Nov 7 2018
Join Now to Get Around the ICO for the Advertising Decentralized Solution In The World
The solution offered by blockchain technology platforms requires the use of tokens as a medium for exchange. Digitalization has led to a decentralized system to facilitate various transactions. Every digital transaction requires fast and easy payments. Not all vendors that provide payment services have the ability to complete transactions quickly. To provide the right opportunity for transaction settlement, the digital platform provides its own payment instrument.
Solution to payment with tokens can facilitate transactions by increasing efficiency. Using tokens for payments can provide the best solution for digital platforms. Everyone can have the best benefits from using tokens by making purchases at the beginning of the establishment of a platform held to improve the quality of digital transactions. The best-neutralized solution will make everyone have a more optimal opportunity to take advantage of the digital platform.
Around platform is the best digital solution as a solution for advertising using digital media. Advertising is one way for promotions that can help increase sales volume significantly. Utilizing digital advertising is also the best choice because now everyone uses the internet for various purposes. Digitalization is one of the best advertising solutions by utilizing a global network to include more people.
The internet has become a global network that can cover everyone without the limitations of time and region. The use of digital advertising is the best solution where conventional advertising has begun to be abandoned. Platform Around has the best offer for advertising on a global scale. Increasing internet usage is the best reason to switch to using digital advertising. The Neighborhood Ecosystem offers the best features for advertising with various benefits. By utilizing the surround token you can take advantage of every service available on the platform.
Token Arround sales will be carried out at a certain time range. You can make purchases through registration on a web page. ICO is one of the events that can determine the sustainability of platform development. Every fund collected from the sale of tokens at the beginning will be used to finance the development of the platform. Until now, selling tokens is ongoing with the possibility of having a wide-open bonus for you. Purchasing tokens at the beginning of the period will give you a bigger bonus. The chance to get a bonus will be limited along with the number of tokens sold. ICO will be opened according to the specified time span. The number of available tokens has also been set. For now, presale has been completed. Each token sold at the Token and Pre-Sales Tickets will be made automatically and then will be automatically distributed. Even though the distribution provided will be adjusted to the registered funds. The number of tokens available will amount to 3,000,000,000 units as the maximum amount.
Buy The ARR For This Reason
You may have never felt the ease of transacting using digital currencies. Development has now reached ease of payment at a low cost and even free. Services on the blockchain technology platform will certainly require you to have tokens to be able to take advantage of existing services. You can buy ARR Tokens through ICO for the convenience of your transactions on the Arround Ecosystem. As a global-class advertising platform, Arroud will run with block technology to achieve a decentralized system. Here are some reasons that can encourage you to purchase ARR Tokens.
- Establish a Global Brand Partnership
The partnership is one of the best solutions for running a business on a global scale. The success of a business can be seen from the partnership that is owned. Having a partnership with a global brand will make it easier for you to improve your existence.
- Tokens play an important role in driving business models
Implementing a business model for digital platforms will provide opportunities to improve the quality of transactions. Businesses on a global scale need to have an adequate business model. The use of tokens is the best solution for digital business models with decentralized systems. The application of tokens as payment media can also increase the effectiveness and speed of transactions. The costs incurred are also relatively affordable.
- The AR market grows at a very high speed
Market growth is one of the factors that need to be considered for smooth business. The best achievement can be made on high market growth. Profits can also be easily obtained through potential markets. By looking at the existing market potential, you can make predictions for the results you want. Business success can be seen from how the market develops and increases its utilization.
- MVP is available on ios and Android
The use of smartphones is one of the factors that can be easily implemented by a system. Ios and Android are the most widely used operating systems for smartphone users. With operating system integration, software implementation can be done more easily. Smartphones are one of the factors that help improve internet utilization, making it easier to implement digital platforms.
- Products are innovative and comprehensive solutions
Offering more innovative solutions that can be implemented through the Arround ecosystem can provide new experiences in transactions. The platform provides products that are comprehensively able to provide higher opportunities for income.
- Experienced teams with a good track record in the field of digital platform development
Development of a new ecosystem is not an easy thing. Teams must be created by combining various fields of expertise so that they can be adapted to the conditions that occur. Adjustments can be made with the development of a system based on experience.
Arround platform is the best solution to facilitate advertising while earning income. Various solutions for your digital transactions can be done easily by utilizing a technology platform. Partnership with global brands is one of the features that you can use to shape the ease of achieving what you want. The ease of application implementation can also increase sales volume for the smooth running of your business. You can find out more information about developing ecosystems through the website, whitepaper, and Ann Thread.
