Overcome The Logistics Problems With EndChain

The trading transaction via online having the consequences for all parties which involved in there. At least, there are three parties here, the seller/manufacturer/producer, logistics industry and consumer. Each party has the obligation and rights on this case. As we know, online trading allows the buyer and seller not meet in the market as trading as usual. Here, the seller needs the logistics help to send the goods to their consumer — the logistics industry work as the bridge between seller and buyer. The logistics have the responsibility to deliver the packages to the consumer. But, it’s not always run as well as we think, because it’s possible bad something occur while shipping process.

One of the most crucial problems of logistics industry is about transparency. Yes, the transparent transaction is the key for successful trading. The transparency while shipping process is an important part, such as the update information about the packages, include the location and condition itself. The secure and transparent transaction should be built if the logistics industry still wants to stand out in this era. The problems of logistics aren’t only lying on transparency, but also the technic procedure of shipping phase. Almost all logistics industry is doing their tasks with the manual method like using a paper to verify the package, filtering the package one by one, etc. These ways are out of date and consume lots of time.

What’s the solution to these problems? The answer is the logistics must be moving on to the modern ways through technology. In this digital era, the blockchain technology exists as the strongest problem solver for transportation and logistics problems. The blockchain is enabled to controlling and monitoring the transaction. The blockchain technology is coming with the power of revolutionizing for supply chain in modern ways. By implementing the blockchain technology in the logistics company, it can build the consumer and manufacturer trust in the logistics. The impact of blockchain usage can’t be understated anymore; the transportation management is able to hold their existence in the world market with 13% increasing of GDP global. It means the border communication and administration of $1 trillion trades are improved.

Some companies are implementing the blockchain solutions for their logistical problems, but it’s not a complete solution. Besides the blockchain is able to transfer the value and change the physical goods which transferred, but the RFID chips of blockchain are expensive. This fact such bad news for companies, because it means they should be spent more money or budget. It’s not a big matter if the company using EndChain. What’s EndChain? EndChain is one of the companies which develops the blockchain technology and focuses on the logistics chain issues. EndChain has the goals to be the blockchain solution for logistics industry itself and another party that involves in the transaction. EndChain provides new experiences for people with the new concept and system. Are you interesting to know more about EndChain program? Please follow our social media below. You will get the update information about EndChain.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EndChainIO/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EndChainIO

Telegram: http://t.me/endchainIO


Knowing The EndChain Design

The EndChain work involves several parties; there are a producer, shipper, seller, and consumer. For the first, EndChain will make the adaptation of the supply chain itself for each party, EndChain will record the goods that entered on the logistics. The record has the function to determine the high-risk goods. The record will give the data about.

  • The information on the product

It is important to know before the shipping process run. The brand, item, and originality of the product must be known. It’s done to avoid the counterfeits goods that will harmful for the consumer.

  • The ownership of the product

It tells us the party that controls the package. The owner of the product should be clear. Because it’s related with the responsibility if something bad happens, such as the delay tracking, stolen, or broken.

  • The quantity and quality of the product

The product that will be sent should be known the quantity and quality. In one day, there are lots of package with different quantity. It’s important to mention the quality and quantity because it’s related to the risk during shipping.

This information will be stored on the QR code and barcode that available on EndChain. These data can’t be expired for a long time. So, it can be checking in real time. The barcode or QR code is provided by EndChain as the new concept for verification process on logistics. The manual checking while verifying the package isn’t recommended and not an effective way. EndChain create the barcode to make the conveniences for the worker. The worker just needs to scan the package for several seconds; the data will automatically be verified. This way will save time and also increasing worker productivity. To using the EndChain, the user have to understand the EndChain design itself.

  1. The registration phase

The participant should register themselves on the EndChain form. Then, the participant will receive the identity that linked with the public key. For your information, the public key will connect the participant with the blockchain based. The participant can see another manufacturer, shipper, and seller. The data will be imported into the blockchain system. The users can interact with another user in one platform.

  1. EndChain security system

EndChain is placing the security system as a priority. The EndChain is work through the permission of blockchain, so the listed users who follow the manufacturing and logistic phase are able to join with the network. The detailed information will be accepted in a blockchain if there’s an authentication. The authentication is a way to protect the goods from counterfeit. The authentication form can be accessed on the cryptographic mechanism.

  1. The linking design

The EndChain doing the job consider by patent-pending barcode and QR code. This code integrates the physical goods with the digital information that entered the blockchain. The users are allowed to upload each item on the chain. The item will automatically have the unique id as identity. This design giving the conveniences for the user because the goods data is store safety.

