Aug 3 2018
Making Crypto Token More Practical Day To Day
The technology has brought us so many advancements in the term of economy, and it has already opened up countless windows, and one of them is the form of currency. Up to now, we recognized numerous forms of fiat currencies such as dollars, euro and etc. but since the dawn of the cryptocurrency, we know and increasingly familiar with the token of the cryptocurrency. One of the most used and discussed tokens is the bitcoin and ethereum since they are one of the leading tokens that had ever emerged and shape the world of cryptocurrency. Now, there are a lot of platforms that have their own token, and each token has their own value so that their transaction is a bit complex thus hindering the further growth of the cryptocurrency.
The emergence of numerous platform in the terms of cryptocurrency is very healthy for the economy since they are disrupting the conventional and old style of business and thus making it an obsolete and replaced with a newer and fresher crypto platform. Many kinds of business have their own way of disrupting the old and conventional form of business, and thus creating more and more diverse forms of business. But as we can see today, the growth of the crypto-based business is coming to a halt since they are facing a serious issue, which is the practicability of the token. there are many forms of token that are issued by the platforms, but unfortunately, almost none of them are able to be used outside the system of the platform, meaning that the currency is failed to fulfill their very essence, which is to become a tool of exchange.
So the question may arise, is the token are worth to become a new form of money since they have no practical use? The answer might be tricky since the token is already fulfilled the other condition to be called as a money. here are several features that are already owned by the token that is similar to the fiat currencies.
- Portability
A money needs to be portable, and therefore it can be brought everywhere and can be exchanged anytime. A token has already fulfilled that condition too since it is located in the wallet that is connected to the ethereal ecosystem. Even the token is not coming in the physical forms such the fiat currencies, but rather digital currencies which are even easier to carry. There is a wallet to store the token that is owned by every person that is integrated with the ecosystem of a particular token platform, and that too is portable and easy to carry.
- Durable
A money can’t be destroyed so easily since it is a very important thing a man can have, and therefore the money needs to be made by a durable material such special paper, silver and so forth. The cryptocurrency is also very durable since they are not coming in physical forms, but rather digital forms. The security of the platform is also sophisticated and almost impossible to be a breach, making it very secure. the smart contract and the ledger are also used to track any kind of token transaction all across the globe so that the system knows how many tokens that is owned by a particular man and so forth.
- Has value
One of the most important features a money must have is the value, otherwise, it is just a useless piece of paper. The token also has their own value and unlike the fiat currencies, they are practically immune to inflation. Inflation happens due to several factors, and one of them is the excessive money printing that a nation does. The token is simply different with the other forms of money since it will not print out or be made again once the token generation event is concluded. Any excessive or un-purchased token will be destroyed automatically by the system.
- Difficult to counterfeit
Counterfeiting or faking the money is a very serious threat to the monetary system since it will damage the whole monetary infrastructure in the long term. There are many countries which are vowed to end the counterfeiting by establishing special ops across the country and the world. But that is simply not the case for the cryptocurrency. As we already see that the system and the protection that protects the servers and the wallet are heavy and making it impossible to counterfeit the token as a whole. It is safe to say that the digital money such as the token is the safest form of currencies ever made by a human.
But no matter how great a token is, it will be a worthless data if such coin is unable to be used in every day to day transaction. Therefore the world of cryptocurrency since stagnates due to the lack of use by the people outside the system. At least that is the case before the emergence of fuzex.
For further information, you can access the website below.
Fuzex And The Solution For Every Cryptocurrency
The impending issue of the token is the usability, and every platform is desperate tries to solve that issue but unfortunately, that issue still lingers around us. But there is one emerging platform that will ultimately solve the issue, which is called fuzex. Fuzex is a platform that tries to bridge the platform which issues a token, and the vendor or the merchant that is usually visited by the people. What this platform aim is to make the vendors and the merchant accept the token and therefore the token can be used outside the system too, not just in the form of investment. The fuzex is issuing the smart card which can be used as the token center so that the token of yours can be tracked and stored safely and thus used for every day’s transaction.
