Jul 31 2018
KubitX And The New Platform For Token Exchange
A token exchange is the most important thing for the cryptocurrency services and therefore the exchange need to be optimized in such a way that all customers can employ such services throughout the world. The cryptocurrency or the token has become new money that circulates in the global economy, along with the other fiat currencies. The token and the platform, still need to be improved though, since they carry so many issues which hamper the utility and usage of the token itself. The world of cryptocurrency is also just recently emerged, and therefore a majority of the people purchase the token without knowing the further details concerning the token itself, and therefore making the additional purchase and then resulting in the loss of money. This is an issue which needs to be taken down, and therefore all platform should strive hard to tackle this lack of education and information issue toward the general population of the world.
Secondly, a majority of the platform suffers the issue of practicability. The token, as we know, it is only useful within the platform to conduct several purchases or transaction, and they cannot be used just outside the platform. This makes the token very useless in the term of practicability since the token cannot be utilized to purchase the daily needs of the people. Even though there are also several platforms that attempt to solve those issues, they work uncoordinated and resulted in the abundance of the platform which intersects one after another, and therefore rendering them redundant and not so practical in the end. The coordination needs to be conducted per platform so that they can create a better ecosystem which is practical for the people to use.
As for the rest of the issues concerning the token and their usage, here are several of them.
- Scope
The cryptocurrency and the respective platform are and innovation to combat the old and aging business environment which are very centralized and benefit the few. But unfortunately, the scope of the platform is insufficient to the western countries such as western Europe and USA, and a little part of Asia. This means that the solution that is offered by the platform are not embracing the broad swath of the world and thus making the platform very exclusive and hard to be used in the majority of the countries. There are several issues for this parts, such as the tech barriers, the administrative and legal barriers, and so forth. The platform and the token need to be adopted by a majority of the countries so that they can feel the benefit of joining any particular ecosystem.
- Exchange
There is the infinite amount of token that revolves in the world, and each of the tokens has their value and type as well. That is a good thing since it gives the market a boost they need, and therefore encouraging the society to be integrated into the ecosystem of the platform. But due to the massive number of token that exists, the need to exchange the token become very important, but unfortunately there are not enough platform that provides such services. This leads to the tedious process of exchange, especially the token to the fiat currencies. The exchange also will require the user to pay a specific fee for the platform to gain profit and thus developing the platform. But that makes the user lost their money and therefore making the exchange impractical.
- Security
The security of the platform is also at risk, since several security issues need to be taken down by the platform, and one of them is the hacker. As we already know that the tech that brings the platform, which is the blockchain is somewhat new and still need a lot of work to improve the system. The hacker usually exploits the gap in the security to breach the protection layer and thus stealing the money. The report estimates that the hacker attack alone has cost the entire blockchain platform up to billions of dollars. This will ultimately shut the whole ecosystem if the issues are left untreated. The platform needs to have a coordinated work to increase the protection and the security of the blockchain and the smart ledger so that the hacker could no longer attack them.
- Improper customer services
Since the crypto-based business is very new in the global market, many people don’t understand how they work, and how do you even make the profit by joining one. This makes the people purchase the tokens simply it is the trend that currently goes viral, such as the bitcoin boom in recent years. We do know that the token is not a form of investment since there is no guarantee that the value of the token will be forever increased. That is not happening since the value of the token is fluctuating and thus making the newbie investor scratching their head. It is better for any platform, Or the token exchange platform has their supportive customer care which will tend to their customer and gives them the insight that they need before they purchase the token.
There are several reasons why people are purchasing the token, and one of them is to join the ecosystem of a platform, and the other to make the investment using the token. The next need to be educated that the token can increase their worth in the global market, but it can decrease since it is not a very solid form of investment such as the gold bar, some lands, or properties. Those are the issues that are plaguing the crypto world and need to be handled seriously. Otherwise the market and business of the cryptocurrency will start crumbling fast.
For further information regarding the crypto related issue, you can refer to the webpage here.
