May 9 2020
Know More About IQ.Cash – A Unique Platform For Investors, Traders & Miners
With the growing number of cryptocurrencies, it is granted that people are confused and unsure about the projects. From all of those digital money platform project, one that quite interesting and gain more audience is the IQ.Cash. What makes it stand out? As there are a lot of crypto trains, surely you will look for one with the best offer and promise. In this case, has successfully risen its charm and greet many people. offers an amazing project which leads to a new change in the crypto world. They try a new way, which set to make a breakthrough in the future. From the reward split, the focus of the project, and the promising income, the project likely hit the moon trend. Even more, there are possible 300-400% passive income from the project. Thus, consider reading through this article to find more information about this particular IQ.Cash.
Get To Know About The IQ.Cash
Starting from the base, you need to know what is this about. If you are a cryptocurrency enthusiast, you may understand what this project about. Simply to say, is one of many cryptocurrency platform project. This project is a universal large-scale blockchain platform for all Traders, investors, and miners. proposes its main goal as to provide instant anonymous online payment and investing.
Since cryptocurrency is widely used around the world, takes an opportunity to gain people’s interest with high passive income possibilities. How they do that? They create a brand innovation regarding their Hybrid coin/ token cryptocurrency. There will be an 80% coin and 20% coin/token or Crypto Depositary Receipt distribution. A great and interesting reward split between the miners and investors. And also high income from the master node.
If you look at the engaging values of the platform, also is known as the investment master nodes cryptocurrency. As digital money has million active users around the world and the number of people constantly grow very fast, the value of will keep on thriving. With that condition, master node will surely generate massive profit (around 300%) for all the investors and the miners.
The IQ Cash As Decentralized Platform
Just like the other cryptocurrency project, this also runs using a decentralized system. Known as the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), this type of project has a great system for both the official team or the participant. There will be nothing such as conditions in the system. No one will control your money or making a profit on your hard-earned dollar. The DAO system will open for all the participants as well as the teams.
As one of the participants, you have the right to propose the governance initiative. The use of a decentralized governance system will help to develop the ecosystem. You are free to create a proposal to help improve the system or developments. In other words, the IQ cash ecosystem network supports a decentralized governance system and budget system. the funding community initiative was taken straight from the blockchain itself (block reward shares)
The Project Score And Activity
There is quite an interesting reward split system from IQ.Cash. Taking a different route from the other crypto train, pouring the time on to market state. Based on the project score made by an online cryptocurrency site, put a high priority on the market state (7.6 points) and social media activity (6.4). What is it means? is it good or not? Yes, it does. It means that this project main purpose is to gain high income through the system.
The project score also explains the state of the other activity score. It includes the 4.1 points for the vision. It is not bad, especially for a project that solely tries to gain massive profit from the block. At the same time, the product and onchain stats are staying on the 3.5 points. Lastly, the development activity or the ecosystem’s development is scored as 2. Looking at the reward split, these points are normal and predicted.

The Reward Splits Going On In The Project
Looking at the explanation above, you may wonder what happens with this project? “A cryptocurrency platform that doesn’t care about the ecosystem” may come up on your mind. It is not true. Due to the main which is to provide instant anonymous online payment and investing, the project splits the reward into three aspects. The ones that gain most profit are the investor and the miner, while the ecosystem takes a very little share.
The reward splits consist of 57% passive income for the investors received from the block. While the miner will get 43% from the block. The remaining 6% will be poured down to the DAO or IQ cash ecosystem. All 6% will be distributed to finance projects in trading. To support the software, web sites, startups, algorithmic trading systems, and also improvement of the IQCAsh Ecosystem. All of those are provided by traders.
This is a quite interesting take in the crypto world. While other projects are moving into ecosystem development, on focusing on higher future profits. How could it work? If you think thoroughly, it means that those people who invest in the project will gain more profits. Along with the miners, they most likely gain massive passive profits in the future from those coins they poured into the Master node system.
For those who are not into the crypto train, will feel strange with this percentage. However, the investor will think otherwise. It is a great investment opportunity for expected profits. Even more, the company states the possible 300-400% of passive income in the future. Those master node owners or investors will gain high reward splits. With the 57% block reward for the investor through the master nodes (with ROI 270%), that passive income is not something impossible.
The Road Map
In many cases, people are not sure to invest due to the unbelievable promise or a brand new project. However, IQ cash has been running from 2018. The project has been planned, developed slowly, and surely. From the June to Augustus 2018, started its first step in the crypto world with the website and Blockchain launch. At the same time to support launching, the digital money wallet for Linux, Windows, and Mac was done in the same period.

Along with that, the mining pool, DAO, and initial listing on exchanges were released. Finished with the first step, in the September to November 2018 improves the user interface and a lot of stuff. Redesign the website, releasing the Mobile apps for android and iOS, and add the second wave of exchange listing. Then, the development B2B, exchange integrating, and IQ cash payment systems were started from December 2018 to February 2019.
