Jul 20 2018
Filtering Unwanted Ads By Vidy
As the technology has progressed, the advertisement era has been transformed significantly from the written and offline source such as newspaper to the online advertisement which comes with many forms such as the banner ads, pop ads, and so forth. Today the internet has been bombarded with billions of billions internet advertiser who is interruptive and intrusive and thus annoying to the point hundreds of millions of internet user has installed the free and paid ad blocker. This is damaging to the ecosystem of advertisement since they are no longer providing the information to the exact person which they do want the ads. But that is not all, since the majority of the people are no longer interested in viewing ads, and thus they are no longer useful. This leads to the companies wasting their billions of money in such an ineffective advertisement method.
This is troubling since the publisher, and the companies are losing way to promote and advertise their product, and thus the company needs to be more active and creative to develop their products. The majority all of the people who are leaving the advertisement ecosystem is based on several reasons such as:
- Ads are abusive
Ads are abusive. It tracks your location, search history, latest activity and so forth so that they can show more relevant ads and so forth. But despite the effort, they do still some random stuff to the wrong person, and thus they are getting more and more irritated by the presence of the ads. This abusive activity of the ads are frightening and scaring some of the people; even they have a good intention to it. But that seems doesn’t very useful since the random advertisement banner and videos are still popping up.
- Ads are annoying
Imagine you are about to visit the webpage you are always visiting to search for information or just browsing. But you need to run a series of the pop ads that are usually pop two or three times until the desired button can be clicked, and how annoying could that be? Or when you accidentally hit the banner ads and you are being redirected to some slow loading page, or some random pages, or the pages that install malware or something malicious to your device, etc. we are now dealing with the fraud ads that is now become a threat to your privacy and security. That is very dangerous, and that is another reason why people are installing the ad blocker.
- Ads are ineffective
We have seen millions of ads throughout our internet activity, from the right products to the fraud one. And this is what makes the people are getting tired of the ads, and that is why people are always looking for a way to leave such a banner ads page as soon as the being redirected to such a page. And this makes the advertisement industry are no longer active since the people do not want to see the ads at all. Advertising is a common practice in the business, but when you are losing people that could potentially buy your products, that is a serious issue. Up to this point, there are about 600 million devices already installed the ad blocker, and more are on their way, and even more, are ignoring and hating the ads for whatever the products.
Such a situation needs to be solved since this is damaging the companies and thus they are losing their market. A solution is required to bridge the need of the people in search of products reference, and Showing A Proper And Exact Kind Of Information With Surgical Precision.
For More Information Concerning The Advertisement Industry, You Can Visit One Of The Links Below
Introducing Vidy, The Filter Of Your Ads
A good number of people are ok with the ads, but what do they hate is the wrong ads that they don’t want to see, or that is irrelevant for them. Suppose a male that is searching for a new laptop, and they do need the preferences for their option. But they keep looking the random ads that they do not want to see and thus this person is growing more and more irritated by the ads for whatever the forms are. This case already happens millions of times, and therefore the advertisement industry keeps losing more and more people.
The second issue in the advertisement culture is the messiness of the ads, such a webpage that is invaded with a ridiculous amount of advertisements so that the user is irritated and they don’t want to click a single ad. This is because there is no such standardization for the ads UI and therefore the webpage is being invaded with so many ads, and that is just annoying. The lack of a standard is what makes the publisher is showing more and more announcements as they please.
Most of the ads alone are frauds, such as the gambling ads, the sex tools ads and so forth, as if most of the internet user wishes for it. The banner ads are the ads that are responsible for the loss of millions of the internet user that could become a potential buyer if the ads are proper and precise for the person who such an announcement. The page loading is also an issue since the slow loading page due to the massive data usage are ineffective and irritating. The ads industry merely is suffering due to the lack of standard, and this is supported by the people who run a webpage or a blog that desperately needs money and thus placing ads on the page. That is the vicious cycle that needs to be broken down, and thus we need the platform for the solution.
