Jul 15 2018
A Decentralized And Cheap Cloud Storage Now Emerging
Cloud storage concept is the online storage that can be used for multiple instances. The cloud storage first is introduced around 20’s where the needs of the cloud emergence are started to emerge and rise. The e-mail companies need the cloud storage so that the user can upload anything to the sender, and the companies need to provide the location and the storage so that the sender can send even more. The storage that needs to be used is the online or cloud storage so that many people can also do the same thing. The problem with the offline storage is that they are not connected to any network, and therefore such storage is no longer sufficient to do some file sharing and thus to limit the capacity of the devices itself.
Nowadays, all kind of human interaction is mostly conducted via online. It means that human will need even more cloud storage so that they can store even more data. There is a lot of usage for the cloud storage, such as:
- Website
We do know that website do need some form of the storage. There are a lot of data that is lying around on the webpage such as videos, pics, animation, and so forth making them in need of the online storage. The default storage is already present and thus making it easier for the user to maintain their online storage to put more space in their storage. Having more storage means that the user can upload more data on the website which is excellent, and the more people can also visit your webpage without risking any harm to your webpage. Such storage is essential especially if that web will have massive traffic inside the web such as the school, campus, and so forth.
- Filesharing
There is a lot of filesharing company that already present nowadays. File sharing is apparently in need of some cloud storage since they will have massive data storage and thus making the file sharing in need for some massive cloud storage. The cloud storage also needs to be interconnected to all servers and areas so that the people of the world can access such file sharing site without any difficulties. The file-sharing companies are significant to protect your such as the critical files, the pictures, and even gaming application which can be found anywhere. We already see the giant file-sharing companies such as torrent have the massive cloud storage and thus making the business continue to thrive.
Without knowing it, e-mail user also needs some form of cloud storage to store their data that has been sent to the other people. The data that has transmitted is not just magically disappear, but they are transferred to the cloud storage so that the data can be reaccessed by the people or the sender in future use. The storage is growing as more and more people are already connected to the internet and thus receiving more e-mail features. The e-mail, however, has the limited cloud storage capacity, and thus If you want to send the big data, you need to go to the third parties file-sharing companies.
There are several issues concerning the file sharing. First is that the companies use centralised data storage so that is is very vulnerable to any accident or attacks. It also increases the cost per data storage so that the user need to pay more to get the storage expansion. The data sharing business has generated about 72 billion dollars per year and counting because more and more people enjoy the feature of data sharing companies. Besides the cost, the limited usage of the file sharing is a significant issue to cope with. We now live in the pinnacle of blockchain supported business, and thus we need more space in the cloud storage, and that cloud storage needs to support the blockchain system so that they can grow the blockchain system within the storage.
For more information concerning the file-sharing companies currently, you can access the webpage below.
Introducing A Brand New Cloud Storage: Casper
As the demands of the cloud storage are getting higher, several companies do need some groundbreaking invention to bridge the function of the cloud storage and file sharing process to the ever-growing blockchain ecosystem. And that is just what Casper did, to bridge both major parties so that the blockchain system can be integrated to the cloud storage. Casper itself is using the blockchain so that the cloud storage has been proved as useful to store the blockchain data in a mass number. As we already know that every startup businesses will need such massive storage to store some information and data of their customer for specific purposes such as to give them offering concerning the features, to tag them into the system and so forth.
The companies are also solving several significant issues that are faced by all file-sharing companies nowadays. Here are several issues that have been addressed by the platform.
- Support decentralized apps
Decentralized apps are the very core and breath of the blockchain system, and thus making this platform is essential for the blockchain system. Currently, not many file sharing that does support the file sharing integrated to the decentralised apps, but this platform to provide such services so that the blockchain owner be more accessible to blend and hold their data in the cloud storage and thus making it more useful. And as for the cost, the cost that has been offered with the system is also very cheap, about three times more affordable compared to the other file-sharing companies. This is what makes this platform very interesting since they can store a massive amount of data at a meager cost.
- Storing all forms of files
There are multiple forms of files, from the simple document to the most complicated 3d models. Not all file sharing features to provide such features, since they are mostly limited to the text, music, pictures and any simple data. The platform supports all forms of data, and therefore you can have a soft and ever reliable data storing features in the Casper. You can also upload that data with ease and secured since the servers of the platform are also decentralised and thus making your data more secured. One data that is submitted to the platform will be copied four times so that when your data is lost in one cloud, you can access the data that is copied and stored safely somewhere else.
