May 10 2018
Making Your Data Count: Introducing Opiria Ecosystem
The internet has been both a miracle and a great disaster for a technological marvel. In one side, the flow of information is faster than anything ever compared by any means before, that is a good thing indeed. But In the other side, your private information becomes very vulnerable by sort of thievery, misconduct, misuse, etc. this is all occurring without your concern. The data that lies within the internet system is ripe for taking, especially for those who already mastered the internet technology. Having a deep understanding of internet will make you feel like inside a free market, where everything is free, including your personal information.
We have seen any hideous private information thievery, for instance, is Facebook. Currently, the U.S sued Zuckerberg for suspicion of personal data thievery that occurred on Facebook. The data is being used for political campaign or whatsoever that is finally revealed and brought to justice. This will show you how vulnerable your data are. And therefore you need to protect that. The data are being used for market research and customer behavioral pattern to understand what kind of trending that the world now recognizes.
This is a normal phase of market research. But since it is done without your approval and conscience, therefore it’s illegal. You should know that your data are worth a penny, and therefore how if, by your conscience and approval, sells your data? That is when Opiria kicks in.
Opiria is a new intermediary party that will provide a service for you to sell your data. At first, this sounds terrible, but this is better rather than your data being stolen, and you didn’t receive any compensation. Don’t you know that your email worth money? Don’t you know that completing a survey worth money? That is all worth your time and effort, and Opiria will make it happen just for you. This is a new way of acquiring money in this age of information, as the personal data is the oil of 21st century, that what Opiria says about your data. For any further information regarding the company or the platform, you can visit several links below.
Why Opiria?
Opiria a is a unique platform with a unique purpose, which are to safeguards your data, and to provide the market for it so you can sell it by your approval. Opiria have many clients which several of them are members of the Fortune 500, or the biggest and most famous multi-national companies such BMW, PNG, MERCEDES BENZ, INTEL, and so on. Those companies are desperately want to know what is their customer want, what is the best product that they ever hope, and what is the cost that relatively acceptable to them. Such question needs further information, and the information source will be you, and it comes with a price.
Opiria also deploys a cutting-edge technology that will protect your animosity and your data from being stolen. We deal with transaction, not thievery. Therefore every data you provide to all the clients will worth your time and effort. The ecosystem that is currently deployed is the blockchain technology that will ensure data protection and animosity for all our members, and it also keeps a very strict ledger so every flow of information will be recorded. This will include every transaction, interviews, email and so forth.
There are also all sorts of features that will make you comfortable when transacting your data. We have a mobile app which is pretty convenient for you to use, and we also have an emotional reader, eye tracker, shopping behavior, opinion and feedback features, and so on. That is why Opiria can become a potential partner for your business. All sort of those things is kept in secret just between you, the intermediaries and the client. If will not be leaked since the platform has been securely protected by the blockchain and by any other features that ensure protection.
Opiria, we protect your data from thievery
The consumers of our platform have grown exponentially in one year. As for 2017, our customer has been 4000 people with 150 clients. And as for 2018, the consumer has been skyrocketed to 100.000. And those number will still grow, as our expected number for 2023 are 250.000.000 customer with 27.000 clients. By choosing Opiria as your data provider, means that you will know a hundred thousand people who will judge your products, and give the feedback so that your innovation and expansion will not fail.
There are also several reasons why choose Opiria, especially for all our members
- Full authority over personal data
Your personal data will be protected and controlled by you. It is all up to you whether to sell it or to just keep it. The clients will offer a request for your personal data. It is up to you whether to comply or to refuse the offering. But be advised the more you deny the data request, you will get such request seldom.
- No misuses of personal data
The term misuse is pretty unfair here since all companies mainly just want to discover what kind of market they are dealing with. The misuse actually occurred in the term of personal data thievery. The thievery that lead misuse and therefore must not happen at all cost in the future. But by utilizing Opiria, such misuse will never happen since your data are being sold with your approval.
- Anonymity
Regardless of how much your personal data being sold, you will stay anonym in our ecosystem. Whereas you will be fully exposed in the current ecosystem, which is in the ecosystem of thievery and misuse of personal data information. With our cutting-edge protection technology, you will remain anonym even you have sold your data.
- Information precision
At first, the surveys that being held by any companies will be adversely incorrect since people will provide fake information and thus failing to supply the market demand. This leads to billions of dollar wasted and threatening bankruptcy. With our current platform, all market research will be widely participated with great enthusiasm since all people are rewarded by their contribution towards the survey and thus will result in providing correct and precise information.
