Horizon communication is one of the internet service providers based in Bermuda island. This is the company that’s run the next generation technology. The existence of horizon to give the high speed internet to the people in Bermuda island, because the Bermuda island problem is low internet connection. So the existence of horizon communication aims to answer that problem. The horizon communication is not just stay in Bermuda but also expand to the island near Bermuda.
The horizon communication is the tool that provides the internet connection. Without the internet service provider, people will not or cannot access to the internet. The horizon communication choose Bermuda island except the low internet connection is to make people connected globally. As we know that Bermuda island is one of the great business island. They have high standard of living with the excellent education, services, and healthcare. The internet problem caused by the daily life people needs internet but the provider the does not have the capability to cover it. For your information, Bermuda is also the center of business.
The horizon communication uses the next generation technology to get the good quality internet service provider. One of the next generation technology used by the horizon communication is blockchain integration or called the future of finance and data. The use of next generation technology to have speed up to 150 MB per second for 2018 and 300 MB per second in 2018 or 2019. The horizon communication has technology 4G LTE with the pre 5G standard that for sure have a super speed internet connection till up to 1 GB per second.
The target of marketing is around the Bermuda especially Bermuda island. Besides Bermuda island, there is british virgin island as the small island with small population. The Caribean island near the gulf mexico that targeted by horizon communication in 2018 or 2019. The last is central America that targeted in 2020 located between south and north America.
The horizon communication besides used the next generation technology, they also used the technology of bitcoin. It is called HRZN token. The use of bitcoin because regarding to the era of technology now that mostly used the bit coin in e-transaction. The horizon communication build the HRZN token on the blockchain. The token will be distributed to the ICO 60%, the team 2-year lock 16%, the company 10%, their country advisers 3%, charity 1% and for pre-sale 10%. The total token is 100,000,000 that will be distributed to those actors.
The horizon company will be held the hrzn token that revolves. The quantity of HRZN token is actually based on how much it been sold. When the token to sale is minim, they will hold the charity token to keep the percentage of the total token. The horizon communication also plans to produce around seventy million tokens to sell. So people will get well distributed.
To get the horizon token, you can access through the bitcointalk or to the official website of horizon. Now there is promo of hrzn token with the bonus up to 60%. It is called private presale. This private presale is live for more than 10 thousand USD. If you want to get bonus that up to 60 %, you should purchase the hrzn token at least 10 thousand usd or more. This promo is only for a while because just for limited time only. Just contact support@horizoncomm.co.
The horizon will be accept the ETH during the presale time. It was caused by they want to integrate the shapeshift before the ICO. To use the cryptocurrency in exchange wallet addresses in communication horizon, you cannot use coinbase, bittrex or poloniex. When you transfer from those kind cryptocurrency, your ETH will not be available and you will lost it.
Pre sale launching in April there are 3 offers. First is 2M tokens presale with 60% bonus, when you buy 100 hrzn token you will get more 60 hrzn token. Second is 8M tokens presale with 45% bonus means that 100 hrzn token will get 45 hrzn tokens more. Last is minimum purchase 0.15 eth.
Horizon token distribution
The token of horizon will be distribute to the ICO, team, company, the PR Bounty adviser, charity, and presale. Those are have portion per actor, every actor have different portion. The portion was set by the horizon communication based on their analysis. The chart below shows how the portion per actor.

The team actor got 16 percent from the total. When the total is 100.000.000, the token distribution in a team is around 16.000.000. to use the team horizon token has the inquiry has to lock in the smart contract for two years. Also, the team token can be distributed after the ICU 60 percent will be well distributed.
Pre sale is when there is the period for sale time. The pre-sale usually open when the industry wants to sell for regular. The portion of the token distribution is 10 percent. When the total is 100.000.000, then the distribution might be 10.000.000 for sale. The pre-sale usually offered some bonus. One of the example is the presale in april with the 60% bonus, but only buy for more then 10 thousand usd.
Another example is pre-sale February 2018, they provide three packages which are 2 M tokens presale 60% bonus, 8M tokens presale 45% bonus and minimum purchase. The 2 M tokens presale 60% bonus is they have 2M tokens for those who buy 100 horizon tokens will get extra 60 horizon tokens. The 8M tokens presale 45% bonus is the 8M tokens is for those who buy 100 horizon tokens will get extra 45 tokens. The last is bonus 60% who even comes first on the day of presale and only for 2 million tokens.
ICO is the crypto currency or the name of initial coin. Usually the ICU is used by the company that use the crypto currency system. One of the examples is horizon communication.the ICO can be in form of bitcoin, token or ethereum. even though it has the different kind, but the functions are the same for transaction. The percentage of token distribution is the biggest in the ICO or initial coin offering. The amount for ICO is 60 percent from the total. Usually, the ICO token will be sell after pre-sale round.
