Every social network platform has its own technologies to offer. So far though, the technologies brought by the existing platforms more or less improve what might be lacking before only. If they were to come up with new ideas, they are not yet to bring new era to social networking. Then, there comes one called the UHive Social Network. It is the world’s first to bring its users physical dimension and the world’s first too to be controlled with advanced Artificial Intelligence brain. It is second to none when it comes to those two.
Speaking about its Artificial Intelligence, there are many technologies of the feature that plays a big role in this new social network. They are part of the things that bring new era of networking through this product called UHive here. Now, let’s spare our time and learn just what those technologies here. As it was said before, there are many of them. So, let’s focus on the 4 main ones and they should give you enough insight to tell just how great this new social network really is. Every one of them is even worth to pay attention to here.
- UHive Face Detection Technology
First of all, there is this face detection technology coming from UHive AI feature. Sure, this technology is nothing unfamiliar anymore since many advanced devices today are using this useful technology too. In Smartphone for example, face detection feature is more for the purpose of security. You can’t get to peek inside the phone unless you match the owner’s face scanned by its system. How does it go in this social network then? Let us tell you then, this technology here is not meant for security. It is meant differently.
In UHive network platform, this technology is the one to link the photos that match certain person’s face. To activate this though, you will have to upload a photo to the platform. It does not have to be the photo where you are alone. A photo of you and your friends or families would work just fine. Once that photo is uploaded, this face detection technology will do its job to scan the photo for you. All the faces in the photo will be detected. Then, custom thumbnail is created for them. This is pretty interesting work of the technology, isn’t it?
Now that the faces are remembered by the system, any new photos uploaded after that will be linked to the matching faces. How can we see this? To see if the photos are properly linked, you can try tapping on the face image. If things go well and the technology works just fine, you will be able to see all of the photos of the person whose face image you just tapped. It is convenient technology, really. After all, you can find any related photos of one person by simply tapping the intended face image. No need to look for them yourself.
- UHive Object Detection Technology
The detection technology does not involve around faces on the photos only. There is one that can detect objects too from this new social network we are talking about here. Basically, the work is quite similar with the face detection before. While face detection helps you discover photos by the faces scanned by the system, the object detection can do the same but by the objects appearing within the photos. There is no need to do some sort of scanning first beforehand since this technology will still do the job well for you.
All you need to do is to search phrases referring clearly to certain objects, like cup, phone, camera lens, books, and such. Once you do so, the technology will immediately show you the relevant results of the search. Accuracy and high speed are what UHive boasts about this very technology we are talking about here. You will be sure to get the photos with the intended objects as soon as you can expect it to be. How do you think this is possible? Let us tell you that this technology makes sure to analyze objects in the images that you post.
Join the discussion at https://twitter.com/UHIVEsocial if you have questions regarding this matter. However, one thing you should know that the analysis is actually done within public groups. This is especially done for the purpose of making those photos searchable as well as discoverable to the users. That is why we can get the search results as accurate and fast as possible. Now, you see how advanced this technology really is, right? Others are not yet powered with AI brain up to this length. So, you will know why UHive social network could stand out more than the other existing platforms.
- UHive Video Detection Technology
The greatness of UHive detection technology is not all about the photos only. Let us tell you then that this has included even the videos as well. Boasting video streaming and video analysis technology, you can expect to discover lots of things from any videos. First of all, you can have the technology to analyze and detect any object, scene, and even activity. Object detection is not that unfamiliar, but it does not apply the same to the scene and the activity, right? Yet, you find this in this new and advanced social network here.

Don’t forget there is facial recognition too. So, you can conclude that face detection technology applies to both photos and movies. There is more to it than just recognizing who’s who in digital pictures and movies. Why, of course, it is because there is facial analysis too. With it, you can have the technology to recognize whether the person in the movie is male or female. Not to mention, the analysis can go as far as recognizing if the intended person in the movie is happy, sad, or anything. Depending on the situation, such kind of technologies can be pretty helpful for you without doubt.
