Sep 20 2019
TOKOIN – the Number One Indonesian Blockchain Project that Differs Than Any Others
The involvement of technology plays a very big role in many aspects of our life. Even in business, it brings about efficient process that could benefit many users. If it is about online business, blockchain technology is specifically one they need to facilitate information distribution. TOKOIN as presented in is the best choice you can take for it. Of course, there are several reasons that make it the number one recommended platform to consider. For that, we would like to explain those reasons further in this opportunity so you can get better understanding of this platform here.
After all, the distributed information on the blockchain is that of valuable asset one needs to know of when running online business. The blockchain will be the very system that secures that very data information for you. Now that you know what the role of blockchain platform is, you do learn that it is necessary for us to use it, right? Choosing the best will be your priority next. That is why we have TOKOIN Platform introduced to you here. It s not considered the number one Indonesian blockchain project for nothing. So, you better learn what you can learn from the discussion we will make below.
What Do You Know About TOKOIN Platform?
Before we talk about the reasons to choose this platform though, it is best for us to know a bit of this platform first, right? It is not the same blockchain platforms you can find every day out there. This particular one called TOKOIN Platform is one that has digital business identity and MSME reputation established as acceptable credibility scoring. Suppliers and financial institutions are the main target audiences of such purpose here. By definition, this is what TOKOIN Platform is all about. It makes valuable partnership with such kind of ability.
Why, of course, such credibility scoring is what contributes to bringing engaging ecosystem for you. It will be one consisting of multiple business profiles. Of course, they are meant to be profitable for business expansion. Once you have faced the real market, you will eventually come to conclusion that there is a need to build valuable partnership with the best blockchain platform. Only the best could promise to bring you into an engaging ecosystem. That’s the very thing that TOKOIN Plarform can assure you with. Thus, it is only right for you to take it into consideration for chosen platform.
With what the platform can do for you, this platform will serve as highway of data distribution for the trading ecosystem. There are lots of benefits you can gain from this implementation. Those benefits do make this platform superior than any others, so much that it is even regarded as the number one Indonesian blockchain project to consider. It knows how much important it is to take care of data information. Even business transaction alone consists of a set of data involving participants, buyers and sellers, orders, payment method, discount, and payment invoices as well.
All of those data must be centrally stored within marketplace’s platform. Then, it will have to be adapted in blockchain-based one. Cryptography will be used here to record the data before it is stored in blocks. Surely, you can’t manage all of this on your own, right? It might be too complicated for some people too. Let this blockchain platform takes care of it for you then. TOKOIN Platform can do that much to help you manage your transaction in the marketplace. Unlike blockchain platform of any others, it is worthy enough to count on.
Why Is TOKOIN Platform the Best Option?
With the business moving into online world, many people are competing to make the best platform with the best blockchain technology to offer. As a result, there are many of them you can find out there. Finding the best one of all would be a pretty daunting task to do. They are all well made and sell good, but still they are different from each other. There must be the best one of all, of course. From all available choices of blockchain platform today, we confidently say that TOKOIN Platform is the best we can recommend to all of you.
More or less you get the picture of what this platform is all about from its definition, right? However, it won’t be enough to tell what this platform is capable of exactly. For that, we need to know what makes this platform the best choice to choose. They make the reasons of this platform being the number one in Indonesia too. Let’s get down to it and see what those reasons are, so you have clear insight of this platform’s capability here. Give every one of them attention and consideration for the benefit of the online business you do run.
- Secured Ecosystem of Blockchain
First things first, trading ecosystem must be a secured one to ensure credible scoring. Since data information is that of valuable asset to begin with, it becomes a must for us to prepare secured environment for its distribution on blockchain. There is no need to worry. TOKOIN Platform is not a highway of data distribution for nothing. The platform has all transactions recorded in. With that, the participants are guaranteed fine ecosystem for trading. The participants are not even limited to some parties only. More are involved here.
Of course, this platform does exactly cover everyone involved within, not just the one who runs the business only. Also, TOKOIN Tokens are there as the means for transaction at the exchange. They serve as good signs for credibility scoring. Secured ecosystem is sure to be guaranteed here. Thus, it makes the first reason and benefit you can gain from it. Note this down and make this your first important consideration of this platform. Compared to the others, you can well take its guarantee seriously. It is credible enough to earn your trust and worthy enough to rely on for your own benefit.
