Increased utilization of technology makes everything can be done quickly. You do not need to spend too much time and energy to enjoy every service that is collaborated with technology. Utilization of the Internet became the beginning of the opening of the global world so that people around the world can connect without any significant obstacles. One of the increasingly growing market users is e-commerce. E-commerce market users continue to grow along with the development of smartphones so anyone can make any purchase in hand. Ease is also supported by the easy access of the internet owned by everyone. To be able to make purchases on a digital platform, internet access is the main thing to note. E-commerce has indeed become the most appropriate way out for ease of getting the product without worrying about the use of time. The price offered is also quite competitive to increase the convenience and purchasing power of consumers.
Utilization of e-commerce market also provides excellent benefits for sellers around the world. The seller can market the product efficiently. The seller only uploads the product to the site and waits for the order to arrive. However, not all sellers take honest action. Certain individuals pretend to be sellers but lead to fraud. The response is unfortunate because it can disappoint the buyer. To handle this, then specific systems are needed that can improve the quality of traded sellers and suppliers. FLOGmall has come up with the use of new concepts and innovations to provide convenience to all parties who joined the ecosystem. The FLOGmall work system will show the honest sellers in the ecosystem. The platform will use the concept of bidding, selling, and advertising done with video. Sellers can also stream about sales that occur in stores.
FLOGmall will bring e-commerce market to marketing with blockchain-based technology. The use of blockchain technology is expected to increase transaction speed and security. The method of blockchain technology can also lead to distributed ledger systems for secure storage of transaction data and ease of access. The use of blockchain technology necessarily leads to the use of Smart Contracts with Etherum-based. You can use the service with a FLOGmall token called Mallcoin (MLC). The use of tokens will undoubtedly be available with wallet support so that your transactions can be completed immediately. The transfer of the balance from your wallet to the seller will occur when you confirm the receipt of the product you purchased. Without confirmation, the funds you provide will be held in the ecosystem. It aims for the seller to deliver products ordered. When the seller does not provide the order, the funds will be returned to the buyer. FLOGmall will provide convenience to anyone who is incorporated into the ecosystem with various development services.
Innovation Services On The Flogmall Ecosystem
Unique offers in the e-commerce market will be provided via the FLOGmall platform. You can earn more profits on a promising platform. Each feature provided will be proportional to the benefits you receive. FLOGmall will move to a new market that has the availability of data and products that can increase purchasing power. The services available can help anyone to gain expertise in transactions. The project break-even point will be in a positive scenario once the official function and full-scale platform are run for the next few months. FLOGmall will be a project that has a high potential to provide benefits in the e-commerce market. The use of this ecosystem can also help the development of global investment scenarios to support the establishment of ecosystems. Making new markets will undoubtedly be accompanied by risks. The existence of the threat does not mean lowering the level of positive scenarios. The risk can always be taken into account so that as much as possible to be avoided in order not to happen.
High risk also requires you to perform calculations and get advice from individual financial institutions before making a purchase of MLC on ICO. Before investing, you also need to do calculations to avoid possible risks. The existence of a new paradigm and innovation services to provide the formation of a new category to enhance e-commerce projects established with cryptocurrency system. The use of cryptosystems will help improve venture capital funding. You need to do a thorough calculation and evaluation of the project before making a transaction for investment. As a new platform, FLOGmall certainly wants every investor, buyers, and sellers can join the ecosystem by itself without any coercion. FLOGmall will provide the detailed explanation of the system and security used. The developer also assumes that the project deserves a high economic and financial evaluation. You can know the whole concept by accessing the website and whitepaper.
White Paper:
Investment in FLOGmall ecosystem with preSale, pre-ICO and ICO
Token sales are made with a transparent and straightforward system. Anyone can participate in the token sales period to provide ease of access to the ecosystem when the platform is launched. The algorithm used is a correct procedure so that sales can be made for each site customer. The investment procedure can provide the full income derived from the project. Mallcoin token holder can purchase preSale, pre-ICO and ICO, so it will make it easier for anyone to invest. In addition to the ICO event, you also sell tokens called ATES. The concept will give users the opportunity to buy tokens on the site without going through a crypto exchange. An accredited investor may sell MLC tokens within a year of purchase.