Kubit And It Role In Rejuvenating The Crypto World
As we already know, the world of cryptocurrency will always relate to the platform that issues the token or the cryptocurrency itself. The platform is the primary concern when it comes to the token since the platform will determine what kind of token that they will use, and how they will use the token. There are so many platforms that issue their token, and they come with a very different business concept which is very interesting. Some of the platforms run in the services, while the other works in the different lifestyle which are very important and fresh for the market. But one which makes them the same is, that they run to disrupt the world of the centralized and conventional business so that they can give a new alternative for the business.
It is also what happens with kubitX, which is also one of the leading platforms to disrupt the natural exchange platform ecosystem that is already existed today. It gives the alternative for the people so that they will have numerous possibilities and comparison when it comes to the token exchange platform. Here are several unique features of kubitX which could be used by the user for their gain.
- Adoption
The tactics of the platform are, to widespread the services as far as they can, so that more and more people adopt the platform. This is because the kubitX is not just an ordinary token exchange platform, just like any other else. KubitX will be able to store your money, be it in the form of a token and the fiat currencies so that you can have it as a wallet for your digital money. This is an essential service to simplify the methods of the transaction, especially in the region where the service of the bank is utterly lacking. The platform can serve as the ATM that can store your money, and you can use it without even having to have the physical paper money, just like the debt in the ATM.
- Rapid transaction
The world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies relies on the speed of the platform, and so do this kubitX platform. The transaction cap that can be conducted in the other exchange platform will be around 1 or 2 million transactions per second, and it means that there will be the delay of the transaction since there is a massive amount of transaction occurred in the blockchain per second. The kubitX will be able to have up to 12million transaction per second, and that number will steadily rise as the tech have been improved.
- Ultimate protection
As you have so many tokens that could be used for the daily purchase, you don’t want to lose it. The wallet or the place where you will store the token will be protected by the most sophisticated and advanced tech so that you will have a very secure and protected form of a wallet, and no hacker or cracker can do anything to your wallet. The wallet will also have the multi-steps verification process so that only the user could access and exchange the token itself.
- Practical
There is nothing more satisfying than having the most efficient token platform at your disposal, and that is what kubitX is. As we have mentioned above, Kubitz will strive to implement the most advanced banking system in the remotest area of the world, so that they can have the banking services which could be used for a various occasion such as paying remittances, merchants, funds transfer, bill payment and so forth. Those services are very crucial for the people since it will ease their life, and make them very comfortable in doing some financial transaction. The platform will also come in the mobile app to monitor your token and do all sort of transaction and exchange, and make this platform very versatile and practical.
More details About KubitX:
For further information concerning the usage of the platform, you can check these web pages.
The ICO And The Allocation Of Funds
The platform does employ the token as it is the part of the cryptocurrency and the blockchain ecosystem. The token is just like any ordinary token, which is called the kubitX token and have the worth around 0.0001112 ETH per token. The token is mainly used within the ecosystem to do some transaction that is imperative. The first is to pay the fees of the token, which is required for all the users to do per transaction. The fees work just like the taxes that will automatically be added to the token worth per transaction, and therefore you can pay such fees by using any token you have. But when you use the kubitX token to pay such fees, therefore you will be able to reduce the value of the fee, and you will have a more significant amount of money in your transaction. The fee reduction using the token will be up to 20% per transaction.
The only way to get the token is to join the sale. There are three types of the sale, which are the seed or the private sale. This sale is already over, and the platform is now moving on to the second type of the sale which is the pre-sale. The pre-sale yields the bonus for up to 20% and will have the minimum purchase of 25 ETH. Currently, the platform is running the pre-sale, and the sale will end on 31st August 2018. And as for the third type of the sale, which is the main sale, it has not yet announced in their websites, but there is a good chance that the sale will occur just after the pre-sale, which is somewhere in September to November.
And as the caps, there is no cap for each since the platform employs the general caps for both sales. The soft cap will be around 10 thousand ETH and the hard cap will be 25 thousand ETH. The token supply will be around 500 million tokens, which half of them, or 250 million will be used In these sales, and like the rest of them will be appropriately distributed to several parties such as the founder team, the advisors, legal and reserves.
