Jul 5 2018
Opiria Platform for Transparent and Secure Buying and Selling Consumer Data
Data is essential to compile valuable information. Data becomes the necessary material needed to process a wealth of information which will then be used for decision of policy. The need for data makes Opiria’s digital platform engaged in sales and purchases of data. For example, a company needs consumer data to analyze the purchasing power of products produced for both goods and services. Existing data can pinpoint sales targets appropriately and match buyer needs. Each data has a high level of security so that only limited use of information is used for survey or analysis purposes only. Any personal data will be protected so that data misuse will not occur.
Companies around the world need personal data consumers to provide the best service to consumers. Opiria Platform will bridge consumers to deliver their data and provide benefits to consumers with some money. That means with the given personal data. The platform will provide reciprocity of the personal information provided. Personal data purchases can be made directly by the company to the consumer by redeeming some PDATA tokens. As a digital platform, Opiria uses a currency-like symbol that provides the value of personal data. Trading system also allows using Smart Contract in the blockchain. The relationship between consumers and companies can be established globally through the Opiria Platform. Opira will provide convenience and benefits for both parties. The Company will obtain accurate data and the consumer will earn from the data provided for the company.
Opiria platform can bring together millions of consumers from all over the world with companies from across the globe as well. Personal data will be provided safely, transparently and fairly, using blockchain technology. As a consumer, you also have the opportunity to choose which company you will sell the data. The platform will provide convenience for every consumer or company in data distribution. Payments with PDATA will be presented to consumers of each company using personal data of consumers. Any data provided is subject to consumer approval. Token PDATA will be used as a form of respect for the data consumers are given. Opiria still uses the General Data Protection Rules Guideline (GDPR) in running data exchange between consumers and companies. Get full information via whitepaper and ann thread.
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3076122
White Paper: https://www.opiria.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/PDATA%20White%20Paper%2020180118.pdf
Why Companies Need Consumer Data?
Every company needs to be able to survive in the market by providing products that benefit consumers. The question is how do companies know what consumers need? To understand that every company would need consumer data. Personal data can help companies to create innovative products and services that suit everyone’s needs. With consumer data, companies can also precisely define their marketing targets. The right target can also help the company to stay active for the income. The company also competes with emerging new companies to contribute in providing services to consumers.
A few moments ago some operations provided data unethically so that the consumer data needed to get protection. Providing data with consumer approval will undoubtedly facilitate the company in obtaining more accurate data. Consumers who consent to some data will maintain the privacy of data and compensate consumers. Companies that need data can join the Opiria Platform because this platform will reward consumers with the data provided. PDATA will be a form of compensation that will be presented to every consumer. The platform will maintain data confidentiality and offer bridges to both parties to obtain data and compensation. Reflecting the rules against general data makes the provision of information can be made without having to violate the privacy of each consumer. Companies can obtain data for analysis purposes conveniently and accurately.
How does Opiria Platform Work?
The presence of protection against personal data makes Opiria aware of the importance of data from each consumer. On the other hand, the company still needs personal data for business purposes. This condition makes Opiria has a role in protecting consumer data as well as provide a platform for consumers to share data required by the company. Opiria becomes an open market for data distribution that gives consumers the ease of controlling and choosing which companies can use their data. It will undoubtedly provide comfort to the consumers. Specific personal data provided can also be tailored to the needs of the company. Any data provided by consumers will give a reasonable amount of compensation from the company. Compensation is presented as a sign of approval of the use of personal data provided by consumers.
PDATA tokens become a form of appreciation given by the company to every customer who provides data. Opiria will become a global market with a decentralized system for the purchase of personal data without intermediaries. Companies can directly obtain personal data from consumers. Every consumer associated with the platform can provide their data by filling out the profile. Consumers also have access to offer data limits that can be accessed by the company. Data that can be obtained and which can not even be quickly set. Any data disclosed to the platform can be sold to the company with the consent of the consumer. Thus the consumer can know which companies are using their data. When the consumer agrees to provide some data, the consumer will get some PDATA tokens as a form of legitimate payment. When payment has been made, the company may obtain the necessary personal data.