There are several main features that are offered by the platform, they are:
- Storing multiple token forms
As we already know there are so many types of token that are circulating in the world of cryptocurrency, such as the bitcoin, ethereal, and so forth. Those token has their own value and therefore can be used as the forms of transaction. The smart card or the card that will be handed once you’ve been integrated to the system will be able to store up to 30 forms of the token and therefore it is very convenient if you have so many tokens in various platforms.
- Easy to use
The easier a platform, the more practical it will be. The procedures of using this platform are so easy and simple and making it very practical for every people to use it. There are several apps that will help you to navigate in the platform, which is the mobile wallet app that can be downloaded conveniently in every mobile platform be it apple or android. Through that app, you can see the number of tokens that can be used by the user and the worth of each token to the fiat currencies which is dollars.
- Long last battery
The smart card will utilize the battery since they have a small led screen to project the chosen token and how much the token is. The battery is very slim and therefore very simple and easy to be stored safely inside the wallet. The batter also will last around 45 to 60 days so that once you have fully charged the battery, you don’t have to recharge it in a very long time. It is very important to watch your batteries though as if it exhausted, the screen won’t appear and you can’t use the smart card to perform any transaction anymore.
- Bluetooth connection
The fuzex cards or the smart card need to be synchronized with the wallet so that the card will know and remember what kind of token that you have, and how many of them are in your wallet. The wallet and the card will have their own connection which is the Bluetooth connection to synchronize one after another almost instantaneously. It is very easy to do either since all you have to do is just turn on your Bluetooth and connect it to your smart card. The smart card will synchronize almost instantly and ready to be used afterward.
- Device tracking feature
It is very common that someone lost their ATM card or credit card which can be very annoying. Fortunately, the devices support the device tracking to the card so that you can see the card when you last time use it. The tracking device is also followed up by the interactive map so that it will be easier for the people to track their card. However, it is impossible to use the card when they don’t have the fuzex wallet since the card and fuzex wallet need to be verified both ways in order for the card to be working.
For further information concerning the card features, you can check the link bellows.
The Token Generation Event
Just like another platform that issued their own token, this platform also issues the token of their own which is called by the fuzex token or FXT. The main usage of the token is to upgrade your account so that it reaches the full potential of a card. There is a major limitation if you have fully upgrade your account, such as the limitation to performs a transaction, and you have to pay higher for membership fee per month. The membership fee is aimed for the maintenance of the servers to protect the data and secure the token for each of the members, just like the bank withdrawal occurred monthly.
The token sale is also very typical since the platform has the three types of typically used token sale, which are the private sale, the pre-sale, and the main sale. The private sale has reached the soft cap around 20 thousand ETH very swiftly. after reaching the soft cap for in the private sale, the pre-sale is conducted on January 15th to February 15th or a month full period. the hard cap for the pre-sale is 20 thousand ETH and in fact, that is the cap for the wholesale. The public sale is due to the goals already reached in the pre-sale and therefore the public sale is no longer necessary.
As for the worth of the token, one ETH token is worth around 12 thousand FXT, and in order to purchase the smart card, one needs to purchase the FXT equivalent to 5 ETH. That is one of the main features in the fuzzex, therefore, they need to make a purchase for a minimal 5 ETH. But considering that the token is already sold out even the public sale has not started yet, the popularity of this platform is skyrocketing and cannot be underestimated. This is perhaps due to their unique usage and their smart card to ease the transaction of the card holder.
As for the token allocation, here is the information concerning the token allocation.
- Token sale 60%
- Advisors and partnership 5%
- Bounty and donation 5%
- Technology acquisition 15%
- Founder and employes 15%
The main allocation besides the sale is the technology acquisition since the platform heavily relies on the technological advancement to ease and simplify even more to make the platform even more widespread to many merchants and vendors. As the team foresees, the usage of the platform will heavily rely on the coverage of the merchants and the vendors so that more vendors are required to be integrated to the platforms and therefore making the cryptocurrency are able to be used in any forms of transaction. The cryptocurrency is indeed a very bright idea and therefore the usage of the token need to be spread out so that more and more merchants using it and gives a good alternative for the world economy.
For further information concerning the token sale, you can reach one of the sites below.