- Hosting a web
Website creation is also viral nowadays, where more people are creating their website for their different purposes. And of course, such webpage does need the cloud storage to drop all of their stuff such as pictures, data, and even the animation. The more data you have, the more feature of the website you can offer. The platform can also provide such hosting so that you can also integrate your site into the platform and you will have better data protection for a better price. The price that is offered is slightly different from the conventional website vendors since the platform is decentralised.
- Storage expansion with ease
Storage expansion is significant if you are handling the big websites that require a large number of data inside the platform or your site. Usually, the data storage expansion is not so easy for the other data sharing companies and therefore making them more complicated. The cost also very high so that it is not beneficial to have massive storage in the other vendor, but that is only not happening inside the platform. In this platform, you will be able to expand the data from the lowest quality possible, which is around 25 Gb per one token. Therefore you can extend the storage necessarily without having to waste money. The storage expansion also can be done instantaneously since they do employ the different currencies called the Casper token.
- Fast loading website
Website loading is the issue of the website owner since their loading speed rates the site. The speed of the website loading is connected to the data storage servers, which in this case are mostly located in Europe or America. Those centralised servers will affect the loading page in the Asian and any other region, so that becomes the negative point for the rest of the world. But fortunately, the servers are employing the decentralised servers which mean that the companies will be able to handle the data in multiple locations. This apparently will make the loading page of your website much more faster and more comfortable in any region or country.
- Smart contracts
And finally, this is the one that makes the platform a lot more different compared to the other platforms. The platform here employs the features of the smart contract to conduct several tasks such as billing performs, creating p2p architecture which is more reliable and secured, and so forth. The original agreements also will allow the privacy of your data since the one who can access the data inside your platform is only you, not even the companies will be able to do that. The smart contracts will also bridge the person or the customer to the other customer directly without the platform interference so that they can communicate more effectively and faster.
For further information concerning the platform, you can access the webpage below.
Video About Casper
The Token Usage And Token Sale
The token is the essential part of the blockchain platform since they become the key for every transaction that will be conducted inside the platform. The token in this platform is called the Casper token or CST, but it will be referred to the token for the sake of simplicity. The token itself will undergo several phases of sale, which are:
- The pre-ICO
Usually, the which occurred before the pre-sale is called the private sale by the other platform. The pre-ICO is holding the biggest bonuses and the lowest token value so that you can acquire this token with cheap. The worth of the token in this phase is around 0.08 USD per token. That is the cheapest cost possible to obtain the token. Unfortunately, the pre-ICO is already concluded, and the platform is already undergoing the second phase of the sale. The cap for this phase of sale is around 1 million USD.
- The pre-sale
The pre-sale is the sale that will be occurred just before the main sale. The pre-sale is already occurred so feel free to join the sale. This phase of a sale will have 0.12USD per token and total tokens available for Pre-Sale 108 064 927 CST, so it is slightly higher compared to the previous sale. The pre-sale will be conducted on 15th June 2018 until 22 july before the sale conclusion and move towards the new sale, which is the main sale. The cap for this sale phase is around 12 million dollars.
- The main sale
What is interesting about this platform here is, the largest token generation is not coming from the main sale, but from the pre-sale. The main sale for about 37.50 million tokens worth 6 million dollars. It means that the platform is confident with their private sale which is good since the platform will give the bonuses inside the pre-sale. The main sale, unfortunately, has not yet released their exact date, but it is possible that the sale will conduct just after the pre ico.
As for the token usage, there is a lot of token usage inside the platform. First, you can use the token to expand the storage, which is about 25,6 Gb per one token. You can also hold to vest the token and wait until the price rise, and then you gain benefit from the worth per token. The opportunity for investing such token is great and therefore it is a good idea to keep the token for some time.
For any further information concerning the token sale you can visit one of the web pages below.
May 22 2019
Harmony: a Breakthrough platform for a better future
The emergence of bitcoin in 2008 has brought various changes in the world of blockchain technology. After the rise of bitcoin, the concept of blockchain has spread across the globe. With the popularity of bitcoin from year to year, automatically many people also find out the idea of blockchain, which is the supporter of the cryptocurrency.
To be reminded, bitcoin appeared in 2009 where there was someone named Satoshi Nakamoto, and many people claimed he was the one who discovered the digital currency. Bitcoin is the first digital money that is implemented, and then, the other cryptocurrency appears.
The bitcoin blockchain is created as a peer-to-peer payment system that makes it easy for users to make transactions because the system is decentralized. In other words, when someone makes a purchase or payment using bitcoin, there is no intermediary to complete the transfer of value. Unlike current transactions, there are conventional banks that are intermediaries between senders and recipients who make operations run longer than using bitcoin.
It should be noted that cryptocurrency is one of the blockchain representations whose presence and the impact can be enjoyed directly by the wider community. It is not without reason why many people invest their money on cryptocurrency because the blockchain system offers advantages that are not found in other systems.