ATES has a lead role for token holders who make purchases in preSale, pre-ICO, and ICO. Various sales stages are opened to provide ease of investment and discounts to reach an affordable price. Total distribution of tokens to be made worth 250 million Mallcoin. Shipping has also been explicitly mentioned in the whitepaper. The founding team, advisors, and platform supporters in the early stages will get a 10% distribution. Subsequent distributions were made to obtain a reserve of 9%. The fund reserves are intended to keep the platform work uninterrupted. Funding reserves can also be created to establish new impetus in project development. 7% distribution of funds will be made for bounty and bonus campaigns to be given to ICO participants, charities, and lotteries. 74% of the token will be distributed to ICO participants at every token sales stage.
You May Need To Know The Terms And Conditions Of The Distribution And Creation Of Tokens
Specific terms and conditions may have an impact on the token sale and ecosystem development. Establishment of ecosystems depends heavily on the availability of sufficient funds. For that, you are some provisions that need to be set in the token ecosystem. Token obtained from FLOGmall team will be blocked for two years. The advisory tokens and project proponents were stuck for six months. Blocked tokens cannot be used for redemption or to use services within an ecosystem. For bounty program participants, tokens will be blocked for three months. The token amount of 2.5 million MLC will be used as a form of support for the program which will be done for eight years. Assistance will be given to children in need and will be gradually disbursed.
The allocation of tokens made to the reserve fund will be partially blocked. As many as 20% of tokens will be released from the block so that accounts can be used to keep work within the ecosystem. 80% of the funding reserves will begin to be distributed in May 2019 and will be for two years to attract new international market users. Other tokens will not be exposed to hold. After the ICO period ends, there will be no creation and token mining. Token sales also have a minimum target. When the minimum amount is not reached after the token sale period finished, the funds collected will be returned to the participants. When the token amount has been met before the end of the sales period, the ICO event will also be closed soon. The token allocation will be done gradually to all ICO participants.
Let’s be The Participant of ICO and Get Registration in The Website

ICO will be the event to sell token. ICO will give you the opportunity to get a token that can be used within the ecosystem. To participate in ICO, you can register through the web page provided. The sale of tokens is essential for collecting funds to be distributed for ecosystem development. FLOGmall divides the token sales period into three stages: presale, praICO, and ICO. preSale will take place on the platform for the period of 14 December to 14 January. Determination of soft cap is for 500 thousand USD and hard cap 1 million USD. The specified exchange rate is 1 ETH = 6000 MLC. preSale is usually aimed at ecosystem developers, advisors, and stakeholders related to project development. Ana may join the Pre-ICO and ICO to join Mallcoin’s sales.
Pre-ICO will take place on platform FLOGmall and crowdfunding platform. The pre-ICO period will last for one month. The sales period will start on 22 February to 22 March 2018. Determination of soft cap is for 2.5 million USD and hard cap 5 million USD. The specified exchange rate is 1 ETH = 3000 MLC. When you miss pre-ICO, you can follow the ICO which will be held from 26 April to 26 June 2018. Determination of soft cap is for 5 million USD and hard cap 18 million USD. The specified exchange rate is 1 ETH = 2000 MLC. You can use Ethereum, Bitcoin, KickCoin, Ripple, Dash, Litecoin and Doge to participate in the ecosystem. You need to know that the ICO schedule may change sometime. You can get schedule change information through the website pages or FLOGmall social media account. Do not miss your chance to participate in a global-scale platform to deliver maximum benefits from the use of e-commerce.
Using Cryptocurrency for Everyday Use
One’s habit of using cryptocurrency is limited to the development of digital currency for miners, traders, and investors. Currently, someone wants to use cryptocurrency for everyday purchases of goods without using fiat currency. The structure of utilization of digital money for safe and fast use to meet daily needs is being done. You may have heard information about hundreds of dead altcoins after ICO failure. In 2011 altcoin again turned on step by step. Corrections for altcoin utilization include the token storage error and the small degree of liquidity. To maintain the existence of the use of tokens, the increase of cash is necessary. The best way to boost liquidity is by increasing the volume of transactions that occur within the ecosystem. As the transaction increases then the need for token usage will improve as well. It will make the platform have a steady and growing level of liquidity.