The Utility of Token PDATA As an Award to The Consumers
Opiria platforms are the safest place to run personal data trading and provide appropriate rewards to consumers. Transparent trading can be an advantage of the platform so that every consumer who provides data can quickly identify the company that bought the data. Payouts with PDATA Tokens make consumers appreciated with respect and honor. The availability of utilities can be realized with the enactment of PDATA Token. Companies that need personal virgin can purchase PDATA tokens first. After that, the company can buy data from consumers directly through the platform by sending surveys. When the consumer has earned a PDATA Token, the consumer has sold personal data to the company and joined the study. Requests from personal data may be accepted by consumers who already have some PDATA tokens first.
For companies, tokens can be a form of purchasing data from consumers coming from a database with a token PDATA. Companies can spend all tokens owned to send surveys to consumers directly. Through surveys, consumers will have provided specific personal data with PDATA tokens. Consumers will receive PDATA tokens as a result of the sale of personal data. PDATA tokens can be used by consumers to continue to join the survey. Consumers entering the platform can have full control over the data provided. The platform will provide full protection of data and privacy shared with both platforms and companies. Every consumer who joins the ecosystem also obtains a reasonable compensation guarantee.
The system of awarding some PDATA tokens to each participating consumer will make everyone willing to provide personal data. With the Opiria platform, the company will obtain accurate personal data so that decisions taken to conduct the survey can be determined appropriately. Opiria allows companies to get data quickly and qualified. In some cases, companies can also specify more specific data. The accuracy of the data for the survey will support the company to achieve better targets. The Opiria platform will provide the best for consumers and companies incorporated in the ecosystem. Currently, you can also obtain some PDATA tokens through registration on the website.
Website: https://www.opiria.io
Whitepaper: https://Opiria.io/static/docs/Opiria-PDATA-Whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: Twitter.com/PDATA_Token
Get your Monetize Data with PDATA Token
Opiria can be a place that provides opportunities for accurately obtaining personal data. A decentralized system with a clear concept will help companies and consumers readily exchange data. Ease and comfort coupled with Smart Contract side keeping with PDATA Token. Token will be used as the currency of the platform to reward consumers. PDATA tokens also act as currency values that can reveal the importance of personal data. To provide consumers can monetize personal data owned. Opiria’s concept includes ease in determining privacy to consumers to make decisions about data that can be accessed by the company. A globally decentralized market for securely and conveniently trading personal data will be realized with Opiria applying the concept of blockchain technology.
The purpose of Opiria is to provide an increase to the sale of tokens with the development of the Opiria ecosystem. Increased users can be done by providing concrete evidence of the benefits and income from the sale of personal data. To be able to introduce the platform globally, it needs to be presented to everyone to contribute data. The more people who participate will make it easier for companies to obtain precise and accurate data for business development. Opiria also has a target to get 27,000 subscribers by 2023. Market research will also include countries with the most relevant level around the world. To get the latest information, you can join social media from Opiria. You also make it possible to discuss platforms and meet many people.
Social Media:
The target of Consumer Achievement by Opiria
As a platform that moves in data sales, then Opiria needs to obtain data from consumers in an infinite amount. To collect accurate data, companies can make the data provided by consumers as the source of the survey. Giving many tokens to consumers is helping consumers earn revenue from data obtained. In 2018 Opiria will get 100,000 Consumer with 150 customers and nine sales partners. The increase will be done significantly with the target in 2023 with the number of 250 million consumers and 37 thousand customers and 50 sales partners. Significant progress will be made to maximize sales and revenue for customers who join the ecosystem.
Ecosystem development to get everyone to earn digital income. The digital platform will help everyone to facilitate profit earning. Digital tokens will help everyone be rewarded for any data they have. The moral of the company in obtaining accurate data will make every company able to analyze and decide the right policy. Opiria will play an important role to assist the company in taking the best steps through the survey. Smooth exchanges will be available with platform roles with global access and transparency. Support from the blockchain technology provided will help the platform continue to increase consumers so that the company’s convenience to obtain accurate data following the needs. For more precise information, you can also send messages through web pages.
Get PDATA Token Immediately to Participate with the Ecosystem
Your participation can be done by gaining ease in getting profit. For you to participate, then you need to purchase some tokens through the website page. The token can be acquired through website pages with PDATA price starting USD 0.10. Token sales will end until July 14, 2018, so it will make it easier for you to earn revenue. Earn up to 15% bonus by immediately joining the ecosystem. Contributions may be made under the applicable law. Contributors must also complete some documents to verify KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti Money Laundering). Any information submitted will be the fundamental data of verification. Verification results will also be provided via email you specify.
