Jul 6 2018
The Flogmall Platform for The Great Revolution of E-Commerce and Investment in The Future
Digitalization has a positive impact on many aspects of life. Online purchases and sales have become a growing digital marketplace. The use of the digital market to acquire every human need will help you to have the convenience. Every feature possessed by the concept of the digital market certainly has some drawbacks. Trust becomes the central capital for online sales to be at the level of success. Purchasing goods and services transparently will undoubtedly increase the level of confidence so that it can increase transaction volume. The quality of the products or services obtained from the online platform also needs to be taken into account. Maintaining trust and customer satisfaction is the main thing that every online business needs to do.
Increasing the technology empowerment to support life is so important that everything can be done quickly and precisely. Technology that supports digital sales globally has started to open on the internet. Everyone anywhere can connect without any obstacles. When everyone is easily connected then began to emerge on a digital platform where it can facilitate every human need. Digitalization began to change the concept of the market where everything is done in the virtual world. Everything you can get without face to face with the seller. To support the role of the market in facilitating human activities, the FLOGmall present as a digital platform that brings together sellers and buyers.
FLOGmall comes as a form of marketing that can be used by producers or sellers to trade their products. The platform will help you as a seller to get consumers with a broader market reach. FLOGmall provides a place capable of presenting products qualitatively to attract buyers. An increase in the consumer’s trust index is also noticed by providing many exciting features. Sellers can easily get subscriptions when they have an excellent product qualification. FLOGmall aims to change the market of goods and services as a whole armed with market analysis with marketing targets throughout Indonesia. A free bulletin will get you that can bring together buyers and sellers. Each service is accessible by using tokens so that the platform is a revolution of e-commerce and investment.
The International E-Commerce has been present in FLOGmall Platform
Existing and running e-commerce does not always have the right access to market the product to the world. Existing e-commerce tends to be at the marketing level of a single country while access to existing networks can connect everyone from different directions. The international market concepts need to be developed from the beginning of the founding of the platform so that it can reach the target market quickly. FLOGmall has been present as a platform with the aim of connecting all people from all over the world to enjoy the services of a highly secure, convenient and affordable market of goods and services offered at an affordable cost. FLOGmall implements a payment system with tokens as a form of increased transaction convenience. The token will speed up transaction settlement to provide services to all ecosystem participants.
The concept store brought by FLOGmall provides its uniqueness called LiveStore. The store will directly offer up-to-date information regarding in-store developments such as best-selling sales, to the ongoing conditions of the store. The concept will reduce the level of a fictitious store so that only real existing stores can update information. The content provided by the seller can be a recent video and a blog about the seller. Anything distributed by the seller can show the real goods and services offered. LiveStore format can help you to have a reasonable assessment by confirming the authenticity of the quality of the products or services provided. The concept of platform development can be found entirely through white paper and ann thread.
Ann: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2772079.0
White Paper: https://flogmall.com/wp/
The Differentiate FLOGmall with The Unique Concept To International E-Commerce
Exciting features offered by FLOGmall as a form of innovation for the market that is currently available. To attract buyers, FLOGmall needs to provide unique and useful features for buyers. This concept will help sellers maximize revenue by utilizing the functions provided by FLOGmall. The LiveStore concept can increase the credibility and trust of everyone to spend money on a digital platform. The unique and creative idea of FLOGmall can be through LiveStore poured in several sales concepts as follows.
- The seller can show store, production office in video format to improve business confidence. Recent store condition updates can also be easily done live. The recording you make will have an opportunity to enhance your store reputation.
- The store declaration will be provided via video that is easily accessible to the audience. You can quickly provide information about the latest services, promotions, and products that are in your real store.
- Video ads can be easily marketed. Short videos can serve as the most effective medium for introducing your products to the public.
- FLOGmall will give you the opportunity to create a video blog to report an essential promotional event.
- With video concepts, you will also have the chance to stream video streaming, game models, and video auctions. You can make streaming sales that are part of the platform feature.
- The platform is very open to run video ads to increase transaction volume. Any video contained on the platform will also be automatically protected.
The concept of sales by prioritizing digital media such as video will facilitate the buyer in determining the product. Live streaming will help everyone know the current state of the store, and prove that your business exists. LiveStore helps you to increase the confidence of buyers who are looking for products or services that suit your needs. FLOGmall becomes the most comfortable platform to find your daily needs without having to worry about the authenticity of the store.