Aug 3 2018
Dealjoy And The Groundbreaking Cash Back Platform
As the information and technology progress, there is a lot of human advancement that has been felt by the humanity itself, and one of them is the online shop revolution. The online shop is genuinely revolutionizing the way of personal shopping since the traditional shopping is very different since it utilizes the technology and the proper equipment, whereas the traditional shopping will involve a large building that acts as a store and the warehouse. It means that the store needs to be more significant for the store to have more goods and so forth. This is very inefficient since the store needs to be big enough and then the merchants need to spend a lot of money to open their shop. The customer also needs to come to their shop and purchase their goods directly, which the store could not have since the store won’t have everything due to the size and the capital.
But that is only not happening in the world of the online shop. The online shop platform such as the Alibaba and the Amazon is merely the collection of the smaller online shop which sells everything, from the electronics stuff to vehicles, and so forth. Those shops will almost have anything that is wanted by the customer, and the amount will be tremendous so that the customer will have many options and choices since the online shop consists of so many merchants and vendors. The customer also will be able to shop there with just a swipe of the hand, and the goods will be then delivered to the customer’s place via delivery express. That is a very convenient way to do some shopping.
But even if those mechanisms already seems flawless, there are a lot of issues that are now still plaguing the online shop system and thus reducing the experience of the user to shop via online. These issues need to be resolved as fast as they can to make to encourage more user to do some online shop. Here are the issues of the online shop that we faced recently.
This issue related to the goods and the information that is contained in the goods itself. As we can see, the goods in the online shop will be described by the merchants, and that information is the only way to know the quality of the products itself. There are some people out there who put an inaccurate description of products and thus making the customer disappointed or even shocked as they have already received the goods. Those issues are very damaging to the whole online shop ecosystem as it makes the people less trusting to the online shop and thus makes the people avoiding the online shop and returns to the traditional shopping.
The cash back features are probably one of the essential features of the online shop that has successfully attracted so many people into shopping in the online shop. This is because the cash back will allow the people to gain money while shopping and the people can use that money to shop more. That is brilliant, but unfortunately, there are several complications on the issue, and one of them is the mechanism itself. Up until now, the mechanism of the cashback has been very limiting as the customer need to spend a minimum portion of their money to get their cash back. The cash back withdrawal also will take a long time since the user can only redeem it after 2 or 3 months per transaction. That is quite tedious and therefore need to be set correctly by the other platform.
The transaction that has already occurred in the world of online shopping is quite convenient but still is centralized which are using the banking system. The user will need to send the money via their ATM, be it mobile or physical ATM to the merchants. There is no a single platform that can store the money in their app so that the customer doesn’t have to send the money via the bank. This way, the mechanism of the transaction will be much decentralized and therefore make the user more convenient for receiving and purchasing the goods. Having an own currency or the ability to store the money in an app is a significant boost for the people to shop more.
When a big data has been collected by the platform, they are tempted to sell it to the highest bidder so that they can have more money, be it for the platform or themselves. That is outrageous since they are selling the private information that exists in their platform concerning the purchase patterns of a satisfied customer to know the existing trends. This kind of market research practices has been denounced and condemned by so many people and therefore need to be stopped at once. The platform needs to respect the privacy of their customer, even if the customer doesn’t seem aware that their data is being sold to the bidder.
Online shop is just like the heaven for all the shoppers, as they will have so many things inside the online shop, from the humble clothing to the expensive cars, etc. the staggering number of the online shop and the merchants also help the customer in providing the variety of the goods that exist within a platform. The ecosystem of the online shop is somewhat useful since it has already been decentralized from the very first time, but still, it needs a lot of work to improve the ecosystem. Today, the improvement already comes in the form of the new third party platform called the dealjoy.
For more information concerning the current online shop issue, you can visit here.
How Dealjoy Tackle The Existing Issue
As we have mentioned above, there are so many issues that are revolving in the world of an online shop, and dealjoy won’t address them all since it has a massive amount of requirement to do so. The dealjoy will resolve the two most prominent issue, which is the transaction mechanism and the cash back. There are also a lot of features that dealjoy will offer to the people to maximize their online shopping experience and encouraging the whole ecosystem. Dealjoy itself is a blockchain supported platform that has their token and ecosystem which are directed to help the customer benefit more while shopping online.
