Jul 20 2018
Filtering Unwanted Ads By Vidy
As the technology has progressed, the advertisement era has been transformed significantly from the written and offline source such as newspaper to the online advertisement which comes with many forms such as the banner ads, pop ads, and so forth. Today the internet has been bombarded with billions of billions internet advertiser who is interruptive and intrusive and thus annoying to the point hundreds of millions of internet user has installed the free and paid ad blocker. This is damaging to the ecosystem of advertisement since they are no longer providing the information to the exact person which they do want the ads. But that is not all, since the majority of the people are no longer interested in viewing ads, and thus they are no longer useful. This leads to the companies wasting their billions of money in such an ineffective advertisement method.
This is troubling since the publisher, and the companies are losing way to promote and advertise their product, and thus the company needs to be more active and creative to develop their products. The majority all of the people who are leaving the advertisement ecosystem is based on several reasons such as:
- Ads are abusive
Ads are abusive. It tracks your location, search history, latest activity and so forth so that they can show more relevant ads and so forth. But despite the effort, they do still some random stuff to the wrong person, and thus they are getting more and more irritated by the presence of the ads. This abusive activity of the ads are frightening and scaring some of the people; even they have a good intention to it. But that seems doesn’t very useful since the random advertisement banner and videos are still popping up.
- Ads are annoying
Imagine you are about to visit the webpage you are always visiting to search for information or just browsing. But you need to run a series of the pop ads that are usually pop two or three times until the desired button can be clicked, and how annoying could that be? Or when you accidentally hit the banner ads and you are being redirected to some slow loading page, or some random pages, or the pages that install malware or something malicious to your device, etc. we are now dealing with the fraud ads that is now become a threat to your privacy and security. That is very dangerous, and that is another reason why people are installing the ad blocker.
- Ads are ineffective
We have seen millions of ads throughout our internet activity, from the right products to the fraud one. And this is what makes the people are getting tired of the ads, and that is why people are always looking for a way to leave such a banner ads page as soon as the being redirected to such a page. And this makes the advertisement industry are no longer active since the people do not want to see the ads at all. Advertising is a common practice in the business, but when you are losing people that could potentially buy your products, that is a serious issue. Up to this point, there are about 600 million devices already installed the ad blocker, and more are on their way, and even more, are ignoring and hating the ads for whatever the products.
Such a situation needs to be solved since this is damaging the companies and thus they are losing their market. A solution is required to bridge the need of the people in search of products reference, and Showing A Proper And Exact Kind Of Information With Surgical Precision.
For More Information Concerning The Advertisement Industry, You Can Visit One Of The Links Below
Introducing Vidy, The Filter Of Your Ads
A good number of people are ok with the ads, but what do they hate is the wrong ads that they don’t want to see, or that is irrelevant for them. Suppose a male that is searching for a new laptop, and they do need the preferences for their option. But they keep looking the random ads that they do not want to see and thus this person is growing more and more irritated by the ads for whatever the forms are. This case already happens millions of times, and therefore the advertisement industry keeps losing more and more people.
The second issue in the advertisement culture is the messiness of the ads, such a webpage that is invaded with a ridiculous amount of advertisements so that the user is irritated and they don’t want to click a single ad. This is because there is no such standardization for the ads UI and therefore the webpage is being invaded with so many ads, and that is just annoying. The lack of a standard is what makes the publisher is showing more and more announcements as they please.
Most of the ads alone are frauds, such as the gambling ads, the sex tools ads and so forth, as if most of the internet user wishes for it. The banner ads are the ads that are responsible for the loss of millions of the internet user that could become a potential buyer if the ads are proper and precise for the person who such an announcement. The page loading is also an issue since the slow loading page due to the massive data usage are ineffective and irritating. The ads industry merely is suffering due to the lack of standard, and this is supported by the people who run a webpage or a blog that desperately needs money and thus placing ads on the page. That is the vicious cycle that needs to be broken down, and thus we need the platform for the solution.
