Oct 3 2018
Lets Join In The Buddy Ecosystem For The Decentralized Development Automation Platform for The Future
Digital platform development continues to be done to create a better system in various fields. The internet is the beginning of the development of multiple platforms to achieve ease in connecting anyone in the world without significant obstacles. Everyone can have the same opportunity to use various technology platforms as part of the development of renewable technology. At present each digital platform has a new challenge to be able to implement automation development to improve the performance of the system. Various ways are done to be able to provide the best to users to have the best experience in using digital platforms. Application automation (DevOps) is one of the goals for a very challenging organization to be adopted. Automation systems provide the best experience for anyone to get ease in utilizing a digital platform.
Until now various technologies are faced with stacks and workflows that are very difficult for certain parties. A platform needs to provide ease of development that can be accessed and understood by all people in the world. It will be more difficult to bring new users who have less experience in using digital platforms. Unlimited automation is a difficult challenge because it must be able to cover all programming languages. Each programming language that is used must also have the ease of implementation so that automation can be quickly realized. Popular frameworks and services must also be included in an ecosystem to be able to provide the best service to each user. Ease and speed are one of the factors pursued by digital platform providers. Besides, transparent transactions are also a significant factor in the use of digital platforms to facilitate human activities. One of the supporters of the digital platform that is being widely adopted is blockchain technology.
It’s time to use DevOps optimized as a critical differentiator in developing digital platforms to achieve goals. Value drivers are essential for the sustainability of a digital ecosystem in its utilization. The operational infrastructure scale of a platform also needs to be continuously improved so that its usage can be maximized. The use of DevOps can help automate the development of several features such as deployment frequency. In addition to the new features, improvements to customer ticket volume and volume can be made with the DevOps concept. Automation metrics that are affected also include the time from development to deployment. Percentage of application failure also needs to be considered with a meaningful time for lecturers and candidates. Buddy is the first platform that will facilitate the development of DevOps with a decentralized system. Apikasi will be placed with autopilot development. Besides, the progress can be improved by making DevOps Marketplace and GRID Automation decentralized. Buddy will be the best place for developers in building, testing and deploying applications.
Why We Use Buddy?
Daily work that is flat and the same sometimes makes you feel bored. When you reach the saturation point, you will be less than optimal in developing the ideas you have. Buddy has a unique design to eliminate tedious daily tasks. You can run a job with more confidence. Your comfort in working becomes a priority platform so you can get maximum results. The convenience of working also becomes one of the factors there will be high-quality results with more affordable expenses. Project makers naturally compete closely with quality and costs. Utilization of digital platforms will help you have various facilities including accessing experts easily based on your knowledge. You will also get easy access to application development innovations. Every service contained in the application will be accessible easily and quickly. Buddy provides the most enjoyable space to improve work comfort to achieve more satisfying results.
You will get many benefits from using Buddy in application development. As an end user, you will enjoy valuable time in making applications. You will be faced with high work comfort with maximum results. Every product produced will be delivered in a fast time. The simplification of the workflow motivates fast delivery. Every job must have a plot that sometimes makes work longer to be completed. You will also get the latest experience in using advanced technology to eliminate fractions. Applications and APIs that are used actively support the speed of feedback. This certainly facilitates your work by utilizing blockchain-based technology developed for automation. Now it’s time for you to develop a system with a better concept. You can visit the website and read the whitepaper to fully understand the idea of Buddy development as a digital automation platform for the future based on blockchain technology.
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3798597
Website: https://token.buddy.works/
White Paper: https://files.buddy.works/ico/BuddyWhitepaper.pdf
The Use of Blockchain Give The Advantages for Application Creators, Communities and Experts
Buddy uses blockchain technology to support decentralized systems on the platform. The successful implementation of blockchain technology makes developers use the features contained in it. The use of block technology with decentralized systems is a perfect thing to make the system transparent. Until now the implementation of the system can help everyone get more comfortable, faster, and affordable transactions. The use of blockchain technology can support the use of cryptocurrency to facilitate the operations with the use of Smart Contracts that will be stored in blocks. Buddy provides ecosystem comfort by utilizing blockchain technology which is very good for application creators. In this case, the application creator can have more excellent opportunities to push the community forward. This encouragement will help improve the ability in making applications that utilize the latest technology in its development. Up-to-date applications can also be developed for user convenience.