Ann Thread:
White Paper:
How is the Arround Work?
Arround is one platform that utilizes block technology to increase utilization of the internet. Today’s digitalization leads to changes where the internet does not only have the role of providing information but can also be done to provide value. Arround is built using the concept of Augmented Reality where the concept will provide radical changes to the perspective of the digital world.
At present, Arround is leading a new race in the launch of the blockchain technology platform. Arround will provide a new world for digital products that are very interesting to explore. Millions of people can use their experience in using AR to be shared in the ecosystem. Direct consumer engagement in advertising will be one of the main concepts of using creative campaigns.
Advertisements obtained from consumers based on their experience will certainly increase opportunities. The use of augmented reality and retail outlets can be utilized as the power of large data and targeted campaigns for the first time in history. Arround has support from global partners so that it will help implement the solution for the mass market. The surround will be built using unique offers to increase customer convenience in transactions.
ARR Tokens will be available to you as one of the best payment methods for various services. You will join the global ecosystem to run transactions as revenue. Advertising can be done easily and reaches all people globally. That will certainly cost a lot of money when you use traditional advertising. ARR Tokens will be a payment solution for all revenue and service transactions that are found in the Arround ecosystem.
The Implementation of Blockchain Technology with Smart Contract
The surrounding ecosystem provides convenience by simplifying the process so that each transaction can be carried out effectively. Arround has successfully decompressed the final solution architecture into two subsystems. The system can delete the balance token from the beneficiary (public) system and the second system is the ability to store and process internal information. The platform is made with a universal concept to solve various problems in digital transactions.
Virtual payments will be carried out with the Ethereum base and using a personal platform that can be used as a solution for future transactions. Peer-to-peer system development from a single platform governed by the Ethereum market. The application of blockchain technology to digital transactions is the most appropriate solution to run transactions safely. Besides being able to implement a system for high levels of security, blockchain technology is also able to provide the best solution to accommodate many transactions.
The application of blockchain technology will reduce the use of smart contracts. The use of Smart Contracts will be the foundation for the payment system used on platforms that are able to protect funds. The use of digital currency will direct users to own assets stored in the wallet. Digital assets owned by each user need to be protected so that everyone has the convenience of making transactions. The trust of everyone in digital transactions is very dependent on the level of ecosystem security.
Content distribution will also be carried out safely considering the author’s intellectual rights to content are very important. Every content purchased and distributed on the platform has a high level of security. Rental of AR space in a long period of time will also provide a good opportunity for tenants to make money on each display of ads owned in the AR space. The application of blockchain technology is important to bring digitalization globally.
The Token Distribution After ICO
After ICO, ARR Tokens will be distributed for various purposes related to ecosystem development. Distribution of distribution has been determined and specified in the whitepaper. A total of 3,000,000,000 ARR tokens are available. A total of 48.3% of token sales were carried out on Pre-Sale and Sale Tokens. Then 8.2% will be the bonus token given to the Sale and Pre-Sale Tokens. The Community Development Fund including advisers and partners has a distribution share of 22% of the total token.
The network development fund to support master node holders (NDF) has a distribution of 10%. The development team is also entitled to get a token distribution of 10% and the remaining 1.5 will be distributed on the Bounty program. Each token sold at the sale of a Pre-Sale or token sale token of 0.77 will automatically be created and distributed under token funds.
The funds to be used after the token sale event will be used for several purposes such as development, staffing, marketing & sales, legal and patent fees, administrative and technical fees and other costs. Platform development has the largest percentage of funds usage because development is the most important part of the platform. Contributions made can be applied to all aspects related to ecosystem development.
Platform development will be the main focus of contributors to be able to provide control over the funds that have been given. The benefits of the platform can also be influenced by the success of ecosystem development. The success of the establishment of the platform is marked by the completion of the development process so that the platform can be immediately used to meet the needs. Token distribution will be determined based on the number of funds collected.
Let’s Join Now With Arround Ecosystem
The digital technology platform is now present in front of you by offering interesting features. every feature offered is able to provide maximum benefits with your participation.You can get information related to ecosystem development by joining the Arround social media account. This platform will provide the best solution for the use of blockchain digital technology systems to improve transaction quality. Immediately join by making your contribution to a system that offers transparency and decentralization. Smart contract implementation in blockchain technology will lead you to new transactions where costs can be minimized but profits can be maximized. Immediately join the token sales event to be able to contribute directly to the use of the ecosystem.
