Sep 28 2019
Between Easy Feedback Token and Electronic Money According To Indonesian Laws
During globalization in the economic sector, there is third party effectiveness between companies and consumers. Present to provide easy feedback token, or gifts to consumers.
Easy feedback platform is a new entity in the world of the Indonesian economy, which was born in mid-2015, the presence of this feature in the world of economics is considered very appropriate and effective. Through these features, consumers can contribute to making the system of a company better. This feedback is the mediator between the two consumers and the company. The role of Easy Feedback here accommodates various complaints so that it is better targeted to the company and more effective and intimate. Communication established between consumers and producers. And give a reward called Easy Feedback Token, but the Easy Feedback feature itself uses a single container called Blockchain.
Blockchain as a place to record digital transactions that use cryptocurrency, but its role is different from Bitcoin. Consumers who have provided excellent and constructive feedback for the company will get a reward. Also, it can be an exchange rate for other purposes, keep in mind this is not using the official Indonesian currency, the rupiah.
Some advantages can be obtained by consumers to get these benefits in the world of transactions on easy feedback, such as:
- Get a bonus for purchasing 20-40% by using the token in the easy feedback online store, depending on the stage they (consumers) bought.
- Get official legal advice on using the EFT token.
- Entitled to get authentic items of a product in the transaction, but if nothing catches him. The token holder can replace it with checks.
Easy Feedback has invested $ 730,000 in capital to finance product development and commercialization. Since then, more than 200,000. Feedback messages have sent to more than 9,500 companies in 40 countries and their countries. The primary purpose of the Easy Feedback token that is now being a launch to utilize blockchain technology improve services. That has provided and expand the benefits of the tool, and it means profit both companies and customers
Bearing in mind that other countries have legal arrangements related to exchange tools or can be called electronic money generated from rewards for using this Easyfeedback. There are several issues related to electronic money in its existence in Indonesia concerning Blockchain and Bitcoin.
Bitcoin and Blockchain, these two new terms in Indonesia, that between the two terms are entirely different. Blockchain works as a container of transactions that are cheap, fast, and easy to use. Bitcoin is like a commodity that is a necessity and its price from time to time will significantly change and caused Indonesia’s economy decreased
In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto, a young Japanese man, made a discovery that is electronic money, which is familiarly called Bitcoin. This electronic money uses a database that uses cryptographic networks as security. Bitcoin can access by having a Bitcoin address. The role of law enforcement in Indonesia will be challenging to track the existence of this illegal electronic money practice.
As the primary tool in the smooth running of the life of the state, it does not deny the fact that money has a significant role. Therefore the money in Indonesia is given a separate explanation in a document of the Law published in 2011.
Bank Indonesia states the existence of electronic money as a medium of exchange in Indonesia is because only the rupiah should be the single currency in the country Indonesia. Besides, Bank Indonesia as the highest authority in money traffic in Indonesia does not recognize the payment system services for electronic money processing. Law number 7 of this year 2011 translates the form of currency that is known and used in Indonesia is the rupiah; the currency of exchange must issue from the government.
What is a problem of the Easyfeedback Token?
Companies actively seek feedback because this is a strategic tool for achieving excellence, increasing sales, and reputation. In the process of gathering feedback, companies use more resources and channels: directly, by the forum, chat, telephone, web form, email. All chains used to collect input must function to be able to pay attention to customer suggestions and complaints questions. The problem is the lack of internal control when feedback occurs even though the company has invested the money. Second, the lack of human resources in the company to manage the existence of feedback, it is very detrimental to the company.
Easy Feedback has production areas in various places, one of which located in Ireland. In Ireland, 128bit SSL certificates comply with European regulations regarding the personal protection data and Electronic Commerce. Easy Feedback makes extensive use of email. For this purpose, it integrated with the Send grid tool, which allows it to send large-scale email safely and also to control it. It is also easy to have a redundant server other than Ireland, which is Amazon as a critical place. System information is copied to prevent potential disasters.
Feedback quickly collects large amounts of information from all feedback sent by company users. For this information to comply with European regulations on data protection, the feedback has implemented the technical and legal steps required for compliance.
Feedback from customers is not public. The feedback was sent personally to the company management team. If customer complaints do not receive adequate treatment, legal services from Easy Feedback offer the possibility to study the option of filing lawsuits or lawsuits outside the legal process. With the help of legal services from Easy feedback, it allows customers to get convenience so that their rights are guaranteed.
As a conclusion, Easy Feedback Token is a facilitator between companies and consumers, which impacts on obtaining bonuses to consumers who make constructive criticism for the company’s progress in the form of rewards. Using the Blockchain system that is related to Bitcoin, but both of them is different roles. So the Indonesian government is very concerned about this to the point of rejecting the existence of electronic currency or Bitcoin because it is contrary to the Law on money Indonesia.