KubitX Roadmap:
For further information concerning the token sale, you can visit one of the web pages here.
Posted by kurniawan05
Aug 3 2018
Making Crypto Token More Practical Day To Day
The technology has brought us so many advancements in the term of economy, and it has already opened up countless windows, and one of them is the form of currency. Up to now, we recognized numerous forms of fiat currencies such as dollars, euro and etc. but since the dawn of the cryptocurrency, we know and increasingly familiar with the token of the cryptocurrency. One of the most used and discussed tokens is the bitcoin and ethereum since they are one of the leading tokens that had ever emerged and shape the world of cryptocurrency. Now, there are a lot of platforms that have their own token, and each token has their own value so that their transaction is a bit complex thus hindering the further growth of the cryptocurrency.
The emergence of numerous platform in the terms of cryptocurrency is very healthy for the economy since they are disrupting the conventional and old style of business and thus making it an obsolete and replaced with a newer and fresher crypto platform. Many kinds of business have their own way of disrupting the old and conventional form of business, and thus creating more and more diverse forms of business. But as we can see today, the growth of the crypto-based business is coming to a halt since they are facing a serious issue, which is the practicability of the token. there are many forms of token that are issued by the platforms, but unfortunately, almost none of them are able to be used outside the system of the platform, meaning that the currency is failed to fulfill their very essence, which is to become a tool of exchange.
So the question may arise, is the token are worth to become a new form of money since they have no practical use? The answer might be tricky since the token is already fulfilled the other condition to be called as a money. here are several features that are already owned by the token that is similar to the fiat currencies.
A money needs to be portable, and therefore it can be brought everywhere and can be exchanged anytime. A token has already fulfilled that condition too since it is located in the wallet that is connected to the ethereal ecosystem. Even the token is not coming in the physical forms such the fiat currencies, but rather digital currencies which are even easier to carry. There is a wallet to store the token that is owned by every person that is integrated with the ecosystem of a particular token platform, and that too is portable and easy to carry.
A money can’t be destroyed so easily since it is a very important thing a man can have, and therefore the money needs to be made by a durable material such special paper, silver and so forth. The cryptocurrency is also very durable since they are not coming in physical forms, but rather digital forms. The security of the platform is also sophisticated and almost impossible to be a breach, making it very secure. the smart contract and the ledger are also used to track any kind of token transaction all across the globe so that the system knows how many tokens that is owned by a particular man and so forth.
One of the most important features a money must have is the value, otherwise, it is just a useless piece of paper. The token also has their own value and unlike the fiat currencies, they are practically immune to inflation. Inflation happens due to several factors, and one of them is the excessive money printing that a nation does. The token is simply different with the other forms of money since it will not print out or be made again once the token generation event is concluded. Any excessive or un-purchased token will be destroyed automatically by the system.
Counterfeiting or faking the money is a very serious threat to the monetary system since it will damage the whole monetary infrastructure in the long term. There are many countries which are vowed to end the counterfeiting by establishing special ops across the country and the world. But that is simply not the case for the cryptocurrency. As we already see that the system and the protection that protects the servers and the wallet are heavy and making it impossible to counterfeit the token as a whole. It is safe to say that the digital money such as the token is the safest form of currencies ever made by a human.
But no matter how great a token is, it will be a worthless data if such coin is unable to be used in every day to day transaction. Therefore the world of cryptocurrency since stagnates due to the lack of use by the people outside the system. At least that is the case before the emergence of fuzex.
For further information, you can access the website below.
Fuzex And The Solution For Every Cryptocurrency
The impending issue of the token is the usability, and every platform is desperate tries to solve that issue but unfortunately, that issue still lingers around us. But there is one emerging platform that will ultimately solve the issue, which is called fuzex. Fuzex is a platform that tries to bridge the platform which issues a token, and the vendor or the merchant that is usually visited by the people. What this platform aim is to make the vendors and the merchant accept the token and therefore the token can be used outside the system too, not just in the form of investment. The fuzex is issuing the smart card which can be used as the token center so that the token of yours can be tracked and stored safely and thus used for every day’s transaction.