In horizon, he selling of ICO tokens will be divided into four group. Each group will have separate sale and bonus. The total for ICO token is 60 percent that will divided into 4 group. Every group will get 15 percent each.The first group called TIER 01 with the 30 percent bonus, the second or TIER 02 got 20 percent bonus, the third got 10 percent bonus and the last didn’t have the bonus. Every single group has the different amount of HRZN. It decreased from one TIER to another. In the first is 1.3 HRZN and end with 1 HRZN.
The portion of horizon token for PR or marketing and bounty adviser is 3 percent. Even though it got only 3% but its larger than the charity. The 3% was counted with the total horizon token, if there are 100.000 token then for the pr and bounty adviser is only 3000 token.
The company got 10 percent as one of the biggest as big as pre sale portion. The distribution in the company means to strengthen the value of HRZN itself. The 10 percent portion will be lock for 6 months after the distribution to the ICU. So the distribution to the company will be begun after all the ICU portion had been distributed. Sometimes the company portion is used for giveaways.
1 percent or the smallest horizon communication is for the charity. The portion for charity is based on the founder desire. He really loves the social activity. He start his social life with being part of scout and continue to help the community services and sometimes can be savings.
There are some benefit of using the horizon token. Such as got the bi yearly profit for all the token holders as the dividends and buyback, the discount for the horizon telecom services in all the horizon area, the use of storage services with the low price, the VPN services through horizon and blackchain will get the coverage wider after covering the Bermuda and carribean, to reduce the costs of cellular service with the sim card of horizon, purchasing the services will be discounted. Another profit is owners of the horizon token or the member, can use all the horizon services to all the area that use the horizon services. The horizon also give benefits for the member along with their partners.
That is all about the horizon communication that have pre sale in april up to 60 percent. If you want to get the horizon token with the bonus 60 percent, you can visit their official website to access to.
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2960817
White Paper: https://www.horizoncomm.co/feast-content/uploads/Horizon-Whitepaper.pdf
Website: http://www.horizoncomm.co/
Social Media:
Posted by: kurniawan05
May 17 2018
Horizon Token Private Presale Up To 60%, Now!!!
Horizon communication is one of the internet service providers based in Bermuda island. This is the company that’s run the next generation technology. The existence of horizon to give the high speed internet to the people in Bermuda island, because the Bermuda island problem is low internet connection. So the existence of horizon communication aims to answer that problem. The horizon communication is not just stay in Bermuda but also expand to the island near Bermuda.
The horizon communication is the tool that provides the internet connection. Without the internet service provider, people will not or cannot access to the internet. The horizon communication choose Bermuda island except the low internet connection is to make people connected globally. As we know that Bermuda island is one of the great business island. They have high standard of living with the excellent education, services, and healthcare. The internet problem caused by the daily life people needs internet but the provider the does not have the capability to cover it. For your information, Bermuda is also the center of business.
The horizon communication uses the next generation technology to get the good quality internet service provider. One of the next generation technology used by the horizon communication is blockchain integration or called the future of finance and data. The use of next generation technology to have speed up to 150 MB per second for 2018 and 300 MB per second in 2018 or 2019. The horizon communication has technology 4G LTE with the pre 5G standard that for sure have a super speed internet connection till up to 1 GB per second.
The target of marketing is around the Bermuda especially Bermuda island. Besides Bermuda island, there is british virgin island as the small island with small population. The Caribean island near the gulf mexico that targeted by horizon communication in 2018 or 2019. The last is central America that targeted in 2020 located between south and north America.
The horizon communication besides used the next generation technology, they also used the technology of bitcoin. It is called HRZN token. The use of bitcoin because regarding to the era of technology now that mostly used the bit coin in e-transaction. The horizon communication build the HRZN token on the blockchain. The token will be distributed to the ICO 60%, the team 2-year lock 16%, the company 10%, their country advisers 3%, charity 1% and for pre-sale 10%. The total token is 100,000,000 that will be distributed to those actors.
The horizon company will be held the hrzn token that revolves. The quantity of HRZN token is actually based on how much it been sold. When the token to sale is minim, they will hold the charity token to keep the percentage of the total token. The horizon communication also plans to produce around seventy million tokens to sell. So people will get well distributed.
To get the horizon token, you can access through the bitcointalk or to the official website of horizon. Now there is promo of hrzn token with the bonus up to 60%. It is called private presale. This private presale is live for more than 10 thousand USD. If you want to get bonus that up to 60 %, you should purchase the hrzn token at least 10 thousand usd or more. This promo is only for a while because just for limited time only. Just contact support@horizoncomm.co.