Now, video detection technology does not just go as far as doing recognition and analysis when it comes to the face. Need to be known that it can recognize celebrities too. Surely, this is what many people would hope for the technology to do. Who knows you can spot your favorite celebrity amidst the crowd in the movie? You might even do this in mere videos. You see it now that UHive sure doesn’t hold back in the making of this new social network with Artificial Intelligence technologies that are so advanced even to this very point.
- UHive Inappropriate Content Detection
We are sure that you must have realized digital content in photos, movies, and posts sometimes can go beyond what we can call appropriate to reveal in public. Adult content is one easy example of it and this is not something you can reveal to your growing kids. Well, virtual world is practically vast, regardless of which platform you are trying to surf and browse with. You can’t guarantee that your kids won’t bump into such knowledge that kids are not supposed to know in their early age. Are you parent of kids and worried about this matter?
You can rest assured if you choose to go with UHive social network. Why, of course, it is because there is this inappropriate content detection technology coming from it. With it, the system will do the job to identify content across everything, from images to posts. If it notices that there is potentially unsafe content, it will give detailed labels for you to read. These labels will make it possible for you to accurately control what is good and what is not to watch. Sure, you need to report it if you find certain content suspicious.
That being said, this content detection is only possible in UHive’s Civilized World since the Grey World is supposed to be open world without regulations. Still, this technology will give parents peace of mind when they let their kids playing in the social network. With it, you don’t have to completely prohibit your kids to even try it just because you worry about inappropriate content in the network. Even kids need to know how to use advanced technology and make good use of it for the benefit of real life. Network is good source of knowledge since it is vast and worldwide, after all.
To Conclude
UHive Social Network is sure to be powered with advanced Artificial Intelligence technologies. From simple face detection alone, you get amazing technology that can link photos to someone’s face scanned by the system before. The technology can even go all the way to detect inappropriate content in the network from images, videos, to posts, so you can keep your kids away from them. If the first four technologies of AI brain are this good, you can expect the rest of the technologies to be as good too. Then, we can conclude that UHive does bring new era to social networking with them.

Website: https://ico.uhive.io/
White Paper: https://ico.uhive.io/wp-content/uploads/UHIVE_Whitepaper.pdf
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3262744
Social Media:
May 13 2018
Advanced Artificial Intelligence Technologies of the UHive Social Network
Every social network platform has its own technologies to offer. So far though, the technologies brought by the existing platforms more or less improve what might be lacking before only. If they were to come up with new ideas, they are not yet to bring new era to social networking. Then, there comes one called the UHive Social Network. It is the world’s first to bring its users physical dimension and the world’s first too to be controlled with advanced Artificial Intelligence brain. It is second to none when it comes to those two.
Speaking about its Artificial Intelligence, there are many technologies of the feature that plays a big role in this new social network. They are part of the things that bring new era of networking through this product called UHive here. Now, let’s spare our time and learn just what those technologies here. As it was said before, there are many of them. So, let’s focus on the 4 main ones and they should give you enough insight to tell just how great this new social network really is. Every one of them is even worth to pay attention to here.
First of all, there is this face detection technology coming from UHive AI feature. Sure, this technology is nothing unfamiliar anymore since many advanced devices today are using this useful technology too. In Smartphone for example, face detection feature is more for the purpose of security. You can’t get to peek inside the phone unless you match the owner’s face scanned by its system. How does it go in this social network then? Let us tell you then, this technology here is not meant for security. It is meant differently.
In UHive network platform, this technology is the one to link the photos that match certain person’s face. To activate this though, you will have to upload a photo to the platform. It does not have to be the photo where you are alone. A photo of you and your friends or families would work just fine. Once that photo is uploaded, this face detection technology will do its job to scan the photo for you. All the faces in the photo will be detected. Then, custom thumbnail is created for them. This is pretty interesting work of the technology, isn’t it?
Now that the faces are remembered by the system, any new photos uploaded after that will be linked to the matching faces. How can we see this? To see if the photos are properly linked, you can try tapping on the face image. If things go well and the technology works just fine, you will be able to see all of the photos of the person whose face image you just tapped. It is convenient technology, really. After all, you can find any related photos of one person by simply tapping the intended face image. No need to look for them yourself.