Increased transaction volume can be done with the help of smart contracts that are key to progressive project development. The thousands of available altcoins may do not provide real utility and functionality to perpetuate minimum trading values. The absence of a token realization will create a market saturation that may classify an asset that depends on the application. The basic idea in the utilization of cryptocurrency will not work when a fiat and fiat money system occurs in the cryptocurrency market. The decline in the use of cryptocurrency in the paper currency will be proportional to the participation of the banking system. Cryptocurrency began to be developed for decentralized paying systems for universal use. The use of the term speculation for the use of economic shadow. Failure resulting from the payment instrument obtained. Increased utilization of cryptocurrency can be done with the development of new platforms that provide more benefits.
The Flogmall Ecosystem For Ease Of Transaction In E-Commerce

FLOGmall is one of the developments of the new platform for e-commerce usage. The original concept of platform usage is done with the use of blockchain technology and decentralized systems. The system can support the convenience of transactions and bookkeeping. The distributed ledger will help you get services with a high rate of transaction speed. Ease of deal will allow you to receive e-commerce services with products from around the world. You can also interact easily through the communication service with an automatic translator. Various products will be sold in multiple countries. The global platform reach will help you to have everything you need with ease.
FLOGmall will come up with a new market model by applying the concept of video sales. All seller activity can be recorded and streamed. To meet the needs of buyers, sellers can conduct online promotions with video so that it will have interactive and easy-to-deliver content to all network users. Transaction speed will be supported by Mallcoin usage that can be obtained through token sales or sales events outside token sales events such as ATES. Ease of transaction is also supported by the use of smart contract to ensure you get the products you want safely. Mallcoin exchange can be done when the product has reached your hand carefully. The platform will help you to find honest sellers with good quality products. Immediately join FLOGmall to improve the utilization of digital platform and cryptocurrency. The new cryptocurrency course layer will provide miners, investors, and traders. The ad formats contained on the row will be done for free to form different sets in the acquisition of cryptocurrency.
May 9 2018
The FLOGmall E-Commerce Platform with The Unique Offers for Everyone
Increased utilization of technology makes everything can be done quickly. You do not need to spend too much time and energy to enjoy every service that is collaborated with technology. Utilization of the Internet became the beginning of the opening of the global world so that people around the world can connect without any significant obstacles. One of the increasingly growing market users is e-commerce. E-commerce market users continue to grow along with the development of smartphones so anyone can make any purchase in hand. Ease is also supported by the easy access of the internet owned by everyone. To be able to make purchases on a digital platform, internet access is the main thing to note. E-commerce has indeed become the most appropriate way out for ease of getting the product without worrying about the use of time. The price offered is also quite competitive to increase the convenience and purchasing power of consumers.
Utilization of e-commerce market also provides excellent benefits for sellers around the world. The seller can market the product efficiently. The seller only uploads the product to the site and waits for the order to arrive. However, not all sellers take honest action. Certain individuals pretend to be sellers but lead to fraud. The response is unfortunate because it can disappoint the buyer. To handle this, then specific systems are needed that can improve the quality of traded sellers and suppliers. FLOGmall has come up with the use of new concepts and innovations to provide convenience to all parties who joined the ecosystem. The FLOGmall work system will show the honest sellers in the ecosystem. The platform will use the concept of bidding, selling, and advertising done with video. Sellers can also stream about sales that occur in stores.
FLOGmall will bring e-commerce market to marketing with blockchain-based technology. The use of blockchain technology is expected to increase transaction speed and security. The method of blockchain technology can also lead to distributed ledger systems for secure storage of transaction data and ease of access. The use of blockchain technology necessarily leads to the use of Smart Contracts with Etherum-based. You can use the service with a FLOGmall token called Mallcoin (MLC). The use of tokens will undoubtedly be available with wallet support so that your transactions can be completed immediately. The transfer of the balance from your wallet to the seller will occur when you confirm the receipt of the product you purchased. Without confirmation, the funds you provide will be held in the ecosystem. It aims for the seller to deliver products ordered. When the seller does not provide the order, the funds will be returned to the buyer. FLOGmall will provide convenience to anyone who is incorporated into the ecosystem with various development services.