- Direct data transaction
In the usual ecosystem of data trading, there will be a lot of middleman in the process, such the data broker. The data broker usually will impose a very strict and limited database which are not quite precise and genuine as the people getting more frightened in sharing their preferences online due to the data thievery. By using our ecosystem, getting an accurate and valid data will be guaranteed since the consumer will be rewarded by giving their testimonies or interviews regarding a certain project or product.
Those are but a little example of the benefit of using our platform. For further information you can visit one of the links below:
On The Mechanism Of Data Trading
Several features of Opiria to gather information
In this segment, we will be explaining about the mechanism that involves in data gathering within Opiria ecosystem. As we should already know, there are three main parties that involved in the whole transaction process, they are the consumer, or the people who are selling their data, the platform, or Opiria which will be an intermediate between the consumer and the clients, and finally the client, who request the data from the consumer.
The transaction mainly conducted by a token called the PDATA token or token in short. This token is some reward that will be given by a client to a consumer after conducting several interviews or filling out a questionnaire. The token is a cryptocurrency that is provided by Opiria which will be explained shortly later.
At first, the client will purchase several PDATA token from Opiria, then Opiria will provide a variety of services that are available to a client. The client then will contact the customer about their willingness to share their private data information. After both contracts have agreed, the interview or the data gathering commences. Afterward, the company then will reward the consumer with the token that worth money. There are, a lot of information gathering techniques that the company will employ, and therefore the consumer will be asked whether or not they agree to the term.
And as for the token, the sales are very promising. The pre-sales are hitting 2 million dollars, the pre-sales will last until 15th June. The price per coin is 0.10 $, and a minimum contribution for the presales are 2.500$. There are the benefits of contributing for the pre-sales since it will give you a 20% bonus after the public sales commenced. The Pre-sale will have a hidden cap. If the hidden cap is triggered, sales will stop and the main sale will begin in 24 hours. There will be roughly 450 million tokens available for sales in the public sales, the main sale will start on 16th June and end at 14th July, and will last until it hit the cap of 5M dollars. The cap then will be raised to 35M dollars afterward and will keep on going until the token are exhausted.
All sort of cryptocurrency is welcome such ETH, BTC, and XRP. No known restriction will hinder the transaction unless you are living in a particular country such China, Guatemala, USA, Canada, and a few others are unable to participate due to legal restriction. Any other countries who have not such regulations are welcomed to join.
There are several utilities for the token, such as:
- Purchasing personal data
As for the company, all transaction within the ecosystem including the payment of the personal data will be done by the token, no other currencies are allowed.
- Conducting extensive surveys
Besides purchasing the data from the databanks, the token also could be given by the company to the consumer as a reward after doing some extensive research. The market research method is up to the clients, but compensation in the form of the token is mandatory. So for the client to collect the information from the consumer, they need to purchase the token first.
Here are also several ways for the consumer to obtain the token:
- Personal data selling
Once you purchase the token, therefore you will be asked to deposit your data. After you deposit your data, you can obtain the token as a reward for selling it.
- Doing interview or any other data gathering process
There is also the data request from the client to the consumer. They will have their methods in gathering data, such the interview for instance. By participating in such process, you can collect more token.
Conclusion and risks
Besides the prospect for the cryptocurrency, such as the huge worth of dollar and prospective for the future, there also lies several risks that should be concerned for those who consider purchasing and using the services of Opiria.
By the growing trend of cryptocurrency, the skepticism will also arouse. This has been proven by several countries banning the transaction of cryptocurrency, or at least highly monitor it flows and circulation. There will be several laws and regulation that will be imposed upon all platforms that employ the cryptocurrency as such one is not yet existed. We believe that if the legal platform has been enacted, there will be a dramatic change in the structure of our company and thus affecting the whole transaction.
There are also several risks regarding the sustainability of the cryptocurrency itself, the business risk, and the financial risk of it. But we believe those risk will be decreased as the legal platform has been enacted and therefore the transaction of cryptocurrency has been cleared up. The token is also not an investment product. Therefore we cannot guarantee the prospect of our token to be elevated shortly. It is just a currency within the Opiria platform to gather the information and data needed by the company to all the consumer. Lastly, we strongly suggest before making any kind of transaction or contribution, please read the disclaimer in the whitepaper as seen below:
Ann thread:
Jul 5 2018
Opiria Platform for Transparent and Secure Buying and Selling Consumer Data
Data is essential to compile valuable information. Data becomes the necessary material needed to process a wealth of information which will then be used for decision of policy. The need for data makes Opiria’s digital platform engaged in sales and purchases of data. For example, a company needs consumer data to analyze the purchasing power of products produced for both goods and services. Existing data can pinpoint sales targets appropriately and match buyer needs. Each data has a high level of security so that only limited use of information is used for survey or analysis purposes only. Any personal data will be protected so that data misuse will not occur.
