Jul 1 2018
Introducing Viva, Solution For Your House Mortgage
House mortgage industry is the most valuable industry in the world since the need of the house is ever increased. The issue here is the price that is also skyrocketing due to the imbalance of supply and demand in the global market. This is due to the several factors, such as the availability of the land, the global economy and politics situation, the profile of certain areas and so forth. As the result, billions people are having a very hard time acquiring a house, where certain individual groups are having multiple houses with a very high value. This is definitely creating an economic and social disparity as more and more people need the house, where fewer people are able to acquire the house with their own money alone.
There is also a practical solution to this issue, namely the mortgage loan that could be afforded in the bank or the third party such as the person or a loan providing group that is scattered across the globe. This indeed provides a very practical solution to those who do not own a very large amount of money to purchase the house since the house usually imposes the down payment system that is very hard to be accomplished without the proper financial preparations. The mortgage loan can be achieved in a various way, but the problem will soon follow, as the interest of such loans is steadily increasing and the people financial economy are more or less unstable do the global economic change that could change in any minute. This leading to a very complicated and centralized housing market and mortgaging system that is now run by the government or the banking institution.
This could prove to be disastrous since the centralized market, should it fail, will affect thousands of other aspects and thus endangering the global economy. This already happens in 2008, where the mortgage industry is falling down due to the inability of the people to pay for their loan, and thus destroying most of a high level American and European economy back then. This is a very serious issue that needs to be tackled since the demands of the house will always increase, but the system that is built upon it needed to be decentralized so it is safer, faster and more reliable in the term of the global market.
For any further information you can access several links below:
Viva as the solution for your housing needs
But the cycle could be ended with the rise of the blockchain lately. Viva network is a solution for the ever problematic housing industry that is now affecting billion of people. There is a lot of issue to the housing problem such as:
- The skyrocketing price
Prices in the most essential in the house as it become the major consideration of every person who is about to purchase a house. The price of a house is usually affected by several factors such as the land value, the availability of the public facility, the type or the size of the house and lands, and other myriad factors that are too much to be mentioned. But even the smallest and most undesired land still possesses a very high amount of money and that is very hard to come by. The platform provides the crowdfunding platform to the person who needs a fast and saves money to purchase a house, and thus the crowdfund will provide the money on certain conditions. This will disrupt the common business style where the banks and the third parties intermediaries are in play.
- The difficulty in obtaining the loan
Even if the person is able to purchase the house via a loan that is provided with the banks, the access to such a loan is very difficult and complex. More and more people are less able to have a loan to pay for the house, and thus making the people less able to have the house. This is due to the fact that the banking system is interconnected and centralized making it very fragile should the people are failing to pay for the loans of their house. Countless evidence has already emerged to show how fragile the banking institution is, and thus making it a less reliable source of money to have. For your house mortgage.
- The house appraisal
As the beginner buyer, they usually don’t understand whether a very specific type of house is worth their money and effort so that they end up purchasing a house that is too pricey and disrupting their financial capabilities. This is very problematic indeed as the housing industries are not providing the tips or the review of their economic situations, as their concerns are just to conclude a sell. The viva platform provides the very practical solution which is the counseling or the advice of the buyer of a house before buying a certain type of the house. They also review the economic impact of a family so that the family can own a house without any clear risk at their mind.
Those issues above are the most impending issues that are haunting the global housing market. This is counterproductive since the housing industries need to sell their houses as fast as possible where the people are less able to purchase the house day by day. This cycle needs to be disrupted, and that is just what this platform do, to disrupt the status quo and giving ease for the buyer of the house to gain their money so that they can have a house.
For further information related to the platform you can access the documents or the site below:
How VIVA works
We have already seen the intro of the platform, but we will then as ourselves, how this solution is really working. This is the most natural responses to any kind of disruptive business type that happens globally. First of all, the main difference between the platform of the banking system are the terms of coverage. The banking system is a web of interconnected monetary agencies that is affecting one after another, and thus making it very fragile since the disruption in one side could have a significant impact on the other side, whether it is good or bad influences. Here are the procedures of the application at the first glance.