- Advantages for Every Participant
As it was hinted before, all participants involved here will benefit from this platform here. They are guaranteed secure ecosystem, indeed. But, it is not the extent of benefit we can gain from this platform. If we have to break things down, there are many people involved in this kind of businesses here. However, we would say there are two main ones we would like to take as example this time. Users particularly, will get access to both business expansion and funding opportunities. That’s the things you expect to get from this, right?
Nothing would be more profitable for users than having the chance to expand their business. With chance to get more funds as well, they are set to succeed in online trading. Just like there are users, there must be partners involved too. As for their share, this platform does give relevant data to the partners. Don’t take such benefit lightly though. When it comes to data distribution in the network, not all of them are relevant enough to be presented. Fortunately, it won’t be the case here. After all, relevancy is that of crucial matters when it comes to data information. This platform knows it well.
- Permanent Record of All Things
Trading ecosystem won’t be secured without proper record of all the information and transactions. That’s not what you call secure otherwise. For that reason, this blockchain platform has been made capable of recording everything necessary permanently. With permanent record like this, nothing can be altered and everything will be kept as it is. That’s what makes it secure. As expected from the number one Indonesian blockchain project, it won’t be wrong for you to entrust everything to this platform here and benefit from this one.
There is more to it in secure ecosystem than what meets the eye, indeed. You can’t expect the same from other platforms that are less secure than this. If the ecosystem they offer is not that safe, it means that the information and transactions are not permanently and properly recorded. Can you entrust your data to such platform then? Rather than worrying over it, it would be a lot safer for us to use the best blockchain platform in the first place. TOKOIN Platform can promise you that. We guarantee that it will satisfy you by meeting your needs. There are still more to gain from this too.
- Perfect Accuracy of the Records
Relevancy is important for data information and transactions without doubt. However, need to be known that it is not the only important aspect you need to make sure of. Another aspect to put your attention to is its accuracy. Being relevant is not enough to ensure that the data is highly accurate. Fortunately, you can really leave everything to this platform. It guarantees even the accuracy of the data information and transactions in the marketplace. Of course, there is proof of them being accurate and you can make sure of that.
It is because all the transactions recorded by the platform are traceable and immutable. As it was said before, the data can’t be changed. It is mainly what makes sure of its accuracy. Also, with it being unchangeable like that, you can easily trace it as needed. It won’t complicate things and get the data you need faster than you think. See? Even the accuracy itself can benefit you more if we go into details like this. So, don’t take this lightly for less accurate data can make difference with the highly accurate one. It is data we are talking about here. It should be correct and specific at most.
- Decentralized Storage for Data
TOKOIN Platform won’t operate aimlessly, of course. Infrastructure is very much necessary in this field of businesses. As you can guess, this platform will operate as one. However, even not all infrastructures would fit enough for the needs here. It has to be one that stores data information in decentralized manner. This is the best manner that many platforms apply on their blockchain technology. Compared to the centralized one, this approach is more beneficial for all of its users. The benefits vary by much for you to know.
It can relieve the burden of business operations, make proper preparation for emergencies, allow for more efficient decision making, and even facilitate expansion. It is not something you can expect from infrastructure that stores data in centralized manner. Such approach is not capable enough to benefit you that much. So, note this fact in your mind too. If you can gain as much benefit as possible from blockchain platform of your choice, why do you doubt of using it then? TOKOIN Platform will do that much for you all and that’s also what proves it the best than the rest of its kind.
We have reached the end of this article now. From the long discussion above, surely you can draw some conclusion about this blockchain platform here. TOKOIN Platform is sure to make the best candidate to building valuable partnership in this line of businesses here. It works to establish acceptable credibility scoring and bring you engaging ecosystem that would be beneficial for business expansion. For more specific benefits of the platform, you can see them from the reasons of it being the best blockchain platform.
Those reasons include it guaranteeing secure ecosystem, benefiting all participants involved, permanently recording all information and transactions, making sure of its accuracy, and operating in decentralized manner. TOKOIN Platform is sure to bring ecommerce to the next level as explained in whitepaper with such benefits to offer. Read through this white paper if you want to learn about it further. You are sure to find more details in it that contributes to it being the number one Indonesian blockchain project that differs it than any others. It is worth considering and it might even help us earn more profit for sure.
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Posted by kurniawan05;u=1187741
ETH: 0x3946bc29197BF793CB796243109b39b019c3fC00
Sep 28 2019
Between Easy Feedback Token and Electronic Money According To Indonesian Laws
During globalization in the economic sector, there is third party effectiveness between companies and consumers. Present to provide easy feedback token, or gifts to consumers.