The horizon will be accept the ETH during the presale time. It was caused by they want to integrate the shapeshift before the ICO. To use the cryptocurrency in exchange wallet addresses in communication horizon, you cannot use coinbase, bittrex or poloniex. When you transfer from those kind cryptocurrency, your ETH will not be available and you will lost it.
Pre sale launching in April there are 3 offers. First is 2M tokens presale with 60% bonus, when you buy 100 hrzn token you will get more 60 hrzn token. Second is 8M tokens presale with 45% bonus means that 100 hrzn token will get 45 hrzn tokens more. Last is minimum purchase 0.15 eth.
Horizon token distribution
The token of horizon will be distribute to the ICO, team, company, the PR Bounty adviser, charity, and presale. Those are have portion per actor, every actor have different portion. The portion was set by the horizon communication based on their analysis. The chart below shows how the portion per actor.
The team actor got 16 percent from the total. When the total is 100.000.000, the token distribution in a team is around 16.000.000. to use the team horizon token has the inquiry has to lock in the smart contract for two years. Also, the team token can be distributed after the ICU 60 percent will be well distributed.
Pre sale is when there is the period for sale time. The pre-sale usually open when the industry wants to sell for regular. The portion of the token distribution is 10 percent. When the total is 100.000.000, then the distribution might be 10.000.000 for sale. The pre-sale usually offered some bonus. One of the example is the presale in april with the 60% bonus, but only buy for more then 10 thousand usd.
Another example is pre-sale February 2018, they provide three packages which are 2 M tokens presale 60% bonus, 8M tokens presale 45% bonus and minimum purchase. The 2 M tokens presale 60% bonus is they have 2M tokens for those who buy 100 horizon tokens will get extra 60 horizon tokens. The 8M tokens presale 45% bonus is the 8M tokens is for those who buy 100 horizon tokens will get extra 45 tokens. The last is bonus 60% who even comes first on the day of presale and only for 2 million tokens.
ICO is the crypto currency or the name of initial coin. Usually the ICU is used by the company that use the crypto currency system. One of the examples is horizon communication.the ICO can be in form of bitcoin, token or ethereum. even though it has the different kind, but the functions are the same for transaction. The percentage of token distribution is the biggest in the ICO or initial coin offering. The amount for ICO is 60 percent from the total. Usually, the ICO token will be sell after pre-sale round.
In horizon, he selling of ICO tokens will be divided into four group. Each group will have separate sale and bonus. The total for ICO token is 60 percent that will divided into 4 group. Every group will get 15 percent each.The first group called TIER 01 with the 30 percent bonus, the second or TIER 02 got 20 percent bonus, the third got 10 percent bonus and the last didn’t have the bonus. Every single group has the different amount of HRZN. It decreased from one TIER to another. In the first is 1.3 HRZN and end with 1 HRZN.
The portion of horizon token for PR or marketing and bounty adviser is 3 percent. Even though it got only 3% but its larger than the charity. The 3% was counted with the total horizon token, if there are 100.000 token then for the pr and bounty adviser is only 3000 token.
The company got 10 percent as one of the biggest as big as pre sale portion. The distribution in the company means to strengthen the value of HRZN itself. The 10 percent portion will be lock for 6 months after the distribution to the ICU. So the distribution to the company will be begun after all the ICU portion had been distributed. Sometimes the company portion is used for giveaways.
1 percent or the smallest horizon communication is for the charity. The portion for charity is based on the founder desire. He really loves the social activity. He start his social life with being part of scout and continue to help the community services and sometimes can be savings.
There are some benefit of using the horizon token. Such as got the bi yearly profit for all the token holders as the dividends and buyback, the discount for the horizon telecom services in all the horizon area, the use of storage services with the low price, the VPN services through horizon and blackchain will get the coverage wider after covering the Bermuda and carribean, to reduce the costs of cellular service with the sim card of horizon, purchasing the services will be discounted. Another profit is owners of the horizon token or the member, can use all the horizon services to all the area that use the horizon services. The horizon also give benefits for the member along with their partners.
That is all about the horizon communication that have pre sale in april up to 60 percent. If you want to get the horizon token with the bonus 60 percent, you can visit their official website to access to.
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2960817
White Paper: https://www.horizoncomm.co/feast-content/uploads/Horizon-Whitepaper.pdf
Website: http://www.horizoncomm.co/
Social Media:
Posted by: kurniawan05
By admin • Technology, Telecommunications • Tags: HRZN, ICU, internet connection, mexico, presale, service, technology, TIER, time, token