But fortunately the solution already exists, and now is starting to become operational, and that is called the vidy platform. To put it just, vidy is a platform to filter and block the unwanted ads and showing the people the rights ads so that the internet user can be satisfied and not feeling being abused and invaded by such an announcement. Here are several solutions that are offered by the platform.
- Implementing the UI standard
As we have stated before, the UI standard is lacking in the term of advertisement world. Therefore the publisher is publishing more and more ads so that they gain more money. But that this not just the only case since many forms of the ads are also really intrusive and abusive so that the advertisement ads are really in need of the standard. Vidy is implementing the rule of the UI and the forms of advertisements so that the ads are no longer amass in one web page, and many types of ads are becoming more and more friendly to the users and the viewers, and thus people no longer hate the ads.
- Slow loading page
The ads page are currently very ineffective due to their load time. The load time for banner ads or any ads is presently one of the main reason why people are leaving the digital marketing, or the internet advertisement process. The loading pages here is no longer an issue for the vidy platform since vidy platform’s ads are pre-loaded so that they can be visible without even being redirected to another page. The forms of the ads are also quite informative so that the company will not worry concerning the lack of information in their ads.
- Irrelevant Ads
Ads are getting more and more irrelevant since more ads are popping up on the internet. That is the main reason why ads are being hated and thus neglected. This is a challenging issue that needs to be broken down with a new and fresh approach. Many companies are facing this issue the wrong way since they will make more ads, and more aggressive user tracks apps and so forth, that is an abusive way that will never earn the respect of the people. Instead, the vidy platform is showing the different approach which is utilizing the smart contract to map the user so that ads will be shown in correspond to the need and wants of the people. That is a good idea since the people do want relevant ads for their preference. The smart contract will allow different people different ads when they are visiting the same webpage.
- Banner ads stigma
The stigma against the banner ads are severe, to the point they are being hated no matter what kind of ads that they are showing. This is a significant blowback to the advertiser since they are losing their money for such an ineffective method. There is a perfect solution involving the platform, which is the gamification of the ads. The platform will allow the people to see and hold the ads and get incentivized financially. That is a fresh and right approach which is bridging the need of the advertiser to show their advertisement, and the necessity of the people to get money.
The platform is also straightforward to be implemented. First, you need to make an account to the platform, and in this stage, the smart contracts will remember and identify what kind of ads that you are about to see. That is the first filter of the platform so that you will no longer seeing the ads that you don’t want to see. And after being integrated to the platform, you can use the ads to mine the coin which is examining the video ads.
For more info concerning the platform, you can visit the webpage here.
Token generation event
The token generation event or TGE is a token sale. Here is some information concerning the sale of the token.
- The soft cap is 15 thousand ETH (around 10 million dollars)
- Hard cap 60,000 ETH
- Private sale has been completed which is occurred between 1st may to 15th June, $16 million already raised!
- The presale and the main sale are not yet informed (the pre sale will be started in 25 days, August 15th)
The platform also recognizes the tier for their platform. There are four tiers, and that is depending on the amount of token that they are purchasing.
- Free Tier
The free tier is the lowest tier where you can only post, and there is no guarantee that the people that watched your videos are being filtered demographically. That means that your banner ads will be shown to the wrong person. you can also have the basic access to the UI dashboard editing.
- Titanium
Titanium is the second lowest tier that will be reached after you purchase the 300k amount of real coin purchased. You can upload an unlimited amount of the videos, and you can gain the mid-tier dashboard editing on the platform. Your ads will also get filtered so that you will gain the solid and exact viewers that you want to sell it.
- Gold
Gold is the second highest tier in the platform where the amount of the coin needed to be purchased at this tier is about 700k every coin. You can access the full feature of the UI dashboard, an unlimited amount of videos that can be uploaded, etc.
- Platinum
This is the highest tier of the platform, with the highest amount of the required coin to be purchased which is about 1 million token. This is limited to only 10 thousand seats for the platform, and they will also gain the one tap purchase modal. This is the best tier if you do want to have the highest possible viewers.
As for the token usage, as usual, you need this token to perform the transaction inside the platform, and so forth. You can also use this token to exchange it for the fiat currency such as dollars, etc. otherwise you can store your coin in the wallet. You can also store the coin for future investment.