Applications must be able to be made according to the times. Very rapid application creation requires competition regarding quality so the created of the application can compete in the market. Creators will have quick access to thousands of developers so that it will make it easier for all stages to be passed. The push for adoption is supported by a decrease in shipping and application marketing costs so that transactions will be more efficient. Besides, the blockchain community also benefits from an open-source system. The system will make it easier for everyone to connect application developers to achieve the best innovation. The blockchain community can also introduce blockchain to developers through Buddy cloud channels. Automation carried out in the customer acquisition process will make it easier for experts or consultants and auditors. They will get easy access to thousands of developers instantly. Each user will also have recognition at a lower cost. Buddy gives each incorporated organization the ease of access for every job done.
The Buddy Excellence as a Decentralized Automation Platform
Buddy was developed by experts in their fields to create a new digital system that can provide solutions for its users. Making Buddy uses blockchain technology that has been recognized for its excellence in creating transparent transactions. This will support Buddy to be the best platform in achieving its mission. Every product contained in Buddy has a famous customer and company. This certainly increases the trust of users with verified partnerships with market leaders. The organization built by Buddy includes Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Docker, GitHub, etc. Buddy reads the rapid development of the digital market so that it needs to be balanced with the presence of a full-featured automation platform. Platforms are also embedded in ecosystems where there are many key market players. The relationship is established through rich integration so that it will strengthen the ecosystem. Application development can be done quickly when access to several features can be implemented instantly.
A team of developers builds the Buddy ecosystem with high skills and professionalism. This will support the complete ecosystem with quality features and services. Customer satisfaction throughout the world is a priority for the development team so that future platform utilization will continue to increase. The built team will also help develop the system by the roadmap that has been established with the help of the advisory group. Buddy has an advisory group that can display world-renowned ICO experts. This makes the advisory team the key to the success of ecosystem development so that all users in the world can use it. Platinum development has been demonstrated in the whitepaper to understand platform development. The language used in the whitepaper is also straightforward to comprehend even by non-developers. Buddy is a platform that provides solutions for the use of digital platforms today. The development team will always be ready to update the technology for Buddy to become an up-to-date platform. Available features will also continue to be developed to support the convenience of all parties who join the ecosystem.
The Use Of Token User In The Buddy Ecosystem
The use of tokens in a decentralized platform with blockchain technology is one effort to realize transaction transparency. The ease and speed of transactions also depend on the use of tokens. The purpose of Tokens for all users will have a difference. Developers will need tokens to publish development and marketing automation plugins to the DevOps Marketplace. Besides, developers also need to provide an unlimited dev environment so that they can reach the Sandbox Template Universe.
On the other hand, experts also need to use tokens. This is related to the provision of semi-automatic services such as manual coding and certification services. The services provided must be able to connect with an integrated pipeline for continuous delivery from users. Then the user will automate and scale operations in the development and deployment of automation pipes. The scale of services with private GRID will reduce costs.
The use of tokens will be related to all activities in the ecosystem that require specific services. The purpose of using tokens can be linked to several objectives such as network ownership effects, economy creation, running the infrastructure, enriching the user experience, frictionless transactions, and distributing benefits. You can find every detail of the purpose of use in the whitepaper. In essence, tokens will be the primary key for transacting transactions in ecosystems. Use of features also requires many tokens that have been determined and agreed upon. Agreement in the token exchange will need a smart contract. The token applied to Buddy uses the Ethereum base which is a utility token that is not supported by any assets. Ownership of tokens is significant and becomes the main thing for you when you will participate in the ecosystem. You can join Buddy’s social media to get the latest information regarding token sales and platform development. You can also interact directly with the ecosystem to get more detailed information.
Social Media:
The BUD Token Sale Event
The valid tokens in the Buddy platform have a BUD symbol with a rate of 1 BUD = 0.1 USD. The number of available tokens will be limited to maintain liquidity in their utilization. The total sales will start from 300 million to 470 million. The exact amount of the token will depend on the bonus given during the token sales event. The maximum token that will be offered is 670 million tokens with a minimum number of 500 BUD tokens. The hard cap will also be determined, and when it reaches that number, the making of the token will be stopped. After reaching a hard cap, there will be no contribution given. Buddy has determined the amount of hard cap that will be sold at crowdsale worth 30 million USD. Token BUD is supported with ERC 20 protocol. Token BUD emission will be carried out up to 30 days after the token sales event ends.
The token sales program is awaited moment as an opportunity for you to get tokens and transact in the ecosystem. Token allocation is done from several distributions such as ICO, Team, Reserve Fund, Advisors, legal, bounty and community. Visit the web page so you can register to the whitelist. Your contribution dramatically influences the completion of the development of the platform to be utilized by all users globally. Don’t miss the election of tokens to contribute to the digital platform for decentralized automation with blockchain technology. You can get the latest information related to sales of tokens through the Buddy website and social media accounts. Immediately join a new era in application development.