Companies around the world need personal data consumers to provide the best service to consumers. Opiria Platform will bridge consumers to deliver their data and provide benefits to consumers with some money. That means with the given personal data. The platform will provide reciprocity of the personal information provided. Personal data purchases can be made directly by the company to the consumer by redeeming some PDATA tokens. As a digital platform, Opiria uses a currency-like symbol that provides the value of personal data. Trading system also allows using Smart Contract in the blockchain. The relationship between consumers and companies can be established globally through the Opiria Platform. Opira will provide convenience and benefits for both parties. The Company will obtain accurate data and the consumer will earn from the data provided for the company.
Opiria platform can bring together millions of consumers from all over the world with companies from across the globe as well. Personal data will be provided safely, transparently and fairly, using blockchain technology. As a consumer, you also have the opportunity to choose which company you will sell the data. The platform will provide convenience for every consumer or company in data distribution. Payments with PDATA will be presented to consumers of each company using personal data of consumers. Any data provided is subject to consumer approval. Token PDATA will be used as a form of respect for the data consumers are given. Opiria still uses the General Data Protection Rules Guideline (GDPR) in running data exchange between consumers and companies. Get full information via whitepaper and ann thread.
Ann Thread:
White Paper:
Why Companies Need Consumer Data?
Every company needs to be able to survive in the market by providing products that benefit consumers. The question is how do companies know what consumers need? To understand that every company would need consumer data. Personal data can help companies to create innovative products and services that suit everyone’s needs. With consumer data, companies can also precisely define their marketing targets. The right target can also help the company to stay active for the income. The company also competes with emerging new companies to contribute in providing services to consumers.
A few moments ago some operations provided data unethically so that the consumer data needed to get protection. Providing data with consumer approval will undoubtedly facilitate the company in obtaining more accurate data. Consumers who consent to some data will maintain the privacy of data and compensate consumers. Companies that need data can join the Opiria Platform because this platform will reward consumers with the data provided. PDATA will be a form of compensation that will be presented to every consumer. The platform will maintain data confidentiality and offer bridges to both parties to obtain data and compensation. Reflecting the rules against general data makes the provision of information can be made without having to violate the privacy of each consumer. Companies can obtain data for analysis purposes conveniently and accurately.
How does Opiria Platform Work?
The presence of protection against personal data makes Opiria aware of the importance of data from each consumer. On the other hand, the company still needs personal data for business purposes. This condition makes Opiria has a role in protecting consumer data as well as provide a platform for consumers to share data required by the company. Opiria becomes an open market for data distribution that gives consumers the ease of controlling and choosing which companies can use their data. It will undoubtedly provide comfort to the consumers. Specific personal data provided can also be tailored to the needs of the company. Any data provided by consumers will give a reasonable amount of compensation from the company. Compensation is presented as a sign of approval of the use of personal data provided by consumers.
PDATA tokens become a form of appreciation given by the company to every customer who provides data. Opiria will become a global market with a decentralized system for the purchase of personal data without intermediaries. Companies can directly obtain personal data from consumers. Every consumer associated with the platform can provide their data by filling out the profile. Consumers also have access to offer data limits that can be accessed by the company. Data that can be obtained and which can not even be quickly set. Any data disclosed to the platform can be sold to the company with the consent of the consumer. Thus the consumer can know which companies are using their data. When the consumer agrees to provide some data, the consumer will get some PDATA tokens as a form of legitimate payment. When payment has been made, the company may obtain the necessary personal data.
The Utility of Token PDATA As an Award to The Consumers
Opiria platforms are the safest place to run personal data trading and provide appropriate rewards to consumers. Transparent trading can be an advantage of the platform so that every consumer who provides data can quickly identify the company that bought the data. Payouts with PDATA Tokens make consumers appreciated with respect and honor. The availability of utilities can be realized with the enactment of PDATA Token. Companies that need personal virgin can purchase PDATA tokens first. After that, the company can buy data from consumers directly through the platform by sending surveys. When the consumer has earned a PDATA Token, the consumer has sold personal data to the company and joined the study. Requests from personal data may be accepted by consumers who already have some PDATA tokens first.