FLOGmall provides Convenient in Token Exchanges
The currently developed digital platform uses the concept of applying tokens as a payment method. This token becomes a digital currency or cryptocurrency that supports ease and transact. The idea of token use has been widely adopted to help ease of payment. FLOGmall uses the Mallcoin token as a payment unit used for every transaction located on the FLOGmall system. Mallcoin becomes a token of a limited number, so there is no inflation going on in the long run. The token sales event is held to redistribute many tokens at the start to obtain contributors. Support for platform establishment will help ecosystems dash. The exchange of cryptocurrency plays an essential role in maintaining the liquidity of transactions on the platform.
The exciting innovation of FLOGmall is the built-in concept that is available to exchange tokens automatically. This concept is called ATES which is dedicated to Mallcoin. Any accredited investor may have the opportunity to resell the MLC held within one year after purchase. Transparent and straightforward systems can be upgraded with internal tokens assessed by algorithms concerning the level of clarity. This will help you gain open access to internal tokens. Clarity algorithm in token sales will always be maintained between site and seller customers. ATES will have the authority to make purchases of MLC directly on the available site. ATES manufacture is first intended for token holders who make purchases on preSale, PreICO, and ICO.
Terms and Conditions for Distributing Token and Making Token Applicable by FLOGmall
There are several conditions that each contributor needs to understand after having a token. The requirements that need to be considered by each contributor will know with certainty the concept applied in the platform. The tokens obtained from the FLOGmall team will be blocked within two years. The period of six months and its use is limited. Each bounty participant who has a token will be stuck for three months. Allocation of 2,500,000 MLC tokens is used for real charity support. The project will be assisted by funding with token sales within eight years. All periods will be gradually blocked token tokens. Blocking will be done for each month in the range of 1% of the total number of tokens that apply unless the last amount represents the remaining tokens to be cashed.
FLOGmall will provide a backup token that will be partially blocked and used when needed only. Especially for a backup token, will be free from blocking of 20% and then be used to keep the work running. As much as 80% of the total overall backup tokens will begin to be distributed in May 2019. The distribution process will last for two years. The distribution also intends to attract new users in the international market. The addition of the number of ecosystem participants will increase the level of liquidity of the transaction so that will facilitate the achievement of the transaction target. When you are interested in joining a token contribution, you can register on a web page. Your donation can be made within a specific time frame. Then you need to be very clear about when token sales period will take place.
Website: https://flogmall.com/
The Token Types and The Review Of Crowdsale Event
FLOGmall uses Mallcoin as a token to make payments for transactions made within the ecosystem. Mallcoin Token (MLC) is a security token whose offer is offered to accredited investors. Any investor who will contribute will be executed based on the requirements stated in the rules. Procedures in purchasing an MLC token are worth noting because each country certainly has different jurisdiction laws. The purchase of tokens as a form of contribution may be made from jurisdictional legal considerations imposed on a nation. The acquisition of tokens can only be made through crowdsale. This will make it easier for anyone to have a limited number of tokens. Each sales period also has different time limits and distribution numbers.
PreSale has taken place on the platform from 14 December to 14 January. Soft cap specified at presale is $ 500,000. Mallcoin’s sales are at 1 ETH for 6000 MLC. The specified hard cap is $ 1,000,000. After PreSale, Pre-ICO will be enforced on the FLOGmall and crowdfunding platforms. The pre-ICO is implemented from 22 February to 22 March 2018 with Softcap 3000 ETH at 1 ETH sales level for 3000 MLC. Hardcap in this period amounted to 6000ETH. Then the most awaited is the ICO which will be held on FLOGmall platform. ICO will take place from 26 April to 21 July 2018. The value of soft cap from ICO is 8,000,000 $ and hardcap 24 000 000$ with a sales rate of 1 ETH for 2000 MLC. On ICO contributions can be made with Ethereum, Bitcoin, KickCoin. ICO dates may be rescheduled or extended. You can follow updated information through the website or also social media.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/flogmall
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/flogmallico
Telegram: https://t.me/flogmallen
The FLOGmall Platform for The New Cryptocurrency
The transition of fiat currency usage to digital currency is inseparable from the continued use of online transaction services. Payments with third parties are considered more expensive as they apply a certain amount of fees. Cryptocurrency signifies that a new era in finance has begun. Digital currency can be used as a valid payment method following the provisions of the platform. FLOGmall creates a new layer of cryptocurrency holders. Each holder is not a miner or trader or investor. Every person who is incorporated in the ecosystem will have an audience role that will use cryptocurrency to transact. Every transaction made will be related to the purchase and sale of goods and services.
FLOGmall provides an ecosystem environment that puts the best experience to faithful participants. Both the seller and the buyer will get exciting features to engage in digital transactions. The FLOGmall platform will act as a market that brings sellers and buyers into new concepts. The LiveStore concept can erase issues in the e-commerce world associated with fictitious stores and quality that do not fit the description. The use of cryptocurrency can help speed in settlement of transactions that occur within the ecosystem. Everyone will have the opportunity to get cryptocurrency in the ecosystem.