Posted by kurniawan05
Oct 14 2018
Join Now With Dominium For A World-Class Global Property Platform With Blockchain
Adoption of blockchain technology has now been implemented for several digital platforms to access the entire world community globally. The capabilities possessed by blockchain technology to provide the ease of digital transactions actively support the role of digitalization. At present, the use of digital platforms is essential because the use of technology for the comfort of human activities is being maximized. To get access to technology, an adequate system is needed.
Various digital platforms began to be established to get the best experience in internet use. Everyone can interact and connect with the network without knowing the limits and time. Everyone also allows associating without expensive costs as an obstacle. Various digital platforms were developed with the aim of obtaining convenience. The level of security of a digital platform is also questionable because each person can freely interact and access the system. That is what supports the implementation of the blockchain technology system because it is considered to have high-security value.
The apartment is one of the platforms developed on blockchain technology for the decentralized digital property. The use of blockchain technology is expected to support the resolution of various problems in the conventional property market. The support provided by the platform will be a measure of the convenience of eco-system use for interested parties. Blockchain technology platform can also launch transactions digitally.
This will certainly support the role and purpose of cryptocurrency as a transfer of asset use. Increasing the volume of use of digital platforms for sales will undoubtedly increase ownership of digital assets. The digital currency will be used as a medium of exchange as a form of the introduction of the cryptocurrency.
Dominium became the first in the world as a platform to develop property transactions globally. The development of the condo was also carried out by Munte Immobilien and Max property groups. You don’t need to worry because this platform is developed by a group of real estate professionals who have had industry experience since 1833. Proven over a hundred years in managing the property business. This makes developers see great opportunities for the implementation of digital systems to increase profits and maximize technology utilization.
Millions of euros of assets under management have also been proof of the success of the development team in running the property, fund and development portfolio to date. The use of blockchain technology not only follows system usage trends but has been based on deep learning about digital platforms. The founding company has provided funding for the development of Dominium as a digital ecosystem for the decentralized real estate market. Follow the events on project development by visiting several related links.
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4989887
Website: https://dominium.me/
White Paper:
The development of the Dominium Platform with Blockchain Technology
The development of the era makes the system also need to be developed to retain clients. Previous client habits with future clients will undoubtedly be different. Changing habits can be a significant factor in shifting the transaction system that is run on an ecosystem. The application of technology in the development of each ecosystem will support the implementation of the latest system also where the system can facilitate transactions.
When a product provider company does not want to be swallowed up by technology, it is supposed to participate in adopting technology for ease of service. Clients will also continue to change so that it is necessary to have a system equalization with technological progress. Dominium developers understand that the shift from conventional to digital is being carried out intensively. The form of the digitalization revolution also gave birth to many digital platforms that facilitate transactions. Although clients will be a little confusing in the past, the development of the platform can be used to accommodate clients in the future.
The adoption of blockchain technology in the property market has become one of the most ancient modernization systems in the world. For hundreds of years having a business in the property sector, of course, the developer already knows the weaknesses of the system that is being run. Shifting into a digital platform can be one of the best solutions to improve the system to a global level.
This documentation of the regulations for funding property will be placed on the blockchain network. This is a form of attention from the development team for the convenience of clients in accessing the property market digitally. With the implementation of blockchain technology, it is expected that an ecosystem can continue to improve services to clients in the future. This adjustment also supports the sustainability of ecological use. When a system does not follow developments, the system can be abandoned by the client because the client’s habits will change with the use of technology. Switching to a digital platform makes everyone have the opportunity to get the transaction right, fast, safe and affordable.
The Implementation of Blockchain Technology in Dominium Ecosystem
The application of blockchain technology makes it a particular concern for digital platforms that are enabled in the property sector. The experience of developers in the property world is no doubt. Seeing developers using the latest technology to build a digital ecosystem, it shows the potential of a digital platform to support transactions. Adoption of blockchain technology has been widely applied to develop a decentralized digital platform with the aim of providing the best experience for its users.
The dominium platform itself is built using the Ardor child who is the revolution of the Nxt blockchain. The revolution has undergone time testing, so it is very feasible to apply to the latest ecosystems. The use of decentralized concepts supports the establishment of ecosystems that can provide more benefits to each user. The decentralized system builds on the idea of asset trading under Childchain Dominium. This will include some transitions such as purchase agreements, property management assignments, and other transactions related to ecosystem use.
Adoption of blockchain technology will help a decentralized system so that it will facilitate transactions related to property digitally. Licenses from the regulations that will be applied will also be obtained to allow the existence of a standard legal template for the property funding transactions to be made. A Dominium account holder can purchase each service with assets created on the blockchain.