The advantage offered by the blockchain system is a distributed storage system. Blockchain can be said to have no loopholes for failure because data storage is scattered in devices whose networks are spread. Besides, the data storage network can replicate and store copies of the database so that security is also very tightly maintained. Unlike storage systems found in conventional banks whose data is stored only in one center, which is very vulnerable to attack so that when the order is hacked, the data will be more easily spread.
Another advantage is the cost savings when using the system. In transactions or payments made via the blockchain, there are no third parties involved in the transaction. Conversely, every transaction that is carried out only involves related parties. It is because every person or user has access to the same single data permission. Of course, this saves costs for almost all businesses because they don’t need to recruit intermediaries.
Blockchain is a system that has a lot of potential going forward so that it can still be explored to be better. One of them is when, in 2014, Vitalik Buterin developed a new blockchain infrastructure called Ethereum. Ethereum is almost similar to the blockchain that relies on peer to peer networks intending to make Ethereum a smart contracts platform.
Website: https://harmony.one/
White Paper: https://harmony.one/whitepaper.pdf
Scalability as the problem
When ethereum was developed, it was found that no solution could solve the problem of the previous infrastructure. The problem in question is about scalability, where ethereum fails to support high-throughput applications such as decentralized exchanges.
With the obstacles that occur, improvements are, of course, continuously carried out to get a system that can improve the precise application. Many blockchain projects have sprung up offering solutions that are claimed to enhance the quality of operation such as replacing Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus Proof-of-Work (PoW) and several other projects that unfortunately cause significant performance. In fact, among the plans, the security and decentralization aspects were ignored.
Until the first public blockchain appeared and claimed to be able to overcome the problem of scalability by using sharding. The blockchain is called Zilliqa. But Zilliqa stumbled by two issues that made him fail to offer a solution. The first is that Zilliqa does not share storage on blockchain or sharding data. The second is that Zilliqa relies on Proof-of-Work, which can cause him to be sensitive to single-shard takeover attacks.
With all the projects that have been tried and the claims of each party that carried out the plan that they have found a perfect solution to the problem of scalability, in fact, nothing has been said to be successful or even close to solving the problem.
Website: https://harmony.one/
White Paper: https://harmony.one/whitepaper.pdf
Blog: https://harmony.one/ blog/blog.html
Harmony is the answer.
Scalability is certainly still a problem even when the blockchain was first created. Many parties are curious to provide solutions to the issues that can be said to be one point of the blockchain weakness. But it seems that the presence of this one blockchain answers anxiety about scalability. It claims to be the next generation blockchain based on sharding that has been tested to be safe, energy efficient and is undoubtedly fully scalable. The generation of this blockchain is named Harmony. Let’s find out more about Harmony.
Harmony comes as a response to the problems of the previous blockchain infrastructure. Harmony comes by combining the results of the best research that has been done before, and the system practices that are adjusted optimally. The notion of Harmony one itself is an open consensus platform which will be expected to become a driver of a decentralized economy in the future. Unlike the previous blockchain platform, Harmony offers a platform with low-latency, high throughput, and low cost.
As the name implies, which is Harmony, this platform is undoubtedly expected to be a platform that unites all needs and becomes a harmonizer for many people’s lives. This platform can be a consideration for people because Harmony does not only offer a blockchain whose scalability problems are solved but also becomes an infrastructure that can later be a place to build various types of applications that require high throughput and decentralization. Applications that can be made on Harmony one are games, decentralized applications, to the AI data market. All of that can be realized thanks to the presence of Harmony.
Harmony has stated that its platform not only resolves scalability issues but also the number of nodes participating in the network of decentralized nodes. Some of you might be curious about how Harmony handles the issue of scalability and what approach the platform does so that the problem can be resolved. So the answer is Harmony using a sharding-based consensus protocol that is adopted, which scales according to the number of nodes that are increasing in the network. That makes Harmony different from other blockchains. Harmony cares about the number of nodes participating in a decentralized blockchain network.
When talking about the technology used by Harmony, another reason why Harmony is the answer to people’s anxiety about the issue of scalability in the blockchain infrastructure is that Harmony believes that maximum optimization is needed that crosses several layers to complete scalability. That is why Harmony takes an approach by applying innovation in networks, systems, and consensus algorithms that are done ten times than what is usually done.
Harmony chooses sharding and pipelining designs because they can effectively handle connection latency and allow throughput to scale to the size of the harmony network. To get a broader range of devices participating in a more decentralized system, they also widened mission lean kernels explicitly made to run their protocols. The way it works is by increasing CPU performance and security.