Let’s Get The New Experiences in The Future E-Commerce with FLOGmall Platform
The future becomes the primary focus of the development of every technology that exists today. In the future, it is expected that every utilization of technology can be done with the maximum. Starting the entry of the world into the era of digitalization, the more ease the movement of humans in conducting activities. One of the most significant improvements is in the sales and purchases online. E-commerce becomes a concept that connects everyone with shopping sites for both goods and services with a simple running system. The increasing use of cryptocurrency also triggers the creation of a comfortable and secure digital payment system for every digital transaction.
FLOGmall becomes one of the platforms that are ready to provide convenience and convenience in e-commerce transactions. As a form of revolution from e-commerce, FLOGmall presents a new concept of LiveStore. Features in LiveStore greatly facilitate the ease of interaction delivered with video. Various types of videos you can apply such as blogs, ads, and the current situation of the stores that are incorporated in the platform. These features are on a platform that can be used to increase sales volume. The use of video also affects the authenticity of the store. Immediately join the FLOGmall platform and get the latest revolutionary e-commerce experience.
Jul 11 2018
Avoiding Annoying Ads By Vidy Platform
The world of digital marketing has grown exponentially, and opening up to so many opportunities. So many things are opening up such as the advertisements which come in various forms, the social media and so many others. The positive trait of such advancement is that you can access so many things inside the internet and many other than you required, and that is an excellent thing for the web. There is a lot of information that is circulated within the realm of the web, from thousands of ads, youtube content, exciting event, online shop and so on. Such revolutionary finding is never an impactful as internet creation.
But due to the massive amount of information that has been collected throughout the ages, several annoying things can be found on the internet. In this case, we are talking about malware, viruses, and of course ads. Ads is not a harmful thing that can damage your pc in any conceivable once, or at least the legit ads. What makes the ads annoying here is the vast amount of it that can be seen in every corner of the internet from the simple webpage or blog site to the YouTube channel and Facebook page as well.
Digital marketing is seamless and limitless, there are thousands of opportunity that lies just behind every corner, but ads is one of the dark and annoying sides of the internet that one tends to avoid as best as they can. Once an ads pop up in their pc or mobile screen, they will start searching for a cross mark to close the ads as soon as they can and continue doing whatever they are doing. The pop ads, therefore, are the most annoying forms of internet ads that can be found on the internet. There are several reasons why ads are much hated among the people.
There are no words that best described the annoying advertisements that suddenly pop up out of nowhere. Imagine that you are about to click some vital button in a webpage and suddenly you are being redirected to fraud as that is not legit, or to a slow loading page, and you have to do that multiple times to proceed to the desired button. That is indeed frustrating, and that is why the amount of free and aid adblocker and adware blocker are raising significantly due to the demand of the people or internet user.
Imagine that you are a male and need a laptop or mobile phone, and you need some ads to compare your desired stuff or want a preference, but the ads that keep popping is gaming app or adult ads that have zero relevance to your needs. Ads are okay since that is the most efficient way for a particular company to promote their stuff and let the people know that there is an excellent and high-quality good waiting for them. But since we cannot filter the ads that keep showing up, therefore you will get even more irritated, and you end up hating all forms of advertisements.
A webpage that has numerous amount of commercials are dirty and looks unattractive. The more ads they have, be it a banner ads or the pop ads, that will make the people tend to leave such webpage. And the second issue of the webpage-infested ads are, loads of such website will be very slow and going it very hard to access. But this is a vicious cycle that cannot be broken down since most youtube channel, or website does need money, and the advertiser does provide money for them then the publisher will keep posting the ads as they please.
Ads in several web pages are impersonating the vital button such play, download, open, or etc. even actually we can distinguish the legit button and the ads button, hence the ads button looks more colorful and more prominent and brighter rather than the correct button, many people still fall to the ads trap, and therefore they keep getting more and more pop ads. Having to close the pop ads multiple times is not a fun business, and that people will end up hating the pop ads, no matter what kind of product that they are advertising.
The intrusive, abusive and invasive nature of ads, therefore, is the main reason for the downfall of the digital advertisement. For now, about 600 million people are already blocking the ads using the adblocker or the google plugin. And more people are ignoring and try to close the ads as soon as they can. This makes the world of digital advertisement are impotent and ineffective and thus making the companies are wasting their money and effort by advertising on the internet.
For more information concerning the digital advertisement, you can visit these websites.