But fortunately the solution already exists, and now is starting to become operational, and that is called the vidy platform. To put it just, vidy is a platform to filter and block the unwanted ads and showing the people the rights ads so that the internet user can be satisfied and not feeling being abused and invaded by such an announcement. Here are several solutions that are offered by the platform.
- Implementing the UI standard
As we have stated before, the UI standard is lacking in the term of advertisement world. Therefore the publisher is publishing more and more ads so that they gain more money. But that this not just the only case since many forms of the ads are also really intrusive and abusive so that the advertisement ads are really in need of the standard. Vidy is implementing the rule of the UI and the forms of advertisements so that the ads are no longer amass in one web page, and many types of ads are becoming more and more friendly to the users and the viewers, and thus people no longer hate the ads.
- Slow loading page
The ads page are currently very ineffective due to their load time. The load time for banner ads or any ads is presently one of the main reason why people are leaving the digital marketing, or the internet advertisement process. The loading pages here is no longer an issue for the vidy platform since vidy platform’s ads are pre-loaded so that they can be visible without even being redirected to another page. The forms of the ads are also quite informative so that the company will not worry concerning the lack of information in their ads.
- Irrelevant Ads
Ads are getting more and more irrelevant since more ads are popping up on the internet. That is the main reason why ads are being hated and thus neglected. This is a challenging issue that needs to be broken down with a new and fresh approach. Many companies are facing this issue the wrong way since they will make more ads, and more aggressive user tracks apps and so forth, that is an abusive way that will never earn the respect of the people. Instead, the vidy platform is showing the different approach which is utilizing the smart contract to map the user so that ads will be shown in correspond to the need and wants of the people. That is a good idea since the people do want relevant ads for their preference. The smart contract will allow different people different ads when they are visiting the same webpage.
- Banner ads stigma
The stigma against the banner ads are severe, to the point they are being hated no matter what kind of ads that they are showing. This is a significant blowback to the advertiser since they are losing their money for such an ineffective method. There is a perfect solution involving the platform, which is the gamification of the ads. The platform will allow the people to see and hold the ads and get incentivized financially. That is a fresh and right approach which is bridging the need of the advertiser to show their advertisement, and the necessity of the people to get money.
The platform is also straightforward to be implemented. First, you need to make an account to the platform, and in this stage, the smart contracts will remember and identify what kind of ads that you are about to see. That is the first filter of the platform so that you will no longer seeing the ads that you don’t want to see. And after being integrated to the platform, you can use the ads to mine the coin which is examining the video ads.
For more info concerning the platform, you can visit the webpage here.
Token generation event
The token generation event or TGE is a token sale. Here is some information concerning the sale of the token.
- The soft cap is 15 thousand ETH (around 10 million dollars)
- Hard cap 60,000 ETH
- Private sale has been completed which is occurred between 1st may to 15th June, $16 million already raised!
- The presale and the main sale are not yet informed (the pre sale will be started in 25 days, August 15th)
The platform also recognizes the tier for their platform. There are four tiers, and that is depending on the amount of token that they are purchasing.
- Free Tier
The free tier is the lowest tier where you can only post, and there is no guarantee that the people that watched your videos are being filtered demographically. That means that your banner ads will be shown to the wrong person. you can also have the basic access to the UI dashboard editing.
- Titanium
Titanium is the second lowest tier that will be reached after you purchase the 300k amount of real coin purchased. You can upload an unlimited amount of the videos, and you can gain the mid-tier dashboard editing on the platform. Your ads will also get filtered so that you will gain the solid and exact viewers that you want to sell it.
- Gold
Gold is the second highest tier in the platform where the amount of the coin needed to be purchased at this tier is about 700k every coin. You can access the full feature of the UI dashboard, an unlimited amount of videos that can be uploaded, etc.
- Platinum
This is the highest tier of the platform, with the highest amount of the required coin to be purchased which is about 1 million token. This is limited to only 10 thousand seats for the platform, and they will also gain the one tap purchase modal. This is the best tier if you do want to have the highest possible viewers.
As for the token usage, as usual, you need this token to perform the transaction inside the platform, and so forth. You can also use this token to exchange it for the fiat currency such as dollars, etc. otherwise you can store your coin in the wallet. You can also store the coin for future investment.