The number of tokens available will be limited, so you need to join the token sales event immediately. The purchase of token begins with Ethereum intending to being converted into a blockchain token shape that is in the future. The use of tokens will be beneficial for the future so you should consider buying tokens right now. The token collected will be distributed following Opiria Smart Contract. Token PDATA will be unlocked 30 days after TGE. Then the bonus will open 30 days after unlocking the main tokens. Immediately contribute with Opiria to earn income from personal data you provide. The use of blockchain technology is the main thing to gain ease and speed of transactions. You will be faced with the use of technology that can support transparent transactions so you can find out what the company needs data. Besides, companies that buy your data can also be readily known to you.
Jul 8 2018
Wemark: A New Disruption In Photography Content Market
The Domination and Injustice
The market for photography content is being dominated by two big players who are the shutter cock and Getty Images. These two companies are charging the ridiculous amount of fee to the content creator, to the point where the companies are retaining up to 85% total value of one creation and leaving the photographer only a fraction of their profit. This is demeaning and degrading since the creator are struggling so hard to acquire the photos, and therefore should be rewarded more for their hard work. However, that is don’t happen since the companies decided to keep the profit high while the creator’s appreciation low.
There are many issues concerning the current photography market ecosystem. Here are some of the issues:
As we have stated before, the big companies are keeping most of the profits and thus leaving the creator scratching their head for such unrewarded effort. Unfortunately, there are no official statement or the system explanation concerning their form of business or their payment system, and it means that they keep the profit high is they want to make it high. This is outrageous and needs to come to an end as soon as possible.
Photography is not an easy task and an easy job. Photography is more like an art, rather than randomly flashing your camera to a random object. Sometimes, finding such object need a harrowing struggle, such as climbing the peak of the mountain, diving to the ocean, taking a very rare occasion photo, and so forth. Photography requires the high amount of patience and resilience and therefore need to be rewarded. However, unfortunately, the market didn’t allow them to have a great profit. Instead, they are just being paid with only a trickle of their hard work. This is indeed discouraging the entire photographer, and thus need to be changed.
This is the sad truth that is hampering the photographer. Once a creator uploads a picture to the image Getty or the shutter cock, they are the one who retains the right of the photos, and thus making them the sole controller of the price where the creator is kicked out of their place. This is sad since the creator knows how hard the photo can be taken, and thus they know how worth their pictures are.
What we mean by that is, the process of the pictures submission and the payment fee is mostly one-way process. It means that the process cannot interfere with anyone and anything, even the creator itself. Moreover, the creator doesn’t have any other alternatives since both companies are the only companies that pay them for their pictures, and therefore the creator must submit to this system regardless of what they feel.
Those are the existing issue that is cycling amidst the pictures market, and this is discouraging the content creator, which is the photographer. In this era of digitalization and information, it is time to set free the market of photography from the crippling ties of the big company and search for a new alternative that is more rewarding compared to the previous one.
For further information you can access the links below:
Wemark As A Disruption In The Current Ecosystem
What we need more now is a disruption to open a hole in the market, and offering the new alternatives for all the content creator, and thus making them more rewarded for their hard work. Moreover, fortunately, such disruption is already emerged called the remark. Wemark is a blockchain powered startup that will try to pay more for all the photographer and to provide them the justice and transparency that they deserve. Here are several features of the wemark that we know about.
As with any other blockchain related startup, they are always decentralized. Both are determined not only by the companies but to all the user as well. In this context, the user is the creator of the photos that are selling their photos within the system. That is just how the blockchain works, which require the feed from the user for the transaction to occur. By this system, it means that the companies and the creator can appraise the photos and determine the prices tags per photos. Moreover, this is a revolutionary way since no other companies are implementing this system, except the blockchain powered companies.
Transparency is just what the creator want. They want to know how much their pictures are being charged, and what happens inside the system. They also want to know how they value their work and setting the prices per photos. Such occurrence did not occur in the old ecosystem, but it did happen in the wemark. The blockchain and the smart contract system will be applied to provide transparency to all the creator concerning what happens to their pictures once it has already entered the market.