Each operation and asset will show 100% transparency and liquidity. It indeed becomes a differentiator between the dominium platform and other platforms. Transparency is essential for the future of the platform. Besides, the condo is also covered by a portfolio of properties that can generate income. Dominium ensures the development and maintenance of platforms in the future.
With one account each user can take advantage of the platform in the transaction. Each transaction can be carried out safely and comfortably. The developer has a good understanding of transaction characteristics and clients for the future so that the use of platforms with blockchain technology is the best choice.
Why Use the Blockchain Technology Platform?
The development of technology is one thing that cannot be avoided. Ha, of course, makes every aspect of life require the role of technology that can present various conveniences in activities. Everything that involves the part of technology can be adequately implemented and quickly. Technology utilization must be done to improve living standards for convenience and comfort.
The use of technology also presents affordable financing. Digitalization is one of the revolutionary forms for every platform with the transfer of assets. The role of the internet is the beginning of the development of digital platforms. The internet is the liaison of anyone in the world with global access. The global market is starting to open up to the role of the internet. Even so, not all platforms respond quickly to the concept of digitalization.
The digital market is one of the aspects that has the most and most popular users. The development of digital platforms for marketing is increasing along with increasing users. The positive response from users is a good thing that allows the digital system to run various transactions.
The development of blockchain technology is one of the best systems that can be used to reach digital transactions. Until now the real estate market globally still uses ancient technology. This will limit market reach because the use of digital platforms will have access globally. The old market is also still very much subject to complex regulations that are difficult to develop.
Restrictions regarding centralization and authority are also problems that need to be resolved. Besides, various obstacles can limit the range of marketing with multiple disadvantages including agents and financial institutions. The limitations of the use of language and the use of currency are also things that can affect the market so that a more modern system is needed.
Various obstacles that occur in ancient markets become profitable opportunities that are more difficult to access. Asset ownership is essential in the real estate market. Market opportunities are still excellent to be developed in digital platforms. The concept of digitalization for the real estate market is necessary to improve market performance.
The Blockchain Technology Offer The Best Solution for The Real Estate Market
The application of blockchain technology to digital platforms is important because it can realize transparency with a decentralized system. The concept of blockchain technology is not the first to be applied to the digital market, but its use in the new real estate market will be carried out. The system in blockchain technology is the best thing that can place property financing, listing and property management.
Problems related to language can also be resolved by multi-language platforms so as not to limit ecosystem access by the global community. Writing becomes a significant obstacle, but when it is determined, it can realize the key to universal platform access. The multi-language program offered will help every person from various parts of the world to interact with the ecosystem.
Standard documentation by regulations can also be applied to future real estate markets. Market openness for multiple nationalities with a range of levels and adequate recording agents will bring the real estate market into the revolutionary era by placing the standardization of digitalization.
Most people still do not understand that the actual application of the latest technology for ecosystems has a positive impact. Most people will assume that it will have a greater financing impact. However, the use of blockchain technology for the real estate market will instead provide convenience with affordable financing. The platform will facilitate real estate finance, management, and trading. All complicated activities in the ancient market will be simplified so that it will be easier for anyone to join the ecosystem.
The platform will adjust the habits of society globally in transacting by bringing new interaction patterns using the digital platform. The level of platform security is also essential to maintain user confidence because the platform is run for various nationalities. Development of real estate platforms will continue to be carried out until ecosystems can be used to transact safely and comfortably. Ecosystem development will be carried out by road maps starting in 2016 and planned to be completed in 2019.
Token Sales for Platform Docks
The Blockchain technology platform will provide platform sales events to support the sustainability of ecosystem development. Purchased tokens can also be used as a form of your participation in the ecosystem. The use of tokens can be done to form an agreement in digital transactions. Tokens are usually made in a limited amount to maintain liquidity in the ecosystem. The token that will be applied to the condo is called the DOM Token.
The total supply of tokens as a whole is 1,000,000,000 DOM with a total of 700,000,000 tokens for sale. A total of 100,000,000 DOMs have been sold out when rounded. Pre-ITO sales have also been closed. You can contribute to ITO stage 1 which is carried out on September 3, 2018, to December 31, 2018, with 125,000,000 DOM available.
The price for 1 DOM is Euro 0.10. The soft stamp specified amounts to Euro 2,500,000, and the Euro stamp is 17,500,000. The currencies received for the purchase of tokens are EUR, BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC, BNB, NXT, ARDR, and IGNIS. Don’t miss the token sales event to be able to contribute to the ecosystem.
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Posted by kurniawan05
By admin • Blockchain Technology 697 • Tags: BCH, convenience, cryptocurrency, EUR, good, LTC, marketing, service, technology, time, token