For further information, you can access webpage listed here.
Jul 27 2018
Smart Ads with Vidy Platform
Ads an excellent introduction for a particular product, and thus announcements are significant in the term of business. Since the revolution of digital marketing in the dawn of the information era, ads have emerged with so many forms, from the banner ads that highlighted in numerous webpage, the pop ads that will emerge in the specific area or button when the viewer click it, in youtube channel, in google adsesne and so forth. There are so many ads nowadays to the point where the content creator need it to raise their money income when they post something on youtube. Internet advertisement now has become a significant thing in our daily lives.
This is because an ad is involved In a vicious cycle that cannot be broken down. Here is the simulation. The content creator or the web publisher publish something and need income for their effort so that they can post more. And for the people to get the money that they need, then they are searching for the ads publisher, and then they get ads. And more and more content creator depends on the ads to get more money, even if there is already an independent crowd funding platform that does fund the youtube creator, but they need more.
And that is how the internet ads become a thing nowadays, and that is getting more and more invasive. Internet ads are now being hated with extreme prejudice by the internet user for several such as.
Internet ads are very annoying since they are massive in number and very tricky. It can impersonate the big button in such web pages such as the play and download button. They are also redirecting the user to a particular fraud webpage that has slow loading speed and thus consuming more data. The data that have been destroyed only by viewing the ads are very large, and therefore the people are getting more annoyed by the ads. This ridiculous ads business is getting more intense and aggressive, to the point, it is very invasive and making people more irritated by the presence of the ads. Today, the people will close the ads as soon as they open it.
Click-baiting is a thing nowadays. Clickbait is an overclaim or telling the partial part of the information so that the advertiser is not telling the whole truth concerning the ads and the product they are advertising. Click-baiting is the worst part of the advertisement and therefore is very much hated by the internet user. This is what makes the ad is no longer valid since people don’t want to see the ads anymore.
It is a common practice that the advertisement agencies are using the tracking profile to track the person profile so that the agencies do know what kind of good that such person desired. That is an atrocity that has been conducted by the advertisement agencies since it is a breach of the personal privilege and privacy. That is have been confirmed since there are a mega social media companies that have been sued due to the selling of own database.
Great ads are the ads that will be shown to a particular person that does need such right. Imagine a young girl that need the makeup appliances but keep seeing the game ads or the bathing appliances. Even if that young girl can easily find the ads that they want, or search for certain makeup appliances manually, it is better if the ads that have been shown is also showing some relevancy to the needs of the people. But that is just not happening, and more announcements are being generated, and fewer ads are relevant to our needs.
Among those problems, the main reason of the internet user that is hating the ads are, because the number of the ads on the internet is simply staggering, to the point that the effectivity of the internet advertisement is being questioned. It is useless no matter how many the ads are being generated per day if the internet user no longer wishes to see the ads, and they will close the ads immediately upon popping. The ads blocker are also already become a very famous app and feature on the internet, and it has been installed for about 600 million installations for 2017 alone.
For further information concerning the advertisement agencies and internet ads, you can visit the webpage below.
Smart Advertising By The Newly Emerged Platform: Vidy
Advertisement world is a very complicated thing. You need to figure out the trend, the needs. The method of advertisement and so forth. Still, the advertisement is one of the main reason why people are buying the stuff in the first place, and that is what the advertisement is supposed to do. Advertisement needs to be shown to the exact person, for those who do needs their good to be precise, like the young girl who is searching for any makeup appliances. That is the main reason why the market research nowadays are tracking the people from their search history, their recent activity, their recent purchase and so forth. But that is no longer required since the emergence of the excellent advertisement platform, the vidy platform.
Vidy simple is the bridge between the market and the companies, where it provides the companies with the data they need, but the internet user willingly sees their ads because they are being rewarded. The city platform also allows the companies to strike the precise target who do need their goods and their services, so that they will have the precise market, and not wasting billions of dollar just to spread the ads to the wrong person who will never purchase their goods. Here are what the platform does in the term of advertisement.