Previously in the old ecosystem, the creator are stripped of their right and need to report back whenever they are already making profit outside the ecosystem of the companies. That is awful since the creator is removed away from their creation and thus leaving them clueless what to do with their photos since they are no longer have right to distribute it without the consent of the companies. That time is over since the ecosystem of the wemark is giving the right of the photos to the creator, which is obvious. It means that the creator can do whatever they want in their photos, which is also evident since they are the one who creates them.
The prices that are being set by the companies are high and unrewarded since they need to deal with the third man or the third parties, which is the company itself. You may think that the wemark is also the third party like the other companies, but that is wrong. Wemark provides the place where the creator and the market can meet and thus making the creator having more money and reward rather than only a fraction of money compared to the previous ecosystem.
Moreover, final, above all the benefits that will be obtained by the creator itself, is that the creator can trust the system since the system itself is running autonomously and unable to be manipulated by everyone or everything. It will scan your photos, where you can set the price range, and conduct the transaction directly to the buyer and so forth. No more companies interference, no, more one-sided and injustice companies decision.
So as for the process, it is somewhat natural and familiar. What you need first is to sign up by creating the account of the wemark platform. After you have successfully created the report for the platform, then you can start uploading photos to the ecosystem where you can set the range prices per photos, and then let the platform do the work, which is by displaying the images the world. It is an easy and straightforward process where it will benefit all.
For further information concerning the system and the platform, you can access the links below.
The TGE and the Current Process Of It
The most distinct and distinct process of the startup platform is their TGE or token generation event. However, first, let we explain the usage of the token itself. The symbol is the primary currency that will be used to perform the various transaction within the system, such as receiving payment, and so forth. There will be no other currencies to be used inside the platform, just the wemark token. That is just a common market practice by the platform to ensure the value of their symbol.
As for the usage of the token, currently, the token will only be used for licensing and accessing the photos within the system of wemark. However, there will be several advancements of the usage of the token, such as the ability for the creator to hire the model, hire the lawyer or legal team, even selling their photos with token and receive the payment with token too. That will increase the practicability of the token so that it will be used outside the system also. However, since the token itself is preferably flexible and inside the ethereum system, it is possible to exchange the token to the flat currencies and gaining the reward since the token itself comes with the form of investment, just like any other token inside the ethereum system.
Also, as for sale, they are rather different from the rest of the cryptocurrency in the business. First, they provided an insufficient amount of information concerning the sale, but here what we know concerning their sale:
At first glance, we already know that there is a huge difference between this platform and the other. First, this platform is having a meager amount of the total token supply, which is about only 135 million token. Moreover, that is a dwarf compared to the other startup which is reaching for about billion of the total token supply. Also, the second, there is no division of the sales, meaning that they are only deploying one sale period, which interestingly called the crowdfunding rather than the main or the pre-sale just like any other platform. Also, when we look at the period of the sale, we know that the period is only roughly two weeks, not a full month period.
However, that seems not an issue since all the platform has their right to move and shape their own business. And thus this is advantageous for the platform since the token worth more dollars compared to the other token type. The price of the token is about 0.20 dollar per token, that is a very high value for such a token, where the other token is usually having more digits and thus lowering the cost of the token. This also means that the investment by using the token is rather prospective and valuable compared to the other token platform since the initial base value is already high. After the vesting amount of time has elapsed, you can exchange the token for the fiat currency and obtain more money in the process.
As for the token allocation, here is the proportion for each party:
This is another surprising fact about the platform. We can see here as the token allocation is lower compared to the reserves and the community reward. It means that the platform will concern the compensation for all the photographer to encourage them to use more photos and therefore to make the platform becoming more and more lively and accessible. This is hugely different from the other platform where they are portioning a considerable amount of the token in the token sale.
The reason behind this reason is that the customer still actually allowed to purchase the pictures using the flat currency such dollars. However, as the time goes, more and more services of the platform will be using the token only, and thus increasing their usefulness and rising their value. That is actually very different compared to the other platform where they don’t have a stable community, and therefore they don’t need to worry about the community reward, but once again, that is just what the varieties of business are.
If you are a photographer, it is natural that you want to make a living from your pictures and skills. Searching for a platform that will justly reward you is hard, and therefore you can choose the wemark for your business partner.
To know about the sale and the token, you can visit one of the websites below:
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By admin • Blockchain Technology 661 • Tags: benefit, business, cryptocurrency, ethereum, Getty Images, information, money, TGE, time, token sale