For further information, you can access webpage listed here.
Jul 21 2018
Solving Mortgaging Issue With VIVA
Housing or property industry is one of the leading sectors of the business in the world. It contributes around 31 trillion dollars per year and thus affecting the world’s economy and its components. The most vital housing industry elements are the capacity of the industry to sell the house to every component of the society. This is one of the biggest ironies since the main focus of the success rate is to increase the sale, whereas the capacity of the people to purchase the house is steadily declining due to the increase of the price of the market. Nowadays, even the smallest and cheapest houses are still expensive and still out of the reach of every middle-class man. The people are having several problems as follow.
The main critical issue of the buyer is the mortgage procedures that is very complicated and hindering more house to be sold and leave billion people homeless. The mortgage is the process of gaining the house via loans, and this is the only viable solution if you are the middle-class man and facing the Down Payment worth thousand dollars. You just cannot pay it directly in a single payment, and thus mortgaging is the only way that could effectively solve your financial issue in order to obtain the house that you want.
The Down Payment or the DP is the second most important thing, and that can be said as the DP are the sole factors that hindering every potential buyer to purchase a new house. the DP usually comes with 30 or 20% prices of the whole house prices. That is actually still very expensive and simply out of reach by the single payment method. The most effective way to solve this issue is to have the loan. And this is where things get more and more complicated, which leads us to the next issue of the housing industries.
Having or taking a loan is actually the ever practical solution for the middle-class man to obtain the house. the loan is usually provided by the banking institution or the third party such as the loan provider, person to person loan and so forth. But there is one impending problem concerning the loan, which is the extremely centralized nature of global banking. The global banking is a series of a very complex and deep monetary system which will have disrupt everything in the chain if one sector is damaged. The gravity of such a disruption could be very catastrophic and leads to the failing of global economics. Such occurrence has occurred in 2008 where the mortgage and housing industries are failing and thus destroying the global economic recess that is very destructive in nature.
Based on several issues that have been mentioned above, then we need a very fast and precise solution where we can have a house with a very simple mortgage process, low DP and also decentralized.
For any further information concerning the housing industries background, you can visit one if the link below:
Introducing The Viva Network: A Simple Solution
The rise of the digital age is bringing more and more fundamental changes in every aspect. The way we are doing business, communicate, and information sharing has been simplified to the point of the instantaneous form of communication across the globe via the internet. But it is not just the communication methods that have been revolutionized by the internet, but also the business forms has been impacted and now undergoing very fast fundamental changes within. One of the most influential impacts is the trend of decentralizing the business forms, and digitalization of the business sectors that happen all across the globe. The birth of the startup or the internet based business is on the rise, and thus VIVA emerges.
VIVA, to put it simply is a power to be reckoned with, in the term of the housing industries. It visions, just like any other contemporary business is to disrupt the existing business forms so that this new form of the business could become the new mainstream and thus replacing the obsolete kind of business that is now exist. The VIVA is the solution for those who are in need of the house but yet hindered by the complexity of its process and procedures. There are several reasons why we need to employ the VIVA services to obtain the house that we love.
As we have stated above, a centralized monetary system will be prone to every kind of damage such the financial instability, global economic collapse, and so forth. Therefore the platform is implementing the decentralized business system where this system is not connected fundamentally to the global business schematic making this business is stronger and more independent towards the global market system.
Obtaining loan and mortgage is very difficult these days, due to the nature of skepticism of the housing market. This is worsened by the complexity of the procedures that need to be undergone by the applicants, making the process is tedious and time-consuming. So far, there is no kind of any practical alternatives to having a huge amount of loan except in the bank or any intermediaries. VIVA is based on crowdfunding, which the crowd will happily provide the funds since the money that they send to a platform is comes in the form of investment that will benefit them.
Why is it even matter? Why do we even need the housing consultant? here is the problem. For the beginner, the house is a very complicated matter to purchase since there is the myriad consideration that needs to be processed. This could lead to a wrong investment, in the form of purchasing a house that is out of your financial league, or any other issue. The expert team that exists in the team will help you to enlighten the financial situation that you are in, and thus helping you to pick a house that is affordable an viable for your financial capacity.