Keep moving on, from March to May 2019 the keeps on developing its system and services. Along with gaining some popularity, the team has been developing an online payment service. At the same time, the development including API and libraries for partner integration is started. Thus, the project will keep on developing and thriving in the future. The latest on is in the Q1 to Q2 of 2020, with a listing of 5 high-volume exchanges.
The Development Update
At the time this article was written, the development stage is in the Q1 to Q2 of the 2020 phase. There is quite a lot of development including marketing stages and an amazing investment strategy. Working together with the FineExpo, the will appear in the traders’ Fair and Awards 2020. The largest event for traders in Asia is the great field to market the promising platform to all investors, miners, traders, and also the cryptocurrency enthusiast.
One interesting update is the investment strategy for People found a method of promising 200-300% income using this digital money. There is a detailed explanation of how to join in this strategy at the official twitter account. To give you a brief explanation, this strategy is done by using Flits apps for the master node. Also, you only need to invest with 3,000 IQ coins to be one of the investors.
Gaining 200% – 300% Passive Income
Along with the purpose of the, the block share explains the reason off 300-400% passive income. If you are interested to join the movement, you should have at least 3,000 IQ cash. It will be better if you get 3,001 IQ coins since 1 coin will be used as the transaction compensation. By buying and investing this much of coins, that means you have assisted the server as one of the investors. Why you need this much money to be an investor?

Simply said that all the transactions inside the master nodes are operated by the IT specialist and master nodes owners. As a side note, each master node might cost from $1 to $4 per month. With the 3,000 coin means you have invested along with helping the maintenance. Currently, the profit reaches a 300% passive income a year. It means a higher possibility that the coin will start to thrive and gain bigger values in the future.
Think about it, after you depositing 3,000 IQ coins you will automatically be an official investor. The deposit you made will be blocked by the system right away. At that same time, you will start gaining the commission from the master nodes. This commission is your profit. It is your right and you can spend it as you want. You can use it to create a new deposit and make a new master node (more profit) or unblock the deposit for the exchange trade.
Profit For More Masternode Or For Exchange?
It is all your right. After you jump into this train, your profit is your money. You can let your coin thrive by itself, take the profit to make more deposits, and get another master node server. Getting more deposits doesn’t mean purchase more coins at the same time. If you invest more than 3,000 coins in one server, you will get a lesser commission. This is due to the limited award and the block shares.
You can try the first strategy after you gain enough profit. Then, invest the coin for another master node server to gain more passive income in the future. You can also trade your coin with the real dollar. Imagine your like bitcoin. Over time, the value of your coin will slowly rise. As long as more people use the coin, the higher the value is. If the starting value is only $1 per 10 coins, it can slowly double or tripled later on.
How To Buy The Coin
If you are interested in the project, you can always buy the coins. Works like any other coin or token, the purchase steps are quite simple. Go to the buy page by clicking the ‘buy now’ button on the official site. After that, you have to fill the IQ wallet address along with the FLS wallet address in your Flits apps. Worth noting, using Flits app on your mobile phone is one way to join the 200-300% passive income master node owner (investor)

Thus, you need to install in your Flits apps beforehand. If you have installed and fill the wallet address, then pay the package you desired. In this case, to be a part of the investor you have to buy at least 3,000 Fortunately, one package of coin consists of 3,000 and Bitcoin cash. The available prices for the packages are starting from $350.00, $1,050.00, to $1,750.00 which you can choose as you need.
Those are some information regarding the you have to know. This one of many digital money platforms gains peoples’ interest because of its amazing reward split. Both investor and miners share 57% and 43% block reward from the master nodes. According to the strategy, by buying 3000 IQ cash you can gain 200-300% passive income in the future. It can be used to buy more coins or spend them on your daily needs.
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Jun 12 2020
Get To Know IQ Cash And How To Get 170-400% Passive Income
As one of the many cryptocurrency projects, IQ cash comes with numerous advantages and future premises. Following the success of bitcoin and many other traditional digital money, this project presents coins that created especially for investors, traders, and miners. The idea is to share the profits to all of the people that join in. Looking at this opportunity, it can be said that you can get a huge income by investing. How?
IQ cash runs with a mechanism that developed to share profit. All the transactions and what knots are generate and operated by IT specialists and MasterNode for a private investor. Take this idea in your head and develop it. It can be said that it is possible to gain 170 – 400% passive income by buying a master node and wait for the high yield in the future. Intrigued? Here is some further information about the cryptocurrency and the passive income for you.
The IQ. Cash That Open For All
The design of IQ cash comes as a cryptocurrency that tries to share the profit for all people who join. It can be investors, miners, or even traders. Looking at this idea, you can see the basic difference with the other traditional cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. Most of the other digital values only reward the miners and neglect the rest of the network. Especially, those investors that play equally important in the network.
But then it is possible? Well for sure you can expect a different profit split for every person. However, with the help of the mechanism that specifically developed to share the profit, it is supposedly possible. The profit between miners as a reward for the transaction and block generation will directly be generated and later operated with IT specialists and MasterNodes by private investors owners with 3,000 IQ cash deposits.