Innovation Services On The Flogmall Ecosystem
Unique offers in the e-commerce market will be provided via the FLOGmall platform. You can earn more profits on a promising platform. Each feature provided will be proportional to the benefits you receive. FLOGmall will move to a new market that has the availability of data and products that can increase purchasing power. The services available can help anyone to gain expertise in transactions. The project break-even point will be in a positive scenario once the official function and full-scale platform are run for the next few months. FLOGmall will be a project that has a high potential to provide benefits in the e-commerce market. The use of this ecosystem can also help the development of global investment scenarios to support the establishment of ecosystems. Making new markets will undoubtedly be accompanied by risks. The existence of the threat does not mean lowering the level of positive scenarios. The risk can always be taken into account so that as much as possible to be avoided in order not to happen.
High risk also requires you to perform calculations and get advice from individual financial institutions before making a purchase of MLC on ICO. Before investing, you also need to do calculations to avoid possible risks. The existence of a new paradigm and innovation services to provide the formation of a new category to enhance e-commerce projects established with cryptocurrency system. The use of cryptosystems will help improve venture capital funding. You need to do a thorough calculation and evaluation of the project before making a transaction for investment. As a new platform, FLOGmall certainly wants every investor, buyers, and sellers can join the ecosystem by itself without any coercion. FLOGmall will provide the detailed explanation of the system and security used. The developer also assumes that the project deserves a high economic and financial evaluation. You can know the whole concept by accessing the website and whitepaper.
White Paper:
Investment in FLOGmall ecosystem with preSale, pre-ICO and ICO
Token sales are made with a transparent and straightforward system. Anyone can participate in the token sales period to provide ease of access to the ecosystem when the platform is launched. The algorithm used is a correct procedure so that sales can be made for each site customer. The investment procedure can provide the full income derived from the project. Mallcoin token holder can purchase preSale, pre-ICO and ICO, so it will make it easier for anyone to invest. In addition to the ICO event, you also sell tokens called ATES. The concept will give users the opportunity to buy tokens on the site without going through a crypto exchange. An accredited investor may sell MLC tokens within a year of purchase.
ATES has a lead role for token holders who make purchases in preSale, pre-ICO, and ICO. Various sales stages are opened to provide ease of investment and discounts to reach an affordable price. Total distribution of tokens to be made worth 250 million Mallcoin. Shipping has also been explicitly mentioned in the whitepaper. The founding team, advisors, and platform supporters in the early stages will get a 10% distribution. Subsequent distributions were made to obtain a reserve of 9%. The fund reserves are intended to keep the platform work uninterrupted. Funding reserves can also be created to establish new impetus in project development. 7% distribution of funds will be made for bounty and bonus campaigns to be given to ICO participants, charities, and lotteries. 74% of the token will be distributed to ICO participants at every token sales stage.
You May Need To Know The Terms And Conditions Of The Distribution And Creation Of Tokens
Specific terms and conditions may have an impact on the token sale and ecosystem development. Establishment of ecosystems depends heavily on the availability of sufficient funds. For that, you are some provisions that need to be set in the token ecosystem. Token obtained from FLOGmall team will be blocked for two years. The advisory tokens and project proponents were stuck for six months. Blocked tokens cannot be used for redemption or to use services within an ecosystem. For bounty program participants, tokens will be blocked for three months. The token amount of 2.5 million MLC will be used as a form of support for the program which will be done for eight years. Assistance will be given to children in need and will be gradually disbursed.
The allocation of tokens made to the reserve fund will be partially blocked. As many as 20% of tokens will be released from the block so that accounts can be used to keep work within the ecosystem. 80% of the funding reserves will begin to be distributed in May 2019 and will be for two years to attract new international market users. Other tokens will not be exposed to hold. After the ICO period ends, there will be no creation and token mining. Token sales also have a minimum target. When the minimum amount is not reached after the token sale period finished, the funds collected will be returned to the participants. When the token amount has been met before the end of the sales period, the ICO event will also be closed soon. The token allocation will be done gradually to all ICO participants.