Dealjoy is the third-party apps that have been integrated into several big online shops such as the Amazon, Alibaba, Microsoft, Nike and so forth. As you can see, there are various shops that as already existed on the platform so that you will have the right amount of options while shopping there. Here are several features that are offered by dealjoy to the customer.
This issue has been addressed at first, as the inconvenience of the customer to do some transaction since they need to go to the particular ATM and then pay the merchants. This app will have the ability to store your money inside, in the form of the token and the fiat currencies so that in the time you want to make a transaction to a particular vendor; you don’t have to go to the ATM since you can pay there directly. This kind of mechanism is already owned by the multi-transaction platform, and therefore this platform will utilize these features for the benefit of their customer. The customer then can shop conveniently and instantly since they can directly pay for the merchants using the money that has been inserted to the apps.
Cashback is what the people want in the term of an online shop, and that is what the platform offers, which is the instant cash back. The cash back will be received instantly and without any constraints such as the minimum amount of money that needs to be spent by the customer to have their cash back. The cash back will be received in the form of the deal token, and the token can be used to purchase something in the deal shop that can be accessed by the user. This makes the user will be able to shop more as they receive the cash back almost instantly in the time they already received the cash back.
Dealfeed might look just like the app tracking that is employed by the big companies, but that is a very different thing since this features operate using the algorithm that automatically actives once the customer has already interacted within the platforms. Dealfeed is the ability for the platform to know and suggest about what kind of goods that are desired by the user based on their recent activities and their recent purchases. It is just a suggestion though, so it will have no consequences at all, as the user can also search the goods for themselves outside the suggestion. There is no tracking app or broad survey question that might offend or reveal the secret of the customer.
The privacy is the most critical thing in the online world today, as many people are exposed to the internet world. The platform will not have an extensive question when someone decides to make the account in the platform, As the platform will only ask the questions about the email and the nickname that the user wants to have. That simple question is all that is takes for a person to enter the ecosystem of this platform without having to enter their address or phone number, etc. which are a breach of privacy.
Besides those features, there are a lot of features that can be accessed by the user when they join the ecosystem that will surely benefit the user themselves. For further information concerning the platform, you can refer to the web pages here.
Deal Token Usage And The ICO
As you already know, the platform also issues the token as they are integrated into the blockchain system. There is two kind of usage of the token, and the first of all is apparently to buy stuff from the dealership. The token is also the cash back that will be received by the user so that they can store it in their wallet and use it to purchase goods. The dealership is also will allow the user to pay the stuff using the token and therefore the token will have the practical use which is very good.
The second usage of the token will be to upgrade the account into the dealjoy plus, or the premium account which will have several significant advantages such as the amount of token that will be received in the form of cash back, the rate of cashback payment, and so forth. Having the dealjoy plus is genuinely a long-term advantage, and therefore it is better to upgrade the account into premium dealjoy. Upgrading the dealjoy will spend the token, and that is another reason to purchase the token in the ICO phase.
As the ICO, typically three kinds of ICO are recognized by the platform, which are the seed or the private sales, the pre-sales and the public sales. Unfortunately, the website and the white paper has not yet released the exact date of the sales, but we do know that the sales will occur in late 2018, which is around November to December. And as for the cap, there will be 1.7 million USD soft cap, and 8.4 million hard caps. The total token supply is about 1.4 billion deal token, where 70% or 980 million token will be used in the sale, as the rest of them will be distributed to several parties such as the developer team, the strategic partnership, and the marketing team. If you are about to join the whitelist, then all you have to do is wait and stay tuned to their websites as they will announce it soon.
For further information concerning the token usage and the ICO, you can refer to the web pages below.
Posted by kurniawan05;u=1187741
By admin • Blockchain Technology 4,150 • Tags: ATM, benefit, Blockchain, cashback, Crypto, cryptocurrency, DEAL, dealjoy, ecommerce, ICO, information, money, online, pre ico, pre sale, technology, token, token sale, tracking