- Buyer propose a loan for a house
The most critical thing about purchasing a house is the loan itself, without it, so many people will just lose the ability to have a house in the oncoming years. The buyer will start proposing for a loan that is followed by several documents that are needed by the system for the verification needs. The document will be the debt, the income, or any related financial situation of a person that could be useful for the verification process.
- Verification process
Verification is the most crucial steps, as it will determine whether or not the person will have their money for the mortgage. The verification will include the professional assessment done by the team of the platform. The buyer will also directly redirected to the home seller, to provide any risk that could potentially reduce the value of the house. the home seller is also obliged to inform the buyer concerning the minor or major issues of the house such as reparations, damage, and so forth.
- Approval and appraisal
The approval of the platform is divided into two kinds, the conditional approval, and the final approval. The conditional approval is the first approval where the condition of the document have been met and the team is already approving the document to be further analyzed by the team in order to determine the fund that will be provided for the applicant. The final approval is where all kind of document is already assessed and all the condition has been met and thus making the applicant eligible to receive the fund from the platform. The appraisal is the process of appraising the true value of the house by the professional team of the platform. The appraisal process also includes the advice from the team concerning the house and so forth.
- Grading
After all sort of administration and assessment has been dealt with, the final process of the procedure is grading. Grading simply is the mechanism to grade someone financial capability that has been provided by the earlier documents. Grading will determine about the financial funds that will be provided by the platform by listing the applicants into the several grades that are available. within the system. There are ten grades from 1 to 10 and the applicants will enter one of the grades, and thus define any potential risk or changes in the term of the applicant capacity to pay the loan to the platform.
- Crowdfunding
After the grading process has occurred, the platform is now gathering the fund in order to give the applicants the money they need. After the money has been collected, the platform will receive a portion of the money where they can use it for paying the Down Payment that is required to purchase a house. the applicant then is responsible to pay the amount of money in a certain period of time, such 20 or 30 years according to their own grade. The money that has been paid by the applicants are becoming the crowdfund that will be used to fund more applicants, and thus the cycle continues.
The TGE and sales
the token that is recognized by the platform is the viva token, where the platform will provide as much as 4 billion tokens where it will be distributed in the following:
- 75% TGE
- 7.5% team allocation
- 3.75% advisors
- 10% reserves
- 3.75% marketing allocation
As for the sales of the token, typically there will be 2 main sales event that will be held by the platform, they are
- The pre-sales
The pre-sale is currently ongoing and will end in July 1st. The pre-sales or the first stage of sales will have the bonuses, just like any other platforms. The sales will be in 30 days, with ten days bonus bonuses changes interval. During the first ten days, the price will be 50 thousand tokens per one ethereum, meaning that the token will have around 40% bonus per sale. The second ten days will worth 35% bonus, meaning that the viva token will worth 48.309 tokens per one ethereum, and the last ten days will have 30% bonus, and the token is 46.511 worth per ethereum.
- Main sales
Main sales will occurs just after the pre-sales, the main sales will start at July 12th. And as for the main sales, there will be 60 days period or roughly two months of the main sales process. The main sales are also providing the bonus, though it is not larger than the early stage bonus. And unlike the first stage where the bonus is counted per 10 days, the bonus in the main sale is per quantity of the ethereal being sold. The first round of main sales will have 25% of the bonus after the 11.200 ETH has been contributed in the 20 days of the main sales. the second round will have 15% of the bonus, after the ETH that is sold reach about 33.070 ETH in the next 20 days.
To sum it up, here are the basic information concerning the sales.
- The cap of the first stage of the sales will be around 6.870 ETH. The first stage of the sales has occurred as we speak and will end on the 1st of July 2018.
- The main sales will be conducted just after the first stage of sales and will last 60 days.
- There are 4 billions of token that are being distributed to several parties, where the allocation has been covered above.
- The range of value is ranging from 50 thousand to the lowest around 35 thousand per one ethereum.
For further information, you can reach these following sites.