With the explanation is given about Harmony starting from the issue of scalability to the technology developed and run by them, it seems very appropriate to choose Harmony as a blockchain platform that can support a decentralized economy. It is seen that Harmony is not only a project created only to solve the issue of scalability but also bring the blockchain to a more advanced era.
The breakthrough offered by Harmony
As a platform created to become the next generation of blockchain, Harmony certainly offers breakthroughs in several aspects that are expected to be maximized well to achieve a radically good economy. The following is a breakthrough made in several aspects:
a. Fully Scalable
Harmony’s first breakthrough is on the element of scalability. As we have already known, the issue that is being sought out is the scalability. What makes Harmony is a fully scalable blockchain is the fact that it shards the blockchain states, unlike the previous blockchain which claimed can handle the scalability issue.
b. Secure Sharding
The second breakthrough is safe sharding. One way to solve the issue of scalability is by sharding. Sharding is creating many groups of validators and making them conduct transactions simultaneously. It certainly requires a secure system to process transactions simultaneously, and Harmony has proven that the process of sharding in their platforms is safe due to distributed randomness generation or DRG processes. The function of this DRG is to make the sharding process unpredictable, unbiased, valid, and last but not least scalable.
c. Efficient and Fast Consensus
The third breakthrough that Harmony made is a practical and fast consensus. Harmony Consensus is dynamic because it uses Proof-Of-Stake or PoS, which provides the advantage of saving energy. Whereas the other blockchain uses PoW, which requires them to choose a validator.
d. Adaptive Threshold PoS
The next breakthrough is an adaptive threshold PoS. In this aspect, so that a node can join the network, a bet threshold is adjusted based on the total bet volume. This method is done so that the malicious stalker cannot concentrate on one shard.
e. Scalable Networking Infrastructure
The next breakthrough is scalable networking infrastructure. In this aspect, Harmony uses an Adaptive Information Spreading Algorithm whose function is to spread blocks quickly in fractions or across networks. As for achieving an algorithmic scale cross-shear transaction with a specific amount, Harmony uses the adopted Kamdelia route.
f. Consistent Cross-Shard Transaction
The last aspect of making a breakthrough is regular Cross-shard transaction. In this aspect, the factor that influences the consistency of cross-shard operation is the atomic locking mechanism used by Harmony.
Those are some of the breakthroughs made by Harmony in several aspects of the blockchain. The innovations presented by Harmony are undoubtedly able to provide applications that were previously not feasible on the blockchain to be something that can support a newly emerging decentralized economy. Increasing the trust of billions of people is one reason why Harmony made innovative breakthroughs.
Website: https://harmony.one/
White Paper: https://harmony.one/whitepaper.pdf
Blog: https://harmony.one/ blog/blog.html
Sharding and Consensus
Consensus protocols are a vital element of each blockchain because it plays a role in determining how safe and fast blockchain validators one is to be able to reach consensus on the next block. The commonly known consensus protocol is Proof-of-Work, which is used for cryptographic solutions. Whereas the other consensus protocol, Proof-of-Stake, was used by Harmony as the basis for the selection of the Harmony consensus Validator.
A little explanation about sharding, scalability is an issue of concern in the world of blockchain technology. Every new project that will be launched tries to solve the problem by claiming to have found the answer. But, when Zilliqa, which is the first sharding-based public blockchain, appeared and claimed to have found a solution, the solution offered was not proven to solve the issue of scalability. It should be noted that the issue of scalability is not only a concern for those who work in the blockchain industry but also those in the academic world. This issue has attracted a lot of attention since 2017.
Describing sharding as a solution to scalability problems, before claiming to have found a solution, Harmony has tried various approaches to assign nodes to fractions which of course have been proposed first. Portions referred to are random-based sharding, location-based sharding, and centrally controlled sharding. After going through the process of this approach, it was found that randomness-based sharding was the safest and most recognized solution.
To determine sharding tasks on each node, a mutually agreed random number is needed, and the number must have several properties. Among these are random numbers. Which means that no random number can predict before it is produced. Other features are unbiasable, which means that there should be no bias by any participant when the process generates a random number running. The third property is valid. The meaning can be verified is the observer can verify the validity of the random number generated. Last but not least, the previous property is scalable. Randomness generation algorithms must scale a large number of participants.
Website: https://harmony.one/
White Paper: https://harmony.one/whitepaper.pdf
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By admin • Blockchain Technology 1,038 • Tags: Blockchain, breakthrough, buidl, Crypto, cryptocurrency, data storage, deepsharding, DRG, ethereum, harmonyprotocol, money, presence, Social Media, technology, White Paper