Easy feedback platform is a new entity in the world of the Indonesian economy, which was born in mid-2015, the presence of this feature in the world of economics is considered very appropriate and effective. Through these features, consumers can contribute to making the system of a company better. This feedback is the mediator between the two consumers and the company. The role of Easy Feedback here accommodates various complaints so that it is better targeted to the company and more effective and intimate. Communication established between consumers and producers. And give a reward called Easy Feedback Token, but the Easy Feedback feature itself uses a single container called Blockchain.
Blockchain as a place to record digital transactions that use cryptocurrency, but its role is different from Bitcoin. Consumers who have provided excellent and constructive feedback for the company will get a reward. Also, it can be an exchange rate for other purposes, keep in mind this is not using the official Indonesian currency, the rupiah.
Some advantages can be obtained by consumers to get these benefits in the world of transactions on easy feedback, such as:
Easy Feedback has invested $ 730,000 in capital to finance product development and commercialization. Since then, more than 200,000. Feedback messages have sent to more than 9,500 companies in 40 countries and their countries. The primary purpose of the Easy Feedback token that is now being a launch to utilize blockchain technology improve services. That has provided and expand the benefits of the tool, and it means profit both companies and customers
Bearing in mind that other countries have legal arrangements related to exchange tools or can be called electronic money generated from rewards for using this Easyfeedback. There are several issues related to electronic money in its existence in Indonesia concerning Blockchain and Bitcoin.
Bitcoin and Blockchain, these two new terms in Indonesia, that between the two terms are entirely different. Blockchain works as a container of transactions that are cheap, fast, and easy to use. Bitcoin is like a commodity that is a necessity and its price from time to time will significantly change and caused Indonesia’s economy decreased
In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto, a young Japanese man, made a discovery that is electronic money, which is familiarly called Bitcoin. This electronic money uses a database that uses cryptographic networks as security. Bitcoin can access by having a Bitcoin address. The role of law enforcement in Indonesia will be challenging to track the existence of this illegal electronic money practice.
As the primary tool in the smooth running of the life of the state, it does not deny the fact that money has a significant role. Therefore the money in Indonesia is given a separate explanation in a document of the Law published in 2011.
Bank Indonesia states the existence of electronic money as a medium of exchange in Indonesia is because only the rupiah should be the single currency in the country Indonesia. Besides, Bank Indonesia as the highest authority in money traffic in Indonesia does not recognize the payment system services for electronic money processing. Law number 7 of this year 2011 translates the form of currency that is known and used in Indonesia is the rupiah; the currency of exchange must issue from the government.
What is a problem of the Easyfeedback Token?
Companies actively seek feedback because this is a strategic tool for achieving excellence, increasing sales, and reputation. In the process of gathering feedback, companies use more resources and channels: directly, by the forum, chat, telephone, web form, email. All chains used to collect input must function to be able to pay attention to customer suggestions and complaints questions. The problem is the lack of internal control when feedback occurs even though the company has invested the money. Second, the lack of human resources in the company to manage the existence of feedback, it is very detrimental to the company.
Easy Feedback has production areas in various places, one of which located in Ireland. In Ireland, 128bit SSL certificates comply with European regulations regarding the personal protection data and Electronic Commerce. Easy Feedback makes extensive use of email. For this purpose, it integrated with the Send grid tool, which allows it to send large-scale email safely and also to control it. It is also easy to have a redundant server other than Ireland, which is Amazon as a critical place. System information is copied to prevent potential disasters.
Feedback quickly collects large amounts of information from all feedback sent by company users. For this information to comply with European regulations on data protection, the feedback has implemented the technical and legal steps required for compliance.
Feedback from customers is not public. The feedback was sent personally to the company management team. If customer complaints do not receive adequate treatment, legal services from Easy Feedback offer the possibility to study the option of filing lawsuits or lawsuits outside the legal process. With the help of legal services from Easy feedback, it allows customers to get convenience so that their rights are guaranteed.
As a conclusion, Easy Feedback Token is a facilitator between companies and consumers, which impacts on obtaining bonuses to consumers who make constructive criticism for the company’s progress in the form of rewards. Using the Blockchain system that is related to Bitcoin, but both of them is different roles. So the Indonesian government is very concerned about this to the point of rejecting the existence of electronic currency or Bitcoin because it is contrary to the Law on money Indonesia.
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Posted by kurniawan05;u=1187741
By admin • Blockchain Technology 191 • Tags: Bank Indonesia, Blockchain, Easy Feedback Token, email, exchange, information, money, online, payment, Social Media