Jul 12 2018
Say No More To Injustice Towards Photographer
The world of photography is often neglected and abandoned from the spot of the media. Many assume that the photography is just about the passion and hobby and therefore they are doing as they please. But that is far from the truth since many of the photographers are defending their lives and incomes to the world of photography and their business. Today, the primary source of the creator of the photographer is the third party seller platform which is the Getty images or the Shutterstock. We do familiar with the two companies, but little of them know the bitter truth is concerning the two companies, which we are going to explain below.
The companies employ a stringent and demanding policy that is hampering the progress of the photographer and thus stripping off the profit and the right of the photographer. Here we will sum up several concerns that now exist within the current ecosystem.
Not every centralized thing are wrong, in fact, we do need a centralized standard such as currency and system so that it gives us certainty and several degrees of rigidity. What we do mean about centralized in this scenario is the photographer, in which here is the content creator is often left behind in the term of the profit generation process, making it a one-way process in which the company control the whole profit generation process and leaving the creator suffering.
One of the central issues of the photographer here is the right. The right in this scenario is the right or the licensed photos. In this case, the creator is just don’t have any reason once they already submit their pictures inside the system of the platform. Even if the creator is selling the photos outside the system, they need to report back the profit to the platform otherwise they will be getting the legal ramification which is annoying.
These points actually correlate with the first point. This is actually the sad, grim truth about the world of photography where the creator is just gaining a trickle of the profit generated by the system, whereas the company receives more than 85% of the benefit. The professional photography is not merely randomly flashing your camera around and making a profit. It is actually a cumbersome task when sometimes the photographer needs to be in several difficult spots and often shoot thousands of pictures just to get one specific picture that suits the desired output.
What we mean here is the lack of the transparency in the big companies. We do realize that not all the thing are needed to be published to the public, but some points do require openness. But that is just what de big companies lack, where they are reluctant and even not willing to share their data concerning the licensing process, the profit generation and so forth. This is what upset the professional photographer, and thus such a cycle needs to be disrupted.
For more information, you can visit one of the links below:
Disrupting The Current Ecosystem With Wemark
But luckily, as the technology progress, the world is becoming more and more decentralized, where there is merely a lot of disruption and groundbreaking invention that is very fundamental to the realm of business. The rise of startup businesses, especially the one who relies on the blockchain system are becoming predatory to the old ecosystem where they are destroying or at least giving alternatives to the old ecosystem that if proved to be injustice and inefficient. There are a lot of businesses that are currently reforming and thus providing a new business opportunity to make things even better. And such luck is also bestowed to the realm of photography, where a new startup is on the rise, called the remark platform.
Wemark is actually one of the most promising startups that will disrupt the whole old ecosystem that is hampering the creativity of the creator itself. As we can see, the creator is having a difficult time gaining profit, and this platform is actually the best platform to increase the benefit of the amateur and professional photographer alike. Here are several reasons why the wemark is worth trying.
The first and the most obvious reasons are the profit. We already know that the big companies are giving only a trickle of the strength whereas they are generating more and more profit daily. That is actually very troublesome and need to be changed since it will heavily discourage the content creator. In the wemark platform, the situation is just reversed, where the companies are gaining a trickle of profit per photos and the rest of the money goes to the creator.
This is what more interesting on the platform, where the decision making is entirely back to the user. The creator can sell their pictures for the prices that have been set by themselves, and thus is more rewarding for the creator. We do want to ensure that the creator is keeping their creativity and accordingly being rewarded for such effort. And to do that we need to give the creator more right and more role to determine in this form of business. To put it just, on this platform, the part of the creator is significantly higher compared to the previous old ecosystem that is diminishing the part of the creator.
One of the most critical factors In the business is giving the proportionate flow of information to the user or the customer. This is what makes them more appreciated and thus will convert them to a loyal customer In the meantime. Having a loyal customer is apparently one of the primary focus f the company, and one of the most critical points is having some degree of transparency. We do understand that not all kind of information is required to be published, but at least only the one which is critical such as the licensing and the profit generation process. Such information is essential to be released so that the customer or the creator understand for how much they need to pay, how much they need to spend money, and how much they will gain profit per photos.