And classified ads are a great app. You surely will not want to see a messy and blinking webpage filled with the sex and gambling ads don’t you? Therefore the ads need to be organised and standardised, just the way the commercial in the TVs are. This is a common and natural thing since the internet advertisement is actually a new thing and therefore are not complete and perfect. But the stakeholders, such as the companies and the advertisement agencies do need to take a drastic and rigid step to standardise the UI ads dashboard. Otherwise, the people will hate the ads even more.
Loading page will be very slow if a particular web page is infested with numerous amount of ads. The platform will cut the loading page and thus reducing the data usage so that the internet user will be able to conserve their data charge. The ads will also be played expertly so that the people will be able to see the ads faster and better, compared to the banner ads currently is. The banner ads also will have better quality, not just some random images and light in your webpage, making it more professional and eye-catching.
Gamification is a proper process where the user will be rewarded after doing some activities. That is the nature of the platform, where this platform will provide millions of viewer of their ads, and they will do that willingly since they are getting paid from that. That is a win-win solution since the ads do need views, and the people will see their ads, but getting paid by the platform. It will increase the awareness very effectively and thus raise the purchase of the goods potential exponentially.
Billions of dollar have been wasted by the money that has been used to advertise to the wrong person. that person will never purchase such goods, and therefore the advertiser need to avoid advertising to the wrong person since it will be a waste of resources. There has to be a way where the companies can advertise their products to the right market, such as advertising the makeup appliances to the girl who is searching for make-up appliances. The platform will gather information that you have submitted in the first time you log in to the platform, and thus make each person that has joined the platform will see the different ads even if they are visiting the same page. The member of the platform will see the different ads due to their different desired goods.
Cost per advertisement is astronomical. In the tv commercial alone, billions of dollar have been spent on advertising a particular product, where the companies have no guarantee of success. Fortunately, the internet is nowadays already reducing the cost of the advertisement so that the companies can keep their money more. But still the cost is high, and thus need to break further down. One of the ways is to advertise Properly, and limiting the market space so that the advertisement can be more effective and the companies can reduce the cost of your goods. The platform is also working very simple since it is a blockchain system. To enjoy the facility of the platform, all you have to do is to create an account and submit your personal information there. That personal information is very important since you can see the ads that you do want to see and avoid the ads that you don’t want to see. After creating the account, you can then integrate the platform to your browser so that you can see the desired ads while you are browsing.
For more information concerning the platform you can visit these web pages below:
The Token Sale And The Token Allocation
As with any other blockchain platform, this platform also employs the token as their currency, and vidicon calls the token. There are three stages of sales, which are the private sales, the pre-ICO and the Main sales.
The private sale is the sale that usually followed by the people who want to invest their money to gain the incentives after the vestment period elapses. Often, the private sales yield the highest bonus, so that is is decidedly perspective. The private sale is already finished. Which is occurred in the 1st may to 15th June, 15,000 ETH already raised!
The pre-sale or the pre-ICO is the second highest bonus yields among all the sale. But to achieve such a sale you need to purchase some specific amount of token that is required by the platform. The pre ico will start about a month from now on and will yield a bonus of up to 33% of the total purchase (the pre sale will be started in 33 days, September 1st). This is the best way to gain the bonus from token purchase.
The main sale is the sales that yield no bonus, and therefore the token will be a bit higher compared to the private sale and the pre-sale. The main sale is usually the biggest token sale, and usually, there will be billion of token that is going to be sold in the meantime. Unfortunately, the main sale is not yet published, but we do know that it will occur just after the pre-sale.
The soft cap for the total sale is about 15 thousand ETH, and the hard cap will be about 60 thousand ETH. And up until today, 1 ETH is about 500 dollars. The usage of the coin will be used mainly for conducting a transaction within the platform, but unfortunately, there is not an exact function for the token outside the platform, but you can always exchange the token for the fiat currencies such as dollars and any other currencies. You can also hold the currency of the coin so that you can get the better prices and better profit. The worth of the token will also rise since the demands of the token that is steadily rising.
For further information, you can access the webpage below
By admin • Blockchain Technology 236 • Tags: business, ETH, good, google, information, money, research, token sale, tracking, UI