Social Media:
Feb 25 2019
Blockchain Helping Rento as Sharing Economy Platform
Nowadays technology is growing rapidly from year to year. Almost in every aspect of life, there are technologies that can help human life. One of the goals of technology is to make it easy for humans to do their jobs. Every day, more and more creativity arises that gives new innovations in existing technologies.
The development of technology today is inseparable from the demands of living. Humans are required to carry out various kinds of activities by not using too much time, space and money. This is what makes humans turn to use modern tools. However, it still requires humans to operate it.
Smartphone is one of the technology that is very close to humans and help in everyday life. Nowadays smartphone has a very important role in human life. Although its function as a communication tool, smartphone also simplify the business and work affairs of its users. As the name implies, you can do business with only one finger. Things like making a letter, sending an email and even transferring money, all can be done on one cellphone. You don’t have to bother opening a laptop to send an email or going to a bank to send money because it has been helped by the presence of a smartphone.
One of the technologies that have created and brought major changes is blockchain technology. Blockchain was introduced in 2009 which also coincided with the introduction of bitcoin by Satoshi Nakamoto. The blockchain is a decentralized system where each transaction does not require an intermediary. To be simpler, at this time every time you make a transaction, you need a bank as an intermediary in sending or receiving money. Meanwhile for the blockchain, there is no intermediary on the transactions made so that it speeds up the process and can be accessed by anyone because the blockchain does not belong to a company or individual. Everyone can access if there is an internet.
The blockchain technology is actually created because of a centralized software work system. When it is compared to centralized systems, the blockchain has many advantages. The strength of the blockchain is that it faces strong attacks and hacked servers. The transaction activity will not stop because there is another server handling the transaction unlike the centralized system that will be cut off once the system is being hacked.
These advantages make blockchain technology adopted by several digital platforms. There is a statement that if the global sharing economy of the industry is combined with blockchain technology, it will change the state of the human economy. One of the example is Rento. Rento is a global sharing economy application that offers loans for underutilized products or assets. The Blockchain offers transparency that can be accessed by anyone and that also applies to Rento in running its platform.
Ann Thread:
White paper:
Blockchain changes the global sharing of the industrial economy
Using blockchain technology is the right choice for Rento because the blockchain has the advantages of transparency, smart contracts, and irreversible records. This certainly provides an opportunity for Rento to be able to change the industry of sharing economy to become more advanced and trusted. If you are curious about what can be done by blockchain technology to change the industry of sharing economy, here are the list:
One of the advantages of the blockchain is the transparency that occurs in every transaction. You can see and access information and transactions that occur. Data that is accessed and available is not possible to be manipulated because every changes in the data must be in accordance with the actual transaction. That is what will be applied to the Rento platform.
The sharing economy can run well if you get trust not only from the borrower but also from the product or asset lender. The blockchain technology will provide all relevant information about the assets or products to be lent. The information can also be accessed by each party easily just by connecting to the internet. With the transparency of the sharing economy, it can also minimize interactions between potential borrowers and lenders to maintain transparency in the ecosystem.
If you make a transaction through a bank, there is an additional fee if you transfer to different bank. Usually each bank has its own set of costs for each transaction. Likewise, if you do an overseas transaction, you will be charged a huge fee which will automatically be deducted from your balance. This is because banks also consider the conversion costs of foreign exchange, transfer fees, and the cost of sending money.
On the blockchain, the transaction fees charged are far lower than centralized systems like bank. You do not need to pay more when doing every transaction on the blockchain even the cost is cheaper than through the traditional bank. Besides being cheap, the transaction process is only a fraction of a second. Unlike traditional bank transactions that take a long time to be processed. The ease, speed, and transparency of this transaction can occur also because of the digital cash.
A transparent blockchain system makes all people who access can see all the relevant informations. So the possibility of crime and fraud is getting lower. The openness of the blockchain structure also complicates the movement of fraudsters to commit crimes. In addition, with the validation methodology, it will ensure the authenticity of each feedback provided. Therefore, there is little possibility of fraud on a transparent blockchain structure and every information is validated.
The smart contract exists with the aim of creating a binding agreement or agreement consisting of several parties. The smart contract was first conceived by a cryptographer named Nick Szabo. If you usually store the information in the form of documents, then in the blockchain smart contract takes the form of a code. Contracts that occur later are of a permanent nature that cannot be changed again.