In the artistry world such photography, one of the most crucial point is the license of the pictures. The grant will determine the ownership of the photos and thus make it protected by the law and gaining the creator the rights of their own creation which is obvious. But unfortunately, such cases did not occur in the big companies since they retain most of the license for themselves. The platform will give the license to all the photographers regardless of their skills and their photos quality and thus make the creator more liberty and right about what to do with their own images. They also don’t need to report back to the platform once they are making the profit to the images that have been licensed by the platform.
Becoming the part of the wemark platform is effortless. First, you need to make your own portofolio on their website. This is important since the platform need to know about your capacity and your skills also experiences concerning the photography. After creating the portfolio you can start to upload the photos of your own and to get the license, you need to pay several amounts of cash at one time. The payment here are using the token of cryptocurrency, and therefore it Is not very expensive in the end. And you don’t have to worry since the licensing is a one-time process and therefore you don’t have to pay several times for your licensing process.
For further information concerning the system of the platform, you can access the link below.
The Road Map And The TGE Of Wemark
Every platform will have their own roadmap to determine their own degree of success. And this platform does have the roadmap. Here are several points of the roadmap of the platform.
2017 is the important year for the platform, where they are signing the contract of the NFX companies that specializes in the market research. The NFX are investing their money in the platform for about 1million dollars. The platform is also opening the waiting list for the contributors or the photographer that are about to sell their own photograph on the platform. And as the website claim, more than 1500 professional photographer are signing the contract just in the few weeks.
At this point, the platform is releasing the very first product, which it enables the user to create a profile and submit their own photos in the platform. There are about 20 thousand offered pictures just a month after the release of such content. This event is followed by gaining the advisors, which is several of notable individuals in the term of business, such lee torrents, as a lead marketing in canvas, Lars Perkins, founder of Picasa which has been purchased by Google and becomes the google photos and etc. the following month is the release of the whitepaper of the platform to become the guideline both for the platform and the user alike.
This is yet another critical period of time for the company. The company will sell their token called the wemark token to the public for the first time. Such token will be used primarily for the transaction that is occurred within the system, and hopefully, that includes the purchase of the pictures as well. And in late 2018, the platform will be transformed into a full working marketplace where many can purchase the photos that have been provided by the photographer for some period of time.
And as for sale, here are some necessary information that you need to know
• The token supplies are about 135 million dollars
• Soft cap around 1.5 million
• Hard cap 8 million
• Price per token 0.20 US dollar per token
• Sale starts July 24th and ends at Aug 7th
• Token usage: licensing, accessing several wemark features
As we can see above, the token supply is meager compared to the other platform where they can reach billions. And the hard cap is also shallow, which is just about 8 million. Which mean that they only will sell that amount of the token, as the rest of the token is used for another purpose. And that is what makes the price per token is rather higher compared to the other token amount, and this will make the sale even more interesting since the token is worth investing for.
And the second most intriguing thing is, the allocation of the token supplies, here is the information concerning the token allocation.
• 38% token sale
• 37.5% reserved for community rewards and economic scaling
• 12% advisors&partnership
• 11% founding team and employees
• 1.5% bounty program
As we can see, the token allocation is rather unusual since the token and the community rewards are almost identical. No other platform is employing such allocation in the vicinity since they implement a huge proportion of the token supply to the sale alone. The board of advisors, the founding team and employees, are also gaining more token allocation.
What we can learn from this basic information here is, the company is dropping more token to the community to reward them for their contribution in building the companies, along with the founder team and the system. That is working along with the dream of the platform to give more reward and profit for the content creator and thus destroying the old ecosystem in which the creator is suffering since they just don’t get enough profit to continue on their project.
For further information, you can access the links below:
By admin • Blockchain Technology 423 • Tags: benefit, Blockchain, business, creativity, ICO, information, market, money, period of time, photographer, photography, Social Media, TGE, token sale, wemark