The ads counter offensive
The downfall of digital advertisement is already going and seems there is no going back. People are already imprinted ted in their minds that they hate ads as much as they can, and thus will keep closing as soon as possible, and avoid the ads as best as they can when they see the ads. And the big companies are already losing this advertisement war and start using a more aggressive profile track to map the people and learn their algorithm to see their desired ads. That is a wrong way to approach the issues since the main problem, in this case, is not what kind of ads that they want to see, but how to open their minds and accept the ads anymore. And fortunately, there is already a solution that is emerging.
Introducing the vidy platform. This platform is just what the companies need that will bridge the demand of the internet user, and the advertisement needs of all the companies. To keep it simple, the platform does the following.
This is already stated a little above. The main goal of this issue is to make the internet user are not anti-ads, and therefore they want to open up their mind again to accept the ads. The platform is doing just that, where the internet user now can see the ads and get money from doing that. That is a very convenient and the perfect booster for the people to see the ads anymore since they need the money and the platform is applying the gamification, quest-like reward for the people to watch the ads. It is straightforward since you need to hold the banner ads and start watching the ads.
One of the thing that is hated by the internet user concerning the Ads are the messy and disorganized banner ads dashboard. The publisher will spend every space of their websites or the blog to put more and more ads. This will make their page blinking with so many ads color and that is simply annoying. The disorganized UI will also slow your loading page, and consume more data and that is very annoying. The platform will make a solid standard concerning the ads usage and location and amount so that the web will be visited more often and the effect of the ads will be amplified.
The relevance of the ads is also important since ads are the information source that can be helpful to your preference. But showing the irrelevant ads will make you annoyed and hating the ads even more. The platform will scan and match the ads and your algorithm so that you can see the ads that you want to see in your life. This will result in the different people visiting the same webpage and seeing the different ads. That is a powerful tool since it can filter the ads, and therefore the company can show the ads to the exact person who searches for such ads.
A free to all business is the dream of every capitalist society. Throughout the history, all kind of laws has been passed such the antitrust in America to safeguard and protect the open competition business and to prevent monopolies and centralized business system. But as the emergence of the internet business in the late early 20’s more and more business has monopolized one particular sector, such as the Facebook mega companies, youtube, google and so forth. This is unhealthy since the internet businesses are getting more centralized and therefore many internet users have no preference or option while browsing the internet. The platform is a decentralized platform where they try to decentralize the informational flow and thus opening a new market for business to grow.
How Does It Work?
It is straightforward to know how the platform works. When you are about to use the platform, you will need to create the account, and in that process, you will need to fill out several information such as the products preference and so forth, so it will be just like a survey. This phase is critical since it will determine what kind of ads that you will see, and what kind of ads that you don’t want to see. That process is natural and doesn’t consume so much time Init. The platform then will work just like the browser plugin, and thus you can see the ads that you desired more.
For further information, you can visit one of the web pages below.
Token Sales Plan
And just like any other platform, this kind of platform has their token sales too; there are three kinds of sales that occurred in the platform, they are a private sale and the first sales. The private sales have been concluded with tremendous success, and the company is ready to move to the second phase which is the initiation of the pre-sales. The, unfortunately, are not yet informed so then we have to wait a little bit. But according to their website, the pre ico sales will be conducted just about 35 days from now on, or at 15th of August 2018. The soft cap of the sale is about 15 thousand ETH coin, and the hard cap is about 60 thousand ETH coin, $16 million already raised! The pre ico sale will have a bonus of 33% per coin, and as the general worth per token, one vidy coin is worth about 0.00001673 ETH per coin.
And as the token allocation, here is the summary of it.
The platform itself recognize four tier of membership, and that tier depends on the total amount of token purchased by the people. Here are the four tier of membership that exists in the platform.
This is the lowest tier, and have an insufficient amount of feature that can be used by the user. The free user can only upload a single video ad to the platform, and the video is not filtered, which means that their video still can be seen by the wrong person who doesn’t want the ads and thus making your ads ineffective.
Titanium tier is the second lowest tier with a minimal amount of purchased very token is about 300k token. There are variations but still a limited feature that can be accessed by the platform but still is wider than the free account. But you can upload unlimited video ads that you do want, and your ads can now be filtered too.
Gold tier is the second highest tier which you can upload an unlimited amount of video ads, an extensive feature that you can access, and more. To access this feature, you need to purchase at least 700k amount of vidy coin.
Platinum is the highest tier that you can have, with the ultimate access for the best platform feature. Your ads are also guaranteed to reach the best market for the best result for sale. To reach this tier, you need to purchase at least about 1 million very token.
For further information, you can reach the webpage below.
By admin • Blockchain Technology 250 • Tags: business, dashboard, ETH, Gold Gold, google, information, Irrelevant Ads, many things, marketing, money, Platinum Platinum, token sale, UI