As a matter of fact, with the use of reward share and master node, all the parties will have a portion of the profit. The miners from the reward, the investors from the master node, while the trader from the splitting share. How to use the cash? Just like bitcoin, you can expect the cash to be used as daily payments (for a trader). It can be exchanged in numerous exchange providers. It is also available in powerful and convenient wallets for any platform.
The Concept And IQ Cash Profit Split
As explained before, all the parties in the network will get their benefit. From the trader, investors, and miners will get the share. However, worth noting that the pays additional attention to reward for investors. Whose are those who own or have masternode servers. If you wonder what it means. It is very simple; the profit splits mechanism runs with master nodes that bought by investors using 3,000 IQ cash deposits.
IF you are interested in buying a master node, you will likely get a higher profit than other people. In this case, the split percentages between those parties are changing from time to time. Currently, the highest percentage allocated to investors. With the number of 57% of the remuneration for the block, the profit will go to the master node owner (investors). Around 43% allocated for the miners, while the rest (6%) for the people involved in the development of the project.
The 6% of DAO block reward will specifically share with the people that help to develop the network or to dissolve once a month. If you take a look at the percentages, the miners and the investors are those who will reap the greatest income in the latter state. You can buy a masternode by depositing 3,000 IQ cash. Which later the value of IQ cash might fluctuate in the future, resulting in higher ROI rates and exchanges values for the digital money.
The Masternode Of IQ Cash
What is masternode? If you are new in this crypto train, this question is very frequently asked. To make it simple, this mechanism is made as assistant servers which let the IQ cash coin to operate the payment inside the blockchain system. Once again, the use of blockchain is very common in the cryptocurrency. Anyway, the master node will be operated by an IT specialist and owned by a private investor.
Since blockchain and masternode are used, you can see all the transactions inside it. But how to create it? Simply said, just by depositing 3,000 IQ cash coins and be an investor, you have a right to make a masternode server. However, worth noting that owning a server means that you have to rent it from the hoster and put up deposit IQ. The host or host server will vary, but most likely it will be around 1 USD to 4 USD per month.
After you deposit and ready to pay the monthly fees, then your deposit will be blocked by the system. Just like that and right at the moment, your money will start the system. The master node will remit the reward for your assistance to your project, which means you already gaining some income. The reward can be used or spent for your daily need or to make a new deposit and create other masternode servers. One deposit one masternode!
Think about that, it is means you can have numerous servers which lead to higher income in the future. But how if you are not interested in a profit anymore? In this case, you can unblock the deposit and trade it at the exchanges that list Worth noting that the bigger the master node is the smaller the commission becomes. Its due to the reward is limited and will be split equally between all the participating investors in the server.
However, if you got a different server means higher price and coin exchange. It can be said that the more people are willing to make the deposits, later on, the price of the coin will rises at the exchange. It resulting in more trading profit. Currently, you can expect a passive income profit of around 170 – 400%. Which is crazy! Because the possibility value rising and IRO will keep ongoing as long as the number of deposits will keep on higher.
How To Get 170-400% Passive Income
Simply said, the coin has been programmed to split the profit between miners as a reward for the transaction by the IT specialist and masternode owners. If you are interested in 170 – 400 % passive income, you can be one of the investors. With the current ROI around 170.8%, this possibility is not zero. But how to join the passive income? There are five steps you can do to join as an investor. First, you have to purchase the 3,000 IQ or better 3,001 IQ cash.
With that cash, you have readied your deposit. Next is to install the Flits app on the mobile device to create a masternode server. Third, open the coin wallet in a particular application. You can search the and then add your deposit. After you found the, go to the fourth step to put your 3,001 IQ cash into the wallet. Later on, you can create a masternode server and deposit in the application.
Don’t forget to pay the hosting provider service fee at the mobile application. In this case, it will cost around EUR 1.99 per month. Not that hard right? Since you can make a masternode through a simple and easy mobile application, this way will make you gain income in a very easy step. You don’t need to get high tech personal computers to have masternode anyway.
Purchasing Method You Should Know About
You need to know how to buy the cash right? Especially when you need to get a deposit to buy your masternode server. In this case, you can go to the buy page that available on the official website. You will see the window where you can pay for the amount of the coins you like to purchase. If you are confused about how you will manage the rest of the steps, the network will help you by buying and FLS coins from the exchange.
After that, you will be provided with an IQ wallet address and an FLS wallet address. Go to your mobile flits app and fill in the field of IQ and FLS wallet address as you got. Go to the next step, by paying for the package. One package will include both 3,000 IQ cash and some bitcoin money. That cash will be available for five months of flits service. Use the money to open and create an IQ-Masternode. Switch it on and you are ready to get the profit. All in all, the project and network offer an alternative cryptocurrency that gives profit for all the parties. Especially, for the investor with a high split percentage around 57% that open a possibility of 170 – 400% passive income. Just by depositing 3000 IQ cash, you can get one masternode server and ready for reward income. With a high ROI rate (170.8%) the IQ value will be getting higher in the future. That is mean a bigger income and exchange rate for you.
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By admin • Blockchain Technology 123 • Tags: cryptocurrency, exchange, FLS, IQ, money, ROI, servers, service, USD, wallet