price of $ 0.70 for each token. The phase will close with a total of $ 1.5 million. The initial offer (IEO) will allow users to make an ok purchase on ExMarkets cryptocurrency.
After the first phase completed, sales will conduct through IEO at ExMarkets, which will run from July 21 to October 31. The second phase aims to raise up to $ 2.5 million. Each participant who approved in the second phase will get a 20% discount, and VCTP coins will sell for $ 0.80 for one currency. Then the third or final phase can be carried out from October 31 to December 31. Coin sales will be available for up to $ 1. The total hard cap at the previous transaction is $ 7.5 million.
Why Must You Use The Vectorium Platform for Energy?
You can find various advantages of Vectorium for your electricity needs. Also, you can take advantage of cryptocurrency in its use. The Vectorium development team claims that it is a technology used to convert useless waste into energy, and then energy into cryptocurrency through a patented process so that combustion is not involved. The process can be adapted to development and has no impact on the environment. Each type of waste can treat safely.
Intellectual property patents for this system were delayed and brought several 10,201,900,000,516. The Vectorium development team also claimed that they had several patents for micro wind and solar processes. It should note that the new intensive land occupation system operated by the California Institute of Technology created. CALTECH in the park built in New Mexico and California. The developers used a small 10kW turbine with three blades as high as 10 meters placed vertically into the central axis in the form of H with a height above the ground 20 meters.
While this consists of 5 13-meter sub-vertical blades arranged in a V shape, and produces 100kW strength with a height of 20 meters from the ground ten times more. There is a button with a “top button” model, which links the scene where customers are already involved in environmentally friendly activities. The average cost to set up a consortium with ROI yields of 8-12% per year ranges from $ 60,000 to $ 130,000.
ELIWIND equipment is a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (new semi-vertical wind) VAWT system whose construction and construction complies with the technical standards of the IEC EN 61400-1-2 work standard. This tool technology has been guaranteed and obtained patents from several patent extensions throughout the world. Therefore MIT can only produce and license MIT.
What is Eliwind System?
Vectorium development will involve leading-edge technology for the realization of adequate resources. Utilizing waste into coins is undoubtedly not an easy thing. It can be done with exchanges made on blockchain technology. Besides, so that all processes can carry out efficiently, then artificial intelligence plays its role. Furthermore, the ecosystem also involves Eliwind in its use.
The ELIWIND system is one of the methods developed to maximize energy yields at elevations closer to the ground. When compared with HAWT, horizontal axis wind turbines, the results obtained can be improved. The system will be run using the space used and thus got more energy (per square meter). The system can run without having to enlarge and width.
This innovative energy efficiency disturbance using ELIWIND semi-vertical axis turbines in connection with those using traditional horizontal axis turbines has been scientifically validated throughout the world as well as by the California Institute of Technology through individual studies conducted on fish shoals in their navigation settings in ocean waters.
Now, You Can Find The Vectorium In CryptoEnergy
Concerns about the availability of energy in the future can overcome by developing Vectorium. Platform development based on the fears of developers for the environment and human life in the future. The unstoppable technological development indeed becomes an opportunity to maximize its implementation in life. The transition from conventional assets to digital assets also underlines the process of increasing the use of digital platforms.
Currently, the use of technology continues to be maximized to get convenience in a variety of transactions. Crypto energy can be one manifestation so that global power can be maintained and available to support life. You can participate by selling coins so you can make the best use of the ecosystem. Besides, at the pre-sale, you will also get a special discount.
You can visit the website to register yourself directly. Various relevant information will also provide related to the sale of coins. Your participation will be needed to provide support for renewable energy in the future. Besides the technology used will also provide certainty of your transaction. in addition to getting benefits through coin mining, you will also benefit from the energy generated from the use of leading-edge technology.
Vectorium is a leading project, supported by Blockchain and AI technology to overcome one of the biggest problems of the global community by converting them into coins. You can get closer to the development of platforms through Vectorium social media. Immediately make your contribution so that you participate in the event of ecosystems for energy that is more environmentally friendly by utilizing technology.
Social Media:
Posted by kurniawan05
By admin • Blockchain Technology 308 • Tags: Blockchain, CALTECH, Crypto, cryptocurrency, CryptoEnergy, IEO, information, mining, MIT, technology, VCTP, Vectorium, Vectorium Consortium, VectoriumPlus