Let’s be The Participant of ICO and Get Registration in The Website
ICO will be the event to sell token. ICO will give you the opportunity to get a token that can be used within the ecosystem. To participate in ICO, you can register through the web page provided. The sale of tokens is essential for collecting funds to be distributed for ecosystem development. FLOGmall divides the token sales period into three stages: presale, praICO, and ICO. preSale will take place on the platform for the period of 14 December to 14 January. Determination of soft cap is for 500 thousand USD and hard cap 1 million USD. The specified exchange rate is 1 ETH = 6000 MLC. preSale is usually aimed at ecosystem developers, advisors, and stakeholders related to project development. Ana may join the Pre-ICO and ICO to join Mallcoin’s sales.
Pre-ICO will take place on platform FLOGmall and crowdfunding platform. The pre-ICO period will last for one month. The sales period will start on 22 February to 22 March 2018. Determination of soft cap is for 2.5 million USD and hard cap 5 million USD. The specified exchange rate is 1 ETH = 3000 MLC. When you miss pre-ICO, you can follow the ICO which will be held from 26 April to 26 June 2018. Determination of soft cap is for 5 million USD and hard cap 18 million USD. The specified exchange rate is 1 ETH = 2000 MLC. You can use Ethereum, Bitcoin, KickCoin, Ripple, Dash, Litecoin and Doge to participate in the ecosystem. You need to know that the ICO schedule may change sometime. You can get schedule change information through the website pages or FLOGmall social media account. Do not miss your chance to participate in a global-scale platform to deliver maximum benefits from the use of e-commerce.
Using Cryptocurrency for Everyday Use
One’s habit of using cryptocurrency is limited to the development of digital currency for miners, traders, and investors. Currently, someone wants to use cryptocurrency for everyday purchases of goods without using fiat currency. The structure of utilization of digital money for safe and fast use to meet daily needs is being done. You may have heard information about hundreds of dead altcoins after ICO failure. In 2011 altcoin again turned on step by step. Corrections for altcoin utilization include the token storage error and the small degree of liquidity. To maintain the existence of the use of tokens, the increase of cash is necessary. The best way to boost liquidity is by increasing the volume of transactions that occur within the ecosystem. As the transaction increases then the need for token usage will improve as well. It will make the platform have a steady and growing level of liquidity.
Increased transaction volume can be done with the help of smart contracts that are key to progressive project development. The thousands of available altcoins may do not provide real utility and functionality to perpetuate minimum trading values. The absence of a token realization will create a market saturation that may classify an asset that depends on the application. The basic idea in the utilization of cryptocurrency will not work when a fiat and fiat money system occurs in the cryptocurrency market. The decline in the use of cryptocurrency in the paper currency will be proportional to the participation of the banking system. Cryptocurrency began to be developed for decentralized paying systems for universal use. The use of the term speculation for the use of economic shadow. Failure resulting from the payment instrument obtained. Increased utilization of cryptocurrency can be done with the development of new platforms that provide more benefits.
The Flogmall Ecosystem For Ease Of Transaction In E-Commerce
FLOGmall is one of the developments of the new platform for e-commerce usage. The original concept of platform usage is done with the use of blockchain technology and decentralized systems. The system can support the convenience of transactions and bookkeeping. The distributed ledger will help you get services with a high rate of transaction speed. Ease of deal will allow you to receive e-commerce services with products from around the world. You can also interact easily through the communication service with an automatic translator. Various products will be sold in multiple countries. The global platform reach will help you to have everything you need with ease.
FLOGmall will come up with a new market model by applying the concept of video sales. All seller activity can be recorded and streamed. To meet the needs of buyers, sellers can conduct online promotions with video so that it will have interactive and easy-to-deliver content to all network users. Transaction speed will be supported by Mallcoin usage that can be obtained through token sales or sales events outside token sales events such as ATES. Ease of transaction is also supported by the use of smart contract to ensure you get the products you want safely. Mallcoin exchange can be done when the product has reached your hand carefully. The platform will help you to find honest sellers with good quality products. Immediately join FLOGmall to improve the utilization of digital platform and cryptocurrency. The new cryptocurrency course layer will provide miners, investors, and traders. The ad formats contained on the row will be done for free to form different sets in the acquisition of cryptocurrency.
By admin • Technology • Tags: ATES, convenience, cryptocurrency, ETH, ICO, MLC, service, technology, token sale, USD