Smart contracts are actually made to overcome trust problems that usually arise if people make a transaction or borrow goods or products. With the existence of a smart contract, payments and transactions will be guaranteed and deposits will also be saved when the goods are being lent. It certainly provides protection against financial risks that may occur when goods are lent. The smart contract also offers efficient risk priority mechanisms.
Rento was created to provide convenience and speed in borrowing goods. But besides that, Rento also wants to grow the sharing of the economic ecosystem more broadly than the existing industry. Like hotels and transportation that have already run the industry. Therefore, Rento wants to cover other fields that have potential in this sharing economy industry. One of them is daily products or services. The platform is created to facilitate all lending and borrowing activities using blockchain technology. The technology also will ensure international transactions run safely and smart contracts that facilitate goods collateral.
Ann Thread:
White paper:
The Key Components of Rento Ecosystems
As previously explained, Rento wants to expand its ecosystem to exceed the existing industry. To be able to run it all, of course, it requires the consistency and development of the main components of Rento so that the desired ideals are achieved. Therefore there are three key components of the Rento ecosystem. The three are:
The application is one of the key of Rento Ecosystem. The aims of Rento is to share the industrial economy in a larger scope. So it will not only focus on transportation, real estate, and hospitality industries but also other industry which also is useful for people. Such as daily use items, office rooms, meeting rooms, equipment tools, hardware devices, construction tools, cameras, and other items, goods, or service that will likely be useful and needed. There are features available on the platform in order to make the rentals getting easier. Those are the feature for the users or the borrower:
a) The listing page
Listing page is one of the important feature available in the platform. In this section, there is a list of all the available products and services ready for being rented by the borrower. It also supports many classifications such as searching filter and geo-filters that will help you in searching relevant items needed.
b) Search Engine
This feature will help the customers to search what the product or service that they need. In addition, It also has the filter and sorting capabilities to make the customer easier searching product.
c) The Renting calendar
The calendar feature in the Rento application is used to see whether the product and service they need is available or not. Every product and service its availability can be seen in this feature. In addition, later Rento will launch its new feature called “Book-in-advanced” once the platform is launched. Users can also approach a product based on their listed opening.
d) Feedback
Rento provides feedback features where borrowers can give their ratings and feedback after renting the product or service that they need based on the experience that they get while using it. In this case, blockchain technology is very helpful in preventing and minimizing the feedback manipulative provided on the platform.
After knowing the feature of the users, there are also features available for the listing owner. The feature available helps the listing owner to monitor its active product or service which is being rent. Therefore, it is different from the users. These are the features for listing owners:
a) Active Listing
This feature will help the listing owner or the lenders to find its active listings in one location. The listing owners can also see the renting schedule for its product or services on the active listing page.
b) Listing and Advertising package details
For listing owners, they can access the details package on the dashboard. In addition, Rento will provide points to service providers or businesses if they have finished registering. Later, Rento will also introduce ad positions and premium listings after 2020.
c) Customer Insight
Customer insight feature is available for listing owners so they understand how the customers behaviour. In addition, this feature can also provide rental preferences and some parameters so that the business can develop better.
The advantages of blockchain technology seem to be suitable for the application of the global sharing economy. Rento is one of those who has used the technology on its platform. Rento creates an ownership blockchain that has different features for sharing the global economy. In addition, Rento made the chain specifically for the global sharing economy. Making sure that it is the best database needed for Rento ecosystem.
a) Custom Smart Contract Facility
At present, Rento requires a special smart contract that has the flexibility to be able to expand the functionality to face challenges in the future. It is because on the blockchain platform there are currently no special smart contracts that Rento needs.
b) Handle dispute resolution
When disputes between borrowers and lenders occur, Rento must have full control of the blockchain system. So it needs its own blockchain so that problems can be resolved in accordance with local regulations. This cannot happen if Rento uses a blockchain from a third party.
As the name implies, Rento Model Store is a rental shop that will provide various rental products such as household appliances, lawn tractors, and scooters. All rental transactions remain through the Rento platform. The presence of Rento Model Store can also strengthen credibility and promote the vision of sharing economy directly. Another advantage gained from using this service is that feedback will be immediately heard by Rento from the customer after they use the product or asset they rent.
The Rento Model Store service also opens up the possibility of becoming a franchise brand where if there are people who are interested in operating the Rento Model Store under the Rento franchise, they must achieve a number of conditions in accordance with the franchise agreement.
Ann Thread:
White paper:
Posted by: kurniawan05;u=1187741
By admin • Blockchain Technology 148 • Tags: Ann Thread, business, fraud, information, money, Rento Model Store, service, smartphone, Social Media, technology