The detection technology does not involve around faces on the photos only. There is one that can detect objects too from this new social network we are talking about here. Basically, the work is quite similar with the face detection before. While face detection helps you discover photos by the faces scanned by the system, the object detection can do the same but by the objects appearing within the photos. There is no need to do some sort of scanning first beforehand since this technology will still do the job well for you.
All you need to do is to search phrases referring clearly to certain objects, like cup, phone, camera lens, books, and such. Once you do so, the technology will immediately show you the relevant results of the search. Accuracy and high speed are what UHive boasts about this very technology we are talking about here. You will be sure to get the photos with the intended objects as soon as you can expect it to be. How do you think this is possible? Let us tell you that this technology makes sure to analyze objects in the images that you post.
Join the discussion at https://twitter.com/UHIVEsocial if you have questions regarding this matter. However, one thing you should know that the analysis is actually done within public groups. This is especially done for the purpose of making those photos searchable as well as discoverable to the users. That is why we can get the search results as accurate and fast as possible. Now, you see how advanced this technology really is, right? Others are not yet powered with AI brain up to this length. So, you will know why UHive social network could stand out more than the other existing platforms.
The greatness of UHive detection technology is not all about the photos only. Let us tell you then that this has included even the videos as well. Boasting video streaming and video analysis technology, you can expect to discover lots of things from any videos. First of all, you can have the technology to analyze and detect any object, scene, and even activity. Object detection is not that unfamiliar, but it does not apply the same to the scene and the activity, right? Yet, you find this in this new and advanced social network here.
Don’t forget there is facial recognition too. So, you can conclude that face detection technology applies to both photos and movies. There is more to it than just recognizing who’s who in digital pictures and movies. Why, of course, it is because there is facial analysis too. With it, you can have the technology to recognize whether the person in the movie is male or female. Not to mention, the analysis can go as far as recognizing if the intended person in the movie is happy, sad, or anything. Depending on the situation, such kind of technologies can be pretty helpful for you without doubt.
Now, video detection technology does not just go as far as doing recognition and analysis when it comes to the face. Need to be known that it can recognize celebrities too. Surely, this is what many people would hope for the technology to do. Who knows you can spot your favorite celebrity amidst the crowd in the movie? You might even do this in mere videos. You see it now that UHive sure doesn’t hold back in the making of this new social network with Artificial Intelligence technologies that are so advanced even to this very point.
We are sure that you must have realized digital content in photos, movies, and posts sometimes can go beyond what we can call appropriate to reveal in public. Adult content is one easy example of it and this is not something you can reveal to your growing kids. Well, virtual world is practically vast, regardless of which platform you are trying to surf and browse with. You can’t guarantee that your kids won’t bump into such knowledge that kids are not supposed to know in their early age. Are you parent of kids and worried about this matter?
You can rest assured if you choose to go with UHive social network. Why, of course, it is because there is this inappropriate content detection technology coming from it. With it, the system will do the job to identify content across everything, from images to posts. If it notices that there is potentially unsafe content, it will give detailed labels for you to read. These labels will make it possible for you to accurately control what is good and what is not to watch. Sure, you need to report it if you find certain content suspicious.
That being said, this content detection is only possible in UHive’s Civilized World since the Grey World is supposed to be open world without regulations. Still, this technology will give parents peace of mind when they let their kids playing in the social network. With it, you don’t have to completely prohibit your kids to even try it just because you worry about inappropriate content in the network. Even kids need to know how to use advanced technology and make good use of it for the benefit of real life. Network is good source of knowledge since it is vast and worldwide, after all.
To Conclude
UHive Social Network is sure to be powered with advanced Artificial Intelligence technologies. From simple face detection alone, you get amazing technology that can link photos to someone’s face scanned by the system before. The technology can even go all the way to detect inappropriate content in the network from images, videos, to posts, so you can keep your kids away from them. If the first four technologies of AI brain are this good, you can expect the rest of the technologies to be as good too. Then, we can conclude that UHive does bring new era to social networking with them.
Website: https://ico.uhive.io/
White Paper: https://ico.uhive.io/wp-content/uploads/UHIVE_Whitepaper.pdf
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3262744
Social Media:
By admin • Technology • Tags: advanced technology, AI, Ann Thread, Artificial Intelligence, benefit, doubt, good, images, time, White Paper