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Posted by kurniawan05;u=1187741
Oct 24 2019
Factors and Reasons Must Use Quube As A Crowdfunding Medium
Digital media is the top priority at this time, all types of activities ranging from shopping and the economy are already using sophisticated networks and computing systems. Quube is one of the best crowdfunding provider platforms that use high-computing methods.
Economics and banking are some of the fields that are strictly related to everyday human life. The need for money and its distribution requires an invasion of technology and influences the progress of other infrastructure. Each country has its currency that is valid against the law that is valid there.
There are now many business service provider platforms available using the principle of digital currency with extraordinary computing systems and mechanisms. One of the platforms is Quube; Quube is a universal provider platform to hold a fundraiser or better known as an exchange.
There are now many business service provider platforms available using the principle of digital currency with extraordinary computing systems and mechanisms. One of the platforms is Quube; Quube is a universal provider platform to hold a fundraiser or better known as an exchange.
The emergence of technology and the internet make a relationship. And a network more likely to occur between several parties even though a considerable distance. Advances in technology make the velocity of money and information faster, relations and delegations from various countries can easily communicate and do business.
Trading is a moderately trending business, and many people do lately by utilizing integrated technology and infrastructure systems. Digital currency is one of the unifying factors of several countries that have disputes or conflicts with one another. Cooperation and affiliation began to established between countries and companies.
Since the cryptocurrency mechanism is known and all kinds of its development, this kind of work began to be done by many people. Many well-known companies implement these systems and structures in their performance systems.
This system is called Blockchain, and Blockchain is a system built from the presence of networks created by computing and coding systems complicated by the distribution of cryptocurrency. By using this blockchain system, the value of security and the level of validation of a currency will increase every year automatically.
At present, we have many types of digital currencies available in their respective mediums. Quube is one of the mediums that provides a variety of cryptocurrency as well as managing its crowdfunding. Each of these currencies has its criteria and conditions to be used as a transaction tool.
With all kinds of increasingly complex market needs, demanding developers and companies must provide high technology. Especially with all types of fields of activity currently carried out using digital media, therefore the role of cryptocurrency is now one of the primary needs.
The role of real money is now beginning to be abandoned, especially for daily needs in places where users of high-tech infrastructure such as in big cities — starting from the fields of transportation, health, clothing, and food needs, all forms of transactions in it using digital currency.
Then with the complexity and background of such problems, a company today will not mean anything if it stands alone. Now that it has entered into an era of regular collaboration and delegation, various regulations and affiliate systems have been built by the community to produce the best selling products with optimal systems and performance.
Especially with the emergence of the phenomenon of birth and childbirth start-upstart-up companies whose numbers have reached hundreds. Some of these companies and start-upstart-up platforms apply a blockchain system built from cryptocurrency mediums to create a smooth business and produce quality networks.
The quality network here means the blockchain network that allows meetings between investors and event providers or fundraisers. The crowdfunding system provided on a platform will help a company find targets to continue its vision and mission, especially in the financial field.
Because platforms like Quube provide space for crowdfunding where companies and investors will meet randomly then make a negotiation. Then the affiliation that built will be based on mutual interests while implementing the best system for the development of both parties.
The platform like this is more identical to the term exchange platform. Therefore Quube is also better known as a Quube exchange. The variety and features available on this platform are also quite varied to provide enough space for many people to determine their options.
Through their official website, they present a chart that more or less gives an idea of the variety of cryptocurrency they have. Among them are Ethereum, Stellar, EOS, and Bitgo. Several types and prototypes of digital currencies have their characteristics and characteristics. And of course, this variety of digital currencies has different functions so that they still have their respective markets.
Quube exchange can be said as the first platform and maybe one of the many platforms that apply quantum computing systems with high-level technology. With all the infrastructure and support from a variety of capable techniques, the transfer of data and information collected will be faster and optimal.
Reasons for using Quube as an exchange platform
Among the many platforms available on the internet, as a trader or investor who is observant and careful. They also must pay attention to where to manage their money and assets properly. Quube here becomes a platform that offers transaction convenience as well as full security access to maintain participant privacy.
From the list of reasons above can be seen as a factor that is quite relate and makes sense to include themselves or business entities and companies in the circulation of trading and exchange.
Most companies or start-up platforms that develop today are the results of the processing and development of high-level computing systems. One of the effects of quantum computing or senior computer systems is Quube exchange.
By using a quantum computing system that maximizes the performance of data transfers and transactions to be faster and optimal. Therefore this platform is highly recommended for start-up companies that are just starting to grow, and some investors who are looking for a reasonably safe way to invest their assets.
Because sometimes, an exchange platform like this offers things that are felt to increase profit scale to the maximum but do not guarantee the privacy and security system of its participants. Therefore platforms that do not ensure security will be abandoned and shifted to platforms that have stronger and more competent networks regarding coding and computing systems.
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Posted by kurniawan05;u=1187741
By admin • Blockchain Technology 8 • Tags: Blockchain, business, Crypto, cryptocurrency, exchange, information, market, money, performance, Quube, Quube Quube, Social, technology, Trading