Investment is crucial these days since investment is the prospective long-term savings that could save your future. The crowdfunding in this platform system also comes in the term of the investment. This means that the crowdfunding is not just benefiting the applicants that are proposing the loan but also benefitting the crowd as well. This is actually a win-win solution where you can happily provide the fund that is needed for the applicant, and thus you are gaining the investment rate that will follow the market share. And as the member of the platform, you can also have the right to propose the application for the loan if you need it.
Learn More About Viva:
How the Platform Works
The platform’s website is giving you the comprehensive detail concerning the procedures that you are needed to complete before gaining the approval of the loan. Here is the quick glimpse of the procedures in the VIVA platform.
The first basic requirement of the procedures of the platform is the documents. The basic documents that are needed for the process are the debt information and the income statement that is owned. You also will need the ID certificate and any other kind of document that is supporting the main document. Be advised that the document that only will be accepted as the valid and solid document is the real document that already passed the verification.
The first approval is the process after approving the document that has been sent by the applicants of the platform. This is not the whole approval, meaning that at this point, you can still fail to get the approval since there is the second approval or the final approval to conclude whether or not the applicants are able to gain the approval. The first approval is the sign that your document has been verified to be true and worth to continue on the process.
After you have already passed the first approval, there is the interview session in which you will be interviewed by the expert team of the platform concerning your financial capacity and the ability for you to pay the loan. After the interview with the expert, then you will be interviewed by the house seller. This session is aimed to share the information concerning the house minor and major problems, and also the miscellaneous treatment that needed to be done to the house such the reparation, improvement and etc. this is crucial since you need to know all kind of the information concerning the house.
After the interview session, the team and the platform will conclude the second approval, in which the applicant whether he passed the process or not. If the applicants have already passed the session, then they are positively gained the loan that is needed for them to purchase the house. After this session, the crowdfunding will then started and thus the applicant will start receiving money they need to pay the DP or the loan.
The crowdfunding will use the FMS or fractionalized mortgage share. The FMS is the way that the loan will be fractionalized and paid by the crowd. The FMS is actually the investment share that comes in the form of the fund that is distributed in the platform. The FMS is the quota that is needed to be fulfilled in order for the entire applicant to pay the loan of the house. The accumulated money will then be transferred to all the applicants and the crowd in the term of the investment rate so that the crowd will have the benefit of investing their money in the platform.
Learn More How Viva Works:
For any further information you can access the links below:
The Sales of Token
As just any kind of the blockchain system that has the token, the VIVA network also has the token called the VIVA token or called the token to be simple. The token is mostly used by the member of the platform to conduct any kind of transaction that is occurred within the system. There are several transactions such as the application process and so forth to that is using the token and no other currencies. But unfortunately there are no existing vendors or the merchant that is receiving the token for now, but the platform does promises to inform the member of the platform if there is an advancement or the changes in the future.
And as for the sales, the token is primarily gained by two kinds of sales, they are the first stage that consist of three rounds, and the main sale that is also consist of three rounds as well. There is also the private and individual contribution that is also allowed and accepted in the system, but they are excluded in the TGE or the token generation event and thus not explained here. Here is the further explanation regarding the sale.
The first stage is the best way of acquiring the big bonus, as the bonus is ranging from the 40% worth per token to the 30% bonus per token. The nominal of the token is around 50 thousand per ethereum and that nominal is decreasing as the bonus is declining per 10 days. Unfortunately, the early sale is about to elapse, which will be in the 1st July 2018.
The main stage is where the most token is being generated. There are estimated around 3 billion tokens is being distributed via main sale event. The main sale is also comprised of 3 rounds by the bonus started from the 25% to 0% bonus every 20 days. the main sale will be conducted for about 60 days.
For any further information related to the TGE, you can visit one of the links below:
By admin • Blockchain Technology 26 • Tags: benefit, business, Down Payment, DP, information, market, money, TGE, token, VIVA