  1. The future orientation

We determine to build the concept using Ethereum network. Ethereum is a stable network and more compatible with blockchain technology. In the future, EndChain seeking to develop the program and innovate the new feature to realize the different, comfortable, and profitable for all people.

  1. The Barcodes system

The current barcodes are provided for all items, but it’s not specific because the items with the same model have the same barcodes. In the future, EndChain will launch specific and integrate barcodes on each item. So, the logistics worker just scan one code and automatically the information will record at the same time. The data will be saved on a legacy system, so it can’t be expired for a long time.

  1. The Software

EndChain still develops the progressive application and software that can be accessed for users. The software is building for a supply chain, and the website also designed for the customer. The improvement of features also should be run together with the improvement of the security system. EndChain will complete this improvement with the locked key to secure the data.

Overall, the design of EndChain program isn’t complete yet. EndChain always commits to innovate the new concept and system to reach the betterment experience for people around the world because the user satisfaction is our priority. For further information about EndChain, you can kindly visit our sites:

Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5055264

Website: https://www.endchain.io/

White Paper: http://www.endchain.io/#language

The Token Distribution Sale

The ICO details for EndChain Company is starting from December 2018 until January 2019. The main aims of ICO are to make the EndChain become the largest and majority company which use in all companies to solve their logistics problems. The first token sale has the minimum target, $4 million for threshold and $15 million for a hard cap. The EndChain tokens distribution will be run via ICO. The EndChain tokens are consists of four categories; there are team, leadership, advisors and future development. The leadership and advisors tokens will be given to EndChain employees as an incentive for their dedication to the company. The tokens will be active for one year and locked in a smart contract. Then, the team tokens are created for the member of EndChain itself. The team tokens are consists of two form based on the position and the quality of working. The last one is future development tokens are created for the business interest, and the manufacturer. The percentages of these tokens are 55% for ICO, then 22% for future development tokens, 10% for team tokens, 5% for leadership tokens, 5% for advisors tokens and the last, 3% for bounty and referrals.

The Coin Distribution

The coin that entered by users will be used to improve the EndChain program and complete the features. The transparency of coin distribution is our way to giving the information for users; it’s beneficial to improve our confidence and our service. We are appreciated to all of you who trust us to handle these logistics cases. The coins that submitted on EndChain will be distributed into some interests in order to provide the comfort experience. It can be called the feedback for users. The distribution of EndChain coins are.

  1. For marketing activity

The marketing activities require the material to explain to the consumers how the EndChain work? The EndChain coins will be distributed for this activity. As we know, marketing is one of the company strategies to introduce their products to society. The marketing has the role of informing the manufacturer, logistics industry, etc. That there’s the solution to their problems.

  1. The general and administrative activity

To completing the marketing team, the administrative aspect also should be done well. If the marketing focuses on the spreading the EndChain products, the general and administrative aspect focuses on providing the material and manage the internal office of EndChain itself. This activity also needs the high cost.

  1. For the legal permission

The EndChain Company is also managing the legal permission. The consumer has the rights to receive the legal tokens and coin, so the legacy system should be built and covering all trading aspects. Besides that, the EndChain Company also obliged to comply with the legal rules of the state. Keeping the existence of EndChain is important.

  1. For the compliance and security system

The user data and blockchain information needs the extra security system. The EndChain coins also use to develop the security system. The EndChain seek to create a strong enough security system for the future. The EndChain coins that submitted are utilized for beneficial things and actions, especially for improvement.

The EndChain Roadmap

Since declare on November 2017, the EndChain has been ready with the roadmap and the targets for the next month and year. The roadmap is important to determine the policy direction — roadmap work as a reminder for the next step when the time to plan, to organize, to act, and to evaluate each agenda. You can see the roadmap of EndChain completely in our whitepaper that can access through http://www.endchain.io/#language. Here, the EndChain roadmap generally.

  • On November 2017: the EndChain concept is launched
  • On February 2018: create the whitepaper version 1
  • On June 2018: EndChain manage the legal authentication with lawyers
  • On August 2018: the barcode/ QR code officially launched and work
  • On September 2018: EndChain launched the website www.EndChain.io and released the first final whitepaper
  • On October 2018: set the ICO system with the potential partners
  • On December 2018: prepare first to launch tokens sale
  • On January 2019: the tokens sale is finish

Actually, the development of EndChain concept has been started in March 2017. But, after facing some obstacles, finally, the EndChain teams doing the intense research and get the conclusion that the blockchain technology is able to help the problems of the supply chain. The EndChain always believe that this project is enough strategies to overcome the obstacle which may occur in the future. It’s just about how the EndChain able to hold the existence as the best solution.