For companies, tokens can be a form of purchasing data from consumers coming from a database with a token PDATA. Companies can spend all tokens owned to send surveys to consumers directly. Through surveys, consumers will have provided specific personal data with PDATA tokens. Consumers will receive PDATA tokens as a result of the sale of personal data. PDATA tokens can be used by consumers to continue to join the survey. Consumers entering the platform can have full control over the data provided. The platform will provide full protection of data and privacy shared with both platforms and companies. Every consumer who joins the ecosystem also obtains a reasonable compensation guarantee.
The system of awarding some PDATA tokens to each participating consumer will make everyone willing to provide personal data. With the Opiria platform, the company will obtain accurate personal data so that decisions taken to conduct the survey can be determined appropriately. Opiria allows companies to get data quickly and qualified. In some cases, companies can also specify more specific data. The accuracy of the data for the survey will support the company to achieve better targets. The Opiria platform will provide the best for consumers and companies incorporated in the ecosystem. Currently, you can also obtain some PDATA tokens through registration on the website.
Get your Monetize Data with PDATA Token
Opiria can be a place that provides opportunities for accurately obtaining personal data. A decentralized system with a clear concept will help companies and consumers readily exchange data. Ease and comfort coupled with Smart Contract side keeping with PDATA Token. Token will be used as the currency of the platform to reward consumers. PDATA tokens also act as currency values that can reveal the importance of personal data. To provide consumers can monetize personal data owned. Opiria’s concept includes ease in determining privacy to consumers to make decisions about data that can be accessed by the company. A globally decentralized market for securely and conveniently trading personal data will be realized with Opiria applying the concept of blockchain technology.
The purpose of Opiria is to provide an increase to the sale of tokens with the development of the Opiria ecosystem. Increased users can be done by providing concrete evidence of the benefits and income from the sale of personal data. To be able to introduce the platform globally, it needs to be presented to everyone to contribute data. The more people who participate will make it easier for companies to obtain precise and accurate data for business development. Opiria also has a target to get 27,000 subscribers by 2023. Market research will also include countries with the most relevant level around the world. To get the latest information, you can join social media from Opiria. You also make it possible to discuss platforms and meet many people.
Social Media:
The target of Consumer Achievement by Opiria
As a platform that moves in data sales, then Opiria needs to obtain data from consumers in an infinite amount. To collect accurate data, companies can make the data provided by consumers as the source of the survey. Giving many tokens to consumers is helping consumers earn revenue from data obtained. In 2018 Opiria will get 100,000 Consumer with 150 customers and nine sales partners. The increase will be done significantly with the target in 2023 with the number of 250 million consumers and 37 thousand customers and 50 sales partners. Significant progress will be made to maximize sales and revenue for customers who join the ecosystem.
Ecosystem development to get everyone to earn digital income. The digital platform will help everyone to facilitate profit earning. Digital tokens will help everyone be rewarded for any data they have. The moral of the company in obtaining accurate data will make every company able to analyze and decide the right policy. Opiria will play an important role to assist the company in taking the best steps through the survey. Smooth exchanges will be available with platform roles with global access and transparency. Support from the blockchain technology provided will help the platform continue to increase consumers so that the company’s convenience to obtain accurate data following the needs. For more precise information, you can also send messages through web pages.
Get PDATA Token Immediately to Participate with the Ecosystem
Your participation can be done by gaining ease in getting profit. For you to participate, then you need to purchase some tokens through the website page. The token can be acquired through website pages with PDATA price starting USD 0.10. Token sales will end until July 14, 2018, so it will make it easier for you to earn revenue. Earn up to 15% bonus by immediately joining the ecosystem. Contributions may be made under the applicable law. Contributors must also complete some documents to verify KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti Money Laundering). Any information submitted will be the fundamental data of verification. Verification results will also be provided via email you specify.
The number of tokens available will be limited, so you need to join the token sales event immediately. The purchase of token begins with Ethereum intending to being converted into a blockchain token shape that is in the future. The use of tokens will be beneficial for the future so you should consider buying tokens right now. The token collected will be distributed following Opiria Smart Contract. Token PDATA will be unlocked 30 days after TGE. Then the bonus will open 30 days after unlocking the main tokens. Immediately contribute with Opiria to earn income from personal data you provide. The use of blockchain technology is the main thing to gain ease and speed of transactions. You will be faced with the use of technology that can support transparent transactions so you can find out what the company needs data. Besides, companies that buy your data can also be readily known to you.
By admin • Blockchain Technology 805 • Tags: Ann Thread, business, convenience, information, Monetize Data, PDATA, purchasing, technology, TGE, token