There are several main features that are offered by the platform, they are:
As we already know there are so many types of token that are circulating in the world of cryptocurrency, such as the bitcoin, ethereal, and so forth. Those token has their own value and therefore can be used as the forms of transaction. The smart card or the card that will be handed once you’ve been integrated to the system will be able to store up to 30 forms of the token and therefore it is very convenient if you have so many tokens in various platforms.
The easier a platform, the more practical it will be. The procedures of using this platform are so easy and simple and making it very practical for every people to use it. There are several apps that will help you to navigate in the platform, which is the mobile wallet app that can be downloaded conveniently in every mobile platform be it apple or android. Through that app, you can see the number of tokens that can be used by the user and the worth of each token to the fiat currencies which is dollars.
The smart card will utilize the battery since they have a small led screen to project the chosen token and how much the token is. The battery is very slim and therefore very simple and easy to be stored safely inside the wallet. The batter also will last around 45 to 60 days so that once you have fully charged the battery, you don’t have to recharge it in a very long time. It is very important to watch your batteries though as if it exhausted, the screen won’t appear and you can’t use the smart card to perform any transaction anymore.
The fuzex cards or the smart card need to be synchronized with the wallet so that the card will know and remember what kind of token that you have, and how many of them are in your wallet. The wallet and the card will have their own connection which is the Bluetooth connection to synchronize one after another almost instantaneously. It is very easy to do either since all you have to do is just turn on your Bluetooth and connect it to your smart card. The smart card will synchronize almost instantly and ready to be used afterward.
It is very common that someone lost their ATM card or credit card which can be very annoying. Fortunately, the devices support the device tracking to the card so that you can see the card when you last time use it. The tracking device is also followed up by the interactive map so that it will be easier for the people to track their card. However, it is impossible to use the card when they don’t have the fuzex wallet since the card and fuzex wallet need to be verified both ways in order for the card to be working.
For further information concerning the card features, you can check the link bellows.
The Token Generation Event
Just like another platform that issued their own token, this platform also issues the token of their own which is called by the fuzex token or FXT. The main usage of the token is to upgrade your account so that it reaches the full potential of a card. There is a major limitation if you have fully upgrade your account, such as the limitation to performs a transaction, and you have to pay higher for membership fee per month. The membership fee is aimed for the maintenance of the servers to protect the data and secure the token for each of the members, just like the bank withdrawal occurred monthly.
The token sale is also very typical since the platform has the three types of typically used token sale, which are the private sale, the pre-sale, and the main sale. The private sale has reached the soft cap around 20 thousand ETH very swiftly. after reaching the soft cap for in the private sale, the pre-sale is conducted on January 15th to February 15th or a month full period. the hard cap for the pre-sale is 20 thousand ETH and in fact, that is the cap for the wholesale. The public sale is due to the goals already reached in the pre-sale and therefore the public sale is no longer necessary.
As for the worth of the token, one ETH token is worth around 12 thousand FXT, and in order to purchase the smart card, one needs to purchase the FXT equivalent to 5 ETH. That is one of the main features in the fuzzex, therefore, they need to make a purchase for a minimal 5 ETH. But considering that the token is already sold out even the public sale has not started yet, the popularity of this platform is skyrocketing and cannot be underestimated. This is perhaps due to their unique usage and their smart card to ease the transaction of the card holder.
As for the token allocation, here is the information concerning the token allocation.
The main allocation besides the sale is the technology acquisition since the platform heavily relies on the technological advancement to ease and simplify even more to make the platform even more widespread to many merchants and vendors. As the team foresees, the usage of the platform will heavily rely on the coverage of the merchants and the vendors so that more vendors are required to be integrated to the platforms and therefore making the cryptocurrency are able to be used in any forms of transaction. The cryptocurrency is indeed a very bright idea and therefore the usage of the token need to be spread out so that more and more merchants using it and gives a good alternative for the world economy.
For further information concerning the token sale, you can reach one of the sites below.
By admin • Blockchain Technology • Tags: business, cryptocurrency, ethereum, FXT, information, money, smart, token sale, tracking, wallet